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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10466086 No.10466086 [Reply] [Original]

Undergraduates with Strong Opinions Edition

Engineering Science

Engineering Practice
>The Making of an Expert Engineer - J. Trevelyan
>Firm Handshake

>> No.10466091

In my experience these topological optimised components fail due to fatigue much earlier than expected.
But they do BTFO their alternatives in terms of strength-weight ratio.

>> No.10466113

>had to do a line integral on a test i didnt study for
>haven't done one in years
>just guessed as to how it's computed since i barely remember anything from vector calc
>guessed correctly and got a 100 on the exam
that's a fuckin first

>> No.10466135

i got an award for my bachelors thesis and all of my peers are jelly so i cant talk about it to anyone

>> No.10466182

That's because they're not optimizing for fatigue life. If they optimized for that instead, then they would still BTFO conventional parts.

>> No.10466190
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>Enter school as chemE and plan to go to pharm school with chemE as a backup career.
>find pharm is incredibly oversat and its not a smart career choice
>decide chemE will be the better choice
>get to junior year of chemE.
>Find I don't enjoy it that much
>Find most chemE grads struggle to find work and its often unrewarding work in the middle of nowhere for not nearly enough money
>Take software eng classes and begin to plan to change majors
>Find software is quickly being outsourced to pajeets
>Find software will ultimately end up being largely automated putting even the pajeets out of work.

Is fucking nothing a good career option anymore?

>> No.10466214
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>> No.10466221

CS major here. Should I do my minor in mathematics, physics or biochemistry?

>> No.10466227

First of all. go to /g/.

Second, you should try to double major in math, if you can't then minor in it. A minor in physics or biochem won't do shit for you.

>> No.10466240

>First of all. go to /g/.
No. CS is math++. Here are the classes I have to take:
>Discrete Mathematics
Coding is only a small part of CS now stfu and go cry because we make more money than you.

Why should I do a minor in math and not in other stem fields?

>> No.10466244

>because we
You are just like those premed students who go running around acting like they are a doctor despite not having accomplished shit. KYS.

>> No.10466253

It's a fact that people who major in CS do very well financially. I'm in the course of getting my bachelors and then I will get my master in robotics or biomedical engineering. I don't have my degrees yet, but I will in a few years and financially dunk on nerds like you!

>> No.10466269

No CS students allowed. Go to fucking /g/

>> No.10466274

I have already addressed this here you fucking mong: >>10466240
Now keep crying dog.

>> No.10466302

Why would you even minor in anything but math being a cs major

>> No.10466305

I could do a minor in biochemistry and be well prepared for a master in biomedical engineering. A minor in physics could also be ideal for a master in mechanical engineering or robotics.

>> No.10466322

oh your that guy from last thread

>> No.10466333

A minor isn't enough to go straight from CS to BME or ME.

>> No.10466334

Not an argument

>> No.10466341

seriously go away to /g/. Already answered your question.
A minor won't prepare you for shit. You won't be able to easily go for a masters in biochem or physics or bioE or mechE or robot easily with just a minor. If that was seriously your desire you'd be better off taking say an extra two years at school to double major instead (as it'd be almost impossible to graduate in 4 years with both a cs major and something like mechanical eng). A minor should be something that complements your degree, its not enough to go do something entirely different.

The advantage of a math minor or even better, a math major is that it makes you look appealing to employers and even better, prepares you for technical roles that would pay more than the average code monkey job.

Now seriously please go away because there isn't anymore advice anyone could give you in this thread.

>> No.10466342

It is. And I can even study it at the 7th best university in the world (ETH).

>> No.10466344

See this you fucking retard: >>10466342
I literally can. It's not something that is up to debate and it's not like robotics, mechE or biomE is totally disconnected from CS. That's the good thing about CS; I can do a master in pretty much everything.

>> No.10466347

How autistic do you have to be to need a literal safe space from a fucking college major?

>> No.10466358

>>Find software is quickly being outsourced to pajeets
This is mostly a meme by butthurt /sci/ autists. Also trades are unironically a very good option. If I had dropped out of mechanical engineering I would be making about twice as much money as I am right now, doing a trade. Whatever you do, just find a career backed by a strong union so that you don't get cucked. The reason why the STEM job market sucks is because these people think they're above the need for unions.

>> No.10466371

/g/ tends to agree on the pajeet meme as well, not just /sci/. Its also a wildly popular topic on google.

>> No.10466378

As another datapoinr, all of my white friends who studied CS are much more successful than I am.

>> No.10466385

But question is how much longer will that last? What good is it to choose a major like cs and immediately have a nice cushy job at amazon right out of college if they are just going to make you obsolete ten years from now.

>> No.10466393

>But question is how much longer will that last?
Let me put it this way: 8 years ago I fell for the same "CS is a bubble" meme. Software fundamentally has higher margins than other types of engineering because it is free to produce and doesn't have the large capital requirements of manufacturing.

>> No.10466423

Hey EEs, which areas of pure EE (not computer) have the most growth?

>> No.10466427

my dick

>> No.10466435

>biomedical engineering

>> No.10466441

he's a troll. don't feed him.

>> No.10466447

Not a meme you shitlib. And I also listed other masters such as robotics, mechanical engineering etc.

>> No.10466465

Why would you go from cs to mech instead of getting better at cs or math

>> No.10466466


I'm the other guy and not from USA, but I knew girl that finished it. Couldn't find a job for 2 years, finally got some junior position on Capgemini doing some basic Excel grunt work.

>> No.10466473

>Anecdotal evidence
But in all honesty the job market for biomedical engineers looks alright. The wages are high and unemployment is low.

>> No.10466474

Then take fatigue into account when you do the optimization. Structural engineers are still living on borrowed time.

>> No.10466513

Do you live in Sweden? How do you know eth accepts cs majors for graduate programs?

>> No.10466521

Micro sensors. Soon everything will be IOT on the 5g network.

>> No.10466539

ETH is in Switzerland and I live in Switzerland. I have looked at their requirements for these masters

>> No.10466692

What about power? Seems that if the Dems win any future election that they will bankrupt the taxpayers for some kind of green energy initiatives.

Smart grid and power electronics might be big too?

>> No.10466698

>Undergraduates with Strong Opinions Edition
More like, undergraduates with wrong opinions, amirite?

>> No.10466716

Guys, the field of cooling is heating up

>> No.10466731

how the fuck do i get a job

>> No.10466742

No u

>> No.10466744

What can I become if I get really good at cs and math?

>> No.10466798

A big boy

>> No.10466818

Will /sci/ finally respect me? All this anti-CS propaganda has really discouraged me desu

>> No.10466832

>Will /sci/ finally respect me?
Never. Why would you want the respect of a science and math subboard of an anonymous anime forum?

>> No.10466835

Because the only reason for studying CS is to appear smart, so if some people don't respect CS then I feel like I have to change something.

>> No.10466916

Maybe, but now that since power is a common ee specially there will be a lot of EEs to do it. Not so with sensors.

>> No.10466918

Is you want to appear smart do physics or math. If you want to make money do cs. If you want both do both.

>> No.10466922

someone who makes money

>> No.10466939

That's why I want to do my major in CS and my minor in math, physics, statistics or biomedicine. But why would math out of all be the best choice? It looks like a dead end to me

>> No.10467477

Minors are worth jackshit, the only way to prove yourself that you are not a brainlet is majoring in math or physics, if you major in anything CS related you're a brainlet no matter how many minors you can get.

>> No.10467505

>Because the only reason for studying CS is to appear smart

>> No.10467516
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>Here are the classes I have to take:

I would say b8 but cs majors are this stupid

>> No.10467592

If you studied engineering, you don't. Don't fall for memes next time.

>> No.10467600

You still won’t legally be allowed to practice engineering in any country that has state sponsored provisions for design of machines, structures, or systems, which is most of them. US has the PE, the UK has its CE, idk what Switzerland has but I bet the requirements align to everyone else, that being an undergraduate degree in engineering.

>> No.10467607

Unless you are doing a foreign language or business/finance, a minor is a colossal waste of time. You’d be better off taking low level masters courses instead.

>> No.10467617

No I can literally do a master in engineering after my bachelor in CS. And I can do it at the 7th best university on this planet.

It's not really a minor. CS will be 120 ECTS and my "minor" 60ECTS. So it's almost the same.

>> No.10467619

I'm required to take a minor. CS will only be 120ECTS. The other 60ECTS will be from a "minor" such as mathematics, physics, biomedicine, etc.

>> No.10467626

>No I can literally do a master in engineering after my bachelor in CS.

Get some reading comprehension, I didn’t say you couldn’t get the masters.

>> No.10467633

I have no idea what you're talking about honestly. You don't have to pass any tests other than the Matura to qualify for an undergraduate in an engineering (a Matura is also enough for any other university major). After the bachelor one can move on to the master, but only if the bachelor qualifies for said master. We don't have to do any special tests to qualify for an engineering major other than passing the tests within the program.

>> No.10467652
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Alright I just looked it up. Only civil engineering is regulated, so I can work as an engineer even though I did a bachelor in computer science.

>> No.10467851


>> No.10467916

Now look at reciprocity with the rest of the EU.

>> No.10467950

i'm a chemE graduate and all i want to do is work in software/compsci or as a fucking trader. i have no tangible work experience and my cv is really shit but otherwise i have a good average and did well in my honours thesis. how fucked am i?

>> No.10468005


>> No.10468016

haha :)

>> No.10468039

>TA gives 0 on assignment because scanned hw was "too big too read"
>see him in person
>he's on the world's tiniest laptop
why is this acceptable?

>> No.10468206

Holy brainlet this has to be a ruse

>> No.10468275

you fuckers dont even talk about engineering

>> No.10468289

Engineering is dead.

>> No.10468291

Push me to the edge.

>> No.10468293

how pass thermodynamics

>> No.10468330

no lie, shitposting on 4chan has upped my email game so much.

>> No.10468344


>> No.10468348

I dunno about that. If you mean semiconductor as in ASICs and other chips I would say no, and you also need a PhD. But I think semiconductors in power electronics will be breddy gud

>> No.10468350

I thought thermo was easy and fluids was hard? EE here so I don't really know. For us Emag and if you have a bad prof BJTs and MOSFETs are a nightmare

>> No.10468353

nope nope nope. I refuse.
I have a B but I really REALLY want an A

>> No.10468362

How do you even cheat on an engineering exam? They check your steps, you cannot simply write an answer down... I would take a camera, earpiece, and another student that is excellent at the class or something

>> No.10468396

Read Maxwell

>> No.10468397

>beat up a chink or arab
>steal their phone
>find copy of test professor plans to administer on phone

>> No.10468717

Is the first year "sustainability" unit a joke?

A fraction of it is about building systems that are reliable and the other portion is about cultural/religious/racial sensitivities of monkey people in some shithole and talking about global warming. Apparently you have to go speak at Engineers Without Borders if your design is chosen.

>> No.10468748
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>$55k for a design engineer position in a high cost of living area
Why are engineering wages so depressed? Basically every other non-engineering white collar job around here is six figures.

>> No.10469411

So I'm now mechanical engineering student in Germany.

Which field is the most /sci/ one?

>> No.10469412


>> No.10469419


Any R&D, get those jobs since you have an opportunity to do so unlike poorfags in Poland (like me).

Where are you from? For example, Ford has its R&D centre in Aachen.

>> No.10469427

Any advice for mexican engineers? the scene seems like a complete joke over here

>> No.10469430


Hamburg, so aerospace is a legit option here.

>> No.10469465

Everyone I work with has a mechanical engineering degree and they are making bank. They do spend a lot of time offshore though...

>> No.10469545

I have a couple questions, knowledgeable anon. is majoring in chem eng with a minor in physics a good combo? since my goal is also working in biotech would dual majoring in biochem be worth it, or is chem eng enough? I have a 4.0 gpa so far, so I was also wondering if employers even care about that. thanks

>> No.10469581
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What's the least stressful engineering job?
Software Dev (if you're willing to count it as engineering) seem the most comfy.

On the other hand, every Eng graduate I know seems to work at some shitty field/plant, high stress with pay/leave that doesn't make up for it.

>> No.10469660

I honestly can't tell if you are that troll thats been shitting on this thread or not. But if you aren't:

I take it you are a freshmen or something? So two things about chemE. One. Its in the top three hardest majors you can get as an undergrad right next to nuclear eng and aero eng. Ochem doesn't have shit on the classes that will be forced down your throat your junior/senior year. Unless you are a genius I really don't recommend minoring in anything as it will just take away from your first and foremost focus which is chemE. Second I'm not gonna lie to you. ChemE is a tough field to get into. You need to have a good gpa, YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED INTERNSHIPS, and other extras like undergrad research your sophmore year will give you an edge.

Lots of chemEs work in biotech. You dont need that dual major in biochem to do so. Just make sure you get a pretty good grade in ochem I and 2 so you can boost about it to potential employers because its a checklist thing for them when they are looking at you for entry level.

When you are applying to internships make sure you are trying to get into biotech companies, but if no one will take you, any internship is better than no internship.

Since you are likely an underclassmen, you may be finding your classes are easy as shit right now (or not). I strongly recommend you create a rigorous study plan/work ethic for yourself now even if its overkill. When you get to your upper years you will thank yourself for creating good habits because you will be working a minimum of 50 hours a week in order to get good grades.

Make as many friends as you can with your fellow chemE peers because it will not only help hone in your soft skills, but you will also need to rely on them when the classes get tough. Plus it also helps to know who the smart ones are so you can try to be partnered up with them when you get to your group project classes like design.

>> No.10469665

I don't know if your school has a aiche chapter in it, but I recommend getting involved in it if there is one. Mine taught me how to write a proper resume. My had countless guest speakers from the industry, it also provided the easiest outlet to find internships and jobs.

>> No.10469742

Software Dev is not comfy at all.

>> No.10469765

I've had the top grade in most of my classes so far (only a first year student but considered a sophomore from having CLEP'd out of most early classes), but it sounds like I might've underestimated the difficulty of juggling a dual major/minor with the advance course work for chemE. I guess I'll see how I do and adjust accordingly. I've already applied for the only research opportunity I'm eligible that relates to chemE here, so it's good to know these things will come in handy down the line. not a troll, so really appreciate the advice.

>> No.10469811

If you don't like it, yeah its not comfy in the slightest. If you don't mind it or if you enjoy it, its better than most. Most dev jobs will pay you more than you'd make at most stereotypical positions. Most don't make you work 60hr weeks. Most don't make you live out in some shitty city you'd never choose to live in if it was up to you.

>> No.10469846
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I want to study engineering at uni here in Sweden, which field do I go into and what jobs do I want?
We do sell quite a bit of weaponry and other mil-tech though SAAB and Bofors and some shit. Volvo is dead chinese shit.
I don't know, what do you say fellas?

>> No.10469857

Can always movie to Norway for Kongsberg or all the German Mittelstand

>> No.10469908


Aerospace is kinda nice & kinda shitty deal. If you want to have top Boeing job, you need to be USA citizen because of those shitty clearances system they have for defense, aerospace and energy/nuclear.

Aerospace is also tricky, there was a lot of layoffs recently, but same trend is also on automotive. Generally though aerospace has a lot od what one would call "true engineering". This also means, at least in Sikorsky in Mielec and in Świdnik - lots of old farts and old systems and redrawing in CAD parts from 70s paper drawings.

Automotive while having rather new systems, is shitty and stressful though, a lot of workload too. I say it working in automotive.

Seriously, just look for R&D/analyst jobs, if you can go into those you'll be ok without going management route.

>> No.10470887

From what I've seen & experienced, you pretty much need to have a paid internship or some part time work in an engineering roll before graduating uni, or else be extremely lucky.

>> No.10471124
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I'm 12 or so classes away from a BS in mechanical engineering, possibly pulling it off by may next year, but I've realized i'm 2 classes away from getting an AS in both electrical and civil engineering.

Would this even benefit me much in the future?

Having 3 degrees sounds nice, but wouldn't the BSME be the only relevant one when looking for engineer work?

>> No.10471234

Why the fuck you posting a greyscale Tawawa?

>> No.10471266

any EE's here have a good textbook to learn how to plot bode plots with operational amplifiers? I'm fucking retarded and I'm struggling to plot them... I'm struggling with the whole course desu.

>> No.10471303
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From the book in the OP:
>Contact companies when the announce they are starting new projects or expansion.
>Apply for jobs that require that you have more years experience than you actually have.
>Subscribe to and read your industry's magazine.
>Learn about your industry suppliers using directories and trade exhibitions. Try to visit the firms. Manufacturers, international supply houses, local in-country engineering product sales organisations, consultancies.
>Ask everyone in your family if they know an engineer and hopefully they can organise a conversation.
>Keep in contact with your class colleagues - many of them can suggest contacts for you.
>Join your discipline's organisation.
>Go to as many conferences and trade shows as you can. When visiting companies,
ask them which shows they go to.
>Doing unpaid work for more than 3 weeks means you are wasting your time.
>Have resume and cover letter checked by an expert, preferably an engineer.
>Make sure you have demonstration in leadership, teamwork, initiative, reliability and responsibility and having any job at all.
>Learn which standards are important for your industry.
>Learn Excel/VBA and Python.
Then he has a methodology for practicing engineering techniques on the world around you and then transitioning that into a business.

>> No.10471328
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>> No.10471329

>Contact companies when the announce they are starting new projects or expansion.

How would one go about this? Just call up HR or what?

>> No.10471518


The only muh /sci/ meme field would be material science for a mechanical engineer.

>> No.10471610
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To be fair, the cast majority of "engineers" are retarded. The only good engineers that are underpaid or are getting passed up for promotions are the ones that are too pussy to know their worth and throw their weight around. It's worth noting that, while the salary might seem too low in some engineering jobs, the job itself is part of the salary, i.e. aerospace jobs pay less than equivalent jobs with equivalent responsibilities in other fields because the overabundance of planefags depresses wages in the field. However, I would agree that a more formal, universal means of showing your qualifications would be good. Right now, it's pretty much just word of mouth, which can make it hard to switch fields.

>> No.10471624

What's the deal with engineers in the USA?

>> No.10471856

A few months ago I made a post wondering if I should take up a job offer as an application engineer (not IT, but actual engineering). I worried that I'd become a glorified technician and salesman, when I originally wanted to go into R&D. But a bunch of anons urged me to take the job, so I ultimately did.

Well, I wanted to express my thanks. I've been with the company for two months now and it's very interesting and engaging work (pays well, too). There's far more room for creativity than I originally thought, I get to weigh in on the development process of new machines in addition to traveling around the world and having a lot of freedom in choosing my hours. I'm really hopeful now.

>> No.10471877

With a chem e background you could do environmental engineering if you like nature.
The department at my school is always trying to get transfers and apparently helps their people get jobs more than other departments.

>> No.10471967

Define "making bank" anon. A computer science intern makes $90k a year. An entry level SWE makes $120k. I hope you mean a lot more than that.

>> No.10471969

Stop giving career advice if you are still in college.

>> No.10471997

Extremely true. Engineering is the only field where you can work as hard as a doctor and get paid less than a nurse. If I didn't know better, I would say there is a systematic wage suppression scheme going on behind the scenes.

>> No.10471998

To be honest, that's because mechanical engineering is a meme. Don't get me wrong, there is some very important work that gets done by mechanical engineers in practicality, but most mechanical programs are a joke and with a bachelor's in mechanical engineering you're lucky if you can pull $25 an hour in most parts of the country.

Electrical isn't all that much better than CS in that they are both flooded with pajeets and Asians, but unlike CS where most of the pajeets just end up doing jobs where they can bullshit and fill tickets, EE is a bit harder to bs in many subdisciplines (especially communication/control systems which is pretty much just applied information theory).

>> No.10472229

What upper division math course should i take if I’m interested in Signal Processing?
Functions of a complex variable?

>> No.10472231

Your textbook? You aren't supposed to plot the actual bodeplot, just a line estimate

>> No.10472242

Yes, also PDEs

>> No.10472368

is getting a job more difficult then getting a girlfriend?

>> No.10472454

What Neso videos on youtube, they are fantastic

>> No.10472484
File: 20 KB, 324x400, 9E4D91CF-BE5B-4CB0-BDE9-6B75884969A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re using this book and yes I know its an estimated plot, but im struggling with the whole class specially getting open and closed loop gain and plotting that since he doesnt really give us any numbers you just have to kinda estimate it. Just want more reference material to understand that part.

>> No.10472744
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Should I learn C++ or Python(or both) for my grad in comp engenering, triying to learn before i start, have until the end of the year

>> No.10472773
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>tfw CS bachelor
>tfw doing my masters in EE
>only had to catch up a semester of courses because europe universities teach actual CS math and physics
Suck on my balls amerisharts

>> No.10472913

Is studying CS here in europe actually worth it or will you just end up an expendable codemonkey 80% of time?

>> No.10473111

Yes, and engineering has a disproportionate number of incels. Food for thought.

>> No.10473121


>> No.10473157

It is, cs is the most polyvalent degree you can get here, you can work pretty much anywhere from finance to engineering as long as it's not a meme university

>> No.10474036

went to his channel, but he doesnt have op amp stuff on it.

>> No.10475104

because most design jobs are plugging in values from look ups and doing the same sizing calculations over and over again. also, detail drawings. shit loads of detail drawings.

>> No.10475407

To be fair, a design engineer position can be filled by a drafter with a GED or by Ranjit in India. Even so, I work at an aerospace company in the Midwest and designers here start out around $62k + ~$5k yearly bonus. Go Midwest, young man, go Midwest.

>> No.10476306
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Gonna lie about having a couple internships or maybe a job and internship, not sure what'd work better yet, wish me luck!

>> No.10476331

I thought chemEs didn't get jobs? What would they do for a biotech company?

>> No.10476350

What is an application engineer?what did you major in undergrad? How did you get the job? And was there anything about the offer that booked at it being good (specially having input and being able to travel)

>> No.10476464

Is it safe to assume that you've done a probability theory course? If not a course on probability theory and stochastic processes would be incredibly helpful as well as a course directly on information theory or numerical methods if possible.

>> No.10476631

>I thought chemEs didn't get jobs?

>What would they do for a biotech company?
biotech is really broad, and so is chem eng

>> No.10476722
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EE here, are we really this undermined?

>> No.10476732

lol true

>> No.10477384
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Avionics or Aeromechanics stream?

>> No.10477440

I got a message from my uni that I got an official entry in my uni record. It says "Best 10%"
Is this just a uni thing or does this mean I'll have advantage later after I graduate?
Also is this some kind of elite group?

>> No.10478683


t. aerospace structures engineer

>> No.10478854
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EE or ME?

>> No.10478856

How do I talk to civil engineers who know nothing but Predict and Provide?

>> No.10478881

The holy trinity is ME, EE, and Civil. Literally can’t go wrong with any of them.

>> No.10478886

AE sophmore here
if I want to be the KING of aerodynamics, what should I do from this point on?

>> No.10478889


>> No.10478908

GPA doesn't mean shit. Percentile is the only thing that matters.
>t. 99.9 percentile

>> No.10478960


>> No.10478967

I'm a ChemE major and recently decided to go for a CS minor. I took a bunch of CS classes in high school and originally planned on majoring in CS, so I already know it comes easily to me. Question is, what career paths within ChemE does a CS minor help the most in?

I've also been toying with the idea of making a grammar and dictionary app for a lesser-known language I'm fluent in; would that be impressive at all to ChemE recruiters or is it trash they don't care about? I'm only a sophomore so I'm not too worried that I don't have an internship for this summer but all of my work experiences so far are CS related and I'm worried they'll be irrelevant in the eyes of ChemE recruiters.

>> No.10479042

Why not apply your cs skills to chem eng or any engineering related areas? Isn't a lot of chem eng work matrices and spreadsheets?

>> No.10479045

Go look up what most CFD software is written in.

>> No.10479056

Python, VBA, and C++

Maybe even Java. Not kidding, this is the shit you want as an engineer.

>> No.10479058

you're either at a community college or at Caltech
why did you choose chemE instead of CS?

>> No.10479061 [DELETED] 

daily reminder that "software engineering" isn't engineering

>> No.10479073

daily reminder that I'll be the only one in this thread who will likely be offered a 70-80k job before I even graduate because software eng's are selling like hotcakes. Shit I don't even have an internship or a good gpa and I'm not worried in the slightest.

>> No.10479086

You really should do an internship tho.

>> No.10479088

I know Python and C++. Isn't it pretty much expected that engineers know these though? How can I differentiate myself on a resume so it doesn't just look like every other engineer who had to learn Python for a class or something? Does the CS minor speak for itself or is it worth coming up with my own projects to put on my resume?

I backed out of CS as a major because even though I really enjoy it, I could tell there were others in my classes who really had that talent for it which I recognized I didn't have. I figure having a CS minor (which adds almost no extra work because it fulfills certain technical elective requirements for my major) will set me apart from the ChemE-only grads but I realize it has varying levels of significance among companies who traditionally hire chemical engineers. Ultimately that is what I envision myself doing but I feel like the CS minor could open up some unexpected paths, just not sure what.

>> No.10479097

>my grad in comp engenering
what do you mean? grad school? if you have to ask this question you are not prepared for grad school in computer engineering

>> No.10479103

>I could tell there were others in my classes who really had that talent for it which I recognized I didn't have
that's not a good enough reason for switching. If you switched because you like chemE more than cs thats an acceptable reason. If you switched because you didn't enjoy programming, thats an acceptable reason. If you switched because you don't want to sit in front of a computer from 9-5 on work days thats an acceptable reason.

That talent has to worked on. It may come easier to others but just because it takes more effort for you to build is absolutely no reason to jump ship and quit.

I'd STRONGLY recommend you think long and hard about what it is you want to do in life because you choose one of the hardest engineering paths available to undergrads and you didn't list a good reason why.

>> No.10479104

>hurr durr the bar for "cs job" is longer than the bar for "cs majors"
>that means the even dumbest autistic majors like me will get a job

Can't wait to hear of your suicide in 4 years

>> No.10479127

Why would I? I'll get to live in almost any city I want to because devs are needed everywhere. I'll get paid just as much if not better than every engineer major. I'll get to work in an office all day and be able to come home, get high and go have hobbies because I'll be working less hours than most eng majors.

You're in for a rude awakening when you realize just how little the suits care about engineers. They don't give two fucks about you and will make you work long hours for not nearly enough money, in an awful location, doing work that will be described as, "getting the shit covered end of the stick."

That's exactly why I became a softwareE in the first place. My father was a mechE and a nuclearE so I know exactly how overrated 90% of jobs are for engineers.

>> No.10479135

I wouldn't say I "jumped ship and quit" because this was back in senior year of high school that I decided to switch to Chemistry, and then eventually ChemE (enjoyed the math-heavy side of chemistry more and I realized that Chemistry is terrible for getting a job straight out of undergrad). Definitely, I could have done CS but I do enjoy ChemE about as much and am about to start my junior year so it's too late anyway. The CS minor is more a way to strengthen an aspect of engineering which I enjoy greatly.

How does one even develop a passion for ChemE anyway before college? ChemE is pretty unique in that it's almost impossible to have any high school or hobby-level experience with it beforehand so you know you enjoy it.

>> No.10479172

>you're either at a community college or at Caltech
I'm not american. If a 4.0 GPA is anything less than 99.9 percentile, then a "perfect" score doesn't mean anything at all.

>> No.10479173

Its definitely not too late but that's up to you. You can always do something like get an accelerated online CS degree after you graduate if you decide chemE is no longer the thing for you.

>How does one even develop a passion for ChemE anyway before college?
You really don't. Its kind of a gamble since you can only really base it off of if you like physics and chem and even then. I was originally a biochem major but I switched to chemE because I wanted to be employable and I figured it would still have enough chem to satisfy me but you really don't even find out how little chem is involved in it till your junior year. There's significantly more physics in this major than there is chem that realistically a more fitting name for the major would be a thermo-engineer.

I have heard there are jobs which require chemEs to write software for the industry but I have no idea what those are like.

>> No.10479210

I am an ME and you are a retard.

>> No.10479378
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EE is way more complex

>> No.10479381

Well there is but it is done by supply and demand and the West keeps importing Chang and Pajeet engineers.

>> No.10479490

Parent was eng for 10 years before he got his mba and switched to sales. This is exactly the thing he warned me about engineering.

You will either be in a role where you do the most mind numbing work with very little problem solving that realistically you could and should train an operator for, or you will be in a role where you are vital and be the glue that holds everything together yet you won't receive the respect or pay for the work you do. Your managers (who aren't even remotely close to engineers) will take credit for every good thing you do and blame you for everything that goes wrong. Since your managers aren't engineers, they don't appreciate how skilled you are or how much effort went into something so most of the time they won't praise you for your good deeds because its beyond their capacity, they only know when something is wrong so they will be quick to judge you and make things more difficult for you to fix any problems. 80% of engineers will be overlooked for promotion and the best they can hope for in their career is one day getting supervisor and then in the later end of their career expect to be promoted to a small management role before they retire. Companies/managers will demand that you have loyalty to them, yet they mostly promote people from outside the company rather than move those already in the company up the ladder, thus its more beneficial to only have loyalty to yourself, but this creates a bad work environment for everyone if everyone is like this, yet companies/managers won't fix this problem by treating those already working for them with greater respect than outsiders.

>> No.10479573

>Graduate job
>3 years experience required
Something seems off.

>> No.10479589

yeah and you want to fuck at 10 but you'll go for a 7.5

>> No.10479590

Can someone put all of the engineering specialities from best to worst. What are the most /sci/-approve engineering specialities.

>> No.10479598

they always say, the best way to get a significant pay raise is by switching jobs. Crazy you wont get significant promotions until you have to leave the company. Its also crazy that this is common practice in the industry now a days, but you gotta look out for yourself at the end of the day.

dont base your future off of /sci/ memes. You can't go wrong by doing one of the big three engineering disciplines, anything else its up to you to decide not some undergrad fuccbois that give shit career advice around here.

>> No.10479599

>taking /sci/ opinions seriously
never gonna make it

>> No.10479767

>GOD-TIER: My specialty
>MID-TIER: Most other specialties
>SHIT-TIER: Your specialty
Hope this helps

>> No.10479781


for the love of god dont be an idiot and get an internship while in school.

Youll be drowning in offers when you graduate

If you dont get an internship, youll be screwed

This is coming from someone who got an internship and did decently in school (studied EECS getting offers in both software and hardware) and has seen friends w/o internships struggle to find jobs.

>> No.10479921

Internships are a myth. They don't exist.

>> No.10479924

You can get internships extremely easily. Just claim to be hispanic or multi-racial/ethnic. White people don't get internships in le current year.

>> No.10479975
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>entering 3rd year
>still dont have a skill I can right down other than, "can have 4 hour fap sessions," and, "play vidya for 16h a day."

>> No.10480126

It only gets worse when it becomes time to find a real job. :^)

>> No.10480892

0% is still equal to 0%. But when you graduate, I assume you're not getting emails that are a total slap in the face.

I get emails from my uni all the fucking time that are about internship opportunities. I get excited, click on them and EVERY FUCKING TIME it's only for our women engineering student org, or the hispanic/black engineering student org.

God fucking forbid a white male gets an internship in this country

>> No.10481126


They exist. Create a linkedin account, go on glassdoor or go on indeed are some simple ways to find some if I really gotta hold your hand

Whitey here, they didnt care. All they cared about where my projects outside of school; didnt even look at GPA

Makes sense if you think about it, they just want people who have shown they can do cool stuff on their own and actually finish.


Ask anyone you know who had an internship while in school and graduated; theyll tell you the same thing. Youll be getting tons of job offers.

Linkedin, glassdoor or indeed. Or literally google "Internships around me for _____".

>> No.10481138

I see a lot of lazy people in this thread. Crying and moaning won't get you a job, you have to work for it.
If you don't start 3rd year with a contract in the pocket you are doing it wrong. The best way to do it if you already have a job when you start uni and the company pays you and your tuition fees for studying. Just getting in the middle of higher education without any idea of what you are doing is retarded.
If you already made the mistake then just embrace it and get the internships, part time jobs at small companies. If you have a friend or some other connection at a bigger company then abuse it to get a meeting and talk your way in. Do the interviews, get the experience in meeting company people and talking with them.
Protip: not everyone you meet is coming from STEM, talk with them accordingly. Normal small talk, having fun in uni, loving your field etc...
I can't believe I have to spoonfeed you tards with this!
Another protip: getting a high paying job right after graduation is an illusion. Just forget that meme.

>> No.10481190

electrical engineering is the worst meme I ever fell for

>> No.10481275
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Some other anon posted this. This is what the job market is like for engineers in india which is why so many of them try to flood other countries and oversaturate market

>> No.10481284

Yes I know life in india is shit. No I dont blame indians for wanting to move to America. Just as I wouldnt blame a drowning man for dunking my head underwater and killing me if I was swimming near him as he was drowning

But the point is just because youre drowning, doesnt mean I want to drown to. India is a shithole, ok. Well stay there and dont make my country a shithole. My ancestors conquered and pioneered and settled this continent for their progeny to enjoy. Not some random fuck from across the world.

>> No.10481292

>If you have a friend or some other connection at a bigger company then abuse it to get a meeting and talk your way in.
Connections don't mean anything if you're white. All companies have HR departments that are run by people who hate white people with a passion. HR workers dump white male applicants' applications in the trash.

>> No.10481297

Is it a good idea to study biomedical engineering if my country is not really known for developing in this area (that I know of), most industries here are all about pharmaceuticals

>> No.10481301

>he best way to do it if you already have a job when you start uni and the company pays you and your tuition fees for studying. Just getting in the middle of higher education without any idea of what you are doing is retarded.
Fucking no company is going to pay some kid out of highschool, or some operator to go get their undergrad degree.

Why the fuck would a company spend 50-70k buying some kid their degree when they can just hire one of the numerous people that already have a degree and need entry level work. Fucking hell mate companies are reluctant to even invest 6 months-1 year to train a fresh out of college engineers let alone 4 fucking years.

You are talking straight from your ass.

>> No.10481306

You are getting conquered now anon boo boo

>> No.10481323

Stop looking for bullshit excuses, get off your fat ass and get a goddamn job!

>> No.10481328

I managed to do it and I wasn't any special in high school. Just good work ethic and dedication.
People notice those things, you know.

>> No.10481339
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>firm handshake mem

>> No.10481358

When I got a scholarship award I also got a raise ;)

>> No.10481366

I swear to god there isn't even a single person in this thread who is actually in the workforce. Everyone is either baiting or pretending to be someone in the workforce.

>> No.10481381

Also just a statistical fun fact: half of the graduates on my course already hold a contract. It's not that hard, it is more common.

ThermoFischer field service engineer. As I said above, it is not that hard.

>> No.10481439

you are memeing i hope. As a chemE student that's one of the companies I've dreamed of getting a job with.

>> No.10481447

When I say Anglo Americans conquered the American continent, I specifically mean they conquered the landmass. They settled and pioneered and colonized. The native populations had almost completely died off from Smallpox from the spanish by the time Anglos arrived.

But by all means, continue to openly act hostile towards Europeans. Im sure that will go well.

>> No.10481449

New AAE undergrad here, kind of interested in dynamics and controls as my focus point. Could someone tell me more in depth about it and how in demand it is.

>> No.10481453

3 internships = 3 years XP

>> No.10481454

>he waits for handouts
never gonna make it.

>> No.10481456

New AAE undergrad here, sorta interested in dynamics and controls as my focus point. Would someone tell me more about it and how in demand it is?

>> No.10481458

then talk to a hiring manager.

>> No.10481461

so you got a job at Thermofischer straight out of highschool? What?

>> No.10481465

Everyone knows you need an internship or two before graduation to get hired anywhere respectable.

But unfortunately HR departments shred your application if you have a white penis. But I already know what all the retards on this board are gonna say. "Your resume sucks because you don't have X Y Z". Okay let me join some student groups on campus to make it looks better. Oops Im not arabic so I cant join the arab engineers. Im not black. I cant join the black engineers. Im not hispanic, can't join their engineering club. Oh Im not a woman, cant join their engineering club either.

But I can apply for membership to the two engineering groups open to EVERYONE. Engineering groups that I will compete for membership for with arab, hispanic, black, female applicants. Groups that dont go off meritocracy, but instead use multi culti insanity when deciding which applicants they pick.

College is such a shit show. Western civilization is such a shit show. What a fucking clown world.

>> No.10481467

Ive talked with hiring managers. They say it's out of their hands and that they aren't allowed to tell white male-hating HR workers which resumes to green light and which ones to not.

>> No.10481481

>But unfortunately HR departments shred your application if you have a white penis.
if that's true then lets build a case and collect proof and publicize and sue the shit out of it, and get political pressure to stop this type of thing

>> No.10481484

Nope, got the contract last summer. The job I got out of high school is coffee and errand boy at an office (thanks dads HS schoolmate), then flipping burgers, then flipping memory cards, then back to office helping hand then biker shop clerk. Then back to office again, full time this time and to the uni.
Not one complaint from any of my former employers. Took 6 years of hard work to not having to pay for uni, that is if I don't fail any class, which I didn't because I attended every lecture and studied hard for exams.

>> No.10481488

[x] Doubt.

I find it hard to believe there are a million clubs for blacks/arabs/hispanics and still enough of them left to go into groups for everyone and take all the places. They are still under-represented in college itself in spite of AA. But don't worry, if there wasn't AA more competent Asians would take all those places either way.

>> No.10481490

Internships are a myth, got rejected by like 5 last month.

>> No.10481491

There's 31 days in a month, try harder

>> No.10481492

Rank engineering courses by difficulty

>> No.10481497

Engineering is only hard when you're a brainlet

>> No.10481506

There are only 10 or a dozen engineering clubs on my campus that actually go out and do projects (that pertain to my field). The majority of them are only eligible to be joined by minorities or women. These engineering groups constantly have companies send reps to campus to pull interns from these groups.

And are we really going to drag out this meme that asians outperform whites academically? Are we going to factor in the rampant cheating that goes on in Chinese and Indian foreign students?

AA is everywhere and that's not an exaggeration or hyperbole.

>> No.10481507

I cranked out that many apps in a few hours. I had over 150 apps before I got my first interview. The amount of positions available is staggering and if you aren’t getting a good amount of exposure you aren’t going to be competitive. Also, you dumb fucks start looking 2 months out instead of 6 months to a year like you are supposed to. LMAO at you niggas that start looking when you graduate/go on break.

>> No.10481508

Do some family history checking and see if you have a biracial ancestor. If you do, make sure to update your ethnicity appropriately. You'll be swimming in interviews.

>> No.10481509

If you're applying to 150 internships you're actually just retarded.

>> No.10481512
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>> No.10481522

>doesn’t even cover the Fortune 500
>thinks he’s getting enough exposure


>> No.10481523

If you're casting that wide of a net, you're going to end up working a position totally unrelated to your field, all the way across the country. Zero networking or growth opportunities. Unless you literally dont give a single fuck where you end up after graduation, then by all means go ahead.

For those of us that know where we want to work and what field, this isn't a winning strategy.

>> No.10481552

How difficult is it to maintain a 3.7+ GPA at a provincial, Canadian university? I’m engineering, ofc.

>> No.10481567

At my school some people tried to form a men's issues group but was denied because muh feelz.

>> No.10481585

Don't go to parties, don't get drunk, attend lectures, study. So basically don't be brainlet.

>> No.10481615

>f you're casting that wide of a net, you're going to end up working a position totally unrelated to your field

You have no clue how many companies there are that just do one kind of thing. You are out of touch with the industry.

>across the country
Engineering is a global profession nowadays and if you don’t have your passport and luggage ready to find the next big project you shoulda gone to trade school.

>For those of us that know where we want to work

If you have the talent to be ultimately choosey like that you are the minority.

>> No.10481636

That's for normal, "put your resume in to this virtual black hole" applications you dip. I mean talk to them IRL and get an unofficial internship.

>> No.10481637

What school, faggot?

>> No.10481643

Then tailor your resume/cv to the company, posting, and the hiring manager's personal biases.

>> No.10481658

Well I guess that's why they call me the whitest black guy they know

>> No.10481680

>right instead of write
Well it's probably because you're a fucking idiot

>> No.10482327

Well then you shouldn't have any trouble starting a CS general. Now get out and don't come back until Physics is a part of CS curriculum.

>> No.10482353

>Isn't it pretty much expected that engineers know these though?
I guess MATLAB must count as C++ because they certainly didn't give me anything else before I graduated.

>> No.10482361

This thread is full of nothing but career advice.

>> No.10482367

This thread is breaking two major rules.

1.) No career advice allowed.

2.) Engineering is not science or math. Fuck off to /diy/ or /g/.

>> No.10482372

Nobody gives a fuck. How new are you?

>> No.10482383

Lmao sounds like someone's unemployed

>> No.10482527

University of Alberta.
70th globally (I think). Number 4/5 in Canada.

>> No.10482578

anyone go to USC?

>> No.10482601

Lmfao. You're allowed to openly discriminate against white men in every western country. White men get zero legal protections.

>> No.10482605

I wish my genitals weren't mutilated at birth that way I could fap for anywhere close to 4 hours and have it be enjoyable

Thanks mom , dad, and the child rapist doctors and nurses who delivered me for butchering my baby genitals with medical instruments :)

>> No.10482614

>electrical tied with materials
>computer tied with aerospace

>> No.10482720

Whats a good way to learn mech. dynamics, in SI units if possible

>> No.10482722

>get textbook
>open textbook
>read textbook
>do problems from textbook

>> No.10482727 [DELETED] 

NO NO NO NO STOP DOING EDUCATION IS THE WAY OF THE WORST PLACE RETAIL STORE IN THE VERY WORLD!!!! Don't say you haven't been worned about the consequences for pursuing a higher education and WE WILL FIND YOU. I Don't care what The prime minister of the Russian Federation or ANY OTHER CAPTIAL CITY OF THE WORLD SAYS in fact it is long overdue in the grand scale time of things to come which will never happen that I don't know how you think you are going to care what other people think about you or the doctors but i do know that units of virtue CAN AND WILL BE MEASURED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE ON THE WAY BACK

>> No.10482763

That's it, /sci/ has officially gotten too retarded for me. I'm out.

>> No.10482956
File: 35 KB, 457x439, Reeees+in+anime+_4f0b5a2af8a1bf5abe9d6b4095194c6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take biochem classes because I enjoy working in a lab. I find getting a PhD fucking sucks and wouldn't be for me. I take chemE, I find thermo and pchem is fucking dogshit. I take programming and I find I'm bored as fuck.

How the fuck do you do it anons? How do you figure out what interests you?

>> No.10483015

pick one and ignore the feelings of regrets

>> No.10483038

wrong. there have been plenty of successful lawsuits for discrimination against whites.

>> No.10483051

thermo and pchem is awesome, you can literally describe the entire semester with the analogue of making a tea

>> No.10483054


>> No.10483059 [DELETED] 

To each his own. I fell for the age old meme with chemical engineering. I thought there would be more chemistry involved.

>> No.10483078

shitter btfo

>> No.10483081

I was kind of hoping I could find something I genuinely enjoyed rather than just picking something so I could be paid

>> No.10483267

How do you expect finding something you enjoy without any experience of the field?
The thing goes like this: you go work a few years, low level jobs, then go to college/uni. You should have the general idea which field to pursue by then.
Going to higher education right after HS and hoping you will like it is just retarded.

>> No.10483558

>first few semesters went well enough, got pretty good grades and felt like I came away from the classes having learned something

>this semester is the first extremely challenging one
>shitloads of homework, no time to absorb anything or in-depth study anything
>takes me forever to do assignments
>finish assignments still feeling underpracticed and without a clear understanding of the materials
>constantly tired and irritable
>feel increasingly stupid as shit with every low test grade I get back

what the fuck is happening, it's soul crushing, how do I go back to doing well

>> No.10483600
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, 1553107170527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I fell for the CS meme and now I want to die because there's no mathematics whatsoever in this course

>> No.10483609

Then do the double major, CS for the career options, math for literally every other reason you'd go to college. That's what I'm doing, works great.

>> No.10483623

It sucks anon but that's just the way things are going to be for you till you graduate. Things won't get easier and they will just keep getting harder but you kind of just learn to accept the pain. Its character building. If you learn to just keep slowly walking forward despite everything turning to shit all around you, you can use that trait to get ahead in your actual career when it starts.

>> No.10483629

Do you guys feel passionate about the material you are learning or just in it for the job?

>> No.10483640

how does anyone actually get good grades without prior knowledge of the material with this shit
I'm considered "Smart" meaning I'm average low-average for an engineer. How does someone actually be smart in terms of an engineer
it just feels like the information slides off my brain

I'm passionate about it when I'm not 110% burnt out and struggling to remain caught up on my work, otherwise it's an absolute struggle

>> No.10483641

I don't think I have the time, I'm turning 22 this year already. where I live you can get one or two curricular components out of your usual ones so I might go for calculus 3. so far I'm having this crap they call "Mathematics C" which is a recap of what we've seen on high school. so I'm literally not learning anything new until the next semester. maybe I'm being too hurried but I just want to do something more challenging

>> No.10483643

I was passionate about the material up till the end of my sophomore year. Now I'm struggling to figure out if the whole, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." is just a meme and I should just find something that will pay me enough to start a family or if I need to throw in the towel and try something else.

>> No.10483647

Same shit is happening to me. Year2 is a bitch and it seems like half of my classes I get the top score and the other half is literally just random nobody anything

I had a teacher last semester for two classes and the average grade in both classes was a 33/36% I’m not shitting you

95% of people in his classes took a massive GPA hit

This is the life that we chose

>> No.10483656

>I'm turning 22 this year already.
Try being 25. I went into the military after HS. Now here I am debating about switching majors in my junior year because I don't like this material anymore but I'm also struggling to weigh that against the fact that if I change majors now, I'll be close to my fucking 30s by the time I get out of school.

>> No.10483678

well, your experience from the military surely translates well into the workplace environment. it's not like you wasted any time like i did, neeting for three years. i feel sorry for you but at the same time not all that much, i'm sure you'll be fine by switching majors now

>> No.10483820

What are undergrad internship interviews like? Are they going to ask me solve a problem?

>> No.10483858

i will graduate at 27, feels awful. However, you do have military experience which is a plus and you can always go back and work for the military in the engineering department of whatever you major in.

>> No.10483864

You will be their excel slave while you intern. You better wise up and ask to shadow other engineers so you actually see how their day goes, but probably not super different than yours depending on the sector you're in.

>> No.10483917

Does anyone have any recommendations ( books) on rocket engineering?

I recently became fascinated with Starship and Elon Musk and wanted to learn a bit more about Starship and rockets in general.

>> No.10483937

my interview was just asking me general questions like what personal projects ive done and why i want the internship and stuff (i didnt end up getting it). i studied hard expecting to do some problems but they didnt ask any. i dont think they usually do either.

you basically just learn how to use some machines, use excel, and make a presentation as far as i can tell.

>> No.10483951

Just sit back and vote Yang. Average people's work in outmoded.

>> No.10483972

>Just sit back and vote Yang. Average people's work in outmoded.
I didn't even know who the fuck that was till I just googled him. I have no idea what you're saying.

>> No.10484032

Material sciences. It's where the cool people are.

>> No.10484046

Couldn't I easily go get a job as a mat sci bro with a chemE degree?

>> No.10484112

I got out of the military at 27 and didn’t graduate with an engineering degree till i was 32. Nigga, as a vet with an engineering degree you will absolutely shit on anyone except the most top tier of your peer group. I’m about to leave my fortune 50 company to walk into a chief engineering position with the feds, my own office and a full support staff.

>> No.10484134

You need more than chem to be good in the mat sci field. It is heavy on chem but you need more on thermo, energy, mechanics, tensors etc...

>> No.10484159

yang is some one issue politician that advocates UBI, but only $1,000/month and he's consolidating all the other welfare programs in the process making the whole system easier to attack in the future (which is why libertarians love him). im not sure who actually plans to live off of 1 grand a month

>> No.10484168

What, that sounds pretty cool. Is it because I'd any explicit military benefits or is it because I'd your work ethic and maturity? How long did it real to become chief engineer and what did your career look like?

>> No.10484176

please fucking save me

>> No.10484194

>but only $1,000/month
That's lower than a fucking mcdonalds job. Holy shit that'd be depressing living off that

>> No.10484232
File: 8 KB, 182x268, MV5BMGVlZjA1MzItMjA3Yi00ZTNhLTlkNDAtZDdmN2FkZmY0YTFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI4ODc2NDY@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /eng/ where half the posts are same fags and undergrads pretend to be successful managers at fortune 50 companies.

>> No.10484260

It’s both. Companies love the PR “MUH SUPPORT THE TROOPS” gives and vets in general know how to execute projects and stay resilient when shit goes sideways. Think about all those weak shitters that couldn’t get through boot camp. Those same shitters are getting engineering degrees right next to you.

My career is/was pretty linear.
>started working construction at 15
>joined the military at 18 and did...construction
>got out and went to school for mech eng
>couple of internships in... construction
>got a job with a well known tech company managing data center facilities
>just accepted my chiefs position to design and build shit for the feds

Follow your dreams senpai

>> No.10484269

Lmao, so you work in HVAC boomer? Holy shit lol you aren't even a real engineer. And here I was being led on all this time thinking you were somehow successful lmfao.

>> No.10484288

Where did I say that?

>> No.10484300

>managing datacenters
Or is it even worse and you work as one of those building """"""""""""""""""""""""""engineers"""""""""""""""""""""""""" that replaces urinals when they break? Lol did you work for CBRE or some shit?

>> No.10484320

Salty shit GPA shitter detected

>> No.10484326

Tell us about what you actually do for a living, boomer. It's starting to look like you're really the biggest shitter here lol.

>> No.10484328

he's not a boomer. Hes either a doomer or a zoomer thats just shitposting and pretending so be employed like everyone else in this thread. You think anyone besides students would come to these threads?

>> No.10484342

No, he is a 28 year old boomer from San Diego. He always shows up to call people who either can't find jobs or only really awful jobs "shitters."

>> No.10484348

Field service engineer

>> No.10484350

If you can't find a job it is only you to blame

>> No.10484353

if you ever see anyone say yanggang just imagine them in a one room studio apartment full of piss jugs on a desktop caked with dust blue screening twice a day because thats what they really mean when they say it

>> No.10484365

Damn, boomer. Here I was thinking that I had the shittiest job in this thread, but you have me beat. My work is somewhat similar, although it contains at least a tiny (tiny (tiny)) fraction of actual engineering. I do not envy you.

>> No.10484367

Should I just give up on my major and go get a cs degree? At this point I cant seem to find anything that interests me. Atleast with a cs degree I'd have a much easier time finding a job and I'd get paid just as much as an engineer. I'd have time for hobbies and shit as a programmer.

>> No.10484376

Do a trade. STEM is a meme. Boomer and I could be making about twice as much as we are right now if we had just dropped out of college and done an apprenticeship, and we would have ended up doing similar work too. All the tradesmen are better dressed and drive nicer cars than I do.

>> No.10484381

You would if you had any idea what I do. And I only had to join my dad in my uncle's company.

>> No.10484392

What kind of equipment do you service? Also ironic how you of all people relied on nepotism.

>> No.10484398

Analytical instruments. From basic rebar to specialty productions. Also technical advisor because mat sci.

>> No.10484497
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>annual all-company meeting
>CEO gets on stage
>brags about how we have an average revenue of $446k per employee
>goes on to address the ongoing turnover crisis due to low pay
>everyone on the company feedback survey unanimously asked for better pay
>"But that's no big deal because I mean who doesn't want to be paid more, right? Besides we hired a bunch of people so technically we have 3 more employees than we started with."
They charge customers $150 an hour for my labor, not includuing parts and materials. I make $29 an hour.

>> No.10484531

industrial is harder than mechanical/chemical in my school. it's basically a stats + mech engineering degree (we have almost 40% more classes than ME)

>> No.10484538

If you choose your major based on what you think is hardest and then unironically expect to have an enjoyable career after you graduate, I have some really bad news for you...

>> No.10484543

I don't give a fuck about difficulty, i was just telling my experience to the autist that made that rank.

>> No.10484580

>Boomer and I could be making about twice as much as we are right now

Yeah, nah. Speak for yourself my dude. If I want more money I whore myself out on Craigslist and Upwork doing HVAC/plumbing calcs. Cooling load calcs are $2k a pop without even being stamped. I could drop some truth bombs about the Jewish stool of wealth but I don’t you guys are ready to hear it.

>> No.10484604

On that note
>tfw my boss doesn’t want to sign off on my PE shit because he knows I’m going to bail as soon as I get it.

>> No.10484639

>without even being stamped
dude how

>> No.10484665

Use the old school spreadsheet method instead of using “software” so someone else who has a stamp can easily check your work. Cheap asses will split their engineering scope like that to save a couple thousand, you’ll get $2k for doing it and the real PE will get like $3k just for checking and stamping. It’s a fuckin’ racket man.

>> No.10484681

How did you set this up?

>> No.10484690

What, you mean like the calc or getting customers?

>> No.10484701

Yeah, I have peers that graduated from ChemE that are now working are Target...while I am at an aerospace company. Engineering has reached the point of basically, "fuck you if you are a white male". Hiring all of these women is going to be a disaster 20 years from now.

>> No.10484703

Customers and the PE, I guess.

>> No.10484722

fuck you faggot I wrote that when I woke up early in the morning.

>> No.10484731

>Yeah, I have peers that graduated from ChemE that are now working are Target
I REALLY doubt that. Its hard to land the ideal jobs that all chemEs are fighting for but there are plenty of the shitty jobs for people that fucked up and did something stupid like graduate with less than a 3.0. You could go into validation/QA and be stuck doing awful work for $40k. You could go be an operator for $40k.

If you actually graduate, you aren't in a fucked situation like a liberal arts student working at starbucks. You just may have to accept the fact that you first entry level job may end up being only 30-40k in no where wyoming doing work that makes you hate life.

>> No.10484732

>Engineering Physics (Don't fall for this meme though)

>> No.10484749

Upwork, Craigslist, dive bars frequented by general contractors.

>> No.10484763

t. wageslave with no family land to live on and no idea how to farm


>> No.10484794

When people say interns are excel slaves, what exactly are they doing? Just putting data in cells? I want to learn how to use excel properly to become an excel slave

>> No.10484803

Yeah, interns fill in data and run macros. Chads make analysis spreadsheets and write macros. Be a chad and learn VBA and the fancier Excel functions.

>> No.10484827

You can do a ton of calculations in excel. Learn macros well, they can really help land and shine at an internship.

>> No.10484831

Great advice

>> No.10484926

this guy knows.
Engineering physics is the most brutal assortment of classes ever assembled for an undergrad. Still a meme though

>> No.10485036

Where is aero?

>> No.10485113

>software above civil and industrial
found the brainlet undergrad

>> No.10485195
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Not getting any responses on internships this year. They said it would be easier after my first internship but im getting nothing. How JUST will it look going from an internship one summer to some golf course or stocker job at wally world

>> No.10485304

How do I answer the "Why do you want to work for our company?" questions when I only just learned this company existed when I saw their advertisement?

>> No.10485311

I used to think having near 4.0 gpa was impressive but then I realized it just means you got lucky with what TAs you were assigned

>> No.10485345

You answer with information you gathered fron their website
You did do basic fucking research, right?

>> No.10485394

Do you have anything nearby? Go there in person to talk to HR instead of "muh emails"

>> No.10485395

You must be either chinese or a slav. If your uni allows that amount of cheating then it's shit.

>> No.10485403

Genuine question, how the fuck do chinks all seem to cheat? Like 70% of the chinks at my school must be cheating because they are utter shit and barely seem to know the material and study yet they get good grades.

I'd be tempted to walk up to one and ask him to teach me his ways but I doubt they'd tell me because they don't ever seem to interact with people outside their race.

>> No.10485447

I find the US "no internship" mess laughable. We have mandatory summer internships at the end of 4th and 6th semesters. If you don't find a company or too lazy to contact one on your own the uni assigns you on random. You graduate at least two internships but most graduates get employed way before graduation, usually at the end of one of the internships.
If the USA is the best as they seem to spout everywhere, how come their top of the world companies are not interested in getting the students before they graduate?

>> No.10485460

at first i thought the stem broke down due to massive torque, but it's just the poor quality of the fan blades, made out of rice cake, apparenty.

>> No.10485512

The brake system failed that would turn the blades inward in high wind preventing them to spin faster and faster. The spinning blades have much higher load and drag than stationary and in high wind they can break from the excessive load.
Basic static and dynamic stress.

>> No.10485527

>paper is about learning to design something
>decide on instant water heating as an alternative to water heating with tank reservoirs for residential use
>too brainlet to understand thermodynamics and fluids
ive made a terrible mistake

>> No.10486208

> Be a chad and learn VBA and the fancier Excel functions.

This so hard. People laugh when I tell them to learn VBA but dudes build whole careers off that shit.