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10131043 No.10131043 [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone on sci underemployed? Or are there any people on here who are successful?

>> No.10131048

This thread will be up for 5-7 days because of the thumbnail

>> No.10131051

I got a job and a mortgage and a bitch of a wife. Is that what you mean?

>> No.10131056

I mean if the job is well paying and ismt service industry/manual labor

>> No.10131101

I know all you math/physic fags like to shit on CS code monkeys but I made so much this year to pay off all my student loans and put a downpayment for a mortgage and its fucking great

>> No.10131104

Doctor, have my own practice because father is in the business. I'm fucking rich yeah

>> No.10131107

So jealous I want to be you

>> No.10131112


Physics undergrad here. Low-key think that programming is the most useful thing in every market field today. Coolest prof I ever had works at CERN, specifically the ATLAS program, he basically programs the triggers and data acquisition system

>> No.10131118

I'm very lucky, and I'm very grateful for it. My dad worked hard all his life so that I need to visit the hospital only 4 or 5 days a week. I'm a general surgeon, so I do operations on alternate days.

I'm trying really hard to provide a similar life for my kid, although I want him to learn to work hard as well

>> No.10131119

yeah I've done internships at NASA and ORNL so I know that environment. everyone there needed to know at least a little bit to implement things and needed to be able to communicate with the engineers.

>> No.10131121

Shitty BSc in production engineer
Decent MSc in applied physics
Drug dealer

>> No.10131162

What'chu doing now desu?

>> No.10131168


>> No.10131198

That’s the opposite of success. You ruin people’s lives, and should (and most likely will) be put in prison for it. Quit while you’re ahead, you’re gonna get caught one of these days.

>> No.10131223

My brain doesn't work anymore and I cant hold down a job. I just wanna kill myself

>> No.10131225

dont wanna dox myself but ill tell you the opportunities I had: A) research engineer in self driving cars B) computer scientist in industry research lab (think MIT Lincoln Lab and Boston Dynamics) C) code monkey at FAANG company.

>> No.10131230

would you say mcdonalds is evil for offering a service? its the individuals decision if they want to use it

>> No.10131275


I work on rockets...d-did I make it guys?

>> No.10131342

MSc in microbiology and minor in statistics
Studying medicine
Graduating soon
Just got a 4-year grant to do research
Girlfriend has big tiddies

>> No.10131424

post pics

>> No.10131428

you sell people stepped on highly addictive neurotoxic substances at cut throat prices and encourage addicts to come back to you for more. you’re at the very least a sociopath

t. someone who knows what they’re talking about and is ashamed

>> No.10131480

Making >100k with my CS BSc :^)

>> No.10131484

I know all you americans like to shit on third world monkeys but I didn't even have to pay for my education and I'm on my way to steal your STEM jobs and it's fucking great

>> No.10131509

welcome to fucking society, if do anything except having a job that produces resources or offers a service directly, you're scamming by that standard, we should ban art, sports, music, etc. because they give "pleasure" and people get "addicted" because they make fun doing those things. Maybe we should ban computers because they increase the risk of strokes, heart, and eye diseases

>> No.10131512

I'm pretty sure being on 4chan is also so great for you as a human

>> No.10131514 [DELETED] 

Both for me. Success isn't doing anything for my money.

>> No.10131587

>art and sports players are the same as drug dealers
Nope. You’re a criminal, and you get people addicted, and ruin their lives.

>> No.10131603

90% of sci is underage

>> No.10132437


>> No.10132481

So rare to run into someone that has both won the parent lottery and is smart enough to also work his ass off. Good on you, man. Impressive.

>> No.10132491

then yes

>> No.10132497


>> No.10132500

What do you do? And how did you got the job?

>> No.10132535

There's a few relatively successful people roaming on /sci/. Me personally the only real thing of note I have is just an 85k engineering job.

>> No.10132542

Same. fucking hate doing code monkey shit tho. should have done math instead.

>> No.10132641

The body will bring folks in but the bland face and pierced tongue won’t keep them coming back

>> No.10132655

I work as a researcher at a company that makes disinfection devices for the medical industry.

>> No.10132662

Easy access to harmful chemicals? I envy you

>> No.10132692

Went to a world top Uni and studied math but I did terribly and got a 2.8 GPA. Do actuarial science work now at a fortune 100. I don't really consider that "making it" but it's not failure tier either. Had to work my way up for two years doing assistant/bitch admisitrative work wheras if I had better grades I probably could have gotten it right out of school.

>> No.10132703

>put a downpayment for a mortgage
>in this state of the economy
Enjoy paying your 400k mortgage for a house worth 200 in 5 years.

>> No.10132813
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I'm a highly paid engineer but the work is super boring. I spend most of my workday just daydreaming about my more interesting personal projects.

After about a year at the same job you stop learning new things and being challenged. For awhile I changed jobs every year to stay stimulated but if I do that one more time I'll be unemployable. Employers are seeing the pattern and scared to hire me.

I think maybe it's time to go to grad school and get into research.

>> No.10132824

Maybe hes in year 9 of a 15 year mortgage?

>> No.10132853

I'm an engineer by education but I work in management consulting. I make around 120k all in at the age of 23. I work around 60 hours a week.

Ask me anything, I am being truthful and I like bitching about my job.

>> No.10132859
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>disinfection devices for the medical industry.
so basically you switch a microwave oven on and off?

>not gonna make it

>> No.10132891

BSc and MSc in Mathematical Physics. Currently doing a PhD in Applied Mathematics. Money isn't great, but I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.10132930


It will be up for 3 weeks with faggots ghostbumping it 4 times after its natural death.


Yes, everyone is underemployed.

>> No.10132933

>Nope. You’re a criminal
That is not an argument, since "crimes" without a victim are not really crimes in the first place.
>and you get people addicted
Drug dealers don´t need to push their product - the demand is there regardless.
>and ruin their lives.
I take it you hail from some socialist shithole nanny-state, which has taught you to evade personal responsibility from cradle to grave?

>> No.10132982

No, I'm working in a team developing proprietary products. The work is interesting enough but morally I'm not very profit driven and I'm not sure if I will stay here long term. Would much rather be doing something where I don't have to worry about NDAs and I can freely let the world know what we're making.

>> No.10132993

you can play basketball without harming other people and one can trade food for resources without necessarily scamming someone out of their health you moral relativist coward. You know exactly what you’re doing, who you’re harming and how bad they have it. What do addicts do with their drugs? They destroy their bodies and families, impoverish themselves and then terrorize their communities. Absolutely pathetic excuses you have for me.
Again, relativizing.
the whole of society is your victim
>dealers don’t shop their product to teens, vulnerable women and down and outs
lol the fork tongue too, cowardly and deceitful
>you mus be a socialist yo nawt like milton friedman, friedrich hayak, von mises, ricardo kiked out judeo-prot massah morality where we be getting little girls hook on dat crack rock and dis DICK for the bread bruh
fiendish, deserve whatever comes to you when the fascists mercifully wrest power away from the impotent democratic regime

>> No.10133110

i am successful in the normies eyes

>> No.10133403

That's why you go work at a small startup, that will most likely fail, but you'll get a lot of experience working with a large degree of freedom and independence.

>> No.10133463

>mech eng full time job
>my software company
>my small farm
If you don't have a job, just make one.

>> No.10133477

That still leaves you with a house you overpaid for.

>> No.10133484

My main man.
Still at uni studying economics. Basically en route to unemployment in my country, unless I luck out. Hopefully I'll get a decently paying job for the government later, those aren't that rare here.

>> No.10133490

Opposite of success because you spent 6 years getting a microbiology degree and then another 6 years getting a medical degree.

>> No.10133500

organic chemistry PhD

>> No.10133503
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Since im a genius everything is getting boring after awhile so I quitted my apprentice twice in mechanics CNC operator and IT technician. And now im 29 with no graduation. I have a pretty decent carpenter job though with some CNC operating when needed. I have a nice house by itself by a lake and life is good. But I wanna do CS and work with general AI and exoskeleton. And maybe genetic engineering when im older. Yes im Iron Man.

>> No.10133543
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Godless nihilist. Your wealth wont save you from judgement. Repent and be good

>> No.10133590
