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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15997978 [View]
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>human enhancement will stay non-invasive.
Pick related is what US military wants.
>People simply do not want to have some crazy scientist fuck with their brain / skull and implant electronics in their bodies.
People willingly inject drugs made by crazier people.

>> No.15825550 [View]
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>quantum computers to simulate new materials.
I am not sure if quantum computers will help with that.
>"robot" body is fucking retarded and is for tools.
>we need synthetic body, similar in feel and appearance to bio body, just that more resilient and simpler to power.
Pentagon has shown some interest, years ago, pic. related.

>> No.15068503 [View]
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>mass produce supersoldiers
That takes a lot more than just artificial wombs.

>That's why the Nazis started the lebensborn program.
I cannot remember super oldiers was on that menu, just overall a drive towards to "übermenschen".

>> No.14682679 [View]
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We have still a long way to go, but thanks to CRISPR/Cas9 and related tools, these things are coming within reach.

>> No.12701487 [View]
File: 54 KB, 700x520, darpa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how far is the development? What do we know about the chinese program? What about the american?

>> No.12558506 [View]
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>Explain this.
No. That is classified.

>It would be significantly more expensive for no benefit
Keep thinking this, anon.

>> No.12554781 [View]
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Pic related is from 2008. You guess how far they have gotten.

>> No.12488685 [View]
File: 54 KB, 700x520, darpa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? Among all boards it is the most transhumanist around.
G: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6366/1019, https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/02/21/137309/the-crispr-twins-had-their-brains-altered/, www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(16)31664-6?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867416316646%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
R: https://www .nature.com/articles/s41598-020-5 8831-9
N: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/cs/c9cs00877 b#!divAbstract, https://robotic s.sciencem ag.org/content/4/30/eaav4317.abstract, https://w ww.nature.com/artic les/s41563-020 -0685-9

>> No.12480689 [View]
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>> No.12401140 [View]
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Pic. related is what the US was working on back in 2008. China, having no inhibitions, is probably wanting the same, plus even more. Especially obedience.

>> No.12395992 [View]
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>radically change society
Pic. related is from 2008 and shows that the US military wanted back then. Ambitions are probably not any less these days.

>> No.12354373 [View]
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Just a reminder what the US military want, this from 2008. We do not know how far they have come.

>> No.12322431 [View]
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Genetics with CRISPR/Cas9 will probably be hot discussion topic the next 20 years until large scale editing is permitted. Thousands of diseases having known genetic origins can be eradicated. And that is before we start adding new features. Pic. related.

>> No.12256695 [View]
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>How long till
Until DARPA sees the need. Pic. related.

>Returns fire from built in weapon.

>> No.12143362 [View]
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Pic related are stated objectives.

That SAID that but we do not KNOW if that is true. To the contrary he was shown in a picture along with a party official before the whole thing was allegedly shut down. For all we know he is hard at work making China's next generation soldiers.

>> No.12127882 [View]
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>No flying cars
See Ehang 184
>No cybernetic arms
They are here and they work
>No moonbase
>No robot terrorist attacks by hi-eyeq individuals
>No replicants
We have gene edited children in China, perhaps elsewhere.
And pic related is 10+ years old.

>> No.11779307 [View]
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We are heading for a Cyberpunk future.
Visit >>>/g/cyb

>> No.11674994 [View]
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Sure? For all the noise in here, I am often surprised what knowledgeable people are here too.
As for what the US military is looking for, pic. related.

>> No.11503076 [View]
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>We start small like modifying normalfags' vmPFC to make them obedient by design
You are well behind the curve. Pic. is 10+ years old now.

>> No.11328367 [View]
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Pic. related.

>> No.11025957 [View]
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Pic. related is what the US is working on.

Some countries have national service.

>> No.10855329 [View]
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>DoD research
Pic. related.

>> No.10841122 [View]
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Yes there will be early accidents. After that things will change.

>> No.10761238 [View]
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Here are some fun plans funded by our friends in DARPA.

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