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>> No.11469217 [View]
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That's extremely sketchy, given Grothendieck worked in functional analysis before going full algebraic geometry.
He's known for the theory of nuclear spaces and even has some hands on theorems such as
I remember reading some comp sci guy on SE who only knew Grothendieck from this and related theorems.
So anyway, if Grothendieck was writing papers related to Schwartz early work on distribution theory, there's no way getting around known what comes out when integrating exp(-x^2).

Of course, if you read that one 60 paper Grothendieck bio/essay (I think it's called "A land of which nothing is known but the name" or something similar), you can also read that Grothi went pretty mad at the end and babbled about why the devil made the speed of light c close to but not exactly 300something something, i.e. delusional stuff. I mean don't judge Gödel for starving to death or Nietzsche for eating his own shit, live's tough when your parents get killed off in WW2 etc.

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