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>> No.15922331 [View]
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>> No.15729645 [View]
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>> No.15186695 [View]
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Relative to itself retard, you shouldn't throw around such big words as "relative" if you don't understand what they mean or how they are used

>> No.14960058 [View]
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, what_sam_hyde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So exactly whose idea was it to put wheels on the fucking whole tower and roll it around?

>> No.14671534 [View]
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>Doubting the teachings of Saum Al-Haydi

>> No.14596583 [View]
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I'm not even going to bother reading your post, quantum entanglement doesn't have to do anything with quanta or entangling, it's is observational physics, you take two different things (note that the knowledge that they are different is required), you send one away and then deduce that the thing that remains is not the thing that was sent away, there is no magical leap of physics going on here, it's just bureaucrats trying to invent new things to show to your average retarded facebook scientist in order justify monetary funding

>> No.14582192 [View]
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>> No.12626274 [View]
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>Objective (although generalized) observation
>Objective observation
>Objective observation
>Subjective opinion
Did you do it on purpose, or are you actually dumb enough to think that you were making a good point here?

>> No.12055312 [View]
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>t. phd student in algebraic topology
What do you even research? How does your average day even look like?

>> No.11907497 [View]
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Who asked?

>> No.11735192 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Because not landing them is more efficient and cost effective

>> No.11125659 [View]
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>they'll barely watch the moon landing

>> No.10862348 [View]
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>Ancient Egyptians
>Black Africans

>> No.10773014 [View]
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The tatoos are obnoxious/dumb imo and he could lose a few pounds. Honestly I don't know what you want me to say? OH, also that he takes forever to come out with new shit and repeats old shit a lot, but any critic could say that.

>> No.10764742 [View]
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>ecosystems have collapsed
And new ones take their place
>humans long extinct
we can survive in space nigga

>> No.10683837 [View]
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>> No.10564563 [View]
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So redpill me orthogonal basis functions. Are you really supposed to think of them as orthogonal vectors in an infinite dimensional space or is there a better way of thinking of thinking about them?

>> No.10510748 [View]
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Who is to say there is an 'excess' of CO2 in the atmosphere?
The only evidence for this claim is captured CO2 in ice, which are not accurate. Capture gasses in solid water eventually reach an equilibrium, because of the same H-O-H matrix that enables the solid state to be less dense than its liquid state. Eventually the captured gasses and dispersed. Evidence for this theory is the fact that basically all captured samples of CO2 are identical with the passage of time. You are a moron basing his opinions on a sample window of about a century. This is not enough to establish the norm or ideal CO2 levels for earth climate to solve a problem that itself is presupposed to exist only by brainlets who have not looked at the intrinsic limitations of proxies.

>> No.10484264 [View]
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Theoretical endpoint of socialism.
In reality and common parlance, refers to socialist states governed by a Marxist ideology or some derivative thereof (eg. Marxism-Leninism, Juche, etc)
Collective means of production; in practice almost always owned by the state.
In point of fact, does mean a planned economy.
>market socialism
Workers/government interest own shares in firms; its distribution is not equal. Late Yugoslavia is an example.
Many industries are nationalized; free market activity occurs outside of these industries.
>Welfare State (Market Economy)
Free Markets; means of production are privately owned.
Government programs (generally social programs/transfer programs rather than actual industries), are funded through various taxation schemes.
>Market Economy with limited government
Means of production are privately owned. Taxation is limited.

>> No.10448090 [View]
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1550928319487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize a physician can prescribe the racemic off label for a tenth the cost?
Even a compound pharmacy should be able to make a spray of the original for not much extra.
Sorry you're a brainlet and don't understand how drugs work. The reason it's $500 is because insurance companies are the one's who will be dishing out the money. Blame the insurance companies for being retarded for not allowing more off-label treatment, not the pharmaceutical company taking advantage of the retarded situation.

>> No.10326069 [View]
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What the fuck are you blabering about?

>> No.10040114 [View]
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>certain combinations of words are illegal

>> No.10001874 [View]
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You do realize that internet "IQ tests" are a load of bull and are not actual IQ tests, right?

>> No.9970824 [View]
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1535416968402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no such thing as 'mentally retarded at math'.
>Proceeds to explain how people are stratified in terms of mental ability and how some are in fact retarded at math.

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