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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5753716 [View]
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If you're not passionate about it, don't do it

>> No.5712926 [View]
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You think it's cool but it also feels pretty boring?

>> No.5502015 [View]
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>> No.4824338 [View]
File: 18 KB, 346x300, Im confus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is interesting and made me think. Individualism and liberalism are European inventions, while most people on the Earth are actually community minded. I have no experience with blacks, but so far what I've read about them is that they seem like african tribesmen everywhere. They live in tight-knit communities, isolated from outside influence and even hostile to it. When I see interviews with them they refer an awful lot to the local ghetto lifestyle and people.
So far I've thought that individualism, the ability to question the world and norms around you is the key to scientific success and the best way to negate cultural influences. The weird thing is that asians are very much alike blacks, but for some reason they seem successful enough with their hivemind.

I don't even know what I wanted to write, but living in a community that encourages individual growth is definitely a bonus. Blacks lived in violent seclusion since forever and the Americas is full of the spawns of religiousfags Europe didn't want.

>> No.4090566 [View]
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>in the middle of registration
>can't decide on last class
>/sci/'s full smart people I should get their advice

200 level macro econ or entry level Comp. science?
I'm trying to transfer out of community college to get into a good school for (electrical) engineering which would look better? I want to say Comp. but I'm at a piss easy community college so I'd probably be lost at the 200 level in a good school.

>> No.4066783 [View]
File: 18 KB, 346x300, i'm confus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/, whats the deal with this EK? Does anyone have the backstory?

Inb4 lurk moar, i've tried, i find nothing.

>> No.2883952 [View]
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Hey any statsfags that are on /sci/,

I'm trying to forecast some data using smoothing methods and I'm supposed to use several models like the exponential weighted moving average model (EWMA or brownian simple exponential smoothing ) or the Holts linear method. I can do these quite easily and I can easily calculate the parameters that'll minimize the squared forecast error.

However, i'm not really sure what model to pick. The EWMA doesn't include any trend or seasonal factors, while the Holts linear method does. I think my data has a trend in it but i'm not really confident. Should i use the one that minimizes the msfe? Any tips?


>> No.2447366 [View]
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The rate of collapse being in free fall indicates that the system's gravitational potential energy was being converted almost entirely into kinetic energy. I can think of one plausible explanation for this that doesn't involve explosives. The energy required to dismember the structure was negligible compared to the stored gravitational potential. Something that is indeed plausible. I just have not seen this argument made rigorously and I would genuinely like to see someone at least try.

Office fires, while doing a great deal of work on the system during the long period of time the building burned; the amount of work done on the system during its collapse could not possibly contribute to the dynamics of the collapse. In short I'm asserting that the collapse of the structure is an adiabatic (assuming lack of explosive of course) process that the system undergoes.
Given that the change in entropy is equal to the change in the system energy over its temperature:
dS = dQ/T
dQ = 0
T > 0
It follows that dS = 0, if there is no change in the entropy of the building then ... it didn't collapse. However, clearly from the footage we see that dS >> 0 so there must be a dQ >> 0.
Clearly you can see my problem with the physics of the collapse.

Now with the demolition theory. I simply have a hard time imagining how the building actually was rigged. I am familiar with some of the conspiracy theories as to why someone might want to demolish it. But, simply burning out the floors with the relevant documents would have been sufficient and it is much less likely anyone would ask questions about intense fires as opposed to a very suspicious building collapse. I'd like those advancing the theory that demolition was involved to resolve some of these questions.

Pic related, that's my face when I try to reconcile the cognitive dissonance.

>> No.2401477 [View]
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i dunno 90 nC?

>> No.2117335 [View]
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hey /sci/
So I have an exam on Tuesday (I'm in college) in calc II and its on sequences and series. Can anyone link me to some great tutorial websites, I'm really fucking lost on this shit.

>> No.1795037 [View]
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Yall like math right? well i need some help with my algebra please.

tell me if i did these right

p+2p -3=6 11w-9-7w=15 5a+3-3a= -7

p=3 w= 6.5 a=1.2

ill do more when these get graded by any of you

>> No.1471572 [View]
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fucking lawn mowers how work do they???????????

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