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/lit/ - Literature

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9960330 No.9960330 [Reply] [Original]

reminder you'll always be a newfag until you've read /lit/'s Big Four

>> No.9960343

ok what is this new "The Culture of Critique" meme book? I've read IJ and GR and I'm giving Ulysses the old college try just in order to finish the meme trilogy, and now this new book is added??? What is the value of it?

>> No.9960357

it's the definitive book on the jewish question

>> No.9960358

it's one loser from /pol/ with way too much time on his hands memeing it into oblivion.

>> No.9960361

It's just one guy shilling a book about Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.9960368

Oy vey, it's annudah shoah

>> No.9960370

thank god stability has returned to my universe

>> No.9960374

>it's one guy
whatever let's you sleep at night, buddy
/lit/ is taking the redpill and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.9960386

I could go to bed and wake up and do my work and remember that nobody gives a shit about autustic "redpill" LARPing. That's what I could do.

>> No.9960400

When I first started posting on /lit/ I thought Infinite Jest was a phrase people threw around like 'top kek'
I didn't realize it was an actual book until a few days later...

>> No.9960401 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't realise most of it is irony outside of a small minority of cross-posters

>> No.9960407

When I read what Gravity's Rainbow is about. I find myself extremely disinterested. It sounds stupid and just lol random xd

>> No.9960410

top kek

>> No.9960414

im not reading infinite jest

>> No.9960426

>Reading summaries instead of the book
The absolute state of contemporary readers

>> No.9960445

This is the worst possible lineup I could imagine.

>> No.9960490
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Got the wrong image, pleb.

>> No.9960492

I saw a real life person reading infinite jest in the park the other day. I didn't think they really existed

>> No.9960510

Nope. I made that and this is my first post itt. I'm glad it's getting around though.

Thanks, OP!

>> No.9960521 [DELETED] 
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>yfw a woman will never be one of the greats

>> No.9960564

Beckett's sick but he's hardly meme material

>> No.9960579

your post has given me infinite jest, thanks anon

also ive read ulysses and IJ is my favorite book ever, but i couldnt really get into GR and i could give a fuck less about the JQ (paranoid faggots trying to blame their problems on others, just like blacks blame their problems on whitey and its QUITE pathetic desu)

>> No.9960583
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>> No.9960591

Then you will remain forever incomplete. Nothing to brag about, anon.

>> No.9960602

It lways starts as irony, but eventually irony turns to reality.

>> No.9960654


>> No.9960656

>do my work
yeah say hi to everyone else at mcdonalds you fucking cuck.

>> No.9960660


>> No.9960737 [DELETED] 

working at mcdonalds is the patricians choice

>> No.9960769

>Implying more then 5-10% of /lit/ has read GR or IJ let alone both

>> No.9961200

no matter how nice you try next time you waddle your fat duckass into mcdonalds that anon will tell everyone how "redpilled" you are and all the girls will laugh because you decided to put on your "free illegal loli" graphic tee on this day of all days oy vey am i right haha mega goyim

>> No.9961205

> not doing a easy, low skills job with flexible schedule so you can pursue your dreams of becoming a writer

It seems like you are the true cuck. go outside, there's more light there than that coming through the skylight.

>> No.9961354

fuck off Kevin

>> No.9961822


>this is your
youth on the internet

>> No.9961921
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>> No.9962228

Two of those books belong nowhere near any top four. And frankly, even Pynchon needs to be kicked out. Ulysses can stay.

MacDonald posting should be a bannable offense.

>> No.9962477

I love U and GR, but why do people meme IJ so much? I'm only 60 pages in so far but I don't really like it at all, the prose is like if you took Pynchon, sucked out his soul, and made his dried-out husk write with an extra topping of thesaurus abuse. There is no beauty. The only really excellent chapter so far has been the one with the addict waiting for weed. The Wardine one is embarrassingly bad.

I like the plot ideas and settings (the video tape you can't stop watching is cool and the year names are hilarious) but the actual execution is profoundly unimpressive. I feel like I'm reading a version of Gravity's Rainbow that was written by a passionless nerd who wanted to show off his expensive liberal arts education and not much else.

>> No.9962479

What's with jews and always trying to ban everything they don't like?

>> No.9962495


>> No.9962497

I've read Ulysses twice, and am reading it again now. It's pretty much the only book I ever read now.

>> No.9962502

>using lingo literally made up by trannies
W e W

>> No.9962508
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>Mein Kampf not on the list

>> No.9962514
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>> No.9962515

Wow, just... wow... ok

>> No.9962517

People have been saying this for at least 5 years on here

>> No.9962525
File: 234 KB, 1400x947, 1498324374209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well to be fair, after reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra from eminent nazi philosopher Nietzsche (recommended to me from /lit/), I am more redpilled than ever. I shall become the Ubermensch, destroyer of the jews and preachers of death.

>> No.9962559

Wait until you read Genealogy. Nietzsche had a very good early grasp on the jewish question even if he didn't understand the problem jews posed. Jews had then only recently been released from the shtetl and their sick behavior had yet to fully rear its ugly head.

>> No.9964153


>> No.9964193

IJ takes about 200 pages to get into the world and get a feel for what's going on. Once you're in on the joke, it'll be one of the funniest books you've ever read.

>> No.9964231

infinite jest

>> No.9964240

>ugh I can't even

>> No.9964295


But "Finnegans Wake" is a lot more memetic.

>> No.9964318

Gravity's Rainbow is so good it's worth it to read multiple times. Infinite Jest is overly long for no real reason. I would skip that and replace with The Recognitions by William Gaddis.

>> No.9964333

I am the 5% :)

>> No.9964341

IJ isn't worth it in my opinion. The message is simplistic, and DFW was a depressed suicidal loser professor.

Go read GR again :) Or other Pynchon books like Mason & Dixon or Against the Day.

>> No.9964349

Has mention of "kek" on page 992 in this edition: http://editura.mttlc.ro/fwliniarized/FW%20LINEARIZED%20full%20text%20pp%203-628.pdf

>> No.9964353


>Gravity's Rainbow

Dumb title

>James Joyce

Something something farts

>Infinite Jest

He killed himself?

>Culture of Critique


>> No.9964363

>espaciamiento de reddit

>> No.9964365

>reading books just to fit in with a bunch of pretentious people, most of whom never actually read the books and just pretend they did so they can act worldly and intelligent on an anonymous image board dedicated to anime and pornography

>> No.9964366


I only ever read /lit/ and /pol/ family

>> No.9964379

>shilling both Culture of Critique and Ulysses (a book about anti-semitism being wrong)

>> No.9964380

Are Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest actually good to read are just literary masturbation?

>> No.9964390

Gravity's Rainbow is phenomenal. I can't say the same about IJ.

>> No.9964415

As time proceeds onward, our knowledge grows. It's important that we grow with it while acknowledging what the past brought us.

>> No.9964431

I just started Infinite Meme yesterday. Can somebody explain the bit with Marathe & Steeply/put that scene into terms a retard can understand?
>Pretending to pretend to pretend to pretend to pretend to pretend to

>> No.9964558

No fiction written after the first world war is worth reading tbqh family.

>> No.9965136

they are double(triple... something) agents for the ONANTA and quebec seperatists. their mission is to find the samizdat.
It takes a good while for anything to click in IJ, but i thought it was worth it, cuz im not an edgy contrarian faggot like the rest of /lit/
or maybe i am, depending on which way the wind is blowing on this board

>> No.9965460

You haven't read The Culture of Critique, have you? It says nothing about any Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.9965461

It's actually either a Jew or a Judeophile who tries to make any rational discussion of this book impossible by turning it into a maymay.

>> No.9965466

The trilogy really should be Moby Dick, Don Quixote, and Ulysses.

>> No.9965499

I think I agree, actually. That is a better trio. But we'd still have to find a way to tack on CoC.

>> No.9965679

I'm going on a quiet holiday for like 2 weeks and was thinking of reading Infinite Jest whilst I am there. Is it actually a good read or is it really shit? Should I even bother? Tbh I just want to do it so I know what the fuss is about

>> No.9965727

But you want to actually enjoy your holiday, right? CoC is probably the best choice out if the four.

>> No.9965732

Wow I was going to talk about some books but it's a big cluster fuck

>> No.9965743

How so? This thread is about books, what's stopping you?

>> No.9965745

Go ahead. It's not a complete meme to trick innocent /lit/ newfags but also not as an orgasmic experience as it has been made out to be. Keep an open mind. I enjoyed it

>> No.9965766

pick one

>> No.9965789

The Culture of Critique is a masterpiece.

>> No.9965811

This guy is the same one posting "obvious false flags" like "fuck women and blacks us white men are so much better". It's all part of a moderately clever /pol/ psyop to convince us communists from reddit false flagging here(an idea he probably got after seeing the picture from r/anarchy saying they should convert 4chan starting on boards like /lit/ that was posted here a few times by other people). This stuff is all just one autist from /pol/ though. This particular part is apparently not flagrant enough for people to "catch on" to it being a "false flag" yet(this is because culture of critique actually has some credibility the autist in question isn't aware of). Its obviously the same guy based on posting style, he also started pushing this meme around the same time as he started posting "false flags". He has also been gradually been pushing this meme with a more aggressive style and adding replies similar to his other autistic work as he realizes people aren't "catching on" to it being a "false flag". I might gather his posts together and the original screenshot from r/anarchy because I realize it seems far fetched but there actually are people this autistic.

>> No.9965812

And the sky is blue.

>> No.9965827

>there actually are people this autistic.

Are there? Maybe it includes me since I read all that, but there *is* a jewish problem and we need to both address it and communicate it as clear as possible to people who are lost in the GOTs and Pynchon universe, few and unwise puppet people though they may be, because that is where the truth lies.

>> No.9965840
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assblasted /pol/tards who believe in le cultural marxism meme

>> No.9965873

I don't even understand what the jews who create these memes are trying to accomplish. They feed us kikes like Adorno on a silver platter. Look at this bat-eared jew, follow up on his ideas, these are sick people, these jews. Give the goyim more.

>> No.9966344

>big six

>> No.9966351

>There's six books

>> No.9966357
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There's definitely more than one guy shilling culture of critique. I for exampled spammed it for a day or two in every thread just to get (you)'s. Next time it happens it will be probably me as well.

>> No.9966382

There's four books and one is a collection of stories. You might want to re-up on the definition of book

>> No.9966598

It's actually pretty funny so I think I might start spamming it too.

>> No.9966607

Grocery Brand Goebbels thinks he's so slick

>> No.9966743

Are you fucking thick, bairn? There's three novels in one book. It's just one big book.

>> No.9966751

What books do I have to read (if any) to be ready for these? The first three, I don't care about CoC

>> No.9966757

The entire western canon
>Gravity's Rainbow
No amount of reading can properly prepare you for it

>> No.9967391
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>tfw you got a max ban last week for posting the image in OP yet this post stays up for days.

>> No.9967405

just read portrait and dubliners instead of ulysses

>> No.9968560


>The entire western canon
retard answer

for ulysses, portrait of the artist, hamlet and odyssey. don't matter how much books from the canon you read, you won't get all of it, so read these that are the very essential and just enjoy it.

for IJ, you just need to have some reading experience to tough out some boring parts, reading ulysses will do the work pretty much

for pinecone, if you want to start with something a bit easier by him start with V., but it is basically like IJ, I don't think there are specific books to read before it, just some reading experience.

>> No.9968569

Who don't you explain why? I'm interested.

>> No.9968575

did you know mr. bloom did this to lots of books from the canon as well?

>> No.9968696
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>Grocery Brand Goebbels
I kekked

>> No.9969003

Did what?

>> No.9969053

Because reading Infinite Jest will automatically make you an oldfag

>> No.9969555

Eh, I don't like reading boring shit.

>> No.9969866

Because it's so long and boring?

>> No.9970022

Implying my post has anything to do with any summaries.
I read some short reviews, the back of it, what the theme was, etc. I didn't read any spoilers, except it's about someone getting boner from bombs.
Sounded like an extremely boring and lame boom. Sure maybe it has great prose, but god damn how it seemed as empty words across 400 pages or whatever.

>> No.9970280

My dude please get the fuck out

>> No.9971375
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Wow, I'm certain you aren't being ironic. You are genuinely oblivious to what you just said.

>> No.9971437

Lolita, Ulysses, Infinite Jest and KJB (plus all required prerequesites, i.e starting with the greeks) is REAL lit core.