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>> No.14855355 [View]
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>All of them should be illegal.

I mean, there's no point in policing this shit at all because the sexual degeneracy shit is just a symptom of the disease that is sexual liberation. Promoting sexual hedonism does nothing but build tolerance to sex.

I was born in the 90s and as an 11 year old I was already watching bestiality, dudes cutting their dicks off, and lesbian S&M porn as if it were normal. The more you "loosen the butthole" of sexual liberation, the more shit you get all over the place. The more you allow people to stretch that butthole, the looser it gets. It's the samepsychological tolerance as drug abuse.

The only functional degree of prosocial sexuality is the complete abolition of all sexual freedom. Freedom is solely the capacity to make mistakes and deviate from the optimum, and that is exactly what happens when the degenerates were given the freedom to promote their antisocial lifestyle.

There's no point in "White knighting" to "protect the kids" any more than there is in slapping the needle out of the arm of some junkie with collapsed veins dying on the street. .

The kids used to be way sluttier because they were raised on shit like Britney Spears, who was on basic network television, on MTV, and kids would just all watch this girl dance with her titties out and covered in foam, and they believed this was the ideal woman.

The tolerance phenomenon occurred and even this level of normal yet overt sexuality lost its grasp on the children as they were then exposed to more antisocial forms of sexuality like homosexuality, interracial, and transgenderism, all of which will have a much higher interest in curious people than the typical vanilla shit.

That's why I never got into hetero shit as a kid, just fucked up shit, just looking at "normal sex" and I felt no connection to that act, since I started on the harder horse porn, watching some people get fucked by a horses, I couldn't get "high" from softer "drugs".

>> No.12779039 [View]
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>> No.12778725 [View]
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>> No.12725923 [View]
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it was never about "fighting racism", it was always a means of sowing divisions and causing tensions as a means of union busting, policy control, keeping "underlings" in line through fear, etc. amazon for instance tracks "diversity" because the risk of unionization increases with low diversity. likely something to to do with innate human tribalism (not saying it's a good thing). in any event all this sjwshit is bureaucrats utilizing ethnic and sexual tensions to reign in the work force to their knees.

>> No.12649685 [View]
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makes perfect sense why they peddle this when you consider who owns the government.

>> No.12641529 [View]
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a big push for all this woke idpol diversity stuff is because those in power realized a long time ago is it causes division. now amazon uses it as a means of union busting.
back during ows, the 1% were a target and p much most of the 99% (left and right) were pointing the finger rightly at them, so what did they do? they introduced sjws into the movement who forced the "progressive stack" where depending on your group identity's perceived oppression that decides the order of speaking. it doesn't matter if the white male has the best idea, he is privileged despite the fact he may be poor so the black tranny who may be from a rich family gets to speak first. this fragmented the movement.
now they use it as a distraction, "what billionaire? look at that white male who works a little harder and earns a little more money over there. he is the problem. billionaires are a racist conspiracy theory." what is happening now imo is bezos and the other billionaires who have established businesses are using blm as a means of market consolidation. lemme explain this hypothesis. you notice that blm is supported by all the major brands despite the fact that they torch their warehouses, etc. why is this? well first of all, all of the megacorp offices and warehouses are insured so they incur no loses. but more importantly their a huge segment of their competition is all those small business mom and pop shops. most of those do not have adequate insurance to cover a blm torching and on top of the lockdowns that they faced probably cannot go back to business when this is all over. this allows the megacorps like amazon to consolidate more of the market.

>> No.12564073 [View]
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all these platforms are just part of the cathedral, it is a mistake to consider them wholly separate entities. they are owned by the same group of investors who have a specific agenda for control. their mo rn is use tribalism to destroy the lower classes. make white ppl who are the majority afraid to stand up for themselves and demand more from society and scare the minorities into thinking they are hunted down at every corner. in effect instilling fear in the lower classes and subduing them.

>> No.12487546 [View]
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>> No.12397999 [View]
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it's economic
for the past few decades, women's lives have been getting better in a lot of ways. More education, more employment, more representation in government and media, etc. Now in lots of ways their lives have been getting worse, but that's just because everyone's lives have been getting worse, with stuff like wage stagnation, inflation, cost of living, loss of freedoms, loss of privacy, etc. Now I believe that the main cause of this is the eternal population growth sought by western nations to continually improve "productivity" and gdp. Mass immigration is used in this way to makes the state, the banks, the corporations more wealthy, to prop up the housing markets to prevent a crash, etc., at the cost of wage suppression.
Either way, the difference between men and women in this case is that women still feel like things are getting better in some ways. That's not happening for men, in fact things like education are actually getting worse for men, as proportionally fewer and fewer men get higher education, mostly due to programs and scholarships designed to increase the number of women in higher education (despite the fact that there are of course more women than men, and it has been like that for decades).
The best case scenario is for women (and racial minorities) to realize that their situations aren't going to get better any more. It's clear from an outsider's perspective that this is the case, as equal rights groups focus more and more on fringe, or often completely fabricated issues. If that happens and the average person realizes the truth, we could see positive changes. I'm not too optimistic though, as it seems like people are getting more and more divided, not less. Just remember, nothing good ever happens.

>> No.12258968 [View]
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>media and government propping them up
and that's exactly how they want it.

>> No.12169474 [View]
File: 2.45 MB, 2434x2110, Post-OWS clown world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't mention the biggest recession since 2007 too
How convenient

>> No.12101269 [View]
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>> No.12063153 [View]
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>Name one single TV station that has any antifa member on it spouting garbage

>> No.12057458 [View]
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>> No.12050629 [View]
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>> No.11981884 [View]
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i'll just leave this here

>> No.11961514 [View]
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pheasants might be better at seeing when they're being pitted against each other.

wars have an existential threat that spurs tech development through arms races. what's happening now is more akin to internal economic cannibalism and witch hunting of heretics backed by billions of dollars that could be going to tech development.

>> No.11907981 [View]
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this desu. the surge of nazis rn are mostly whites who have been marginalized by society while being told they are oppressors when they live paycheck to paycheck. the issue is they haven't thought things through like the woke cultisists and are just pawns in the 1%'s scheme to divide and conquer the 99%.

>> No.11906136 [View]
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i'll just leave this here.

>> No.11905129 [View]
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>> No.11783863 [View]
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>What is the logic? WHAT IS THE REASON?

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