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File: 312 KB, 774x1138, DS_Alternative.Influence_Lewis_reportcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10019507 No.10019507 [Reply] [Original]

What is this new branch of science called "scientific racism"?

>> No.10019517


>> No.10019527

imagine being interested in racial """science"""

>> No.10019534

It's weird.. All they seem to do is slander the arguments that support racial differences without providing counter arguments.
Is anybody else puzzled by this?

>> No.10019535

>slander the arguments that support racial
or rather slander the people with arguments that support racial differences.

>> No.10019546

You are under the assumption opponents must beat you with their arguments.
What your shelterws suburban pussy ass doesn't know is that they often prefer using a stick instead. And it works better you won't be making any arguments after that.

>> No.10019554

So you are saying their position is inherently weak, so they need to use force?

>> No.10019710

He is saying exactly that.


>> No.10019738
File: 114 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine denying human biodiversity

>> No.10019759

>implying you are a biologist or have any specialized knowledge in any field whatsoever

>> No.10020613
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{sigh} Looks like another attempt to "Decolonize Science"

>> No.10020630
File: 118 KB, 865x802, EDI_Fermi_6_15_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for 'Influencing' Science - check out this gem of a video - http://vms.fnal.gov/asset/detail?recid=1954943 - where Intersectionally is introduced to people that work in Particle Physics. Check out what happens when the presenter is asked a very pointed question at 1:02 Mark

>> No.10021738


>> No.10021761

Hey man sorry dont have the data on my phone to check but curious, what is asked and how do they reply? Ty

>> No.10021764

>What is this new branch of science called "scientific racism"?

Its basically white supremacist code for, "let's try to convince decent and moral, non-hating, non-racist white people that black people are sub-human so they'll be more susceptible to our goal of ethnic cleansing the blacks".

Its why you see all these racist threads about black genes or intelligence on /sci/ nowadays. Pol fags want regular people to strip blacks of their humanity just like they have.

>> No.10021781

Thing is that there are plenty counterarguments against race realism, but the left starts slandering immediately. For example, why do black people have a lower iq generally?

>> No.10021792
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>Its basically white supremacist code for, "let's try to convince decent and moral, non-hating, non-racist white people that black people are sub-human so they'll be more susceptible to our goal of ethnic cleansing the blacks".


>> No.10021793

Yknow damn well

>> No.10021816


>"Dude, stop slandering and strawmannin us, you libtard jew shill. Just because us white nationalist argue that blacks are dumb, violent, lazy, lack empathy, and have contributed far less to society and world history than us whites mostly for fixed genetic reasons, does not give you ANY reason, at all, literally ZERO, to somehow perceive that we would ever treat blacks unfairly or harm them. Just because we are essentially removing them of their humanity does not give you libtards the right to conclude we are on the same road that Hitler was on!!!! fucking dishonest SJW jew shill!!!"

Yeah...you can dress up your racist ideology all you want. Decent people will see right thru it.

>> No.10021829
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>> No.10022376

>"I have no argument except for a big stick"
I read it right the first time. Who could have guessed?


>> No.10022380

scientific "racism" is science that doesnt align with Marxist ideology

>> No.10022382

>why do black people have a lower iq generally
Because worldwide they are disproportionately affected by malnutrition, diseases that impair the brain, and other factors that affect IQ tests such as lack of sleep or education

>> No.10022388


>> No.10022399 [DELETED] 

>you need a phd to read things that scientists have discovered

>> No.10022400 [DELETED] 

And what about African Americans? Or what about US born Ashkenazi Jews or Brahmin class indians? Why the IQ differences?

>> No.10022405

What about Igbo Nigerians?

>> No.10022570

Yeah, those are controlled for.

>> No.10022878
File: 15 KB, 417x402, 1536393442189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science can be racist if science does differ between different races but there's literally nothing wrong about it. Same as it is racist to only be into white men for example. You have a RACIAL preference and therefore throw out anyone who doesn't fit the scheme.

The main problem with "racism" isn't racism itself but the fact that the left has transformed the term into something bad that needs to be eliminated - which doesn't even work since all of my white pals made their first bad experience with shitskins on schoolyards.

It aren't always racists that make racists racist but often the ones the left wants to protect from racism.

>> No.10022888

Scientific racism is a buzzword to try and discredit rather obvious facts about human biodiversity.

>> No.10022890

Winning an argument isn't about being the closest to reality, having a good opinion or being reasonable but about getting the crowd on your side, trick your opponent, win the battle. That's why Ad Hominem/name calling, lying and other logical fallacys are a thing.

>> No.10022901
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 1522155587339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you need a math degree to cound from 1 to 10.
>Implying you need a med degree to know if your leg is broken.
>Implying you need a Biology Degree to be able to differ between a dog and a cat
>Implying you need a Physics degree to know that your car needs fuel to work
>Implying you need a German Degree um gescheit Deutsch sprechen zu können.
>Implying you need a Chem degree to know that Ice can turn to water, water to steam and vice versa.
>Implying you need a Compsci Degree to have neither a job nor lost your virginity
>Implying you need a pharmacy degree to know how to use aspirin.

Try harder, Libfag. It's amazing to see people denying reality on a board based around foelds that have been made to analyze or improve reality.

>> No.10022908

Yeah. Le foodstamps aint enough.

Ever heard of the Minnesota Twin Studies, faggot?

>> No.10022914

>compsci degree to have neither a job
aren't they the only actual good job market right now? And getting laid is easier if you're getting paid.

>> No.10022919

>I don't need to read any data analysis, I just need raw data to interpret to my own whims

>> No.10022922

Curious, what next? I'm not an anthropologist or biologist, though they generally seem to disagree with your conclusions, but let's assume they're wrong and you're right. What's the point?

>> No.10022928

Post evidence or you're full of shit

>> No.10022991
File: 143 KB, 600x1029, original_utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The speaker was asked if she believed in Equality of Opportunity or Equality of Outcome. Spent about 2 or 3 minutes dodging the question, then asked if she actually read the original thesis for Utopia, and reminded her that system required slavery. She was openly stunned. Mind you, she openly admitted during the lecture she knew little about engineering and science to begin with.

>> No.10022997 [DELETED] 

not there where is it actually

>> No.10022999
File: 778 KB, 3042x1845, abi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind you this video is public, the first meeting on this subject was in late 2017, where the local representative of Black Lives Matter openly told all the white people in the audience (scientists, engineers, technicians) they 'over represent'. No surprise that video was never released for public consumption.

>> No.10023001

note he means 1:02:00

>> No.10023010
File: 111 KB, 886x683, Time_of_Question_Marked_in_Red_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the Time Mark in the Red Box

>> No.10023017

mate i'd like to see this fat thing shot into the sun but you're wrong here. She said
>when i think of an equitable society i don't have a vision of some sort of Utopia
and some smirking trollface faggot goes heh utopia huh you know that had slavery? She goes
And waits a second while the microphone goes to the next questioner. She said 'right' like you would to a schizo talking nonsense at you because what he said had nothing to do with what she had said. It was like a trap he sprung when she wasn't in it. It was him who was an embarrassment in that interaction

>> No.10023023
File: 146 KB, 765x889, research_graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those you in the audience that want to read the 'research' - https://datasociety.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/DS_Alternative_Influence.pdf

I do recommend looking at this document, then actually visiting the channels called out. I believe most here will then find 'scientific racism' will be viewed more for the FOD that it really is.

>> No.10023040

Hm... while she said one thing during the question, the lecture she gave made it look like she was, even when she had to confront the hard truth about graduation rates at the 23:36:00 mark

>> No.10023043

>Look at this funny thing at the end of this talk.
>Oh oops looks like it's only funny in context so just watch this hour long diversity and exclusivity presentation (to enjoy the troll).
honestly impressed. What 3D chess level shilling is this

>> No.10023076
File: 39 KB, 587x293, lynn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10023077
File: 157 KB, 551x368, genetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jp > kr

>> No.10023080

It's called controlled oppo. Sargon is a white supremacist

>> No.10023212

>but the left starts slandering immediately
The people on the left who immediately resort to ad hominum do it for exactly the same reasons as the people on the right. They don't have enough scientific knowledge to contribute tot he debate so they cannot argue from a scientific position.

I am not aware of any differences between human populations that cannot be attributed to social, environmental (by which I mean stuff like average sunlight levels, preferred diet, etc) or geopolitical (such as continuous regional instability) factors.
Thus I am drawn to the conclusion that there are no inherent differences between the "races" of humans.

>> No.10023240

This isn't winning an argument. Its bypassing it. Nothing of lasting value can be built upon a foundation of lies with a scaffold of violence. It is towards the truth that we must always vector. Force must only be used to counter force, that the rational position might prevail.

>> No.10023269

>expecting militant anti-racialists to behave rationally
They expect one of the most tribal species on the planet, homo sapiens, to collectively abandon racial identity. They are the definition of irrational.

>> No.10023292

It's called biology. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/23/opinion/sunday/genetics-race.html

>> No.10023305

>I am not aware of any differences between human populations that cannot be attributed to social, environmental (by which I mean stuff like average sunlight levels, preferred diet, etc) or geopolitical (such as continuous regional instability) factors.
You can start by reading the Minnesota Twin Study abstract.
>Thus I am drawn to the conclusion that there are no inherent differences between the "races" of humans.

>> No.10023346

>I am not aware of any differences between human populations that cannot be attributed to social, environmental

Ok let us start with west vs east African muscular twitch speeds, a well known and documented fact that is obvious even at face value based on the olympic level performance of these ethnic groups. Now we have one absolutely verifiable biological and genetic level difference between different ethnic groups. Would you seriously believe it ends with trivial things like that and that things such as the verifiable fact of differing average cranial volume between ethnic groups has no effect whatsoever?

>> No.10023361

>thinking melanin is purely influenced by sunlight
The africans are dark because of the sun, sure but it actually took them generation to actually get that dark so genetics are involved here. Put an african in the middle of siberia, he won't become an albino. Put an irishman in the middle of the desert and he'll get a nice tan at worst and sunburn at best.