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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10147720 No.10147720 [Reply] [Original]


What will chad GPs ellect as their new favourite antibiotic to prescribe for literally everything?

>> No.10147919
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Diagnos plz.
Only simpton: itch

>> No.10147970

Nigga we need to take a sample lol

>> No.10147988

stretch marks

>> No.10148472

Is meniscus calcification reversible?

>> No.10148488

That's Kaposi's sarcoma anon, you have AIDS and you're going to die soon


t. dermatologist

>> No.10148689
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> t. dermatologist
You ain't a good dermatologist

>> No.10148738
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What hurts less stabbing yourself in ththe femoral artery or stabbing yourself in the neck?

>> No.10149070

I just took a shit the size of a coke can and there was a little blood on it. Should I be worried? It was bright red.

>> No.10149101

Anal fissure or hemorrhoids. Not a big deal. Bring it up to your family doctor maybe.

>> No.10149169

Any med people here please add me on discord ghosty#1254 I'm a young lad who needs someone to talk to and look up to and that is any med person on this board

>> No.10149293

no one is going to add you ask here man

>> No.10149318

Thoughts on ketamine vs ativan vs geodon for excited delirium?

Ketamine is king imo

>> No.10149335

Talk therapy.

>> No.10149342

Haldol is real king.

Also you shouldn't be giving benzos to a delirium that is not alcohol or bezos induced, you know what could potentially happen anon

>> No.10149358

you need to kys

>> No.10149366
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>Bezos induced delirium

>> No.10149375

haldol is for ICU use primarily. Shits too expensive. Also i'm more worrier about respiratory depression then benzo induced delirium lmao

>> No.10149376

> wat is a delorum kek

he can induce delirium tho, imagine he cancels all the dolls you ordered from amazon, instant delirium

>> No.10149383
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This is what Muskrats suffer from.

>> No.10149400

in what shit undeveloped country are you from mate? no haldol for real? is this bait?

> respiratory depression then benzo induced delirium
what?? I'm not talking about benzo induced delirium I'm talking about benzos paradoxical reaction. you do know that delirium is of biological nature right? you need to fix what is causing it and you shouldn't be giving shit that could further decompensate the patient, you find the cause, if too excited you try verbal deescalation if not then you think about low dosage of drugs like fucking Haldol or benzos, but benzos only if it is alcohol or benzos induced delirium. You are trying to help the guy not fucking kill him

>> No.10149482

You poor medical lads know a good (accurate) resource I could use to recreationally study biological processes on my own?

>> No.10149842

Don't think so.
Psychs use benzos and intensivists use haloperidol here, not sure who's right. Didn't even know ketamine had such properties.
You gotta give a pretty hefty amount of benzos to accomplish respiratory depression, anon.

>> No.10149852

DO NOT give ketamine to a patient on delirium unless you want to make your life way worst.
I think this anon is confusing hyperactive delirium with psychomotor agitation syndrome

>> No.10150049
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>be at med congress
>boomer lecture
>power point presenttion
>mandatory slide "Famous person X has this condition"

>> No.10150055

HI Guys, I'm lost, new here on 4chan. I wanna know the nearest route to the best meme farm in town. can someone please help. i need juicy memes, thank you. amen

>> No.10150061

Just pirate textbooks

>> No.10150186

Yeah, I mean K is actually know to cause psychiatric symptoms.

>> No.10150189
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I'm not a littman fanboi or anything, but who the hell thought of these and why do people actually buy them? Like I tried a colleague's pair and you can't hear shit, the two hoses rub together all the time, and they're uncomfy as fuck.

>> No.10150195

idk i have one of the cheapest chink "Y" ones and they work flawlessly.
One tube from each ear connect to a single tube.

>> No.10151399

>study for a histology test
>cant remember tissue names while taking the test
Holy shit lads I can't believe my memory is so shit. How do you cope with a shitty memory while in med school? It's not like I'm failing but having shitty scores while some of my colleagues get straight A's drives me fucking nuts.

>> No.10151428


depends on your age. if you are over 50 i would certainly do a colonoscopy to r/o malignancy. at minimum a DRE is required to diagnose this condition.

go see a doctor.

>> No.10151432


just pirate Harrison's Internal Medicine.

Depends on the field really.

for example the book for emergency medicine seems to be Rosen.

if you wanna learn like a med student look up UFAP for first two years then look up step 2 prep for the next two years. nothing can replace the clerkship experience tho .

>> No.10151442

How long has it been there? Do you have any other medical illnesses in the past?

See a doctor.

>> No.10151544

A long time. Dont remember
I did not have any illnesses.

A friend of mine that is a doctor told me ir could be an infection. He gave a lotion that have corticolsteroids antibiotics or somenthing like that.
The only simpton i have had is and itch that appears occasionally and disappears in a couple of days along with the redness.

>> No.10151587

In all the medicine exams, if you write something that's bad, they'll cut marks for it right?

>> No.10152279

Is it possible to grow out of asthma? I'm 21 but it makes me incredibly depressed that I have it - I never get really bad attacks but it's pretty common for my lungs to start seizing up if I'm in allergy prone areas (mainly dog hair, cold weather/smoke don't seem to trigger it). It feels like a major handicap and while I can get through a 30 minute run and only have to use it once (asthma doesn't come for a few hours after running for whatever reason) I've just really come to hate my dependence on my puffer. When I got my lung capacity measured about a year or two ago it was only 62% of the average and it holds me back from stuff like long speeches/diving/proper kissing as a result.

is there any hope /med/?

>> No.10152522

Can somebody please teach me how to calculate how much weight a person can put on their legs walking up and down stairs after surgery/due to osteoporosis?

E.g. you get body weight, height, length of legs, width of hips, height of steps; can you calculate how much force (and its direction) is applied to one leg when walking down a staircase?

>> No.10152703
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I have PTSD and autism. Any doctors or nurses think I can cut it somewhere as a nurse?

>> No.10152891

You don't need more desu.
You'll learn to memorise shit for exams in a few years. The things from practice you remember naturally.
Good control is key for asthma. It's kind of late to grow out of it and you can't really, you just get less frequent spasms. See your doc every year and if you use your puffer too much go for a change of therapy.
Well I can imagine it has to be in some calm ward, but you'll have to go through surgical wards, ER in your training. Can you handle that?

>> No.10152898

I can handle whatever is asked of me. Just seeing that there is a chance gives me so much hope.

>> No.10153580

That's why Littmann Classic is master race.

>> No.10153588

I just try to understand why something is what it is or why it is called that way, even if my explanation for it is absolutely made up and fake it helps me memorize the stuff passively, which is what you want to do on this career.

Otherwise you'll get to clinical remembering absolutely shit despite your previous scores on theory, it happens all the time.

>> No.10153602

exercising does increase your lung capacity tho so never stop doing it... also seasonal allergies tends to decrease your basal capacity making you more prone to attacks... maybe you should consider starting a long term treatment with antihistamines if not already and see if they help in anyway.

>> No.10153827

Medical Books are very good for self learning.
>Guyton and Halls Physio
>Any developmental Biology book
>Stryers Biochemistry
>Any pathology book

Youll learn everything in biological processes

>> No.10153931

premeds gassed when?

>> No.10153987


>> No.10154216
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Is this normal for someone who lifts weights or am I going to die

>> No.10154427

Just got a call form the medical council they will do inspection in a week.
Should I be worried.

>> No.10154431
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My knees are giving me grief. They snap, pop, crackle all the time, more than is normal for my age. For years I walked a shortcut into town on uneven ground and I believe it wore my knees out.

What medical professional do I see for this problem? Is there such a thing as a "knee specialist"?

>> No.10154676

Did you workout the day before you had blood taken? If so, yes.

>> No.10154683

Or mastocyte protector/leukotriene antagonist.
It is. Especially if you excercised prior to the blood test.
You'll get a fine probably. I've been told they can always find a way to give you a fine.
Orthopedist or a rheumatologist.

>> No.10155733

>hemoglobin is 20 g/dl
Is this bad or should I not be worried?

>> No.10155742

Do you smoke?

>> No.10155781

No. I'm 23 if thats relevant

>> No.10155808

You should see a hematologist then. You're not going to die but high hemoglobin can predispose you to forming blood clots. You can lower your hemoglobin level by donating blood.

>> No.10155845

Probably crepitation. Not normal, but not terrible unless it's associated with pain. Chances are that you're stuck with it for life. Not much you can really do, just look after your knees and don't do dumb shit.

>> No.10155848

>What medical professional do I see for this problem? Is there such a thing as a "knee specialist"?
Also, an orthopaedic surgeon, with an interest in lower limbs/knees would be your best bet. They'll tell you not to worry, though.

>> No.10155938

My GP said I might have sugma, but he’ll have to send me to a hospital for further testing.


>> No.10156026

But needles hurt

>> No.10156146

I dont know if this is the right place to share but fuck it I need to share this.
I'm from Argentina, 23 years old, male, 1,75 meters heigh, 95 weight.
When I was very young I got diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, I have been under Levothyroxine since I was 12 if memory helps. Taking my medication when I wake up, wait 20 minutes then proceed to eat and carry on with my life. This had been okay for sometime, but the last years things have changed.
First off, I think mostly because I was a retarded teenager, I stopped going to my monthly endocrinologist checks, I simply dismissed as not important but I keep taking my medicine, the catch is that as I grow up, my medicine intake should change (increase) with my body. 2 or 3 years passed without going to the endocrinologist and taking the same amount of medicine all that time.
Now this last year I wanted to go get checked again, but my country's economy went to the shitter and my family had to constantly change between public healthcares, which basically is not having a healthcare at all since a regular check would be a shitty one, and the turns would be MONTHS ahead in schedule.

>> No.10156148

Lately, I have noticed there are nodules on my throat, small in size, but it's something that wasnt before (if I recall correctly), I assume it's my thyroid gland swelling up due the insufficient T4, and I'm not sure if it's increasing in size, and I'm extremely aware of this, it's worrying me but right now I cant get a doctor check up, or I can get a particular private healthcare check up but it will fuck my wallet in the ass, and I'm not a wealthy man.
I have read some articles lately, the lump is still relatively small and not visibly noticiable, but when I touch my throat I can feel it, it's there. I dont have any problem swallowing nor eating so far, and I dont have localized pain or ache in my throat, I can't tell if it's just my adam's apple (which was never quite big nor noticiable) or not. I'm taking a pill of 25 micrograms every day I wake up. I dont feel sick, but I'm too conscious of my condition. I only hope for an endocronologist to touch my throat, get a blood test and hopefully increase my T4 intake. However I'm not sure if I should take more medication without the approvation of a doctor, so I'm taking the same amount of Levothyroxine from the past years.
I'm afraid I'm developing thyroid cancer. And it's increasingly making me worry, and a lot.

Opinions, /med/?
Also how big are the chances to actually develop thyroid cancer? It tends to be benign or malign? How treatable is thyroid cancer? How fast does thyroid cancer develops in time? Should I get an emergency check up inmediadly?

Apologizes for the wall of text

>> No.10156158

Doxycycline, bitchezzzzz.

>> No.10156688

Any new meds you've taken recently?
Looks like a Fixed Drug Reaction

>> No.10156691

Both would be extremely painful, one will have you pass out in 3 sec, the other in an excrutiating 2 min or so

>> No.10156695

Pain is a bretty good indicator ma dude

>> No.10156776
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What to do about ADD and depression? Am NEET.

>> No.10156831

how is it like to open someone's body? I've been watching some autopsies and it feels so wrong, like as if we were reverse engineering god's work

>> No.10156870

Thyroid growth isn't impossible since your dose might have not been enough. But without anyone touching your gland or doing an echo we can't really say. Just see a specialist as soon as you can. You shouldn't worry about cancer though. It has to be years passed in order to develop it. Also don't increase your dose by yourself. You might go into thyrotoxicosis.
Let me guess you self diagnosed?

>> No.10156962

What was your weight last time you went to an endocrinologist? You should be taking way more in regards to how much you weigh, feel any tiredness? depression? always cold? constipation? heart beating too slow?

You definitely should get your nodule checked, should be worrying if its like one big (more than 3cm) solid nodule thats painful, with multiple lumps on the sides of your neck.

Although I dont think you have thyroid cancer, the severity of it depends on the histological structure, thats why biopsy is so important

>> No.10156971

No I went to a psychiatrist.

>> No.10157002
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Why do I have a feeling that tells me you "docs" are all high on kush with a broom up the butt

>> No.10157038

In hospitals, nothing will surpass vanc/zosyn combo lmao.

In practice, what do you mean new antibiotic? Doxy is underutilized IMO but as far as new antibiotics go, there isn't much in terms of any ID guidelines changing AFAIK. I'd say levaquin prescribing may be seen more except that they're adding new BBW with each passing day... and resistance rates are already over 10% in many locales.

>> No.10157134
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Is there anything abnormal here?
My bro has pain without cause went to dentist and she said everything was fine from surface took xray just in case

>> No.10157624

Well he should have told you what to do. Why ask 4chan?
Calculus can cause unmotivated pain. Also temporo-mandibular problems as a form of reflected pain. Maybe he grinds his teeth at night?

>> No.10157630


Surgeons are cocky bastards but this chick beats them all. She's correct, but does it in a very annoying way.

>> No.10157653

Looks normal from the blurry mess that i can tell.
As the other anon said but I would add that sometimes the pain is reflected and can be caused by other teeth in the same jaw but from the opposite side or on the same side in the opposite jaw.

Thats a bad xray btw

>> No.10157950

Doxy has nasty side-effects so I think that's why its only used for very niche infections (ricketsias and such).

>> No.10158051

>tiredness? depression? always cold?

I have all these and breathlessness, could barely move with tiredness today and can't see my GP until Wednesday. Hoping it's iron-deficient anemia, my red bloods were down last time but the Doc said it wasn't anemia (he also said I had asthma depsite the asthma check coming back negative).

Is it safe to take a small amount of iodine or a iron pill /med/? Had these problems for a few months now, but the past few days have been awful. Could I just pick up a cheap multivitamin that has iodine and iron in it?

>> No.10158282

wish I had kush

>> No.10158298
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White and rubbery, taken from inside subclavian artery of individual of age less than 30. What could it be? What should be watched out for?

>> No.10158412

Alright, thanks, I knew I wasnt taking enough dosege but I'm not risking taking any more without proper supervision.
>What was your weight last time you went to an endocrinologist?
My last dosage increase was when I was 17. Last check up was when I was 18. I'd say in these times I was weighting 70-75 kilograms, I'm always between a little overweight and barely in normal weight, all my life I was like that, by now it's normal.
>feel any tiredness?
I'm sort of a lazy man, I do sleep a lot, although if I need to do physical activity I can do it without any problem, but besides the fact I have nocturnal habits, staying very late at night, but besides that I don't feel tired. I suppose is my bad lifestyle.
Yes, sort of, I dont want to look like a pretentious self-diagnostic idiot, but since my teenager years I have had, based of what I read, 'high functioning depression', deep inside I'm depressed and feel like shit, but it doesnt stop me from being social and outgoing, and nobody knows this, I have a job and I'm studying, yet I feel like an underachiever, and cant help to feel bad about it.
>always cold?
No, actually the opposite, I cant stand the heat, not in a way that I cannot -literally- stand hot days, I simply dislike it a lot, I rather be in a cold enviroment rather than in a hot one. I rather be in the cold rather in the heat.
No, I dont think I was ever constipated, actually sometimes it's the opposite, diarrhea is a somewhat usual problem I have inregards of defecation, but it's mostly due what I eat and drink, and not of a health malfunction.
>heart beating too slow?
Again, the opposite, it's very rare and it's more often when I'm inactive, sitting on my chair on the computer or doing nothing in particular, I get random fast heart beating out of the nowhere, for a few seconds, doesnt even last a minute.

Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it

>> No.10159100

Don't go there anymore since it got expensive and I stopped making progress. I could use some advice.

>> No.10159148

I’m actually on coke ma dude
Half the students are on coke or addie. Some on downers.

>> No.10159255

This looks like a plaque. No idea how anything else can get in there.
Well my friend, you either need psychotherapy or an antidepressant. The first is like you said expensive and the other has debatable efficacy. I could advice you like a normie and say go out a lot, take up a hobby or something, but this is the most retarded thing to say since depressed people can't just do that. You have to be actively treated. Cardio training has some evidence that can help with depression.

>> No.10159560

Yes, just doesn't have the yellow from fats and isn't hard so lacking calcium? Just not sure what could have such an excess to build up in a short time otherwise

>> No.10159651

Dentists of /med/, I got an anesthesia 2 hours ago for an extraction and I'm still completely numb and I can barely open my mouth. Last time I got a tooth pulled out it didn't last this long. Is it normal?

>> No.10159756

Best toothpaste brand for sensetive teeth?

>> No.10159777

Sensodyne with Novamin unless you live in a cucked country that doesn't sell it

>> No.10159788

the paralysis is going to spread to the rest of your body over the next few days, and then you will die. sorry man

>> No.10159810


>> No.10159814

Fuck i meant erthromycin

>> No.10159833

It went away. Fucking hell, it was getting annoying.

>> No.10159988

Get a picture of a mouth from google and paint the location where you were injected with anesthesia using red color.
2 hours is over extended period,depending on the place where you got it,explanations could range from anesthetic type,damaged nerve,or being injected anesthetic into an artery.

>> No.10160316
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My balls are swollen and bleed like mad. Do I need to go to the hospital?

>> No.10160488

Thanks! What about mouthwash?

>> No.10161093

Can you mix amphetamine with seritonin release/ reuptake agents?
Like I know amphetamine reuptakes some seritonin but is it safe to use it with drugs like fluxetine or even seritonin supplements like 5-HTP?

>> No.10161148


Is it possible to get discontinuation symptoms from an SSRI several weeks after stopping? Or would it be immediate?

I stopped taking SSRI medication 6+ weeks ago, and just this week I started having brain zaps many times per day.

>> No.10161339

what do you mean by brain zaps

>> No.10161360

No, if you were going to get side effects from quitting you would get them within a few days, and even severe withdrawals would be mostly over long before 6 weeks pass.

Exactly what it sounds like, you get a brief sensation like a jolt of electricity in your head. It's a very common symptom of SSRI withdrawal for unknown reasons.

>> No.10161384


What would be causing it then? I get this strange sensation at the back of my head, feels tingly, sometimes extends down to my foot. When this happens, I kind of feel "dizzy" but not in the sense of the world spinning, more a lightheaded feeling I guess.It only lasts a second, but happens many times per day. It appeared only within the last week.

I originally freaked out thinking I was having mini strokes or something, but from what I've researched the "brain shivers/zaps" thing is probably the best description for what it's like based off what others have shared. But if SSRI withdrawal is unlikely in my case, perhaps it's something else. MS? Seizures? Tumor?

>> No.10161443

Yup it looks like mainly connective tissue.
+1 for sensodyne. "Rapid relief" is the subtype I use.

>> No.10161479
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Would a misanthropic doctor actually have any sort of advantage in the field? Or well would that all be Hollywood shenanigans?

>> No.10161481
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I'm not drunk enough to take this one.

>> No.10161525
File: 84 KB, 640x640, goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of years ago I relapsed and did something stupid. I began restricting my diet more and more, and eventually I was only eating baked sweet potatoes. I'd typically eat anywhere from 1.2 kg to 1.7 kg in one sitting.

The highest blood sugar reading that I measured was 15.6 mmol/L (280 mg/dL) at around 4 hours *post* meal. The average would have been between 10-12 mmol/L. I guess I have reactive hypoglycemia or something, because hours after eating this one meal, I'd get the shakes, be drenched in sweat, fast heart rate, etc. The lowest my blood sugar has been during one of these episode is 1.8 mmol/L (32 mg/dL). Again, I did something dumb. When I'd have these hypos, rather than eating something, I'd just "ride them out" as I was only allowed to eat once a day lol. My average reactive hypo episode would have been between 2.4 - 2.8 mmol/L.

I ate purely sweet potatoes for 2-3 months, but eventually I added kidney beans to mix as I had low albumin levels, and elevated ALT and AST. From there I was eating sweet potatoes + kidney beans for several months. Eventually a switch or something flipped in my brain, as I started binging and ate a jar of peanut butter every day (in addition to other foods) for several months and then put on all the weight I had starved myself losing... yay!

Anyway, I am curious about if any damage would have taken place due to me "riding out the lows" rather than eating? I have read about people fainting, going into comas, etc. at blood sugars higher than my lowest. Why wasn't I comatose at 1.8 mmol/L?

>> No.10161839

Misanthropy is great way to implement equity for all humans.

>> No.10161852

Go see a doctor, but I'm 95% certain that you just eat like a typical 4chan slob and aren't eating enough fibre.

>> No.10161861

Had a lump/cyst next to my ear under the skin of my sideburn for about 5 months. On the 2nd month gave ear a good clean and it went down but came up within a week. Just left it alone and its only recently going down now. Feels good. Wtf was it? A cyst?

>> No.10161906

Some people are initially disgusted by it, but everyone gets over it pretty fast.

>> No.10161917

You can be a dick if you are hard to replace. It's not an advantage to anyone.

>> No.10162674

Is it normal for every single joint in your body to make popping and crunching sounds in their normal range of motion? Even my jaw and spine do it.

>> No.10162708

This is the worst /medgen/ ive seen since we started having these. Answering the dickheads asking for medical advice is only going to encourage them and shit it up worse. Post stories of shitty patients
>7 yo f with rlq pain
>eating well, one minor fever ~37.7
>preceeded by urti
>ct suggestive of mesenteric adenitis
>admit anyway due to parental concern
>continues to improve, no fevers obs wnl, pain improves
>parents still concerned despite spending way too long telling them she doesnt have appendicitis
>eventually calls ryans rule (patient/family initiated review of patient by senior, second doctor)
>he decides to open her up and have a look
>sigh internally and scrub up
>appendix not inflammed
>some small visible nodes in the mesentery
>remove appendix anyway
>discuss surgery with family, they are still concerned because "you havent found a diagnosis"
Bitch you have been told multiple times she has mesenteric adenitis, you got an unnecessary appendectomy, what more do you want?

>> No.10162743

Anyone have tips for dealing with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease? Had this shit for a while and it's fucken killing me. I've been on PPI (pantoprazole 40mg) for 5 months and it's lessened the symptoms, but I am still refluxing into my throat, and possible my lungs-- scared as fuck that ima get pulmonary fibrosis from the acid-- shit hurts like a motherfucker. I've lost 60lbs in the last 5 months, and still refluxing. I eat a safe as fuck diet, low fat, low carbs, and small meals everyday and fast for 16 hours, still reflux.

the ENT said I've had this condition for a long time, so it's gonna take a long time to heal, but im scared that ima just have this forever and get cancer or PF by the time im in my 30s.

>> No.10162762

How do I cure my cholinergic urticaria?

>> No.10162973

All of you should kill yourselves for asking for free medical help on 4chan

>> No.10163005

But I'm on death's door anon, and I trust 4chan with my life.

>> No.10163008

The real question is why weren't you treated for you psychiatric problem, as you clearly had one. The answer to your question is because your brain could handle it. Just don't be a retard and eat a balanced diet. Holy fuck why is it so hard for normies to understand that?
>This is the worst /medgen/ ive seen since we started having these. Answering the dickheads asking for medical advice is only going to encourage them and shit it up worse.
I agree and I admit I'm guilty for answering some of them. And holy shit that story made me cringe.

>> No.10163035

oh no no

>> No.10163043

Can someone redpill me on medical physicist as a career?
I've been looking into it and it seems too good to be true.

>> No.10163218

Internal medicine or radiology? I have to choose tomorrow

>> No.10163286

Radiology if u wanna lose a nut and go sterile and internal medicine if u wanna sit around all day trying be smart

>> No.10163355

this this this

>> No.10163403

Rad has the big bucks I think. IM can be kinda boring.

>> No.10163620

Are there any actual MD students or MDs on 4chan?
I feel like I don't even see an MD presence on the internet. Even chubbyemu is a PharmD.
Are they just that busy?

>> No.10163630

It seems like the further down the medical ladder you go, the more misanthropic you get.
Nurses and EMTs tend to be more misanthropic, EMTs being more misanthropic than nurses.
Doctors are generally well-adjusted people. Super in-shape as well, I've noticed. Basically ubermenschen.

>> No.10163689
File: 1.48 MB, 320x180, E492EA4D-13C6-4259-8B94-3FFE08A4EB38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you actually survive such a fall and wound with practically no professional medical attention?
I remember hearing on /k/ some time ago from some EMT's that surviving such a fall is a one in a million chance without professional medical help, due to it neither ripping open any arteries and bleeding him dry within minutes, nor puncturing any intestines which would have caused an almost certainly fatal infection of the abdomen.

>> No.10163699

Would human experimentation further science in a substantial way? Or is that already going down but hidden?

>> No.10163710

Humans and mice are so similar biologically that it's rarely necessary.
Trials in human patients are already done, but only after mouse tests.

On the other hand, we did keep a LOT of the data we got from Mengele and Unit 731.....

>> No.10163734

If I had a lower GPA in college but did a post-bac and got a really high GPA, would that improve my chances of med school?
Would there even be a point? I mean I'm 24 now, I guess with a two-year post-bac I'd be in my early-mid 30's before I even started practicing.

>> No.10163858

There are plenty of doctors on 4chan - I am one of them. 4chan is a place for smart people to act dumb, and for dumb people to be in good compamy so its no wonder noone can recognise us.

>> No.10163859

>he isnt an MD by his mid twentys

Oh no no sweetie

>> No.10163923

I guess I'm different because I didn't really start school to be a doctor. I wanted to go into social work so I cared less about GPA.

>> No.10164819

Most people who refuse to change bad habits are bad, especially if influenced by normiebook and bad studies
>62 yo male with BMI of fukkin 45
>smokes 2 packs a day, drinks 5-6 days a week moderately
>keeps coming to clinic to complain of back pain and that his herbal tea diet and green tea extract pills aren't helping him loose weight
>try to make him at least take his rosuvastatin and hydrochlorothiazide
>tells everyone he believes it's all big pharma that takes his money and meds help him in no way
>tell him to at least try taking it easy on the smokes and booze
>he actually brought in a printed copy of https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC28294/
I hate working with these kind of people.

>> No.10164826

How did that get published in a real journal?

>> No.10164873

/med/ has some MD frequents. I'm a last year student doing rotations and I make most /med/ threads. Though I gotta admit threads have been boring lately.
It would actually. But you know...ethics.
What a fucking douche. That's why I want to work in intensive care. All your patients are unconscious or intubated. If they can talk most times they have to be discharged from intensive care and I won't deal with their bulshit.

>> No.10164968
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Is there any way for a medfag to make a living online? Since idiots nowdays will do anything to avoid going to the doctor (see: this thread) how viable of a career would online MD be?

>> No.10165097

Life happens. I’m 21 and just getting started on my undergrad degree. If I successfully become a doctor I’ll be mid thirties once I finish residency.

>> No.10165099

isn't that an american only thing?

>> No.10165183

I heard 26+ people get made fun of in med school, is this true?

>> No.10165343

idk I am open to traveling the world (main reason I am studying medicine)

>> No.10165384

Not at my school. There are a handful of people 30+ years old in the program. They don't get made fun of or shit like that. They actually get respect for having the guts and effort to go back to university. A lot of these people left their careers to start all over in medicine
I've actually seen younger students have more trouble in med school. Not by students and faculty but by the people they treat.
>you look too young to be a doctor
>you cant possibly be experienced enough to treat me

>> No.10165419

Radiologists can sit on their asses all day and do reports on cases thousands of miles away if that's what you mean.

>> No.10166124
File: 1.07 MB, 774x1152, cellsatwork2page06b0jty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may sound insane but hear me out.
I'm writing a paper on the allergy response, and the prof is encouraging us to write in a way that wouldn't be incomprehensible to the layman.

I want to use this chapter of Cells at Work! as a source for this paper. While the science isn't a total comprehensive rundown of what happens when we experience allergies there is some good, simple information that I could easily incorporate into my paper.

Is this insane or should I do it?

>> No.10166138

don't be a sperg anon, just cite a basic textbook

>> No.10166151

i saw something like this in a path lab, fucking clear cell carcinoma was tracking up the renal vein. the whole kidney was removed. scary shit

>> No.10166157
File: 66 KB, 733x733, 0F87D8E9-E893-422E-B667-83E45FF51C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice for someone who sucks at chemistry and is in orgo? got a's in all my math and physics classes so far in uni, but got c's in gen chem (2 semesters) because I was 'too smart to study/attend lecture/read the textbook/do homework.' now I'm in 1st semester organic and barely have a BC. I'm getting absolutely fucked because I have no concept of nucleo/electrophilicity or orbitals, should I just start over at gen chem 1? finally realizing 147 iq doesn't make me any better than my peers when they have solid background and I'm a lazy retard with no work ethic.

>> No.10166221

look up klein's organic chemistry workbooks and complete them. i hope you're in a state school. my 2nd semester at jhu i looked at the ucsb orgo tests for their final term and saw that it was content we covered in the first semester.

>> No.10166343

>That's why I want to work in intensive care
ICU nurse here. Be careful what you wish for. Families can be just as bad

>young adult male transferred to unit after cardiac arrest
>pt is intubated
>doc sent him here for more investigative studies to hopefully turn his condition around
>turns out the cardiac arrest caused pronounced hypoxia
>no treatment is working
>cerebral perfusion studies coming back showing no hope
>family fights to keep him on life support
>brain death confirmed
>family fights it
>gets to the point that family members are getting into heated verbal arguments with the doctors, residents, nurses, personal support workers, and even maintenance workers
>whoever gets near his room is accused of trying to unplug his machine

>> No.10166348

So you're coming to terms with the fact that you're a brainlet? I'd suggest buckling up and finally putting the fuckin effort in or quit and change majors to bio or something easier.

>> No.10167003

I'm in southeastern europe. ICUs are from a centralised type here and families are not allowed anywhere near the patient. They can be a pain in the arse though like you said, but I hope with the right approach you can get them to listen. In these cases don't people of authority like the head of the ICU come as a solution? People tend to listen to strong personality figures.

>> No.10167465

Fellas, why does cervical anatomy make me wanna neck myself?
I look at the corpse and beyond the few things I recognize it just looks like an organic "Physical server managment from hell" picture.

>> No.10168593

Are you doctor?

Is TNT Nanotransfection real? Will it work on humans?


>> No.10168633

You could do some real unethical shit with the brain that would be very usefulel

>> No.10168659

I mean, look at all the insights Mengele gained doing the most unethical shit to their Untermenschen.

>> No.10168667


>67 yo, weighs around 130 kg
>constant smoking and dip, full on alcoholic , eats only fast food
>colorectal cancer
>surgeon refuses to operate unless he cleans up
>does so
>resumes immediately after surgery
>cancer keeps showing up
>no more surgery
>"you will probably lose your hair due to chemo"
>doesn't lose his hair
>never fails to bring this up
>full remission
>continues his old life without even blinking
>have to see this fucker annually

>> No.10168677

Do you do any drugs or have you in the past several months? Some, mainly MDMA and it’s precursors, can induce the “brain zaps” you’re talking about. I’m assuming you would’ve mentioned that in your original post though if you had been taking illicit substances. Are you on any other medications? What was the antidepressant and how long were you on it? I’ve never heard of such delayed onset but maybe it’s possible if you had been on the SSRI for a prolonged period of time.

>> No.10168682

Probably the opposite. Politics plays a large role in advancement in medicine, which means you need to play nice. Still you can pretty much be a dick as much as you want if you’re in a field without too much patient contact like pathology or radiology.

>> No.10168688

Not patients, but the parents. I have genuinely thought about killing people.

regards pediatric psychiatry

>> No.10168692

Yes, with the right approach, some family members figure it's best to just let nature take its course.

>In these cases don't people of authority like the head of the ICU come as a solution? People tend to listen to strong personality figures.
Yeah, but then they accuse the director of trying to play god by choosing when their family member lives or dies.
In the case I brought up, the family figured it out after 2 weeks when no lawyer would represent them in court. There's no guideline or rule about brain death in this province (Canada), and 2 previous cases were dismissed in the past.

>> No.10168694

That’s absurd. Average matriculant age across American medical schools have been on an upward trend for the last several years. No one will say shit unless you’re a 50 year old man.

>> No.10168700

bio majors still have to take ochem for med school in the US

>> No.10168761

thanks for letting me know.

>> No.10169309

Is dental school a good way to go if I am too much of a brainlet for medical school?

>> No.10169489

Not really because dental school is still extremely competitive and you won’t get in without a strong GPA and application.

>> No.10169651

Pharma school is an option, though it's a little different. I'd prefer it to the insides of mouths all day.

>> No.10169657

bio is harder than premed especially cmol and biomath. they take the full o chem course plus upper division lab courses and senior research projects. med school is in every way less intensive unless you are gonna be a surgeon

>> No.10169689

How the fuck could anyone even post something like this? Bio is the easiest of all the sciences. If you had said physics or engineering you could have at least made the case that there's difficult math or something. I studied biochemistry before med school and shit was a joke in comparison, especially ochem.

>> No.10169779

You're right that a Biology major is easy but some Biology degrees require physics.

>> No.10169782

Yeah I guess pharmacy school is an option but I think I would have that as a last resort. I've worked as a pharmacy technician and I just don't want to memorize all the drugs. Medical school right now is my top priority.

>> No.10169796
File: 56 KB, 873x607, Wolfvs.degeneratechihuahuaprogeny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt necessarily med but just bio related sort of. didn't think it wasn't worthy of a thread though. apparently domesticated animals have smaller crania and brainsize as a general rule. pic rel is a drastic example obviously.
iwas reading this
>The two scientists point to the results of studies comparing the cognitive abilities of wolves and dogs. Wolves, with their larger brains, are more prone to flashes of insight, allowing them to solve problems on their own; dogs, with smaller brains, excel at using humans to help them. “Wolves seem to be a little bit more persistent than dogs in solving simple problems like how to open a box or navigate a detour,” Hare says. “Wolves persevere when dogs readily give up.” On the flip side, dogs leave wolves in the dust when it comes to tracking the gaze and gestures of their masters—or as Hare puts it, “They are very good at using humans as tools to solve problems for them.”
the encephalization quotient i think is smaller in domesticates as well
anybody care to comment?
i think some of this is related to androgens but thats just speculation on my part

>> No.10169818

Not sure if this is /med/ related but would getting a career in genetics be a wise idea? It seems like it would be very lucrative. What do you guys think?

>> No.10169820

Forgot to add to this, but I'm talking about genetic engineering.

>> No.10170042

>There's no guideline or rule about brain death in this province (Canada), and 2 previous cases were dismissed in the past.
It's a gray area in many countries.
Maybe we can say natural selection played a part here? Domesticated animals didn't need traits like insight since they had their human masters. Other traits like reading their masters developed and stayed in the generations.
If there's a niche in your country, hell yeah.

>> No.10170229

Obviously, retard. I'm a PharmD. Do you not get that I know what I'm talking about just from reading what I said? Doesn't mean tetracyclines/doxy aren't underutilized

>> No.10170231

And it's not used just for niche infections... used for malaria prophylaxis, 2nd/3rd line treatment for many IDs, acne treatment, etc.

>> No.10170638

I mean clinical genetics is a thing if that tickles your fancy

>> No.10170724

Thanks, I've never heard of that before.

>> No.10170993

Depends on what you want to do. As long as you’re ready to get an advanced degree, I think genetics would be a great field of study. There’s still tons to learn and biotechnology is rapidly advancing. We’ll see more and more radical genetic engineering in our lifetime, the bottleneck is having enough geneticists to interpret the data.

>> No.10171184

Well I have been planning on going to medical school with a Biology degree but I have been getting second thoughts about Biology.

>> No.10171188

fuck off tranny

>> No.10171192

Engineering is now a meme
Being a “developer” code monkey is now a meme
Working in finance is now a meme

Is being a doctor the only career that’s worth it now?

>> No.10171199

Well I'm planning on working in the medical field just because I can't be replaced.

>> No.10171336

Depends on what you mean by "worth it." Just do a simple cost/benefit analysis. What do you get for an MD, assuming US?
>massive salary with almost unlimited potential for growth through private practice and subspecialization
>universal respect from society & government
>fulfillment if you like helping people
What do you give up to become an MD?
>insane education costs, several hundred thousands of dollars
>no life from the age of 18-30+
>constant stress, from keeping a high GPA in undergrad, extracurriculars, research, MCAT, passing medical school, boards, residency
>broke as shit during undergrad, medical school, and residency
>overworked during medical school and residency
>massive opportunity cost
>spend your 20s studying and working for chump change while being insulted by senior doctors and patients
With all that said it's "worth it," if it's the only thing you can see yourself doing. If there are any other options for you I'd strongly suggest looking into them. This may sound arrogant or pretentious but people who are not in medicine have no idea just how tiring, difficult, and frustrating it is to become a doctor. It's honestly insanity.

>> No.10171339

I'm just going to assume you're in medicine. Do you regret going down that path? If you do, what else would have liked to work in?

>> No.10171361
File: 160 KB, 640x480, External-Ear-Anatomy-posterior-external-ear-anatomy-Anatomy-of-the-Pinna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had an odd smell inside my left ear for months now, but I can only feel it when I insert my finger in it, and it dissapears from the finger after a while. also, the part shown in pic related as "cavum conchae" (in the lower part of the earhole) is lightly swollen, as if I had a pimple or a cyst. I woke up with a strong pain in this ear some days ago, but it simply went away after a day.
could this be an infection? and are these related? IIRC, the smell started after the swelling...

another q: I have a rather big cyst in my back. from what I've read, these things can be dangerous and cause cancer in some cases. is this true? should I visit a doctor for this? I had an appointment to check it, but I forgot about it...

>> No.10171415

>Do you regret going down that path? If you do, what else would have liked to work in?
No, I don't regret it at all. It's the only thing that I can see myself doing. My undergrad degree was in business rather than biology so I likely would've worked some shit tier job until eventually starting my own business. I'll say that if your primary aim is money, do not try and become a doctor. It's a bad idea and something that people often misunderstand. Everyone gets dazzled by the high salaries but the reality is you're in school minimum 8 years in which your income is grossly negative, then you're worked like a slave during residency for barely any money for an additional 3 years at least.

If you want to get rich, go into finance or technology or even just general business. If you're even a little financially literate you'll do a lot better than many doctors. It's actually funny because most of my colleagues are unbelievably bad with money and will invest in any deal that comes their way. I think doctors are typically pretty smart, as long as you think memorization and application of clinical research takes intelligence, but most of us are hopeless when it comes to things outside of medicine like personal relationships, finances, hobbies, etc. You give up a lot to become a physician. You don't have to if you're a 145 IQ superstar, but most of us had to sacrifice a lot to get here.

>> No.10171426

Thanks. I would have thought that doctors have it well in personal relationships. Oh well. And the only thing really I'm on the fence about with becoming a doctor is the time sacrifice really. I'm pretty certain I don't have to worry too much about the costs though. I live in Texas so medical school is cheap there unless I'm just largely ignorant to any other costs.

>> No.10171447

you have canser and 2 days to live

>> No.10171455

haha so funny
btw, I already had cancer (hodgkin lymphoma), and I've had had this cyst n my back for years.

>> No.10171457

no,, in your ear moron. The back-cyst is fine.

>> No.10171463

redpill me in psychiatry /med/ i want to study things that approach more to neurophisiology and things related more to mind and not only neuronal anatomy also how is the job is really depressive?

>> No.10171465

>no,, in your ear moron
can they extirpate my ears? I don't want cancer again, and I don't need them anyway. I fucking hate noises. I wish I had been born deaf.

>> No.10171490

why don't you guys just make something that dissolves arterial plaque like just get rid of it lmao cure heart disease

>> No.10171540

What a coincidence, I'm in Texas too. Lucky you if you really want to go the medical school route, Texas is hands down the most friendly state for applicants because of the local quotas (public medical schools here are forced to take mostly Texan residents, somewhere in the realm of 70-90% IIRC). On the personal relationships thing, I'll just say there's a reason doctors tend to marry other doctors. The horrendous hours and long nights on call (depending on your specialty) can put a lot of strain on a relationship or marriage.

The time sacrifice is horrendous. You'll probably always work way more than the average person, but you'll be compensated better too. I recently read an article that said the average physician works around 55 hours a week averaged out over their career. I'm not sure if that's accurate or not since obviously a significant portion of it is frontloaded during residency. I'm just now finishing up and even though there are laws that prevent residents from working for days straight, you can still expect to be raked over the coals and it's not unusual to be pulling over nighters and working 80+ hours a week. Attendings are a lot more chill with their work hours though and obviously there are specialties like private derm or plastics where you can make your own hours and work as much or as little if you want. However starting out you'll be a hospital bitch like me and it's a grind. I'm not trying to talk you out of it because I think it's the most badass career in the world, but medicine is glorified in media which leads to lots of people thinking it is overly glamorous. Truth is there is lots of paperwork, fuckloads of studying, lots of boring hoops to jump through and lots of politics to navigate. Still, you save lives pretty much every day depending on what you're doing by applying (occasional) cutting edge scientific techniques. That's pretty cool.

>> No.10171559

Thanks, really appreciate your responses. What was your GPA to get into medical school? I'm at A&M and apparently, 90% of all Aggies matriculate if their GPA is over 3.5. That seems suspiciously low.


>> No.10171675

Let us say that I am a non-traditional applicant to medical school, coming from a non-medical field of study. I had a 3.0 GPA in this field of study (social work). I skipped a bunch of assignments since grades matter far less than experience and being able to write a good paper.
But now I am interested in medicine, where I know grades matter far more.
If I were to do some kind of post-baccalaureatte study, have industry experience as an EMT (my job right now) and have a lot of medical volunteering under my belt, and destroy the MCAT, would I have even a chance of getting in?

>> No.10171685

Can I still get histology job with 2.7 gpa

>> No.10171804

anyone have any experience with joint MD/PhD programs? I just finished an undergrad in math and statistics and got into medical school which I start next year. The university I got into offers a joint MD/PhD program where you do 2 extra years doing your PhD in the middle of medical school, and I was wondering if I could potentially use my math major for something useful in this kind of program. I've read that your PhD can be on anything you want but was wondering if that was realistic and if any of you have experience or know people who are trying to do that.

>> No.10171820

Yes anon, 2 MD students and 3 MDs I know browse and post daily on 4chan and from time to time on these threads.
You are very right about that, you get to travel around the world in your lifetime (Conferences on Japan, Austria, Switzerland, etc)

>> No.10171831

>tfw you’ve called anon’s friends faggots
i wonder if my friends have called me a faggot on here before

>> No.10172339

>just finished three poorly designed weeder units and one easy one
>GPA only went down a tiny bit
I was almost yelling at strangers in the street by the end. Does rad tech school get easier? They're making us do research alongside our placements now because things can't be straightforward anymore.

>> No.10172367

Why don't you just do neurology or neuroscience then? You realize psychiatry is just weeding out people looking for drugs and giving ones to legit cases?

>> No.10172381

It’s probably not worth it for me then.

3 years of retail has unironincally made me a bit of a misanthrope. I’m not a full edgelord as there are still certain people in this world I like but if I could get away with killing the hr bitch or a dumb customer i’d do it.

>> No.10172383


>> No.10172427
File: 19 KB, 451x311, Angry anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there ever going to be a cure for hypothyroidism? I'm tired of taking pills every day and feeling so low energy if I forget or don't have time to collect my prescription due to work

>> No.10172527

It's probably an infection. Go to an ear doc.
Well if you could program your cells to get to work again then maybe yes. A lot of hope is put into CRISPR, but I'm not sure how good is to overhype it. Until then pills for you.

>> No.10172555

Have you guys seen sloppy nurses?
>be me, intern
>rotation in pediatric ICU
>hang around nurses
>assist with blood withdrawal and canulations or do them myself
>for some reason in pediatric ward they don't use adaptors for blood withdrawal, but instead they puncture the vein with a needle and the blood drips in the vial
>lots of times you get blood on you so you gotta use gloves, you never know what the little fuckers have, also for their safety as well
>there's this one old nurse
>very good at venepuncture but sloppy as fuck
>doesn't wear gloves
>gets blood all over her hands every fucking time
>often times doesn't say what she's doing and asks me to assist without myself putting on gloves and gets blood on me and her both
>urethral catheterisations and breathing tubes aren't cleaned with gloves either
>they wonder why their patients have nosocomial infections

I swear when I start working I won't let shit like that pass and this is common with all oldschool nurses.

>> No.10172814

>doesn't wear gloves
Gloves were not mandatory in large part of procedures in any medical branch up until the HIV paranoia in the 90s.
Old doctors and nurses know this and they don't give a fuck.
My dad does the same.

>> No.10172824

stop selling refined oils.
problem solved and there is instant deficit of dietary oils for consumption of 6 billion people.
Thats right a gram of butter will cost as much as a gram of gold.

>> No.10172905
File: 26 KB, 425x239, TRINITY___Beep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10173371

>Have you guys seen sloppy nurses?
Not related to not wearing gloves, but

>old nurse in charge of 24 patients
>instead of prepping the patient's meds when she's by their room, she puts them ALL on the med cart at the start of her med pass
>she's always mixing up the fucking meds
>has been written up for medication mistakes tonnes of times
>unit just has her supervised at all times
>she hasn't been fired or disciplined
For every good nurse you get, you find 2 like this.

>> No.10173420

w*men shouldn't be allowed to be nurses tbqh

>> No.10173522

how can IT people help doctors? other than already existant apps and stuff, what kind of technology would help making your job easier?

some examples:
- a device for you to keep track of whatever info you need (medicine given to patients, hours you've worked, etc., etc)
- something that makes it easier to inform patients of the expected/probable effects of their illnesses and the medicines they are taking, etc.
- a decent internal network + web applications + computers for doctors to talk and share info in your workplace (hospital, clinic, whatever)

I wish I could help the people that have helped me, and if there are some people that have helped me a lot, in one way or another, were doctors.

>> No.10173527

Gotta give more info, does it sting or itch? Detailed descriptions on both the discolored and red areas.

>> No.10173566

Something (anything) to help the nurses

>> No.10173583

like what? something to keep track of patients, their data and what to give to them, etc? can you give some examples?

>> No.10173635

If I get a D.O. will M.D.s make fun of me

>> No.10173699

t. udemy need who learned python on a free code website and thinks he's going to change the entire medical industry and collect neetbux by asking 4chan losers in /med/ what a big problem in their industry is so he can come to the rescue and make the best most effecient solution and collect millions and finally get out of his moms basement

sadly he doesn't realize theres already multi million dollar development agencies and industries working in the medical field creating answers to all the problems he'd probably find here and actually doing it because they have competent employees


>> No.10173703

Then where do I get my milky milky rub tugs from when im feeling ill?

>> No.10173888

>t. udemy need who learned python on a free code website and thinks he's going to change the entire medical industry and collect neetbux by asking 4chan losers in /med/ what a big problem in their industry is so he can come to the rescue and make the best most effecient solution and collect millions and finally get out of his moms basement
projecting much?
I have a well paid job- Ironically, I was hired and got paid well immediately when I started, without even having a degree, after beating cancer then becoming a NEET for 5 years.
I've read about the nightmare that is IT in health, so I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole, not unless I genuinely wanted to help...

>sadly he doesn't realize theres already multi million dollar development agencies and industries working in the medical field creating answers to all the problems he'd probably find here and actually doing it because they have competent employees
also ironic, seeing how the previous poster actually showed that there are needs not covered by these great "multi million dollar development agencies and industries" companies "working in the medical field creating answers to all the problems he'd probably find here".

now kys for replying to me without contributing, faggot.

>> No.10173947

You baited me, but all "old-school nurses", regardless of gender, should just retire already. Like the post said
>old nurse
They're not the best. Their knowledge is outdated and they refuse to get a refresher. Hell, had one old guy nurse/EMT say that he didn't want to get the flu vaccine 'cause he'd "shed" the virus from the shot to his sick patients. He gave in and got the shot, but then wore an N95 mask for 3 days afterwards when on the unit thinking it was providing protection.

>> No.10174113

Sorry, was working on school work. I'm actually getting educated to go into a high paying job sector while you waste your life away in your moms basement daydreaming about the new medical app you'll never make. Get a life loser.


>> No.10174198

>Sorry, was working on school work. I'm actually getting educated to go into a high paying job sector
top kek
meanwhile, I've learned most of what I know by myself, because I like what I do, I get paid well and people respect me for my knowledge :)
oh, and btw, if I wanted to make money with some app or whatever shit, I could, easily, just not in anything related to medicine. there is a lot more money elsewhere.

>Get a life loser
says the one without a life
just stop projecting, and stop worrying about my life, retard, it's none of your business.

>> No.10174254

>Not patients, but the parents.
I agree with this. Below is a story from my student days

>2 year old admitted to acute peds unit
>subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
>have him in full isolation room since he's reported to have never been vaccinated
>parents are the hippie-type herbal junkies
>despite the illness being a direct result of their refusal to vaccinate, they always cry "muh poor baby"
>they were actually trying to push for hypnosis therapy to help with the seizures the kid was having

The nurse and physician in charge eventually called child protective services. The parents never having brought their kid in to a pediatrician being the major factor to call.
I always wonder if the kid eventually recovered.

>> No.10174754
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how do i start pooping more than once a week

>> No.10174757

Eat more vegetables

>> No.10175136

>not giving a fuck about nosocomial infections
I've seen this too.
>- a decent internal network + web applications + computers for doctors to talk and share info in your workplace (hospital, clinic, whatever)
This. Communication is so shitty at times and existing systems are so buggy.
>I always wonder if the kid eventually recovered.
He probably died, anon. There's no cure for that.
And drink water.

>> No.10175139
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>> No.10175169
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Imagine what that felt like to cough out

>> No.10175211

Math and statistic skills are very valuable for research, your degree will definitely be useful.

>> No.10175328

>36 years old

>> No.10175519

Bicuspid aorta valve is a bitch

>> No.10175545

Probably an IVDU.

>> No.10175547

>He probably died, anon. There's no cure for that.
Yeah. Even if he was a lucky one who wasn't part of the 95% mortality rate, he'd probably be really messed up

Holy shit.

>> No.10176158

I'm not a doctor, and I'm not knowledgeable enough to understand how something like that happens. can someone explain? stuff like this is interesting, but it terrifies me

>> No.10176169

something relating to bursa maybe

>> No.10176176

Are you still overweight?
Are you propping your head up at night?
Fix your diet. Base it on 2000 calories and make it balanced. Bread is supposed to be in your diet to soak up acid in your stomach.
The ENT is right that it will take a long time to heal.

>> No.10176179

>cholinergic urticaria
hookworms to distract your shitty immune system

>> No.10176199

i got into pharm school with 2.83 GPA

>> No.10176264

Chris "Traitor" Moriarty (yes, that is his real nickname) is going to get placed by Jonathan "Monster" Tooker into the group that gets kept alive to remind everyone what happens when you act like Chris. Might as well be Sera too, I have no positive regard for you. Don't just ignore me you two! Go ask your gay friends at the Satanism academy if all my dreams will come true.

>> No.10176271

what do you guys think about schizos that post incoherent ramblings in /sci/ ?

>> No.10176332

Are you black?

>> No.10176373

My ex-bf gave me tea today and it tasted bitter (I've had this exact tea before it's not supposed to be bitter), clogged and coated my throat, and left that sticky slimy cum feeling on my lips. Is there any way to test if he actually put semen in it (the tea isn't clear so I can't look for it) without contacting officials, I have a significant amount of chemistry equipment in my home so as long as the method isn't extremely complicated I should be able to analyze the tea. Please help /med/, I don't want to be tricked into drinking cummies QwQ

>> No.10176393

Of course his black, how else do you think a non white can get into higher education without affirmative action by the SJW?

>> No.10176396

Separate for proteins or some shit. You don't need a background in medicine its just chemistry. Look up components of nut and find something you know how to extract that is also not in the tea. Tell me if your ex is slipping you cum

>> No.10176401

Oh also I just remembered nut is alkaline so depending on how much you could just do a pH test compared to regular tea as a control. But there might not be a big enough difference

>> No.10176419

Please make a thread about this later I NEED to know

>> No.10176458

>be at small private walk-in-clinic
>get middle aged male
>nurse fast tracked him to see me and called for an ambulance
>can see why
>jaundiced all over
>in for RUQ pain, nausea/vomiting, weakness, diaphoretic
>ask a few questions and do a quick assessment before the ambulance arrives
>do you drink alcohol?
>how frequently a week?
>every day
>how early in a day do you start drinking?
>as soon as I can
>how many drinks in a day?
>drink more than a case of beer
>would you consider yourself as having an alcohol problem or dependency?
>absolutely not!
Last I heard, he needs a liver transplant. He's not getting it with the alcohol issue though. It's hard to believe people can have this much denial.

>> No.10176582

thanks anons, I'm gonna test for it tomorrow and I'll post results in the current or next /med/ thread

>> No.10176629

Didn't we know about the tendon popping thing for a long time? Why would it suddenly be considered a much bigger deal?

Population level threat of minor injury causing depression and obesity or something?

>> No.10176906

What do y'all think of this
>nurse injects vecuronium instead of versed and patient dies


>> No.10177124

He had advanced heart failure which means the heart can't pump the blood from the pulmonary vasculature. It's not a small amount of blood so it needed to go somewhere. Apparently it made it's way into his bronchi where it coagulated in the form of the bronchial tree. The receptors in the bronchi detected the blood and he attempted to cough it out and he did eventually.
They shit on every controversial thread with their crazy conspiracies. I'm surprised how the antivax schizo hasn't come to shit on this /med/ thread. But these are more the schizoid types. For the full blown schizos that make 0 sense I feel bad, because they can't really help it.
Should a plain microscopy give an answer? Shouldn't some of the swimmers keep their structure evne though dead?
Low intelligence combined with encephalopathy and presto...
How stupid do you have to be and how didn't anyone act adequately after that? It says cardiac arrest in the article, but it was probably from the apnea as vecuronium can't induce a cardiac arrest by itself. The basic and advanced life support protocols should have saved him maybe? I don't know this seems so absurd to me. So bad for that person :/

BTW, I'm so glad the thread took up, but it's sad that we're reaching the bump limit :/

>> No.10177911

medfags, how much time did immunology lectures lasted in your college? We've got 3 weeks, every other day for about 2 hours per lecture. I think that's too few lectures for such an important part of medicine. Is it like this everywhere or is it just shitty eastern european college organization?
>literature Abbas

>> No.10177939

eastern europe uses antquianted teaching methods. Where you studying?

>going to lectures

>> No.10177945

>going to lectures
it's obligtory
Uni Zagreb

>> No.10178268

go to where your ansestors lived

it all the exotic pollens et bombarding your system

>> No.10178269


>> No.10178276

BMI is what?

>> No.10178702

>Be me
>Get extremely mediocre secondary school results
>Get half of what's necessary for undergrad Med school
>Work at fast food full time instead
>Dream of becoming a doctor but realise it's never going to happen

>> No.10178739

how do i get into medical school? what are they looking for?

>> No.10178818

Are you asian?

>> No.10178863

i'm south asian american

>> No.10178869

>I am raj
>pull on my taj
you will be fine fren. do a bio pre-med track, take as many pertinent chem and bio courses as you can stomach, do the bare minimum for math since you're a brainlet almost no use for thinking at all.

>> No.10179053

Be top of your class, publish research papers, score 80th percentile on your MCAT, have good letters of recommendation, interview.

Medicine is an elite profession, not for slackers.

>> No.10179131

Any easier medical career that makes six figures you recommend? I'm worried I'm too much of a brainlet.

>> No.10179132
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>> No.10179138

>Be top of your class
Easy if you're very intelligent.
>publish research papers
Not a sign of hard work at the undergrad level. A sign of connections and having guidance along the way. (hey son, you gotta do this if you want to go to med school, like ol' pa!)
>score 80th percentile on your MCAT
Easy if you're very intelligent
>have good letters of recommendation,
Not a matter of not slacking.
Requires knowing people, being rich helps. You can't afford lunch, you aren't really going to be networking with that many people. You might get a letter from a professor or two, maybe your PCP, but it's not going to be that consequential unless it's from some hot shot. t. non-trad med student at one time who spent two years dealing with extra NPC bullshit to satisfy these sort of attitudes.
Honestly, your post reads like some low IQ person who is upset when some intelligent person comes along and does something better than you despite not doing as much busy-body work, so you try to make up an excuse to justify where you are. I assume you also were the kind of person who made flash cards and had difficulty studying.
Entrance to medical school should be based on IQ, GPA and MCAT. Everything else is arbitrary. There is a reason why so many women and minorities are in medicine now.

>> No.10179140

Some of the brightest physicians I know are slackers.

>> No.10179340

Who wore it better: The Chad Psychiatrist or Michel Foucault?

>> No.10179467

We had one semester every other week with a lecture of about hour and a half with lab exrcises too every other week. Southeastern europe here. But we studied immunology in biology, microbiology, physiology, pathophysiology and pathoanatomy as well.

>> No.10179608

>But we studied immunology in biology, microbiology, physiology, pathophysiology and pathoanatomy
well so did we if you look at it from a certain angle, but it's just small references to what we learned already, nothing new and nothing much expanding your knowledge of immuno

>> No.10179695

Did you even read the article? It's far from the only side effect.

>> No.10179986

How much emphasis of clinical exams is there in the US? In the UK it is half of our grade for the year. 25 percent of people don’t pass and have to retake it and if they fail the retake they have to repeat the year.

What is it like in the US?

>> No.10180032

>be pre-med student working as an emt
>have bbw fetish since as long as i can remember
>literally only attracted to fat chicks, skinny girls won't do it for me
>learning in class about all the harmful effects of being overweight
>go on calls for bariatric patients who are literally dying all the time
>starting to understand how grave of an effect on health fatness causes
>try to look at bbw porn
>all i can see is disease, early aging, chronic health problems, and early death
>kills boner completely
>don't want to fap anymore

What do I do now? Am I just asexual now?

>> No.10180204

Condition yourself to become attracted to normal girls. Nofap for as long as you can and when you can't stand it anymore, fap to skinny/average chicks

>> No.10180269

all fetishes are pathological. Heal yourself by only looking at normal girls.

t. gilf fetish guy thats in geriatrics

>> No.10180390

i am top of my classes, i have an act of 26 but i'm working my way to get it into the 30s
do i still have a chance?

>> No.10180784

>Medicine is an elite profession, not for slackers.
Not really, i'm a med student and slack off most of the time. Although it's probably cause i don't have any hobbies and spend all my days on 4chan when i don't have to do my internship hours or exams.

>> No.10181101

Why the fuck did he remove her appendix anyway? God damn I hate faggots that just cut shit because they're already in there. Everyone in my unit got a fucking bump in liability because one fuckwad decided to do an exploratory on a goddamn 95yo with general abd discomfort and fucked up his bowel by leaving the probe cover on.

>> No.10181148

You have no idea. Places like this are one of the few bastions of unfiltered social interaction for people whose professional studies have left them with little patience or understanding for the comfortable glaze of stupidity 99% of the world wades through.

>> No.10181705
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Hey, question for any doctors/med students in thread.

I was trying to fall asleep last night with my gf and after laying in bed for about 10 minutes her teeth started clattering and she started to get random spasms every half second or so. I asked her if she was ok and she responded but she didn't seem to realise that she was doing it. After that it repeated some 5 minutes later and I stayed awake the whole night listening and it didn't happen again.
Can this be normal falling asleep? She's 20 years old and doesn't have any history of neurologic disease in her family.

>> No.10182240

Well you only need the basics for clinical practice really. If you want to dwell into stuff you can specialise in it.
Thicc is the truth anon.
>not fat
>still lots of flesh
Yes. It's called bruxism. Lots of people have it.

>> No.10182297

Somewhat based.

>> No.10182331
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Speaking of bruxism. I never suggest mouth guards to remedy bruxism and detest their use. I've prescribed baclofen and buspirone for nocturnal teeth grinding with some success.
It never made sense to me. The mouth guards are rigid and designed prevent tooth friction/erosion, as though that's what they're worried about. The jaw is still clenched and now, it can't go anywhere. With the mouth piece preventing movement, you have additional torque on the temporomandibular joint, and that's just going to make the situation go from bad to worse. The teeth are cosmetic in comparison to headache, TMJ-arthritis, chronic jaw pain, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if mouth-guard wearing individuals with bruxism are at a higher risk for trigeminal neuralgia than the general population.

>> No.10182332

I'm a second year med student and I play Dota for one and a half hour per day on average, go to the gym every other day, watch anime and play piano in my spare time.
Then again I don't really have a social life so there's that.

>> No.10182715

epic post fellow gamer

>> No.10182736

Weird. This exact thing happened to my family. Widespread hypoxic brain damage. Doctors advocated withholding treatment for one of the various things keeping my family member alive. We didn't want to give up hope so soon. Two years later they are married and have had their first kid. Sometimes the hubris of doctors knows no bounds. A very humbling experience for a 3rd year.

>> No.10183295


How do I be a good third year student in your surgical service

It's 4channel so feel free to tell me the unethical advice like blowjobs or whatever, I'm down for anything that gets me honors other than actually working hard

>> No.10183301

Post feet

>> No.10183306

only if you give me honors

>> No.10183325

I will, send feet pics sweetie

>> No.10183367
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gib H

>> No.10183404
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It's mostly a curiosity thing, I don't have any problems, but either way it might be kind of gross so if you're eating right now stop reading.
I was trying to get some fluff out of my belly button and because I couldn't get it out with my finger I used some tweezers.
Now, by separating the 'cheeks' of my belly button to try and find hair and fabric stuck in there I noticed a layer of this sort of white fluff (maybe not even fluff) deeper than you'd ever see without them being separated , what IS that? it's not as "fluffy" as the fluff you'd generally have coming out of your bellybutton, it's I guess denser? I've decided not to poke around in case it's important, so I don't have a clear idea of it's texture.
Is it normal? is it just dirt, skin and shit building up and festering in there? or is it 'intentional' so to speak and serves a purpose?
I tried googling 'white stuff in belly button' or 'white fluff in belly button' and I only found clickbait articles yammering for years about the magnificence of the umbilical cord and links discussing discharges and other infection-like conditions.

I've decided against posting a picture because it's not really gore or shit or anything, it's still kind of gross imo.

>> No.10183432
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>presentation is a hundred slides of unreadable statistics, plots and obscure studies
>a relevant sentence will occasionally appear off-center once every ten slides halfway hidden behind a goofy cartoon the lecturer decided to drop in
just give me the ten things you want me to remember, jesus dude, it's your job

>> No.10183584

Inhalted something at work yesterday. Felt like it only went into my right lung. Started coughing hard immediately. Then I stopped coughing but my right lung felt irritated and still feels irritated. What could it mean? Is there dust in my lung or something? Why is it only in my right lung? Doesn't air enter both lungs equally?

>> No.10183674

I've had a cold for the past 10 days and even though I've felt like it's pretty much passed the last few days, I still have a bit of a cough and mucous which I have to blow out regularly.

How long is this shit supposed to last? It feels like it's still sitting there despite the fact that I feel well. Am I still infectious btw? Since I still have symptoms (although I've felt fine the last few days) I should be, right?

>> No.10184022
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Is forensic pathology a field worth considering going into?

>> No.10184026

Same. Shit was brutal

>> No.10184031

Then upload it on imgur and post a link to it here.

>> No.10184035

Is he okay?

>> No.10184147

Is medicine a good field for an aspie? Kinda drifting along currently and deeply unsure what do with my life. I have an IQ of 137 according to the test taken during my diagnosis, but my graduated from my german grammar school with an average of 3,6 or a GPA of 1.7 in US terms which would still allow me to study medicine, but makes the way to it quite substantially harder.

>> No.10184166
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I just realized I didn't want to study medicine but I get my MD in six months.

Is there any specialty that pays well and has almost zero contact with patients?

>> No.10184195

Do you dislike contact with patients in general or just contact with living patients? In the latter case just become a pathologist.

>> No.10184222


>> No.10184285

Radiology and Pathology (anaesthesiology too cuz theyre asleep)

thats not real

>> No.10184644


>> No.10184756

How hard would it be to get into med school if I am 30 or so? Right now I am 21 and about to graduate with a bachelors in electrical engineering and going to do a masters then get a job and save up money to return to school. I would like to just start now but I would have 1-2 more years of prereqs and my scholarship runs out before then. Honestly just doing it for the money and not ashamed and ready for anything to succeed and get through it all. I have a 3.95/4.00 at a good university and dont think the grades would be hard to get, but what else do I need for med school applications to get in? Just research and grades like grad school?

>> No.10184809

>you have a sinus infection, take these meds, get lots of rest and sleep extra if you need to and it'll be over before you know it
>literally can not sleep at all from the clogged up nostrils and constantly choking on my own phlegm

what the FUCK

>> No.10185262

I'm >>10182240 and I actually have bruxism and was considering a mouth guard, but I didn't get around to buying one exactly because I have TMJ problems and I just think it wouldn't help that much. I have also been considering baclofen. And now you hyped me up for it. Also do you have young patients with TMJ-arthritis. I don't have x-rays of my joints but I have some crepitations and I'm worried about developing it early in my life. I'll probably have it in the future, but I want to postpone it as much as possible. In general tell me more about your patients.
Desquamated cells find it hard to get out of deep belly buttons so they stay there in the form of scabs. It's basically dead tissue and it won't give you problems, but personally it would annoy the fuck out of me. My gf sometimes lets me clean her's.
If you actually have equipment for modern forensic analysis then yes. In my country it's terribly underpaid and they have equipment from the 60s... It's not useless and they can do their job but it's easier if you have the modern stuff.

>> No.10185339

Hey do i have multiple sclerosis, my symptoms are Dysautonomia, shortness of breath, heat intolerance, sexual dysfunction,memory problems,face tingling and numbness and slurred speech.

>> No.10185342

how do you bring overconfident, prestige high 'doctors' down a notch?

>> No.10185343

you can't they are full of themselves

>> No.10185410

I'm in medschool right now, but it's an undergrad course, my knowledge of chemistry, biology, and physics is at highschool level or worse. So far, that hasn't presented a problem, because most of the microbiology, pathology, and pharmacology courses that the school I'm in teaches is rote memorization with little understanding. Would you recommend that I study chemistry, biology, and physics at my own time up to an undergrad level so that I could achieve a deeper understanding of other subjects?

>> No.10185807

what to do against pain in the liver area (right side below ribs)?

>> No.10185838

never mind I will make about the same or more money anyways with this plan

>> No.10186495

medfags, am i getting better if im starting to cough up, or blow out my nose, more mucus, much easier?