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10134190 No.10134190 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you to grind every day for hours on end?

>> No.10134193

To prove that I solved the navier-stokes mentally at age 11

>> No.10134194

My biological duty as a man to be able to provide for and defend my family.

>> No.10134199

mostly my advisor giving me shit for being behind schedule

>> No.10134204

Literally only temporary comfort in the things I do and some personal feefees keep me alive at this point
Death anxiety and nihilism have destroyed me

>> No.10134213

>My biological duty as a man to be able to provide for and defend my family
Same, but all that just seems so far away.

>> No.10134219


>> No.10134222

Dont think of just your future family (wife kids) but your own siblings and parents. I want to be able to help anyone in my family should they need help. A place to stay, or maybe to help cover an unforeseen expense.

>> No.10134229

>not solely worrying about yourself until external stimuli directs your attention elsewhere

>> No.10134231

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10134241

>not making yourself stronger, morr stable, and self sufficient to secure an existence and future for your own bloodline.
I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.10134244

family is important anon

>> No.10134329

I do it because i need to be a hero

>> No.10134437

I squandered K-12 as the class clown even though I come from a supportive, upper middle class family. Now I'm on a mission to prove to myself, my family, and my highschool memories that I'm not an idiot. Just got my PhD in December, hired a month later in a technical position at a Uni. Four papers currently in prep...but it's not enough. I'll never be proud of myself.

>> No.10134444

Haven't started yet but it's bottomless anger

>> No.10134457


>> No.10134459


>> No.10134462

If don't become a super villain then no one will.

>> No.10134479

>I'll never be proud of myself
I'm proud of you anon

>> No.10134594
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>> No.10134613

Fear to be a failure

>> No.10134625

The vision of predicting humanity's next folly and standing on a mound of cash because of my insight.

I also get the ability to call people morons when that happens, and will write several bestsellers talking about the harshest and most inner aspects of the psyche that'll cause multiple people to commit suicide in the face of my mastery of the human condition.

>> No.10134687


>> No.10134705

I don't know. I just wake up, drag myself out of bed and perform my tasks like an automaton.

>> No.10134737
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Simply to better understand the universe within and without. I also feel that I can be better suited to collaborate with others to provide solutions and accelerate innovation. Ultimately it comes down to my love for existence and my desire to understand it and become closer to it.

>> No.10134760

I have no idea anymore. I wanted to help people, but I do nothing. I wanted to buy my own house, but stuff is just too expensive, even with my middle class wages. all my past objectives in life have been destroyed, I'm starting to hate my job (which was my hobby that became a salaried job), and my current dreams depend on me putting in a lot of effort that I'm not sure I will be able to, and on being lucky as well, for no reason other than money.
I'm 30+, have never had a gf, and I'm not even sure why I'm still alive anymore. I just do stuff I like, just because.

>> No.10134761

I like you. Care to elaborate on that vision?

>> No.10134762

>Simply to better understand the universe within and without.
Aww that's noble and insightful of you.

>I also feel that I can be better suited to collaborate with others to provide solutions and accelerate innovation.
So, profit is your motive?

>Ultimately it comes down to my love for existence
Clearly, as you've stated just this and there are no contradictions whatsoever in your post.

>and my desire to understand it and become closer to it.
You want to grow closer with... existence? Well that's pretty much a null statement.

This post sounds like some edgy personal statement.

>> No.10134782

If you see flaws in a structure, they will grow over time unless the means of controlling them are in place. As humans, we invariably drift to order, but in doing so, we leave gaps. Such gaps are fraught with conflict. War, buisness, politics, the economy, and everything else of our nature, including and ESPECIALLY the psyche that is unpredictable can be predicted if we are able to fit the pieces together properly.

The picture seen when one does that may reveal a reality different that what other believe to be living. In these moments, it becomes important to understand the relevant system and its moving parts so weaknesses can be identified and accounted for. Based on that, action can be taken and profit can be corralled. Discoveries can also be made.

Obviously it takes a very special kind of autism to seek this type of complex understanding. There are connections to be made everywhere, but such connections must be strong enough and bear evidence of said instability. It requires a strange mix of skepticism, optimism, autism and self-confidence.

Does that help?

>> No.10134793

I love you. Information noted. Do you profit off of shit through Financial means? Any recommended readings or tips for getting into this mindset? I view the world as a series of systems and connections.

I feel like I can really relate to what you wrote. I want to delve deeper into this mindset.

>> No.10134794
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Well it is a personal statement and I'm certainly not against profit, I'm just saying there is no way I will ever be able to read every book in the library I must rely on others to master the things I simply cannot, and they can rely on me to master the things I care about. My love for other people and existence in general is a great driver for me. As I said, I am relying on others to feel as passionately about what they love and to become knowledgeable about whatever it is. I want to become closer to all things which exist by understanding the framework of physics and mathematics which underlay existence. Maybe I am edgy.

>> No.10134799

>understanding the framework of physics and mathematics which underlay existence. Maybe I am edgy.
You're only edgy because you put this in this way. Maybe you will though, and I'll read your name on the Nobel Laureate list one day. Who fucking knows.

>> No.10134819

>I view the world as a series of systems and connections.
That's all we can make of the world. That's how our brain works.

Yes. Libgen.io will be your best friend in this journey. Also, don't stray away from works that seem obscure. Many contain fascinating insights, but have never gained traction because people can either not adequately apply such insights, or because they don't understand.

Practice making analogies in daily life. If you notice traffic passing by, think about the migration of animals like the wildebeast or impalas. If you can open your mind enough to see how massive the world really is, despite the presence of technology, you can easily find topics to research. I'm beginning to sound like I'm trying to sell you something. Everyone has different biases and heuristic systems. Nourish your heuristic systems and work on mitigating bias. Here are some works:

The Enigma of Reason
The Rationality Quotient
Can Humanity Change?
This Light Inside Oneself
Grounds for Difference
The Subtlety of Emotions
Judgement under uncertainty
Choices, Values and Frames
Anything you can find that interests you.
Find something that interests you and just ask questions. Write them down, try to answer them yourself, critique your answers. Research the work of others that aims to answer that question. Did they fall short? Where? How? Why? Pay attention to language, and how language is used. Sometimes it may convey truth, other times, ignorance.

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.10134820
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I wouldn't say "for hours on end", since I'm not that dilligent, but since I can remember (my first memory that I could put a date to call back to when I was 2,5 years old), I was always curious as fuck little dipshit. While most kids my age got their thirst for knowledge satiated by simple, non-detailed answers from adults, I always found it within me to seek further informations, or evidence. My breakthrough was somewhere around first grade of rather good, chemistry-oriented high school, when I found out that previously (in middle school) taught to me Bohr model of atom is utter bullshit, and there are thingies called orbitals and whatnot. It then occured to me that there is high possibility that there isn't really anything like "limit" of mankind's knowledge, so I'm free to explore further on, bound to find something new sooner or later. Besides, it's somewhat cool to start with absolutely fucking nothing while born, building your personality upon your knowledge as you grow older. I am really curious on how different will I be at my deathbed, waging all of my attained wisdom against the absolute.

Currently, I'm making my baby steps in field of research, trying to find optimal parameters for synthesis of graphene based composites, made for being used in capacitors. This gives me a spark of resolve, that maybe it could be me that would find the next breakthrough material to propel wireless technology to it's next paradigm.

And finally - living is fun after all, and the more you know, the more fun you can have/observe.

Have a SEM pic of my newest sample.

>> No.10134849
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Not that anon, but I'll also say that this is quite peculiar topic you are trying to delve into. Dunno if this will be of much help, but I'll share two "analogies" that I first thought about when reading your post.

https://pastebin.com/6U8k0piM - first was not made by me, I encountered it in certain story I was reading long ago.

Second, came into my head around year or so ago. Basically I was contemplating the fact, why very often people who are characterized by high intelligence, are having hard time getting through the thick skulls of lesser human beings, while simpletons and retards have it really simple, since anyone can understand their simplified needs/opinions. I then noticed similarity between this and Jablonski Diagram, which is describing relations between rotational, oscillatory and layer states of electrons in atoms. It will propably not make much sense to a bystander, but as you said, heuristic analysis is stricly personal based.

And maybe it will sound really cheezy, and adressed to nobody in particular, but I want to thank every one of you who is passionate about something. People like you make this realm such an interesting place, diffirientating each day from previous one.

>> No.10134856

Really oddly enough we want the same thing, word for word wtf

>> No.10134861

> then noticed similarity between this and Jablonski Diagram, which is describing relations between rotational, oscillatory and layer states of electrons in atoms

Good stuff. The object of insight is generally physical in nature but corresponds to the abstract. Think of Archimedes when he had his eureka moment. He was in a bathhouse, and something about the water rising when he got in a tub of water gave him his insight. Now I'm not sure how much history butchered that tale, if at all, but it describes insight excellently. Love, like insights, occurs spontaneously.

>> No.10134872
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You've picked rather strange phenomenon to compare in here. This question will be rather vague and hard to answer, but how would person like you define "love"?

I find it completely fascinating, that after entering adulthood, I started to "reinvent wheel anew", and contemplate for hours about such base concepts, that are almost like axioms of humanity. Month ago I've spent whole day discussing with friends what exactly makes thing X "curious", and how can we say that something is "interesting".

>> No.10134877
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The hope that the Singularity will happen in my lifetime, and I will get to live in a transhumanist utopia.

>> No.10134883

how would you explain the fact that big companies can still be profitable many years and even decades after their creation? what about states and other gigantic organizations?

>> No.10134884


>> No.10134888

I want to learn everything I can before dying, even if it pointless to do so if all those chemicals in my brain will disappear someday.

>> No.10134908

>This question will be rather vague and hard to answer, but how would person like you define "love"?

Seeing how I've compared love with insight, I'd start with defining insight, since it's effects may generally be more tangible.

Insight is a spontaneous phenomenon that occurs when a solution to a problem occurs to us, however, this occurrence generally has a basis in the physical world. The problem at hand must also have presented itself in the past, such was the case with Archimedes. He had put thought into a problem and mundane conditions let to a solution thanks to insight. For example, one can know how to play piano for years, and not come upon the understanding that talking follows a similar mechanism to playing music. The only difference is our perception of the instrument. The piano is external and doesn't reflect personal quality aside from skill and practice. The voice conveys far more, yet the practice that helps our voice develop is conscious emotional and physical regulation.

Love has historically taken on multiple meanings. Erotic love, friendship, and long-withstanding love have all been expounded upon. With that in mind, I will approach love in it's most general sense, and consider that the types of love arise from the actions of the individual experiencing it. In the same way that insight occurs, love does. I'm sure this has to do with the creation of new neural pathways. If love and insight leads to new neural pathways, what causes love and insight? Is it logic? Is it external stimuli? What role does sexual desire play in either? I would dare to say that from love comes genius, but I wouldn't know where or how to start. Love is a toss up, literally and figuratively. Love is always falling and insight is always searching. Who knows man. Make wise choices.

>> No.10134918

that I'm a complete failure
shit like this shouldn't even be possible, like you would think everyone has something he is good at, but no me
it's like I rolled 1 on every stat, talent and skill while creating my character
the only thing about me is that I'm self consious so I at least know how shitty I am
fuck god if he exist

>> No.10134920

what is the Singularity

>> No.10134925

>how would you explain the fact that big companies can still be profitable many years and even decades after their creation? what about states and other gigantic organizations?

I wouldn't explain it, because words are the same reason that some companies and states have fallen in the past.

Break it down into its constituents and then rebuild it. Companies, states, and gigantic organizations share a commonality. Human beings comprise them and operate them. The focus of states and companies are different. States generally oversee companies and the like, because the responsibility of the state is its people. The responsibility of companies is production, profit, and duty to consumers. Look at what a company is doing. Does it employ a particular good or service that help the average human get along well in life? Do they act as a provider of a hub that connects people? What of the product? What of the hub? Why is the product worthwhile? What utility does it provide? Is this utility essential? How can it be better. Enter insight and love, and you have the recipe for innovation.

I wouldn't offer an explanation until I've probed enough to put things into general terms like "A big company can remain profitable after many years because it manufactures a good that improves the quality of life of people who consume that product. People adopt the product as commonplace, and that spreads. Broad innovation takes place, and the trend continues.

That's how I'd approach it. It's not exactly scientific, but you'd need some foundation to inquire on. Probe deeper into specifics if you get a lay of the land. If you're wrong, reevaluate biases. Why were you wrong? What does that entail about other notions you hold? Go from there. It can get overwhelming. People generally don't like diving into such topics because it is easy to get absolutely destroyed when one is nourishing independent thinking. I'm real tired and studied all day, so my writing isn't very clear at the moment

>> No.10134927

Grind one stat and spam its respective ability.

>> No.10134929
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Consider this.

You are sitting at your computer, and are preparing yourself to play a game. You know it well, since you've already played it so many times that you've lost count years and years ago. You question yourself is there really any point in playing anymore, since you've tested multiple builds, paths, routes, even self imposed challenges, all of this to finally exhale everything the game has to offer. But driven by some unknown force, you've klicked enter, and now you are staring at the character creation screen. You remind yourself about myriad of combinations that started your past adventures. INT, CON, STR, WIS, CHA, DEX, LUK, and many many more, all in different corelations. But suddenly, a spark of inspiration flowed over. You became aware, that you've overlooked ONE set of parameters. By pure analysis, build like this should bring nothing less but complete failure. But maybe, if things align, and you'll put enough resolve, then...

Confident in your decision, and feeling a thrill of novelty, you hover your pointer over the button and push START. Last thing that crosses your mind before all of your awareness encompasses the game is question - how will this instance of game end?

>> No.10134939

So are you saying that while he may have very bad traits, the quest for the impossible (success) is a tantalizing possibility that will undoubtedly end in failure but perchance just by sheer fucking luck he may "win" and that makes it such an enticing and worthy endeavor?

>> No.10134946

Casinos exploit the human reward system and make billions. Learn it. It dictates us whether we know or not.

>> No.10134966
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Very tidy and well rounded definition. I thank you for sharing this with me.

If you'd really like to find out more about corelations between mundane things and problem solving, then have you considered researching on your own the principle standing behind dreaming? I have heard cases of sciencists who have experienced eureka effect during dreams, since biologicaly it's a process of sorting, rebranding, reestablishing and expanding neural connections between your long term memory and events that transpired the day before. What mesmerizes me is the fact, that our brains, by seemingly chaotically process of information mixing, generates illusions of senses, that sometimes produce really INTENSE effects.

I asked you about Love, because it's one of phenomena that I have hard time speaking about, since I really think it should be rather broken down into bunch of lesser, more detailed terms. But all in all, we would come back to field no.1, just like when trying to define "consciousness".

"From Love comes Genius" - oh my, what a brave statement. If you'd like to further extrapolate such connection, then you are in the world of pain, my man. Not that I disagree, but you will have really hard time putting such grand concept into our defective human language. Maybe try writing a fictious story centered around that, just like those before you did?

I get the feeling that those foundations of reality got engineered in such a way, that we will spend eons, bashing our heads against the wall, and never fully conceptualize them as a whole. But when I think about it, isn't it what makes it so fascinating?

Wisdom of one's choices cannot be ascertained by oneself without knowing the end result, this is why I cannot promise you that I'll make them, strolling through life. But I think I know what you were trying to say here. What if instead of making wise choices, I'll be making mine with conviction? This at least I can be certain of.

>> No.10134971
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If, for the sake of conversation, we assume that the game has any kind of WIN condition, then yes.

In any other circumstance, I shall refer you to "The Last Answer" by Isaac Asimov, since he already spoken his mind on this matter in the past, and I am certain that his words will reach deeper than mine would at this given time. It's a short read, but I may risk the assumption that it will be worthwile.


>> No.10134978

It's easier than working.

>> No.10134982

Competition. It's the most one can push himself/herself to do

>> No.10134984

>If you'd really like to find out more about corelations between mundane things and problem solving, then have you considered researching on your own the principle standing behind dreaming? I have heard cases of scientists who have experienced eureka effect during dreams, since biologically it's a process of sorting, re branding, reestablishing and expanding neural connections between your long term memory and events that transpired the day before. What mesmerizes me is the fact, that our brains, by seemingly chaotically process of information mixing, generates illusions of senses, that sometimes produce really INTENSE effects

I need to do this. I hear all types of interesting and intricate music when I sleep but I can't log it in any way since I can't read sheet music. I should get on that with some conviction.

> since I really think it should be rather broken down into bunch of lesser, more detailed terms
I think love is the connections we have to terms and their context and meaning. I agree with you. In talking to a new crush words taken on interesting multi dimensional meanings which include emotional, facial, and intellectual information. Our brains are launched into a fireworks display and we stand in awe.

>Maybe try writing a fictitious story centered around that, just like those before you did?

Excellent idea in all honesty. I have no idea where to begin, but this is noted.

Wise choices can be made with conviction my friend.

>> No.10134998



>> No.10135001


this hits close to home

Too afraid to be a failure, and scared of what would happen if I killed myself and life just moved on

>> No.10135014

Life wouldn’t move on. Not for you. Not for you if you filled yourself. It’d stop. You’d kill yourself. That implies death. Death is the cessation of life. Life would not move on for you.

BUT, you do want to live. So live. Live fully and freely and wisely. Live with love and knowledge, fear and anger. Live with frustration and complacency, euphoria and intelligence. Live, my friend.

>> No.10135023
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Overwhelming is too small of a word for what you are trying to push here - it simply has no end. But to counter that, we have invented reason and bias - serving only to make a line, behind which we do not need to further inquire, at least for the time being.

There is no way of knowing if one is "versed" in making use of dreams (especially lucid), but if you wish, I could offer you some assistance. I shall monitor this thread, and for now I'm going to bed, since it's almost 8 AM here and I yet again spent whole night shitposting on /sci/. If you want, throw here some sort of contact info, but if you are feeling cautious, then we could use some more secure ways (like 10 minute mails).

>Wise choices can be made with conviction my friend.

Well then, how about that: could you find it in yourself, to make unwise decision, with wholehearted conviction?

>> No.10135045

I just want to know what the electrons are doing

>> No.10135111

I share this dream, friend, but I believe it to be a pipedream.

>> No.10135185

im proud of u anon. whats ur phd in?

>> No.10135199

That was a good read, thank you. I had a strange Deja vu coming to that page could have sworn I've read it before on the exact same website

>> No.10135209


Dangers of starvation and homelessness is what motivates me.

>> No.10135231

Genuine interest in my field of study

>> No.10135236

You should start a cult or a podcast. You have a good way of phrasing things in the stoner talk that people love listening to, but a stoner who has done a little bit more philosophical reading and a little less psychedelics.

It's weird how I think a lot of people will read something like what you've wrote and say it's just pretentious rambling. Using a whole lot of big words and abstract ideas to encapsulate small thoughts, but I think that sometimes ideas are better understood with complexity thrown on them to actively engage the readers mind and force them to think through the thoughts of the speaker. I wish I had more discussions like these in real life but I struggle to phrase things as eloquently as you do and also I feel like I come off as pretentious as I said before. Do you ever feel that way? Do you have friends you can talk about abstract ideas with and not feel a little bit uncomfortable?

>> No.10135387

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/20239861