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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14882548 [View]
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This is what the Nepals are guaranteed to be bad at:

- math
- chess
- go (board game)
- physics
- electrical engineering
- programming
- mental models
- the scientific method
- rigirous and strict standards
- focusing only on one task for a sustained period
- practicing listening
- learning formal/written language techniques
- reading formal/written language
- playing language games (crossword, scrabble etc)
- expanding your vocabulary
- wearing a suit
- living in an orderly, square living space
- grooming (shaving, body maintenance...no overgrowth)
- practicing law, knowledge of law (barriers/restrictions)
- morality (making boundaries between good and evil)
- judgement
- depth and detail, specializing in one subject
- living according to a strict schedule (up at certain time, bed at certain time, activities at certain time, etc)
- going through a daily ritual (repetitive task)
- resistance, both athletic such as lifting weights, or resisting temptations to develop willpower
- segregation (living compartmentalized, having a room thats different to other family members. being walled off from others)
- listening to classical music (very depth/detail oreintated, with instruments that have technical depth such as the piano)

I don't know if you noticed, but all of these activities heavily involve creating strong dividing lines between one thing and something else. Take math for instance, the "concept" or "perception" of a number like 1, is universal. It doesn't matter what culture or what language, a single unit of something (the number 1) is universally understood. Now take a word like "creamy", this word can mean so many different things to so many people, it can almost be subjective. So something "hard" like math, these are considered "solid" because they create a strong dividing line


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