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10437866 No.10437866 [Reply] [Original]

What did 23andme mean with this?

>> No.10437872

>what? a proprietary service wants to mine data and hone their algorithms? what did they by this????

>> No.10437916

>weer can only tell you your ethnicity if you tell us your ethnicity


>> No.10437992

>this information is not used to compute

>> No.10438033

Ever hear about the people who get 23 and me test and find out that they aren't who they think they are? If I think Im 95% hungarian and so is everyone in my family, and I turn out to be 75% from portugal, maybe 23 and me will think twice about suggesting I get kits for my siblings.

>> No.10438041

Because "ethnicity" isn't as "cut and dried" as /pol/ would want you to believe.
Say you were a White American with majority Greek component, and then you had a friend, who was also White American, but he had a majority German component.
You would both be White American, but both wouldn't be the same genetically.
This whole "ethnicity" nonsense is a social construct.

>> No.10438467

Just datamining you
They also want to know your sex because your Y-chromosome is identical to almost all of your grandfathers on your father's side, so it's very good at telling where you came from

>> No.10438485

They can see his Y chromosome when they get his sample tho...

>> No.10438499

>not used to compute ancestry results
Learn to read, retard, there’s an entire portion of their website dedicated to people doing free surveys for them. Just don’t do them

>> No.10438594
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because the european reference genome gives bad predictions if applied to niggers

>> No.10438754

>White American with majority Greek component
>White American's majority German component
>genetically divergent
>This whole "ethnicity" nonsense is social construct.

So what do you mean by "component" then?

>> No.10439335
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They give white goyim a little nigger in them

>> No.10439360


>> No.10439527

Because it's not politically correct to assume someone's Male through their Gene's

>> No.10439531

>skip and acknowledge that you will not receive some reports

>> No.10439631

It'd be nice to know ahead of time

>> No.10439658

>paying to give you DNA data to a multi-national data-mining for-profit corporation
At least you fags get reassurance you're white, right?

>> No.10439688
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>Tell us if you're White so we can place some nigger genes in your results

>> No.10439699
File: 6 KB, 781x168, 3OwS7dG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it pretty funny how 23andme guessed I was Ashkenazi Jewish the moment they found out my rare extremely high IQ marker before they even finished compiling my entire genetic profile.

Sure they were right, but it's funny how they could immediately guess that by the genetic predisposition towards a very high IQ. As far as I know the specific genes in question weren't even exclusive to Ashkenazis.

>> No.10439888

What a low IQ post.

>> No.10439898

>impure blood
how does it feel knowing you will never be part of the Jewish Elite?

>> No.10439914

What a low IQ post.

>> No.10439949

Doesn't matter because my mom is full blood Ashkenazi, as is my fiance. So I'm save.

Still a bit mad at my mother for polluting my bloodline with inferior aryan genes though.

>> No.10439953

So if you tell them you are white they put a few % of africans genes in the results.
Just tell them you are jewish

>> No.10439959

How did they knew you had high iq?

>> No.10439979

They don't scan all your genes at one time. They scan certain things first and then give you a preliminary for what they expect you to be based on a couple of genes.

They guessed I was Ashkenazi Jewish based on the genetic disposition towards high IQ before they had scanned my Ashkenazi genetics that proved my heritage.


>> No.10440566

Is j*ws are so smart then why did they got gassed so badly?

>> No.10440593

>Is Jews are
>did got
Guess how I can tell you're a goy?

>> No.10440608

I skipped and waited on results, it was much different than my mother and siblings.

>> No.10440813

>trust us ;^)

>> No.10440848
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If jews aren't so smart. Why did they always end up as high class citizens no matter in what society they lived, even when they are hated?

>> No.10440922

Stupid but also serious question:how much has your career benefited from knowing fellow Jewish people or just getting a helping hand from them? Do you discriminate against the gentiles?