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10201397 No.10201397 [Reply] [Original]

Just a quick thought here, but could it be possible to examine female behavior an accurately predict it using equations? I don't know if I believe in "PUA" techniques, mostly because they suggest that looks are not an integral component. Looks are important, they factor into the attractiveness equation, attraction is based on geometrical principles. I'm interested in how to explain this.

>> No.10201409

I should add, I just believe the face is most important in attraction. There are numerous other variables that could be put in the following order 1,2,3, etc. I think sexual dimorphism is extremely important and would be number 2.

>> No.10201434

What sort of behavior do you want to predict? You’re always going to have limited success at best because humans tend to do unpredictable shit

>> No.10201442

yes, it's called opening as many women as possible , like 200-300, and you are bound to get laid by 2-3

>> No.10201451
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i came up with a compound rating system to determine your echelon in attractiveness.
rating [math] = \Pi r_{i} [/math]
just normalise your rank in as many distributions as possible and the closer you are to 1 the better you are doing.

also i made this to help manlets who are depressed with their height

>> No.10201453

Everything I can, I'm assuming I (my behavior) would have to vary based on situation by situation basis of course, but if I can define a perfect model of how to explain both the person you're attempting to attract (represented as a variable) and set the number of situations (infinite, but is this calculable? Could it be done with a quantum computer?)

>> No.10201455

Humour (lol britbong canuck or ausfag) seems like it could be a tricky one to predict since it is subjective. You could base it on survey data perhaps, and try to find as many different reactions to different behaviors as possible. Unrelated but is there any way to change the captcha back to text? The algorithm on that jazz is shit, is it all done serverside?

>> No.10201460

ok ill propose something: making eye contact with someone is akin to a measurement in quantum mechanics, which affects the state it measures. imagine eye contact as a particle interaction. the information extracted from each measurement will tell you if she has de cohered into an attractive state.

>> No.10201461

you dont have to be exact. just be honest with yourself about each trait. also you would weight each distrobution based on surveys of importance of each trait.

>> No.10201464

Could this be measured through pupil dilation as well? I've read that the pupil dilates and contracts based on attraction.

Why wouldn't I want it to be as exact as possible for reliable prediction every time?

>> No.10201468

its a one time calculation (unless you change your attributes). its just a general rating. you can be off by 5-10 percent and it wouldn't really matter because peoples standards are not static.

>> No.10201471

The thing is your actions will influence their behavior and vice versa, also anecdotally I’d say anecdotally that it seems like weights to each factor vary as time spent together increases, behavior becomes more important over time than physical attractiveness. >>10201451 is one the right track, taking into account things like the big 5, IQ, and MBTI might help, remember that you don’t always want to mirror their behavior as closely as possible, sometimes you want eachother’s to compliment each other, espescially with low-agreeableness females.

>> No.10201476

pupil dilation has a lot of different reasons, but peoples pupils dilate when they are surprised or excited so it could show you something. its more the positioning of the muscles of the face which indicate and expose emotion, so you should be observant of the entire area, even the body can be a communicator. each measurement and response will slowly determine the outcome of the seduction.

>> No.10201482

>using anecdotally twice in the same sentence
I’m retareded y’all, anyways OP you’re not gonna stumble onto a universal algorithm for human behavior, either first shoot for maximizing something simple like tinder matches, second dates, or sex had. Polite sage for samefagging

>> No.10201483
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Right now they aren't, but if I create an artificial world for myself I can predict just about everything. Would that be circular logic though, the point of existence (for me) is to learn, and doing so would make me all knowing.

>> No.10201484

the truth is that a system can be understood but numbers are not the elements and sometimes things dont quite add up. mathematics will help you to understand, but it will not inform you the same way that a practical field research mission would give you.

>> No.10201486
File: 74 KB, 1200x477, a67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be yourself bro

>> No.10201560

This would be true if not for the existence of the internet, which allows me to scan all existing human knowledge and consider it. The world is made up of geometry, thanks Euler and if I could invest myself in the screen enough I could synthesize it with me. The mind is limitless, I could replicate the internet in it.

>> No.10201570

some things have to be understood directly because they can not be explained in words.

>> No.10201730

Precisely right, the world around us is represented in language which is merely a representation of feelings when it comes down to it. In Ziet Und Zein by Martin Heidegger, there becomes a necessity to make up new words to process stimulation. Good Thread, this is my last post, the fucking captchas are trying to limit my processing speed.

>> No.10201757

haven;t you even seen Beautiful Mind. that's where game theory comes from

>> No.10201823

Yeah I have to finish that movie now. John Nash reminds me of myself almost, I hope I don't go insane.

Have you played Darkest Dungeon? I believe the virtue vs (negative status effect) could be replicable IRL. The way I reach my epiphanies is through failure, the ensuing stress almost remolds my brain.

>> No.10201841

"When nobody is aware of your game, nobody except you can win unless by accident."

>> No.10201866

tit for tat is exactly the opposite of what you should do with girls
passion comes from addiction, addiction comes from uncertainty, and tit for tat provides exactly the opposite. she gets what she expects 100% of the time: reward if she's nice, punishment if she's a bitch and forgiveness if she acts nice just after.

probably should work with gf to get her to stop being a cunt, but not with getting girls interested on you.

>> No.10201868

>passion comes from addiction
that's not right

>> No.10201871
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OP here, he is correct, addictions are addicting due to the dopamine rush you get when partaking in them. Like drugs in a way, Heroine and genius are almost related.
Apparently they made some changes to reality and it's not directly accurate. Hollywood for ya.

>> No.10201878

this is 100% truth

I'm trying to find the paper, but in an experiment with dogs, researchers had 3 groups of dogs:

-one where when the caretaker showed up, always played and gave attention to them
-one where the caretaker never paid attention to them
-one where the caretaker gave attention to the dogs randomly

guess which ones the dogs got more excited when they saw?

it is exactly the same dopamine mechanism found in gambling.

>> No.10201879
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>> No.10201881


>> No.10201890
File: 464 KB, 640x640, 03richardd.jamesalbumqpihe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on Teslas habits as a young man. Are you the same anon? What you said about dogs makes sense because they have no ability to process things on a higher level (likely due to a lack of evolutionary drive to do so). Evolution drives people to do higher and higher tasks and being self aware about it. Tesla became self aware of his gambling addiction. Also that image is a synthesis of Sneed and Chuck.

>> No.10201897

>What you said about dogs makes sense because they have no ability to process things on a higher level (likely due to a lack of evolutionary drive to do so). Evolution drives people to do higher and higher tasks and being self aware about it.

it doesn't stop people from getting addicted to literally every kind of shit including bullshit relationships

I still don't know what tesla has to do with that shit. he was aware he became a cassino junkie so what

>> No.10201903

>talking shit about dogs.
Humans would have the same dopamine response in similar conditions.

>> No.10201922

Self awareness is genius, control is genius, the opposite of a lack of control, retardation. It all circles back to "good feels". It sounds like bullshit I know, but it makes sense, in my limited perspective. Meditate man

>> No.10201941

maybe man

but be careful with where you are going
well being is a fundamental element on productivity

>> No.10201950

You can't accurately predict it because of the many parameters, but you can probably obtain statistics that apply for large numbers like a society

>> No.10201957

If you examined me physically I would appear healthy.

>> No.10201977

Well what kind of data do you want to create models after?

>> No.10202071

>game theory is all tit for tat
In any case, it would be tat for tits, which does work.

>> No.10202128

ISBN 0-9743120-0-2

>> No.10202222

every man on this planet plays a "numbers game", this is all you need to know, why is so hard to undertand? thats how nature lay down the rules for us.

bobby represents the non-fuckable zoomer incel, weak wtih no character, "looking for love" just like a female would....people like bobby should die and not reproduce that's what nature intended.


>> No.10203450

If(fit && !beta_faggot)
return true
return false

>> No.10203496

Seems pretty good to me, what language is that written in? Something by Torvalds? Forgive the filthy phoneposting jester but we all start somewhere right?

>> No.10204099

>not just return (fit && !beta_faggot)
faggot retard