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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9913679 [View]
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>different races, after evolving for tens of thousands of years in different environments, might have evolves slightly different brain structures (just like they have evolved different muscle and bone structures)
by that logic, you might expect them to also have evolved slightly different ribosomal structures, right?

some features are highly conserved because of how vital they are to an organism's life mode. in the absence of strong selection, those features/traits experience negligible rates of change. intelligence seems to be one of those traits in humans.
stormfags can never seem to explain why African and Eurasian environments would select differently for intelligence. the best they have is the claim that European winters require more forethought to survive...which only shows how ignorant they are of tropical wet/dry seasonality and the stresses that come with it.

also lmao @ "tens of thousands of years"
that's about a thousand generations, which ain't that much by evolutionary timescales.

>> No.9733269 [View]
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not an argument :^)

>> No.9527037 [View]
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Hello /pol/acks:

Anthropogenic global warming/climate change is real, and it poses a serious threat to human civilization/society.

Races are real, but not terribly important/informative from a genetic perspective. That is, there's more variation within races than between them.

Anyone can be healthy at a reasonably wide range of weights. However, just because SOMEONE can be healthy at 300 lbs doesn't mean YOU can. And just because you CAN BE healthy at 250 lbs doesn't mean you ACTUALLY ARE healthy at 250 lbs; if you're carrying too much fat tissue in excess of what your body naturally tends to carry, you're probably putting yourself at risk.

Creation? We have no way of knowing. As far as science can tell, it just is because it is.

People are inherently tribalistic; we tend to surround ourselves with people like us (whether in terms of ethnicity, personality, religion, politics, whatever). However, it's better that people have contact with others different from them, as seeing and getting to know people different from you humanizes them to you and prevents xenophobia. You don't have to be close friends with people different from you, but you should see them around from time to time.

Purpose? That's not a question for science either. Shit just happens; there's no reason it has to be part of some larger plan.

The evidence that the Holocaust happened is overwhelming. If your models say that it's not plausible, that speaks to problems with your models. (Viz. "scientists can't explain how the bumblebee can fly".)

>> No.9355114 [View]
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>Education is designed to make you stressed about passing tests rather than actually learning anything.
Wrong. Education is designed to stress-test your ability to learn. There's a very big difference.
And of course there's still the fact that you admitted your claims are unrooted in any evidence. You're GUESSING BLINDLY at what things really are like, which is why you're so badly mistaken all the time.
>The further from the truth you stray, the harder and more complicated things become.
A meaningless platitude, and false into the bargain. People believe great lies because they are comforting and easy to understand. The truth is frequently harsh, complicated, and counterintuitive. This is why Creationism remains sadly popular in America; it is easier psychologically to believe that a benevolent supernatural force "just made everything" than to understand that the world comes from uncertain origins, cares little for us, and took unimaginable amounts of time to reach its current everyday complexity.
>Why does something being a book make it automatically true?
I never said it does. You, however, take it to the other extreme; getting information out of books is AUTOMATICALLY suspect. Rather than making any sort of critical assessment of a record or document, you insist that it MUST be a conspiracy to fool you.
>That's mathematics.
You are on the record claiming that all equations are anti-science. You are now claiming that mathematics itself is anti-science.
that's all anyone really needs to know about your dumb ass.

>> No.9217190 [View]
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>Factors into filling a niche
the fact that you think those go into niche partitioning shows how little you know. of the four, only population selection does (and even that's kinda fuzzy).

>> No.9157462 [View]
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>the Earth's biosphere is constantly changing, and that there is not and never was any "perfect natural equilibrium."
it's almost hilarious how denierfags seem to forget the timescales on which the various feedbacks operate, and how slow natural change is by human standards.
(yes, we can count on increased silicate weathering to eventually counteract increased temperature and pCO2. no, it won't happen soon enough to be useful to us.)

google the phrase "near-equilibrium" and get back to me.

>> No.9045450 [View]
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>hurr durr you can't be sure that birds can tell the difference between light and dark
>therefore the peppered moth character shift isn't real evidence of evolution
this is what Creationists are unironically reduced to: demanding unreasonable standards of proof of things that have been known since antiquity and proven over and over literally every day, all to try and poke holes in a real-world observation of that which they claim cannot occur


>> No.8920254 [View]
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>Promoting loud, cunty black frauds as math professors is not going to convince any reasonable, talented girls to go into math.
this is 100% true. and it's pretty much what I said >>8920211
I think we're on the same side here.

>some guy on the internet elaborated on his claims instead of just posting smuganimeface
>must be a CUNSPURICY!!!1!!
I wonder which board you could possibly need to go back to...

>> No.8868039 [View]
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it's always easy to spot the /pol/acks because whenever someone mentions /pol/ crossboarding, they always respond and tell that poster to go to reddit.

every time, like clockwork. they just can't control themselves.

>> No.8779368 [View]
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Not An Argument™ :^)

>poor people are poor because they're inferior and immoral
>poverty rate is the sole factor influencing rates of violent crime
>War on Poverty was justified by claiming it would reduce crime, rather than by humanitarian grounds
is this nigga srs

>> No.8749546 [View]
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>Pictures tell more than "climate models" ever could.
yeah, screw actually studying how a complex system works; let's just look at a picture and see how it makes us feel.
>being this retarded

>climate change alarmists have been disregarding the natural aspect until now
[citation fucking needed]
>there is no credible path to actually mitigate the warming
Stage 4, nice.


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