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10438523 No.10438523 [Reply] [Original]

Any scientific method to induce the bodily function of the wet dream?

>> No.10438529

1. don't fap for like a month (speaking from experience)
2. learn how to lucid dream
3. bash your skull with a bat and hope it rewires to give you wet dreams every night

>> No.10438530

Haven't fapped in 11 days. Nothing happening.

>> No.10438573

Keep waiting.
You cant go a full month without wet dreams

>> No.10438581

For some reason the only times I've ever had wet dreams are during extended fasts, maybe >>10438529 to do with lucidity. I didn't have my first wet dream until I was in my mid 20s

>> No.10438607
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Drink plenty of water before bed. Something about partially restricting blood flow, yadda yadda

>> No.10438611

There are some videos on youtube with frequencies that say to induce wet dreams. I can't sleep when I play those since it raises my hearthbeat, other than that, no fap

>> No.10438619

Men tend to have wet dreams by not masturbating. Women tend to have wet dreams by masturbating a lot.

>> No.10438624

lucky pieces of shit

>> No.10438644

>How do you induce a wet dream?
What have you tried?

>> No.10438731

Man here. Last week I had one despite having fapped the day before. Any thoughts on what could be the cause?

>> No.10438734

Peanuts in your feces mechanically stimulating your enlarged prostate

>> No.10438764

Is this a serious answer? I remember eating peanuts last week, but I definitely didn't shit myself.

>> No.10438792

>but I definitely didn't shit myself.
I'm not sure what that has to do with it, if anything shitting yourself would pass the peanuts and eliminate the simulation

>> No.10438798


>> No.10438815

he meant simulation

>> No.10438833

>trying to achieve prostate orgasm for 17 months

>> No.10438837
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it'd rather not, boss

>> No.10438867

Men came every time they jerk off. Lucky pieces of shit.

>> No.10438876

How do you people manage to stop masturbating for so long? I have masturbated every day since I was 4.

>> No.10438880

If you were a man you'd know that statement isn't completely true

>> No.10438904

How is that even possible?

>> No.10438939

Maybe he was too smart, I remember being 5 and leaning over the corner of a table, it pressed into my pecker and felt good, just started school and a girl in my class seemed to notice and would finger herself and let me sniff her finger. One time she got like a glob of something from her vag and put it on my hand. We were sitting cross legged listening to the teacher and I was literally just watching her playing with herself up her skirt. Had no clue what any of it meant but eventually agreed to show her my penis to see her vagina in exchange for letting her ride a tricycle over my fucking head.

Wasn't until I was about 10 that I figured out what I had done and felt the most intense shame in my life, I tried as hard as I could to forget the experience

>> No.10438963

what the fuck

>> No.10438966

Yeah, imagine trying to process that as a 5 year old, literally couldn't lmao. Once I was old enough to understand my greatest desire was to pretend it never happened.

>> No.10439055

Why did it sound so shameful to you? It sounds kinda chaddish excpet for the gettin rid over with a trycicle thing.
Are you a chad or a weirdo now?

>> No.10439072

I'm chad, lost virginity in HS, got into weights, sports, etc, went to uni. But it was shameful because I knew I shouldn't have done that stuff at my age, felt like I was a pervert even though it was purely curiosity. That was my mindset at least, given what I knew.

>> No.10439074

I had a wet dream once with nothing sexual in it
What causes those instead of sexual dreams?

>> No.10439160

Is that tricycle thing a metaphor or what? I’m thinking it’s a new idiom or something

>> No.10439166

Nope, literally in the playground, she offered to show me but that was her ultimatum, she rode it over the side of my head (I was smart enough not to let her ride over my face lol), then we snuck around by a bush and showed each other, it was so quick I couldn't make anything out but spent many nights wondering why she didn't have a penis

>> No.10439464

I dunno, it just was normal for me. When I began I remember masturbating everywhere, until my dad scolded me a few times and I caught his drift.

>> No.10439489

This post is correct (also speaking from experience)

>> No.10439738

One time I stopped fapping for 45 days, never got a wet dream in all that time, and I'd drink a lot of water. Mind you, that I normally blow Hulk-tier loads when I fap.

>> No.10439740

Abstinence decreases my wet dreams after a while.
High sexual frequency suddenly stopped is what causes the most of them.

>> No.10441177

oh, so just a dream where you were swimming?

>> No.10442071

Fuck off, you probably didn't came just a couple of times.
Tfw I will never came.

>> No.10442083

If you tell yourself you'll never cum you never will, expectations are like 90% of a female orgasm, unless you have a rape fetish or some specific fetish in which case that's your best bet for success. You're right in that a man can cum easier but it still takes work and isn't always successful

>> No.10442157

>2. learn how to lucid dream
I wish I could, the closest I got was when I found out I was dreaming but I was so bored at my dream that I decided to go with the flow.

>> No.10442992

Just masturbate alot.

>> No.10443167

11 days is less than a month

>> No.10443203
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Hold it in

>> No.10443220

12 days now

What if I watch porn but don't fap?

>> No.10443242

I'm going to request the full text from an ex's account when I get home. I'm not going to fuck up my business account. If I can tailor a dream, you better believe I'll train for a month. Nothing better to do anyways

>> No.10443251

Then you're addicted to porn and it would be better to stop altogether
And it would be very hard

It would be very hard to not jerk off I mean

>> No.10443270

I can manage.

>> No.10443298

Man, childhood is so fucked up! I remeber that as a child who doesn't know anything about sex i found "erotic" to think about me and a girl pooping and pissing in each other's mouth. I know that some adults still do that, but man trust me, now i am completely sexually halthy