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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14887838 [View]
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>heh use EE's and ME's are such chads
>CS not realy engineering!!! tehe

I remember when I cared about shit like this as a college freshman 10 years ago. Now I make a shit ton of money to work from home in my jammies about 2 hours a day and all of my EE/ME friends either transferred over to software or are wageslaving in an office for 50% as much. Thanks for playing!

>> No.11476988 [View]
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>15% of our population
>doing slightly better than us in deaths

K. So what I'm gathering from this is that none of the criticism stems from any objective or statistical basis, you guys are just wind-up toys trained to bleat one thing and that's "USA sucks", even when we're blowing this situation out of the water so far. Cool.

>> No.11250669 [View]
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Our society is going to continue to be a circus where 10% of men do 75% of the intellectual heavy-lifting, while doling out token roles and white collar non-jobs to women with diploma mill degrees who all pat each other on the back and claim the future is female and the patriarchy is keeping them down

>> No.11070560 [View]
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>We'll do em good

Oh no anon, they'll be doing you good. You're going to learn just how unproductive it is to deal with them.

>> No.10782243 [View]
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The US + UK aren't about to be welcoming hordes of "climate refugees" with open arms, honey. If the worst predictions are right this would be a titanic struggle between northern countries vs. hemisphere populations. Gtfo with your half-baked reddit shit about Nazis vs. Faggots

>> No.10596262 [View]
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>Rich cousin goes to RIT for Carbon Fiber manufacturing studies
>Gets hired by SpaceX in 2014
>Now SpaceX is converting all to stainless steel

haha fuck u little shit

>> No.10464387 [View]
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No one can actually say there will be lots of pain for the US later. Furthermore, no one can actually say that the us chopping its own balls off for the sake of this cause is 1. Going to seriously avert that which is being predicted and 2. Make India, China, or the rest of the currently industrializing shitholes of the world actually follow suit. Considering their history, I'd say that's a big fat no and the bigger question here. So yes, I'd rather gradually and organically transition to a more modernized form of energy but I'm not ready to throw my hands in the air and complete economic martyrdom where it may be futile. Sometimes you really have to watch and see how things play out and if the Earth wants to burn us off its surface so be it.

Why exactly do the non-religious care so much? Is there actually sanctity to life?

>> No.10395595 [View]
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The central point is that predictions are orders of magnitude more difficult than observations. What scientists have done is observe that the climate is changing. Not exactly why, but that it is. Ok, that is simple enough. Now, building a model that can take into account a multitude of complex factors and variables and spit out of a real projection for the next 50 years? Good luck. People can't even build accurate sports betting models, or get the weather up to 10 days out.

Scientists also have the benefit of non-falsifiability. They don't have to prove their model is accurate. They just put it together and push their results out and you're expected to accept that as gospel because they have the title and the authority. Nevermind the politics behind what much of academia does.

You want to cripple your economy and industry because a bunch of academic ideologues scrapped together some half-baked model that says the Earth is going to end in 50 years if we don't radically cater to their economic aspirations, go ahead.

>> No.9824230 [View]
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>I have a theory that Hawking was originally part of this cult, but pissed them off in some way, perhaps by threatening to expose them, so they had to shut him up. They poisoned him so that he became paralysed, and then wheeled him about like a meat puppet, making him "say" whatever they wanted.

Dumbest post of the year.

>> No.9543543 [View]
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>tfw I get free education while yankies and Britcucks are forced by the government and the "job market" to go into thousands of dollars worth of debt

>> No.9411475 [View]
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Over the last few years many science/academic/educational torrent forums have been shut down and the amount of new .torrents with video lectures in the main torrent websites has decreased.

Although sci-hub has helped those who search for articles and we can eventually find books on libgen/telegram groups, I miss websites where people could share, between other things, video content.

Is there a good source of scientific/academic lectures nowadays? I'm a physician and I am finding very hard for me to find good study material online lately.

>> No.9405976 [View]
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