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10090434 No.10090434 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite star anon?

>> No.10090437

It's you, OP! :)

>> No.10090438

ur mom

>> No.10090448
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>> No.10090524
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I don't really have a favorite, but Albireo is cool.

>> No.10090530


>> No.10090538

orion's belt
the pleiades

>> No.10090546

Methusaleh's star. Supposedly it is 140 light years away but is as old as the whole universe (14 billion years), making through multiple previous galaxies, 5 billion years or so each, and somehow ending up literally right next door to Earth in our current Milky Way.

>> No.10090554

Clearly an anon of refined taste *sips water*

>> No.10090557
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>the pleiades
>The Pleiades (/ˈplaJ.ədiːz, ˈpliːə-/, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45), are an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars

>> No.10090569

George Burns.

>> No.10090598

sam neil

>> No.10090603


the Sun, unironically.

>> No.10090652

For me, it's Deneb

>> No.10090673

>the pleiades
I kind of have a le epic feels story about them
>be me
>edgy teen
>find a pair of real good binoculars in the basement
>family has a house by the danube we go to every summer
>bring my 'nocs
>dad tells me to try looking at the sky with them
>spend a few minutes looking at the night sky
>spot a weird flickering mass of stars
>look at it trough the binoculars
I swear that was the single most amazing thing I have ever seen. The sky seemed empty all around, and then out of nowhere this tight, brilliant cluster...
/blogpost, thanks for reading

>> No.10090689
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>> No.10090695


>> No.10090696
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>> No.10090699


>> No.10090715


>> No.10090727

I’m convinced someone there has been communicating with(or through?) me.

>> No.10090735

Tied with Sirius for coolest named stars.

>> No.10090739

I don't think people can live on stars anon

>> No.10090991
File: 200 KB, 890x501, MW-GR631_north__20181011153157_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gonna mentioned based Polaris?

>> No.10091017

Tom Hanks

>> No.10091043

too bad polaris won’t be at polar north in a few 10k years...

>> No.10091595
File: 201 KB, 960x580, FD96B290-0499-497D-BA02-CAB3573EE065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on Sirius is definitely talking into my head.

>> No.10091599

please tell us exactly what they are saying, in full detail.

this is of highest scientific relevance

>> No.10091652

All of it?

>> No.10091668

FO15? Interesting short period binary star system where the close orbit distance dimishes the hardness of the wind shocks, reducing the energy of photons, which would otherwise be significantly harder.
HR8799? Personally did simulation research to determine possible stable orbit of planet E before it was found at a resonant distance.

Both of these are back around 2010 so a bit dated since I've been in astronomy, but these always pique my interest.

>> No.10091673

The whole summer triangle. Every time I look at it I feel a deep sadness for the anime life I will never get to live. When I don't get to look at it, I also feel sad. It's been about 10 days since the last time the weather allowed me to see it. Feels really bad.

>> No.10091681

That star just visually above the middle star in the handle of the big dipper. Anyone know what star this is by name?

>> No.10091690 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10091848

isn't that orion in your picture

>> No.10092294


>> No.10092303

Honorable mentions:

>> No.10092312

I don't have one because I have to spend my time focusing on reality and identifying, and fixing, real problems. No one else is pulling their weight. I don't even know if I could ever find a way back to a calmer, creative state at this point. You starry eyed stargazers are dragging all of us down just as much as anyone and anything else.

I'm sorry but there's no time for all that. There are real problems facing all of us right now.

>> No.10092325

Bro if you died the world would keep on spinning you aren't propping anything up you self absorbed faggot.

>> No.10092362

You're an NPC. I typed a longer post, but that really says it all.

>> No.10092375
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Thank you for keeping us all alive load-bearing anon

>> No.10092384

I've always been the load bearer. I'm now among the last line, and not because I'm the best or at all suited.

It's the beginning of the end, and you're as good as dead or worse. Good luck. Enjoy the stars.

>> No.10092391
File: 110 KB, 960x640, stargazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, enjoy your heart attack.

>> No.10092404

Mine is Fomalhaut

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthugha Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'lthagn

>> No.10092408

Possibly. It would be a relief.

I also find it very suspicious Google claimed I was sending out automated requests, and prevented me from filling out captchas after I posted that. Though with everything else I post, I wonder what I could have tripped.

Here's the basic version. Everything you purport to value and care about is being taken from you and destroyed, with your help. Time to quit your role.

>> No.10092413

>Everything you purport to value and care about
I value and care about stargazing czechmate.

>> No.10092415

Stupid response by a stupid NPC.

>> No.10092418

You aren't worth firing up more neurons.

>> No.10092420

The result would be the same.

>> No.10092562

>I also find it very suspicious Google claimed I was sending out automated requests, and prevented me from filling out captchas after I posted that.
That just happens when you’re on a busy/crowded network you mong. I got that shit all the time at my parent’s house until using 4chanx for captchas.

>> No.10092595

Sirius. I remember taking a shitload of acid and stargazing and absolutely went on a mental voyage watching Sirius twinkle.
The Pleiades are a close second, mostly because I can only ever see the stars out by looking at them indirectly (if I look right at them they blurry and faint, like they vanish in a blind spot).

>> No.10092599

>best name
>Not betelgeuse
Orion's axilla game is on point!

>> No.10092685

In 13000 years Vega will be though, hence why I'm a bit of a Vega admirer myself

>> No.10092693


>> No.10092780


>> No.10092882

Where Buzz Aldrin and Niel Armstrong really smart scientists or more good airforce guys that probably gonna be good at flying a spacecraft and had a high G-force tolerance?

>> No.10094716


>> No.10094768

The early astronauts were test pilots. I don't think they sent a dedicated scientist up there until the end of the apollo missions.
Watch/read "The Right Stuff." breddy gud/10.

>> No.10094782

Nyoron~ <3

>> No.10094789

My favorite star is the sun

>> No.10094796

It's not a busy or crowded network.

>> No.10094799

the sun
any other answer is wrong

>> No.10094997

We are not on a spinning spheroid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGuTOfCTs98

>> No.10095045

I'm actually more apt to think the Earth is hollow, and it's possible we're simply on a more inner layer. Parts of a given layer may be flat. The things we see above are all fabrications, or maybe legitimate effects of some other processes.

>> No.10095054

Only one way to find out.

>> No.10095154

Algol (demon star) is pretty cool

>> No.10096512

It never was. Close though.

>> No.10096515

Your problem is obviously serious.

>> No.10096518

Barnard's, for moving fastest.

Based (also Gamma Andromedae)

Similarly, Mu Cephei for being red.

>> No.10097168

newfag here, what's based mean

>> No.10097256

Got into stargazing recently and I like Aldebaran because while focusing on it I noticed this weird fuzzy light that was only visible if looked through my peripheral vision. Been using Aldebaran to find the Pleiades since then, and after getting binoculars a few weeks ago I found out it even had a cluster directly behind it (Hyades).

>> No.10097316

Kalgash, of course.

>> No.10098450

Fake word used as an adjective to refer to something as the highest level of cool.