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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 203x203, chubb_illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10623410 No.10623410 [Reply] [Original]

Which circle on the outside matches the center circle best? Most people can't process this one right.

>inb4 they're all the same
No, there's one correct answer.

>> No.10623463

Theyre identical...

>> No.10623472

Stop trying to control my neurons you asshole

>> No.10623473

>visual prowess
You are no match for my sharingan

>> No.10623506

>tiny image full of jpg compression artefacts
answer is the bottom one

>> No.10623512

Top, but I have trash eyes for color.

>> No.10623832
File: 156 KB, 970x545, DressIllusion_FEAT-970x545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just an illusion dumdum

>> No.10623835

I only see one dot...

>> No.10623876

100% pseudoscience.

>> No.10623882

it's the one on the right idiot

>> No.10623892 [DELETED] 

Be careful, you're supposed to be mentally ill if you answer correctly.

>> No.10623903

Be careful, you are supposed to be diagnosed mentally ill if you can answer this correctly.

>> No.10623934


There are no circles in that image.

>> No.10623939

Top right

>> No.10623958

>not "autism test.jpg"

>> No.10623964

You can defocus your eyes like you're staring at a Magic Eye thing and overlap them all to prove they're identical

>> No.10623966

How does this one go again?
A+B are the same color right?

>> No.10624239

Shit, you're onto my real intentions

>> No.10625034

Aand B are same color. You can easily check it with MS paint

>> No.10625135

Bottom right.

>> No.10625185

The one at 2 o clock

>> No.10625221

Is this a snapshot of an ising model?

>> No.10625242

Congrats, you're all normal and less likely to be schizophrenic.
Congrats, you're all smartasses and mildly annoyed me, but I expected people to try to derail the thread anyways, since it was bait.

Congrats, you're more likely to have schizophrenia. If you think you have special powers, or sometimes see/hear things others don't, you might want to get yourself checked.


I was trying to see gauge how often schizophrenics participate in IQ threads on /sci/.

>> No.10625430

Tbh good one

Was gonna say they're all normal but im not some kinda fucking brainlet

I checked by going cross eyed and comparing them. they're all equal in structure, that is true. Unfortunately going cross eyed does not work for the actual quality the question is about, so im not sure, im going to guess the one at 4:30

>> No.10625436

Haha oops

I got it wrong tho also does it mean maybe im just autistic? Ive been on acid before and while it had strong effects on me, I was still able to hold my mind together even at significant peaks, so im pretty sure my mental state is pretty solid.

>> No.10625463

they ARE all the same with the exception that they all have varying amounts of contrast/brightness

The bottom one clearly appears to be the brightest or have the most contrast. Is this why schizo's pick it? Because out of all the others the bottom is the one that stands out the most, and therefore by being the odd one out, the brain makes the leap of thinking "its the only one that doesn't match all the fakes, therefore this one not be a fake."

Seriously OP, this may be a schizoid test but is there an actual answer to this?

>> No.10625561
File: 424 KB, 1440x1280, Bottom is right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP on suicide watch

>> No.10625572

See? I was right. Fuck off, retard. How could seeing things correctly could be a sign of mental illness? Waiting for the mental gymnastics.

>> No.10625574

>The bottom one clearly appears to be the brightest or have the most contrast. Is this why schizo's pick it?

The bottom IS the correct one. It's a retarded theory that only schizos see the world correctly.

>> No.10625639
File: 39 KB, 500x502, 2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the average eye, the background makes the central disc appear slightly grayer than it actually is. Then the researchers assessed the perception of the subjects, showing them a series of discs of increased grayness.
>“As a rule, contextual processes in the brain help us focus on what is relevant. This can stop our brain being overwhelmed with information. This process appears to be less effective in the schizophrenic brain. Perhaps because of insufficient inhibition – that is, the process by which cells in the brain switch each other out.”

>> No.10625641
File: 46 KB, 800x403, 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second test

>> No.10625668


>> No.10625708
File: 15 KB, 322x322, 1501669626799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you answered bottom

>> No.10625714

How high is my intelligence if I unconsciously pick the right answer because my subconscious sees it posted in the thread?

(Also if you're reading this, hello anon's subconscious.)

>> No.10625738


>> No.10625740 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 645x729, y2uNb2I[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the gymnastics; surely the reason why you can't tell what is real and what is not is because you process way too much and not too little. Because the less you process, the more you know, and the more distorted your inputs, the more correct your conclusions are. You could become omniscient and infallible if you didn't see anything at all and just make up everything yourself instead.

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.10625749

3rd down?

>> No.10625776

Just quoting from here. If you ask me the correct answer practically jumps out. I don't understand why it's so hard to see the right one.

I could however see how information overload can cause peoples brains to fuck up. According to this normal brains filter out non-relevant data. It's like being in a crowded room with dozens of conversations. The brain filters out most the chatter so you can clearly hear the person you're talking with. But the schizo brain doesn't filter. Processing that much information is fatiguing. Get too fatigued and error or mistakes in how information is processed might occur. Eventually might here a strangers conversation and confuse it for the one you're having, or your brain might make a random connection/association between the two conversations and start to believe they're related, and then rationalize all the possible ways it could be true that they're related.

Not a shrink tho, literally only read one article so I may be way off here. Maybe a tad schizo tho, hopefully my insights help others understand.

>> No.10625782

Hint: Any time the explanation can be succinctly shorted to, "People think things somehow," it's a shit non-model and should be discarded.

>> No.10625810

Psychiatry went from baseles to dangerous. That article was written by somebody with obvious psychosis. You cannot make worse conclusions by processing more data more precisely.

>> No.10625837

You can, but not on the level described.

>> No.10625862

That's nonsense. Explain/define "level".

>> No.10625886

More or less anything short of an insanely autistic machine learning process the somehow gained a modicum of awareness won't have problems with detector saturation. If I could fully solve that problem then I could trigger a safe, scalable singularity. I don't bother because philosophy indicates that all forms of intelligence augmentation are effectively equivalent.

>> No.10625897

NOPE. they would be identical if the image was uncompressed. thanks to the wonders of compression they are all slightly different, ruining your gotcha moment, OP.

>> No.10625904

stop posting an image with simple shapes in JPEG, you absolute retards. this entire thread is meaningless because of compression changing the original intended image.

>> No.10625907

p.s. it's the second from top

>> No.10625913

I'm a professional artist by trade though.
I literally train myself to see this shit, and everyone else can as well.

>> No.10625915
File: 77 KB, 645x729, y2uNb2I[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't really think it makes sense.

>> No.10625936

FUCK. Reality isn't real.

>> No.10626048

On the contrary, too heavy filtering results in psychosis, as you learn to fill the blanks. Too little filtering is found in Autism.

>> No.10626057

e.g. schizophrenics window of perception is so narrow they won't get distracted by the high contrast circle. Autistic are more prone to distractions,as they perceive more than onters and there is too much to get distracted by.

>> No.10626063 [DELETED] 

Autists think so broadly they may have trouble figuring out what people are referring to, or that they're tryin to make them join in. Schizophrenics may get so focused they may lose track something is happening within a tv show and be
ieve the events are relevant to them.

>> No.10626069

If you read the article I posted, the gotcha moment is that the bottom is correct and if you answered correctly, you are more likely to be schizo. Though it is by no means a clear diagnosis.

>> No.10626087

Top right. They are all the same shape but this one has the closest shading.

>> No.10626096

Autists think so broadly they may have trouble figuring out what people are referring to, or that that a remark is supposed to refer personally to them. Schizophrenics may get so focused they may lose track something is happening within a tv show and believe the events are relevant to them.

>> No.10626146

but the test doesn't work as intended if you ruin the image.

>> No.10626173

It's not ruined. See >>10625561 and >>10625897

>> No.10626240
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10626514
File: 3.48 MB, 650x650, m-0-1500283660-1500283664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third test is two questions

1. Is the mask convex on one side or is it convex on both sides?
2. The mask rotates in both directions or only in one direction?

>> No.10626592

honestly it sometimes looks like it is convex on one side sometimes like on both and sometimes it looks like it rotates only in one direction sometimes in both

>> No.10627070

The one to the right I'd say

>> No.10627133

Before looking at the answer, I will say the bottom one. My guess is that the "illusion" is that the center circle looks more faded than it really is due to the context in which it appears.

>> No.10627143

1. Convex on one side.
2. Only in one direction (CCW when viewed from above).

You can tell by looking at the nose when the face is looking to the right and left.

>> No.10627155

It's precisely on the boundary of a mind's ability to determine what makes sense and doesn't. In an organic brain, it literally could not apply. You need ridiculously precise measurements to end up in a semiotic jungle.

>> No.10627289

1. one side
2. one direction

>> No.10627308
File: 24 KB, 657x450, c0bf4ce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two different masks rotating in opposite directions, we never see a convex side at all.

>> No.10627478

It's a schizophrenia thread in disguise, you peewee-doofus-wizard

>> No.10628561

>if you guess the right answer, you're a schizo
Maybe I just don't have terrible eyes

>> No.10628579


The really scary thing is retards like you go on to think of even more pseudo-scientific shit and then label yourself experts ( when in fact you are just quacks ) and then make decisions influencing the lives of people.

"Here kid, take these pills for your depression"

>Side effects include causing depression

>> No.10628606

>(Also if you're reading this, hello anon's subconscious.)
Hi anon, anon's subconsciousness here, I took over him to tell you hi. My anon is a huge furry but he denies it hard lol.

Alright see you later!

>> No.10628620

bottom cross right

its a difference in tonality right?

>> No.10628622


>> No.10629019

>want to come into a thread and do some visual tests
>find out I'm a schizo

>> No.10629069

this. its the right on. shade fits

>> No.10629143

That is why I said "more likely" and linked the paper itself. It is not necessarily a diagnosis, but the correlation is relatively strong.

>> No.10629154

through clockwise all the circles outside go from most to least faded
and the circle in the inside seems really clear so im gonna have to do with the least faded, the circle in the south

>> No.10629872

Convex on one side and rotates in one direction.
You can tell by having common sense, very easy.

>> No.10629882

They're all identical in form, but the bottom one is the only one that matches in shade.

>> No.10630010
File: 173 KB, 1200x676, Grandma-Meme-Face-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
