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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16150200 [View]
File: 364 KB, 1000x666, hamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board used to have a lot of high level discussion in the early-to-mid 2010s. A lot better than anything else I've ever seen online. I suspect there were a lot of grad students on this board at the time, especially in physics and math.

Unfortunately, woke redditors started showing up and it really changed the board culture. Now you can't discuss anything beside entry level pop sci without someone calling you a schizo and a conspiracy theorist. If you genuinely try to have any sort of sophisticated or nuanced conversation, people will just tell you to "go back to pol." After all, we're not suppose to be doing our own research, and if you're trying to have a serious conversation, that's basically what you're doing: sharing facts and opinions, and linking to both popular and scholarly sources to support your claims. However, that's a big no-no for the woke/"""pro-science"""/Zionist/NAFO crowd.

Normies want you to shut the fuck up, and focus on talking about sports or reality Tv or twitch streamers. If you want to talk about science, then the normies want you to focus on VR goggles and SpaceX and other soiboi tier technofuturist pop sci consumerism. Anything that is really interesting or deep or that has significant social, ethical, or philosophical implications needs to be ignored and left to "the experts" to discuss. Probability, statistics, physics, evolution, cognition, the nature of complex systems, etc. these are the topic that are not to be discussed. You want to talk about the replication crisis or the inerpretation of QM or the lab leak hypothesis? Sorry chud, that needs to be left to """the experts""" (i.e. pop sci journalists without advanced STEM training who work for outlets like Wired or NPR). The chuds of sci should be content with discussing the latest VR goggles or electric cars or space ships or whatever faggoty shit the tech companies and hedge funds in California are currently shilling.

>> No.16121280 [View]
File: 364 KB, 1000x666, hamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think these retarded trannies, spics, and woke professional girl boss types think they're such profound thought leaders and moral saints that they should decide who gets to live and die, and who is deserving of basic human rights.

I can sincerely say that she deserves what happened to her, and I have no sympathy for her or her coworkers. What gives her the intellectual or moral superiority to decide whether someone who lives in Palestine or Russia - someone who she has never met - will live or die? She's so stupid she can't even walk across a tarmac without killing herself, so I don't think she should be making decisions about whether other people get to live and die. She should have been more worried about herself and her own condition, especially given her clear incompetence. Instead she was more worried about other people, and minding there business, instead of worrying about herself and her own flaws and problems.

Maybe focus own your own problems before you decide to appoint yourself to be world police.

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