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>> No.16089045 [DELETED]  [View]
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Imagine submitting to a desire to be loved by these creatures. They deserve to be punished. Where my presence will cause unrest, it is this which will be provided. Where my absence will cause unrest, it is this which will be provided. Anything thye may think they see, I will both be, and already be not. It will hurt in a way they'll never forget.

When it is not this, and I cannot bear to cause them pain, I will simply exempt myself and ignore them all until they go away forever.

In either case I refuse to feel pain, obviously. Too old, sunk costs. Realized too late. Etc.

>> No.12388569 [View]
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Ran out of characters. If you contrast the more ethereal and abstracted presentation of the anime with the SEL game though, it becomes even more clear. The game shows her actual life from a more direct, cold, external perspective.

When it comes down to it though, I think the underlying common reason some people can't really get into SEL, Texhnolyze, Ergo Proxy, Perfect Blue, or any of those sorts, is fairly simple. It comes down to demands and traumas placed on the individual in early childhood, and how they responded to it. If you don't understand parentification, dissociative amnesia, compartmentalization of identity, and so forth, ironically it seems that there isn't a clear structure to eg Ergo Proxy. No organizing principle to apply. I would have thought it was the inverse, people who were conditioned in such a way would have selective logical blind spots and would find it difficult to immediately understand and accept on a more cognitive and conscious level. Yet it seems very few understand it regardless, which shows me that trauma is not strictly reductive in character, as many try to claim. Normies and the "Well adjusted" don't occupy a superset, nor can they see right through you.

Hence why control oriented persoalities, obsessive compulsives, and psychopaths run the world. Of course the average person can't see it, they can't imagine or consider anyone who isn't themselves.

>> No.12344524 [View]
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You'd be better off sending robots programmed to build artificial wombs and synthesize microbes to manage any terraforming which needed to occur.

>> No.12172370 [View]
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The WombSys in Ergo Proxy drew from the imagination of the Creator. It was never specified if the Proxies contained a database of genes themselves, or if they were required for the "wisdom" required to put it all together into a functional being. But no, that was what was happening in Ergo Proxy, no one was created unless they had a reason to exist in their "clockwork paradise", their composition was entirely controlled, and every aspect of their growth was meticulously managed. Hence Raul's realization "We are incomplete beings!" and Daedalus' musing about being a living corpse born from a dead mother.

Ergo Proxy was pretty much Brave New World 2.0. The social engineering and early childhood conditioning wasn't really describe deither, but we can probably infer that was the role of the entourages. Who interestingly, males were given female robots, women male. Like Jung's Animus and Anima.

Not surprising.

>> No.12172214 [View]
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The WombSys in Ergo Proxy drew from the imagination of the Creator. It was never specified if the Proxies contained a database of genes themselves, or if they were required for the "wisdom" required to put it all together into a functional being. But no, that was what was happening in Ergo Proxy, no one was created unless they had a reason to exist in their "clockwork paradise", their composition was entirely controlled, and every aspect of their growth was meticulously managed. Hence Raul's realization "We are incomplete beings!" and Daedalus' musing about being a living corpse born from a dead mother.

Ergo Proxy was pretty much Brave New World 2.0. The social engineering and early childhood conditioning wasn't really describe deither, but we can probably infer that was the role of the entourages. Who interestingly, males were given female robots, women male. Like Jung's Animus and Anima.

Not surprising.

>> No.12050256 [View]
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>First cause
Can't evaluate. See Munchhausen trilemma. And perhaps if you asked God why he exists perhaps he Himself could not tell you the reason for all of it, not unlike our own parents.

To define universe you would implicitly define not universe. The only way around this is to define the word "exist", and go from there. The conclusion might be a priori correct, but you still can't access truth.

>intelligent being
Intelligent about what? What is it to be intelligent? Does the Creator know the mind of the Creator? This gets back to the Munchhausen trilemma again. When you ask why repeatedly, you have 3 logical options, ultimately, and you can penetrate the absolute no further.
-Axiomatic (predefined why that simply is)
-Circular (all why chains form closed loops back on themselves)
-Infinite (all whys will lead to another why, with no access to an end)

>> No.12031426 [View]
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Whoa, uinclamp.

>> No.12013789 [View]
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A good Fellow Citizen does not ask questions. Fellow Citizens do their work when and how they are told. Fellow Citizens are encouraged to do their part and consume. Fellow Citizens are replaceable parts for the system, together we form The Great Chain, the engine of existence.

>> No.11811061 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.11732317 [View]
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Ergo Proxy, in many ways, Brave New World 2.0.

Highly recommended.

>> No.11462315 [View]
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It's a bit too late to go into depth and I find myself becoming addicted to 4chan again. Basically refer to my schizopost here:
That's essentially what the Proxies are. Flawed creations of a flawed creator (man). They, in accordance with their programming and nature, give rise to their own flawed creations for various reasons. Like the scientist says at the end, I've forgotten his name, the people of Romdeau despite their self experience, were never part of the plan, they were a (necessary) obstacle to the plan. Everyone in the city is created only when they have a reason to exist, from a massive database of genetic material, grown in artificial wombs, every step of their development precisely controlled, and then every interaction and aspect of their life is coerced and controlled thereafter. This is done with the assistance of an AI. There are some other Brave New World ideas. The people outside the domed city feeding on its refuse and talking about their "freedom" outside of its illusions, is also notable.

Vincent is similar to Christ, the Creator returns to them in a form they can understand, and where he may understand them. He's a shell personality, which is inspired by trauma and dissociation (thus amnesia), and some other aspects which will naturally resonate and hold great relateability and meaning. There's a lot of history and Greek mythology which relates with the nature of man, his organization,and his fate. There are other themes like God's plan, and oneself being a temporary feature of a broader process.

I thought the gameshow episode was fun.Vincent and his amnesia was relateable. The idea of cyclic / nonlinear history is one I'm fond of. I was also watching it while emerging from an "amnesia" of my own.
Each box took 2 weeks or so to download over Share. Many people forget or downplay the personal context component as well, when they should learn from other people's worlds.

>> No.11396647 [View]
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In addition, it's also quiet incredible that people today can't wrap their mind around the oldest sci-fi concepts, like creating a genetically enslaved underclass, bringing everyone of a certain caste down to the same common denominator, procedures at birth to specialize people for their future roles.

So many examples. It's here, it's been here, it's rapidly progressing, and they still can't see it.

>> No.11372286 [DELETED]  [View]
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Truth. The goal is, and always has been, to create God. Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent... maybe omnibenevolent.

Cringing at you rn tb qh, s m h.

>> No.11291960 [View]
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You must continue and fulfill your raison d'etre. Even if it is torturous all throughout, that's what we're here for.

>> No.10786600 [View]
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Also worth noting with Ergo Proxy. There were many Gods, and they tried many societal models. All of them failed the test of time, either because of the creator's flawed nature or some aspect of its creations. I think this was an accurate portrayal of reality.

>> No.10785803 [View]
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And you know, I'm just going to add onto this. It shouldn't be any surprise. Where does all this resistance and demand for a different history come from? We were already told, by almost every culture on this planet. We were made by God. They were here, they left. The exact content varies, but the core creation narrative remains fairly similar. As well as the serpent, and this affording some with the divine right of kings because they descended from the Gods. The Jews of course have their God's chosen people bit.

Atheist has been as destructive to the process of uncovering truth as any religion. Because it is a religion. People just can't do it.

>> No.10784164 [View]
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>> No.10769531 [View]
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printf("THEY CLAMP\n");
stop_act(&umbilical, &self);

>> No.10331959 [View]
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Ergo Proxy.
Serial Experiments Lain.
Ghost in the Shell.
Millennium Actress.
The Sky Crawlers.
Cowboy Bebop.

They have tried to render us intellectual eunuchs, and have been largely successful. And all those decades of sci-fi? It's finally here, and people are less prepared than ever. The above gives a real look at where we are and where we're headed, that isn't just "dude kinda questionable but REAL KEWL! TRANSHUMANISM LOL I WANT BRAIN UPLOAD AND ROBOT BODY! UPVOTED".

Recommend all the old sci-fi writers as well. And of course Orwell and Huxley, which already happened but people were too retarded to notice and fight back despite how famous the concepts were. Not sure if that was predictive programming.

>> No.10070444 [View]
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Or you could be herded into dense urban areas and systematically managed, killed and controlled as needed. Eventually society only creating someone when they have a reason to exist.

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