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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9986434 [View]
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also there's a hell of a difference between
>I'm not going to vote on this regulation which would affect a company I have an interest in, but I'm still going to be involved in the discussion leading up to the vote
>I'm going to fabricate data to paint a vaccine as dangerous so I can sell my competing vaccine which I haven't told anyone about

>> No.9353451 [View]
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>The curve itself shows that to make the same change which happened from 200 ppm to 400 ppm you'd have to go from 400 ppm to 800 ppm! Extremely unlikely we'll ever hit 800 ppm.
The issue here is that the total warming isn't directly proportional to the forcing from increased CO2 alone. There are a variety of feedbacks (from melting ice to ocean acidification to changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation) that become significant once warming reaches a certain point, causing much more warming to result. If you'll pardon my metaphor, you don't need to shake a mountain to cause an avalanche, if there's enough snow already on it.

>Nice false choice. Either Climate change is true, or there's a big conspiracy.
>As if scientific theories have never been wrong before.
given the current evidence, mainstream theories of climate change being wrong is INCREDIBLY unlikely, on par with the odds that evolution by natural selection isn't real.
when all the evidence points in one direction, we follow it. we don't go around saying that gravity doesn't real just because "hurr durr scientists were wrong before".

>> No.8993732 [View]
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>not a single observation of a single case of speciation
Rhagoletis pomonella, niBBa. Speciation happening before our very eyes, driven by the appearance of a new food source.

>> No.8937225 [View]
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>No university level professor is going to teach creationism in the way OP's commie professor did. It just doesn't happen.
There are some! Just look at Liberty """"University""""
But the bigger issue isn't university, but rather public school. The GOP is currently pushing to have creationism and/or intelligent design allowed on middle and high school curricula, where kids are at their most impressionable and vulnerable.

>> No.8870896 [View]
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>CO2 can't possibly make a difference because there's comparatively little of it in the atmosphere!
again, argument from incredulity. just because you don't THINK a minor constituent can't have a big effect doesn't mean it actually can't; a (sufficiently sensitive) balance with ten tons on each side will tip if you add ten grams to one side.

>le 1998-to-present graph
this cherry-picked interval has been so thoroughly debunked already it's hardly even worth addressing

>> No.8796605 [View]
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>6 people with 6 fixed views that keep shifting the goalpost
>fixed views
>keep shifting the goalpost
you can't even shitpost coherently you turbo autist

>> No.8781299 [View]
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