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>> No.15623174 [View]
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balding is an evolutionary indicator of hormonal changes, signaling mental maturity, lower aggression, more nurturing and family/community mindset, etc. it also objectively makes men less sexually attractive, but that's the point; it's a k-selection trait. the average bald man has his kids, settles down, and raises them. the balding kicks in and reinforces these traits, making him less tempting to women and thus less likely to leave his family and fuck around. it also makes the man more amicable to other men, because he is essentially a non-threat; he's not going to steal your wife, he's not going to constantly posture himself, he's significantly less likely to get caught up in young male pecking order bullshit. this increases tribal cooperation as opposed to the sexual competition of youth, which allows for shit to get done. this isn't to say that bald men are meek/pathetic, because it's actually a very dominant/socially high-ranking trait that is more common in high-testosterone men, it just does this in a firmly non-sexual, k-selected context. it's a trait intended to display one's seniority and important, not win pussy.
balding is firmly a community-driven and societally-beneficial trait, which is why it is incredibly common in humans but extremely rare in other, inferiors great apes.

non-balding men tend to be more socially aggressive and are more suited to sleeping around, trying to steal wives and girlfriends, having multiple sexual partners and multiple children to single-parent mothers. if this option is more tantalizing to you, that kind of proves the point as it's a very narcissistic and hedonistic lifestyle. doing active harm to one's community for the sake of busting a nut. the kind of man obsessed with his hair is usually stuck in the young male sexual hustle mindset, and much less likely to be interested in actually settling down with a wife and kids.

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