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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12779797 [View]
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Ah, you mean the ol argument about being inefficient, weak, and unstable.

Well, OK
But we can make your argument more powerful by listing these factors:
>Solar produces DC energy (all others produces AC) which makes it useless/dangerous for common appliances. Converting it to AC causes it to lose 30% of its energy
>solar and wind farms are located far away. The transmission of energy causes huge losses on energy due to resistance
>instability means that if it produces too much, powergrids can explode
And then the issue of energy storage.

>> No.12341475 [View]
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Meth = super drug used by soldiers
Weed = medically useful for relieving pain and causing increased cognitive abilities. Popular among artists
Nicotine = also increases cognition and relaxes your nerves

Anything can look like next phase of humanity if you remove the long-term effects

>> No.12125432 [View]
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Unless you specifically designed your own artificial body, no.
Once you replaced your body with one manufactured by the government, you are now their property

One bad word and they would make you explode.

Yes, of course
We've heard of all the benefits of genetic engineering
But please don't turn a blind eye and say that genocide will not happen

And would and this time, it would be backed with actual facts.

People would no longer be treated as humans
Rather, people would be branded and scored based on the quality of their genes.

This is your future

>> No.11792556 [View]
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I browse both boards
/lit/'s community love to teach people. /sci/ wanted to act pretentious
/lit/ is secured about themselves. /sci/ is full of undergraduates burdened by insecurity over not being able to be something

/lit/ has accepted that philosophy is a niche branch and most people would look down upon it despite how important it actually is.
/sci/ took their course because they thought academics would make them seem like the bigger person. It doesn't. And the worst part is that most people here don't spend enough self-reflection to appreciate their own intellect, let alone have fun teaching it

There is a catch in /lit/ though.
Board has a lot of know-it alls and holier than thou mentallty.
Overall, both boards are intelligent and I recommended browsing them both as well

Don't know about that.
/lit/ has a NASA scientist who browse the board because he was jealous that his librarian wife knows so much more than him. Talked to him years ago. Don't know if he's still there.
I heard there's also some Brit Lords posting there

>> No.11785244 [View]
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Nuclear is the ONLY viable long-term energy source for space travel.

End of story

>> No.11760569 [View]
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Nuclear Plants are not just expensive as hell, they also have a payback of 15 years
Coal plants have a payback time of just 5 years.
Solar Panels and Wind Turbines are at 8 years & 8 months. (Realistically double due to climate and evening.)

Don't get me wrong, I am seriously advocating for nuclear but in an economic standpoint, it is understable why you cannot just switch.

The entire selling point of nuclear is that
it is incomparably safer than coal plants
it can provide more energy than hundred miles of solar panels,
completely immune to weather issues
And can be used for space programs as it does not oxygen and uranium can be mined in asteroids

Downside is it's a massive monetary and societal responsibility.

But yeah, it's BS why people are advocating for Renewables when nuclear is right there.

>> No.11705458 [View]
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3-5% of the population aren't a minor number, my friend. Especially now that we are in the billions

Oh, we are not real because we do not want to breed
But gays are real?

We are a paradox of Natural Selection and there are many hypothesis proposed for our existence. You can take your pick over which is convincing to you

Either way, I am comfy.

>> No.11672990 [View]
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It most definitely isn't nano tech and we would discuss that later.

The Thing is a biological creature and biological impossibility
First and foremost: it has no definite nervous system yet, it can take complex structures and dissolve it at anytime in a matter of seconds. That's a complete bullshit because metamorphosis take weeks in order to properly liquefy and restructure the insect. And even then, it still retain its memories from before - thus suggesting that it was never a complete liquefaction. Even at the moment it hatches as a larvae, its future is already hardcoded in its DNA. Slugs, Jellyfish, Hydra, even bacteria all have definite shapes dictated by their DNA.
The Thing has no definte DNA that mutates without warning without turning cancerous.
Secondly: there exists nothing that can safely process, distribute, and consume energy as fast as how The Thing creates entire new ligaments that was recently cut and destroyed. The most powerful stomach acid in the world belong to vultures and even they cannot digest bones.
There exist acids that can make stomach acid pale but those acid are not designed for biological creatures
I remember a case of a scientist who made an oopsie, causing a drop of super acid to fall into his thigh. He immediately flee to the pool, hospitalized, got amputated, but still died because the acid can literally break down every single chemical compound in such a way that not even the nervous system could take note of the chemical reactions.

The Thing is most definitely NOT nanobot tech because nanobots are antonymous - they move as an individual. They may form colonies in order to create complex compounds more easily with the assistance of each other but as a whole, only 1 nanobot is needed to survive to keep the colony alive. They can travel insectborne, waterborne, or airborne. Exactly like a virus except it is not alive and can break you down to your simplest compounds just so they could self-replicate.

Grey Goo wins.

>> No.11510668 [View]
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It's just a different angle for the same object, mate
A lumber is different from a chair but they are both wood
Now, if you say that a match stick remains the same after burning it, then that would be wrong.

You know, Physical change vs Chemical Change that we learned in 2'nd grade.

You don't even need to deal with quantumn stuff to figure out that Time and Space are just the same once you questioned how they were defined in the first place

Is time based on the speed of the ticking of the clock? The speed of your nervous system to reach the brain? The rate at which your cells die? The frequency of electric transition of the photons in the ultraviolet wavelength?

See where I'm coming from? The fact that time needs a reference proves that it is not just dependent on definition. It also does not exist. It's just an illusion of motion

Same goes for Space which is just the area from which the motion happens

Einstein just made things more complicated by saying and proving that the fabric of time and space can be manipulated through gravity

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