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>> No.15281518 [View]
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thats a really insightful post for 2017, it took the covid hoax to open up most people eyes. jwst was only a year away from launching back in 2017

>> No.15193087 [View]
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they crossed the $10 billion barrier in 2018, officially they stopped spending money on jwst in 2018 at $9.7 billion. all the expenses spent since then have been hidden from public view.

>> No.15080642 [View]
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>They have more important things to worry about, like making sure this mission is a success
They missed that mark already a long time ago. JWST was interned to have been launched in 2007, with an expected mission life of 6-10 years.
What they're doing now is trying to cope with their failure and make it seem less ridiculous and embarrassing.

>> No.14835476 [View]
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>> No.14766811 [View]
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>> No.14717139 [View]
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>better mirror design
round glass mirror is optically superior to keck hex, jwst's mirror weights less than half of what hst's did, thats why they said they thought they could launch jwst for 25% of what hst costed, the weight argument was how they arrived at the proposed cost. turned out to have been badly underestimated. the same idiots are now spitting out numerical analysis of jwst data and their math is every bit as accurate and believable as their jwst cost and timeline estimates.

>> No.14714427 [View]
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Heres the science experts of NASA predicting in 2016 that JWST would be launched by 2018.
If they are that inaccurate about things here on Earth, just imagine how badly off the mark they must be about whats going on in space.

>> No.14628598 [View]
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>> No.14523590 [View]
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>like in a real engineering job.
in real engineering jobs, projects are not abandoned part finished simply because of missed deadlines. if something runs over, then theres a decision made about the costs vs the benefits of continuing the project. making projects run over budget and past deadlines is one of the ways engineers make money. if the client is only spending $10 million and you know the client can afford to spend more and would be willing to do so, then you make them part with their money via "unforeseen" expenses and delays.
university instructors have never been on a jobsite, so they have weird misconceptions of how things work there. university instructors are like weeaboos who want to tell you how everything in japan works even though they've never been

>> No.12064839 [View]
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The JWST disaster might not have explosions or dead bodies to get people's attention, but that price tag is 3x as much as the WTC demolition.
Theres no punishment, no comeuppance or any penalty for the people responsible, they don't even publicly acknowledge that they've made a mistake or that they have any regrets over wasting vast fortunes of other people's money pursuing pie-in-the-sky fantasies for themselves. Instead they just keep on pumping out new fake launch schedules with a new delay every year while looking forward to collecting a fatass government pension

>> No.11613910 [View]
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>how close it is to completion

>> No.11545136 [View]
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>> No.11486897 [View]
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>> No.11418174 [View]
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I'd hand that cash right over to the JWST team. Those big government science folks absolutely do their best to deliver maximum science on the dollar, thats why only the smartest and most talented people can get get into those NASA and other big government science jobs.

>> No.11352378 [View]
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NASA’s next big space observatory– the James Webb Space Telescope– possibly not launch in March 2021, possibly developing included expenses for the long-delayed and also over-budget program. Unforeseen technological issues are lengthening the procedure of ending up the telescope, making it significantly likely that the spacecraft will need to launch at a later date.

The grim information is outlined in the most up to date record from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which executes audits of government run programs. The GAO, which has actually been maintaining a careful eye on the telescope’s advancement for many years, asserts that there is just a 2 percent possibility the firm will fulfill its March 2021 objective, many thanks to a current evaluation carried out in October by those working with the program. NASA will find out a brand-new date in the springtime of this year, according to the audit.

A hold-up would certainly be simply the most up to date misstep in a long, distressed background for the James Webb Space Telescope, or JWST. When it was initially being developed in the 1990 s, JWST was believed to set you back about $500 million and also researchers anticipated it to launch in 2007. Since then, the expenses increased, skyrocketing by 95 percent as the launch date has actually slid even more (and also additional) right into the future. NASA currently anticipates the complete advancement and also functional expenses of JWST to run $19.6 billion.

>> No.11326943 [View]
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astrofaggotry needs to stay on /x/

>> No.11305431 [View]
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>> No.11302501 [View]
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>Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
jwst is over 25 years old, still hasn't completed it's first orbit

>> No.11300900 [View]
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>> No.11268582 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.11268560 [DELETED]  [View]
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because nobody has gone to the moon in the past half century and nobody has ever gone to mars. given that the current rate of progress seems to be negative, its likely nobody ever will again unless maybe the chinese are really desperate for a political status symbol.
jwst stopped updating their status page in october and it looks like after a quarter of a century of effort and $13 billion of expense, the think is never going to get launched. they probably just built a prop telescope and pocketed the rest of cash, deposited it with hunter biden. proposed launch date is still two years off, just like it was 4 years ago

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