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10463911 No.10463911 [Reply] [Original]

If the Earth is flat, why is the shadow length I measured at a latitude of 40 degrees 23 arcminutes at 12:03 PM on 12/21/2018 not concordant with the flat earth model? I used a piece of plywood 22 11/16 inches long. By measuring the length of a shadow cast by a stick, we can take the arctangent of the length of the stick divided by the length of the shadow to determine the sun's elevation angle above the horizon. This formula can also be used to determine the predicted shadow length for each model by dividing the length of the stick by the tangent of the model's predicted angular elevation. The solar elevation angle on a flat earth can be found by dividing the height of the sun in the flat earth model by the horizontal distance to it and taking the arctangent of the result. I used a value of 3000 miles (4828.032 km) from Samuel Birley Rowbotham (1816-1884), a prominent flat earther, for the height of the sun above a flat earth. I have factored in the declination of the sun and the obliquity of the ecliptic to ensure the most accurate prediction for the solar elevation angle. The flat earth model predicts an angle of 34.242 degrees and a shadow length of 33.5 inches. I measured a shadow length of 46 inches. Ergo, the flat earth model error relative to measured shadow length is -23.6% (−8.081 degrees). How does the flat earth model explain the deviation of the solar elevation angle from its predictions? In short, flerfs have no explanation for the results of this experiment. Flat earth theory is crap. θsfis the flat earth prediction in the following desmos link.https://www.desmos.com/calculator/xdzu24biod

>> No.10463920

Eratosthenes did this in 100 B.C. flatearthers are unironically 2119 years behind in their understanding

>> No.10463952


>> No.10463957
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Science ftw!

>> No.10463997

Did you watch "Behind the Curve?" There's a scene where they get a $20k ring laser gyroscope, discover that the Earth does infact rotate at 15 degrees per hour, and BTFO themselves but continue to look for bullshit excuses as to why their experiment "failed." One of them is "heaven energy," whatever that means. Enjoy.

>> No.10464008

if all those popular science youtubers and ecelebs didn't make videos about flat earthers literally no one would know about it
stop giving them attention

>> No.10464011

Amazing that you would spend do much thought into it.
While there are convinced flat-eather, most of them are just trolls.
The experiments were done thousands of years ago already.

>> No.10464068

I agree.

>> No.10464126

Refracted sun.

>> No.10464136

because there's a screen lining the dome that encapsulates the flat earth that projects the correct sky image that you would see at any position if it WERE a globe earth

>> No.10464230

Atmospheric refraction only bends light up to 35.4 arcminutes (0.59 degrees). This would not explain the plus or minus 8.081 degree error that the flat earth model has.

>> No.10464672

That thing must have been expensive to build.
If the earth is flat, why all the fuss to hide it? Why make it appear as a globe at all?
I'm happy to hear the motive behind such a project, and no, "You have to ask THEM" is not a valid answer.

>> No.10464792


>> No.10464835

I guess they never heard of Foucault's pendulum, would have cost considerably less
Also this:

>> No.10464942

That video is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

>> No.10465034

Do flat earthers think the moon is flat too?

>> No.10465088


>> No.10465188

Holy shit 8 degrees I let out the filthiest most satisfying cackle. I can't convince myself that anyone unironically believes in flat earth