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9950034 No.9950034 [Reply] [Original]

With liberals beginning to censor everything, which works of fiction can we expect banned in the near future?

>> No.9950048

"liberal" is a huge generalization of over half the population dude

>> No.9950055

Hopefully they try soon and therefore alienate themselves from the more rational liberals and smother themselves out.

>> No.9950058

None, for no one will read anything, except for a select marginalized few

>> No.9950095

There's already some texts that haven't been republished for decades because of misogyny and other reasons, and they're ones this board might be interested in being long postmodern novels.

>> No.9950104

people have been banning books for decades. Look up lists of banned school books. This shit was banned when I went to school. Little Red Riding Hood for fuck's sake. If anyone's banning books it's conservatives. Liberals might hate "politically incorrect" books, but conservatives hate fucking everything.

>> No.9950106

s u r e

>> No.9950110

eat shit

>> No.9950115

Looks like we've got a time traveler from the 90s-00s.

>> No.9950118

Being banned from a single school district is not even close to in the same league as being blacklisted from republishing or deleted from the Internet, which is what liberals are doing and have done to an enormous amount of content.

>> No.9950124

Yeah. I wanted to go back and corner the market on google stocks but I fucked up.

>> No.9950125

As a young lad I would look up the forbidden books, so surely it will backfire

>> No.9950126

ITT ridiculous americans

>> No.9950130


>> No.9950140


>which is what liberals are doing and have done to an enormous amount of content.

Name three (3) specific instances.

>> No.9950142

Whoever is in charge of approving books for school libraries is failing miserably. I read so many erotic and demented books in my middle school library.
First time I experienced ejaculation was while reading a page describing sex. Good times.

>> No.9950149

>being blacklisted from republishing or deleted from the Internet
[citation needed]

both sides are shit anyway, one does for "MUH MORALS MUH CHILDREN" and the other for "MUH OPRESSION MUH FEELS"

>> No.9950172

What books

>> No.9950175

I don't even remember what I read from the school library. Just a lot of anne mccaffrey.
My librarian read us Where the Red Fern Grows and Tailypo, both of which were mildly traumatizing. Tailypo more so. Fuckin'... Tailypo.

>> No.9950214

Mein Kampf (banned in Germany)
Tarnsman of Gor (blacklisted from republishing by feminists)
dailystormer.com (deleted from the regular Internet and even targeted by Tor, the same people who claim there is nothing they can do about child pornography)

>> No.9950231

Obviously. I said "content" not "book."

>> No.9950253


>Mein Kampf (banned in Germany)


>Tarnsman of Gor (blacklisted from republishing by feminists)

It's funny you immediately move on to obscure sci-fi for fat virgin nerds. Official reasoning of why it wasn't republished was shit sales, and to me, with this sort of book, that seems much more plausible than communist-cultural-marxist-bolshevist-feminazis.


Not a book.

That's 1/3 max, even that is questionable. Go ahead, name three more.

>> No.9950257

I've got a better solution, stop spending time on /pol/. It will be healthier for you.

>> No.9950260



>> No.9950263

Darconville's Cat for example. It was nominated for a National Book Award. The author won a Lannan Foundation grant, and it's his best known work. However features a lot of misogyny and hasn't been published since 1996.

>> No.9950276

You mean conservative. Saying liberals wanted to censor things is an oxymoron, they are conservatives masquerading as liberals who don't even know what liberalism is.

>> No.9950292

>hasn't been published since 1996.
You do realize there probably billions of books that have been published- they can't keep re-publishing all of them.

Also, I just googled it and it's all over amazon.

>> No.9950295

>implying those people know what the word liberal means
>implying they read
you know canon is just porn right?

>> No.9950303

You don't know what liberal or conservative means, I see.

>> No.9950314

>generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press,

banning books is a conservative idea no matter what you try to label the people who support it as. The world isn't black and white where you either have to be one thing or another, its a lot more complex than you think.

>> No.9950322

>for censorship

Americans really need to find another word for their screeching leftists.

>> No.9950323

You must be talking of classical liberalism, blame amer*cunts for the new meaning of liberalism

>> No.9950334

the board really would improve if we range banned them, but i feel bad for the ones that are only here because their library is dvds and kids books

>> No.9950339

>Yuros blaming america on all their problems yet again

you wish you were American lol

>> No.9950356

>too stupid to even imagine life is better elsewhere
been suckin' up the ol propaganda shitsludge I see.

>> No.9950366

You mean those two listings from previous runs? I think the price that people are paying alone justifies at least a limited run, but to stand a chance at ever getting published again it'll need to get picked up by Dalkey Archive basically.

>> No.9950368

europe doesn't have a literature problem nor a monolingual problem. why the fuck would anyone want an american education? it's basically just a chinese status symbol for rich kids.

>> No.9950376

nyrb might pick it up. penguin stopped publishing emmet grogan and nyrb picked him up pretty much immediately. i think they're getting a lot of stuff just when it drops off other publisher's lists.

>> No.9950429

Don't know about pushing out, but I can certainly guess what they are going to push in. A lot of books about gender-fluidity, assault, trying to get over trauma but inevitably failing and committing suicide as a message against harassment, and maybe some little snippets of the communist manifesto for high schoolers.
I know my sci-fi prof for an english gen-ed put a couple of the gender-fluid ones in his class with Left Hand of Darkness and Ancillary Justice. Didn't really mind Left Hand, but the whole thing with Ancillary was pronouns (everyone is referred to as a form of "she"), yet the only confirmed male in the book (another character says he is a he) is introduced bloodied and passed out in the snow, outside a bar with a space-age equivalent to a meth addiction. Couldn't have seen that from a mile away... :P

>> No.9950453

hey antifa, u triggered?

>> No.9950500

Why do books that Jews deem to be offensive get banned from Amazon but books offensive to Christians don't get banned? Check out this quite brief vid. The Brother makes good points.


>> No.9950534
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Some books shoah'd by Amazon.


>> No.9950548

You're trying really hard to find excuses for why those examples "don't count," I can tell. Just another example of a delusional leftist who can't admit his theology is garbage even when he is presented with the exact evidence he demands.

>> No.9950570
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>delusional leftist who can't admit his theology
>his theology

>> No.9950626

Amazon is a private organization, it isn't required to give access every idea

>> No.9950638

Liberals aren't censoring everything, but I suspect this is bait.

>> No.9950661

They should, but then again things on that list truly deserve to be cut.

>> No.9950738

I work in a school as a TA.

Our library has IT by Stephen King.

I thought about warning the librarian, but decided against it.

>> No.9950739

Not doing so is still censorship though. Which is the whole point. And the fact that Amazon has a near-monopoly means that when Amazon (i.e. liberals) censors something it virtually disappears.

>> No.9950748

Equality etc. are religious belief systems.

>> No.9950750

mate you can easily find books on hitlerism on Amazon.

>> No.9950754

Conservatives used to be the bad guys and now its the liberals. Times change.

>> No.9950781

terminally retarded i see

>> No.9950789

ITT: Waaaaaaaah I can't read my favorite nazi agitprop

>> No.9950802
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Huckleberry Finn, definitely. It will only be among the ultra SJW types of schools with a lot of black people at them though. Any book with the word "nigger" in it will be banned basically, unless it is written by a black person. Historically in the US conservatives were the ones trying to ban books , but that is until recently like around the 90's when that began to change.

>> No.9950813
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>Liberals aren't censoring anything
>Dude everyone wuz racist n shit
>Dats all history eva wuz, bunch nigga hating white raycis

>> No.9950818

>50 replies

>> No.9950823

never got past the Greeks I see

>> No.9950825

white peple disgust me

>> No.9950832

>With liberals beginning to censor everything
only a /v/ or /pol/ crossposter could make such a broad, dumb post

>> No.9950839

>holocaust denial
literally no place for it in society

>> No.9950840


>> No.9950843

Because of Racism
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Gone with the Wind
The entire works of Mark Twain
The work of Conrad

>> No.9950846

Yet so very accurate, my dude.

>> No.9950856

probably nothing

>> No.9950889

Nothing will be banned by the government, but a lot of things will he quietly excised from google books and google search results, removed from libraries during regular pruning of the collections, removed from archive.org and similar sites, become unable to find publishers, and basically become inaccessible to all but a small number of academics who already know what they're looking for. That's what we get for allowing women to take over publishing and a small number of giant tech conglomerates to take control of the flow of information online.

>> No.9950921

Banning books is authoritarian, not necessarily conservative. Commies ban books and are revolutionary utopian progressives. So are fascists and natsocs

>> No.9951086

>Conservative means authoritarian a priori
Piss off brainlet

>> No.9951413

my diary desu

>> No.9951501

Huckleberry finn lol
Frederick Douglass for being an Uncle Tom

>> No.9951746

that would be nice, yes. I think the problem with that is that censorship isn't necessarily an extremist view. I know a lot of house-wives who would love to see all sorts of things censored. There should be a new political party specifically for middle-aged house-wives just to get them out of politics.

>> No.9951769

Why are you so fixated on "house-wives" when they barely even exist anymore and single feminist women are far more censorious and far more of a danger to liberty than they are or ever have been?

>> No.9951781

Ultra Christian House wives are the conservative equivalent of feminists. In other words
>Women are women regardless of political orientation

>> No.9951805

How is Conrad racist?

>> No.9951830

>How is heart of darkness racist

>> No.9952090

Lurk more, or go back to plebddit.

>> No.9952107

>has option to go back to 90s/00s
>Google stocks

Tfw not sure if you're a sophisticated troll or so fundamentally financially illiterate that you aren't aware of the many, many better options.

>> No.9952141

I mean if we're all honest going back 7 years for bitcoin would go from 1k to 42 billion

>> No.9952247

Bitcoin is a meme. It doesn't matter how supposedly valuable they are if it's impossible to convert anything more than tiny amounts into dollars or another currency which is actually usable in the real world.

>> No.9952355
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>> No.9952356


>> No.9952360

self crit now or ban

>> No.9952384

German here, Mein Kampf is by far not the only book banned and the only reason it's legal to buy atm is due to the fact that they CAN'T ban ist again with the current legal codex. But you still will not be able to find it without "critical context" by some lefty author for around 200€.

And here is a list of the banned books in germany, not even listing the once since the millenium


And mind you there aren't any oficial lists as the staate isn't willing to release them. Atm there are aruond 35.000 books banned as far as we know from their authors.

>> No.9952662

its sad that anyone can just yell "racist" without backing it up and immediately ruin someone or somethings reputation

>> No.9952995

until they overdo it and we make racism great again

>> No.9953020

>silly Americans and their silly problems!
Is that why even a slight reference to nazism in Germany is against the law? So why is it that you can get arrested for saying you hate Muslims in the UK? Not to mention the way your politicians bend themselves over backwards to accommodate the hordes of refugees currently pouring into your continent at the expense of the native populations.

I'm all for hating my country but at least understand Yurop is just as quickly running down the drain.

>> No.9953054

>just as

we're going quicker m8

>> No.9953472

>It's funny you immediately move on to obscure sci-fi for fat virgin nerds. Official reasoning of why it wasn't republished was shit sales
It only became obscure after it was blacklisted. There were 20-odd Gor books, and they sold by the truckload back in the day.

>> No.9953483

OP is presumably from Murca, where liberals are really authoritarians, and conservatives are really radicals. Such is the average Murcan's grasp of politics.

>> No.9953510

sorry, due to americans it's impossible to know wtf you mean by "liberals". could be anything these days.

>> No.9953715

contributing to american degeneracy

>> No.9953865

I don't know that screeching leftists OR their conservative analogs in America have ever really successfully "censored" anything in a long time.

Some texts might become used less, but none will like... stop being available. And even then most capital-L Literature tends to come down on the left side of things, in large part one imagines because the left tends to be the ones who give out big arts bursaries and invest in the arts.

But like I dunno... I think most high school lit books are already scrubbed pretty clean at this point, certainly too clean to incite much ACTUAL controversy that isn't just being overblown by some media outlet on a slow day. Like... The Merchant of Venice probably won't show up in a lot of high school curriculum as its already disappearing from said curriculum due to the implicit antisemitism. But you can still go ahead and read the fucking thing, it's not like they're having mandatory book burnings, you reactionary retard.

>> No.9954050

>And even then most capital-L Literature tends to come down on the left side of things

The only way you could believe this is if you had somehow come to the conclusion that literature began in the twentieth century.

>large part one imagines because the left tends to be the ones who give out big arts bursaries and invest in the arts.

Name even one piece of good literature which resulted from government funding. Almost all great literature was produced by individuals sponsored by wealthy noblemen or the Church.

>> No.9954124

>over half the population

Of what? The world? America? Yuropistan? Because your statement applies only to the last of those


90% of literature written before 1990 contains homophobic or transphobic elements. 90% of lit written before 1970 additionally contains misogynist elements. And 90% of lit written before 1950 additionally contains racist elements.

Expect literature to be banned, censored, or rewritten in chronological order, beginning with the oldest. In America, the first amendment will prevent most legislative censorship, so publishing oligopolies and academia will do it for us, free of charge.

>> No.9954133


American socialists were not getting any traction in the late 19th century. So they re-labeled themselves as "Liberals".

>> No.9954199

Except conservatives are liberals.

>> No.9954205

>All the leftshit morons on this board are yuropoors

Im starting to think you may be right, my friend. The commie indoctrination is very powerful across the Atlantic

>> No.9954283

Don't even get me started on American liberals. I tell you there is no dumber group of people in existence.

>> No.9955666

Canadian liberals are dumber.

>> No.9955685


A British man was arrested for quoting Winston Churchill's "The River War" in public.


>> No.9955938

He is right, replacing God with Man and other idealisms but theology all the same.

>> No.9955953

>Liberals might hate "politically incorrect" books, but conservatives hate fucking everything.

>> No.9955984
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>Morals is bad
>Everything is relative guise Xd, true enlightenment comes from accepting everything doesn't matter, living for yourself completely, by your own relative moral standards

You know part of the reason culture is dead nowadays is because of this cancerous mentality right? The biggest mistake in humanity was giving plebs freedom, freedom without purpose just create retards who have too much time to think bullshit

>> No.9955986

anything that involves time travel or alternate realities

>> No.9955987
File: 14 KB, 554x547, DROP THE BAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals are bad guys, but conservatives are worst!
Either actually braindead, just baiting or some retard who is stuck in the 90s

>> No.9955990

Threadly reminder that labels like "liberal" do not get to the root of the problem. Political and social ideologies do not make one more prone to banning things, ethnicity does. Jews are totalitarian semites like arabs and therefore more inclined to level the ban hammer upon others. Jews did this on a massive scale when they were in control of the Soviet Union and they're doing it now that they have attained unprecedented power in the US and its vassals in Europe. Jewish groups are behind hate speech laws as well, because they aren't Europeans and therefore don't give a shit about European values like freedom. They are middle easterners who want to destroy anyone who questions their authority or doesn't believe in multicultural utopian universalism in the same way their arab cousins want to destroy anyone who doesn't worship their pedophile god. Non-jewish liberals are merely doing what they're told, but the root of this issue stems from the semitic mind that does not give a damn in the world about other people's free speech, right to information, etc., because those are purely European values. Races think and act differently and ideology is a smokescreen for the underlying problem/virus in the west that must be removed: the jew.

>> No.9956032

I agree but good luck getting the other boneheads here to take you seriously.

>> No.9956050
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>> No.9956055


>> No.9956060


>> No.9956122


>> No.9956125


>> No.9956129

fuck ya boxxy!

too bad boxxy came back as an alt-right youtuber...it's sad 4chan turned out like this, it was so innocent and fun a decade ago

>> No.9956139

>too bad boxxy came back as an alt-right youtuber


>> No.9956150


Shoe On Head FKA Boxxy

>> No.9956154

meme me

>> No.9956156

>roasties shitting on feminism is considered alt-right
is alt-right the lefts version of post-modernism?

>> No.9956163

Cool story bro. There are some classic memes on this list

>> No.9956164

Calling feminism out for being bullshit isn't alt right. Link the video where this bitch talks about the jewish question and then you'll have more credibility in discussing what I have a feeling you don't known the first thing about.

>> No.9956176

the alt-right wasn't anti-semitic to begin with, it's only after the anti-trump media and establishment republicans wanted to discredit it that they conflate it with anti-semitism and nazis, there was a chance to have a third way in american politics but idiots like fell right into the jewish trap.

>> No.9956201

There's a few tens of thousands of youtube videos that have been censored and scrubbed over the past couple days.

Liberals are going censor-happy in exactly the way they always fearmongered and accused of nazi's and religitards. Hell, even antifa has wound up being more violent than the demonized right. It's surreal to see people like you acting like liberals have done and are doing nothing wrong. 10 years ago I couldn't have even imagined someone calling themselves a liberal demanding censorship and oppression - yet here we are today.

You're like a programmable robot told how to walk and talk by the mainstream media.

>> No.9956206

>holocaust denial

this is fine

>white genocide
this is also fine

>> No.9956207

You make it hard to tell whether or not you're pro-white when you use fake jewish words like "antisemitism." The alt right has always been built around discussing the jewish problem and was doing so long before Trump ever came out.

>> No.9956208

Remember when the mainstream media did it to orson scott card?

>> No.9956215


>> No.9956216

Is it censorship if sites are just trying to cover their asses? Like 4chan isn't 'censoring' CP, they're just not promoting it because the legal trouble involved is not worth it.

>> No.9956219

Yes, it is censorship

>> No.9956220


>> No.9956238

nobody wishes that

>> No.9956241

So essentially preventing people from murdering each other is censorship.

>> No.9956366


>> No.9956426


Implying you can't be against holocaust denial and pedophilia. Why do you nazi's always drag pedophilia into discussions? Are you obsessed with it? Do you like thinking about 11-year-olds getting fucked?

>> No.9956473
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>He's never read Gottfried

Stay pleb.

>> No.9956490

Jews are the biggest promoters of pedophilia and judaism teaches that it's okay.

Also, beware of anyone who tries to slander people with a term like "denier" for questioning historical events. So many jews have been caught lying about being in death camps, the numbers don't match up, and the physics itself are so iffy that there is plenty of justification for questioning the events. But that's how you know that jews maintain undue power over our societies, that throughout the west, despite all the inconsistencies, you'll get thrown in a cage for questioning this one historical event. It's fucking bullshit, man.

>> No.9956498

m8, the nazis didn't fire beauvoir for being a jewish pedophile. if she had been jewish we wouldn't be having this problem.

>> No.9956503


>> No.9956508

if she'd been jewish, she would have been dead before the invited. instead they just fired her when she raped the kid

>> No.9956514
File: 123 KB, 618x477, LatD WtbNR Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which works of fiction can we expect banned in the near future?
Mine. Especially considering I'm Canadian and 'Islamophobia' is on its way to being a punishable offence.

>Living amongst the Dead
Feminist borderline raped, regularly smacked around.

>LatD: Dark Days
Black lesbian antagonist introduced, nearly kills white male protagonist.

>LatD: On the Road Again
Black lesbian antagonist been steadily berating white male protagonist, claiming he's racist and sexist. Finally gets fed up, tells her to "suck my cock, you nigger dyke". Hilarity ensues. Not really. He's still recovering from blood loss and if Tiffany (former feminist) hadn't grabbed Veronica (black lesbian) then she'd have quite easily killed the wounded man.

>LatD: Struggles New and Old
Black lesbian antagonist does more fucked-up shit, ends up getting shot but may or may not have gotten killed. Two Muslim characters are introduced, and old man and his pre-teen daughter. Spoiler alert (even though this has been nothing but spoilers), it's husband and wife, not only that but they're actually also cousins, the process of 'wudu' (religious cleaning for prayer) is described, morning prayer is described, he plans on consummating the marriage once she hits 13 years old because her father made him promise and surprisingly enough he manages to keep his promise. Doesn't let her learn to read/write, barely lets her speak, he's ok with smacking her around. Ultimately ends up shot.

>LatD: Will there be No Reprieve
Latest book, turns out black lesbian wasn't killed, but they find her before she can attack any of them (she'd probably also rape the pre-teen Muslim girl). She's subdued, knocked out, stripped, tied up, and pretty much tortured and raped. She also tried to force herself on her former-feminist friend Tiffany a second time before all this. Gets raped vaginally and anally, then raped again by another white guy who is incredibly apprehensive but hasn't got his dick wet in months so gives in. She's ultimately executed while still tied up, cum still in her holes.

Seriously though, how often do you get to see black and/or LGBT antagonists? It's almost unheard-of. But yeah, if my books get at all popular and legislation passes to make 'Islamophobia' illegal, I realize I might have some legal problems to deal with in regards to my books. I'm not too worried, firstly I don't think Trudeau j.r. will be in power long enough to manage it, and secondly I think fighting in the name of free speech is a noble fight to partake in. Then there's...

>When her 'No' means 'Yes'
A somewhat tragic and short novel about an unfortunate case of rape fetish.

>Another One Please, to Dull the Pain
How DARE a man write a book about men's issues, making the protagonist a FEMALE of all things, yet having a female side-protagonist who is CLEARLY not thinking correctly for she should be at the defence of the protagonist's cruel and abusive wife!

>Firearm Valhalla
Basically just gun porn...

>> No.9956522
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>liberals = commies, antifa aka THE REAL FASCISTS
>conservatism is da NEW COUNTA CULTCHA we like FACTS
>red pill I'm so W O K E lmao
>muh 69 pronouns and genders
>muh refugees
>donald drumpf lol!
>le (((juice))) did it hehe hitler is still with us <3
>muh white people
>muh black people
>muh freeze peach
>nazis are leftist lol
>[insert abstraction here] killed 666 gazillion people

The list goes on. It's the same fucking shit every time.
I fucking despise you American cretins and your cancerous shit-stain of a nation and political climate. I hope to God you and that tumorous fascist leftover of Imperial Japan start nuking each other ASAP.

>> No.9956527


>Another One Please, to Dull the Pain
I meant the ANTAGONIST is a female, protagonist is her husband, the side-protagonist is his female bartender friend. The ending is... pretty fucking intense.

>> No.9956529

And who do you think you are, or whose side do you think you're on?

>> No.9956530

north americans aren't capable of reading anything that isn't genre fiction. nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.9956541

Tests say I'm libertarian but I usually vote centrist in my country which has a political climate that hasn't changed at all in 60 years. That is, whites vs. reds.

It's so fucking frustrating, most of the time it's just fucking name calling, throwing away accusations and ideological terms. These aren't complete useless but they're too vague to actually mean anything because people don't even agree with the definitions in the first place.

Sometimes I think I don't ascribe to any political belief because they're lacking. Politics is a swindle and anyone offering you a magic bullet to solve all your problems is a fucking charlatan. Whether it's 'eat the rich' or 'kill the Jews' it's all just a lie to trick you into deflecting your own shortcomings onto someone else. [cheers, random Anon]

Oh, and OP, "conservatives" tend to support censorship too - actual censorship of art, not your whining about niggers.

>> No.9956543

why ban books in the first place

how about ban fuckin burgers so you fat cunts go out and do something other than masturbate to 2d girly cartoons you fat megaladon gargantuan behemoth of lumps of fat wash with a rag on a stick shit bucket diarrhea for years because of a lack of fruit in your diet mountain dew and cola isnt a fruit you fat cunt vacuuming up potential resources from our medical services, need a fuckin crane just to commute to fuckin work, fat bastard piece of dick cant even get an erection because its crushed by so many folds of lump

i swear i will smack you fucking one you fat cunt stop eating and walk motherfucker i will kill you, fat parents breed fat kids, stop listening to your burgerjams and fuckin MOVE faggot

>> No.9956545

What I was trying to say is, nobody is actually working together. Politics are fucked. It's like people use words that describe beliefs first, actions second. You nail it in your head that you're one or the other and everything else is bad because you have some narrow perception of what it is to be something else. If it were up to me we would all be nonpartisan and would speak about actions first, leave the abstractions to the news or outsiders or some shit, I don't know.

>> No.9956548

Also roll.

>> No.9956551

I hate myself for recognising all of these

>> No.9956557

You just sound like a bitter, holier-than-thou loser who'd rather complain than inform himself on serious matters. There are real problems in the world, and there are groups of people who are disproportionately involved in creating them. Although you don't seem to want to name your nation, I'm guessing you're one of the leftovers from a place jews ravaged early last century under communism by castrating the strong men and leaving behind whiny faggots like you.

>> No.9956566

YOU sound bitter. Of course I'm complaining, it's a complete shit show, retard. I AM informing myself and I'm working on making it a better place.

I'm from Serbia, living in Slovenia. We had nothing to do with the USSR and le evil jews and cobbunism.

Fuck off, you literally have nothing to contribute, baiting cunt.

>> No.9956592

No, fuck you. I've been Serbia and I know that there are real men there who don't act like pussies like you. You're apolitical? Fine. Then shut the fuck up and don't pretend like you know what's going on from now on, or post in one of those 'what's on your mind' threads. If you don't have the stomach for getting to the root of issues and think everything is bullshit, wallow in those sentiments on your own. And don't think you'll get any fake freethinker points around here for unleashing your pathetic feminized emotions against people who strive for knowledge and want to make the world a better place.

>> No.9956616

Germany is understandably cautious when it comes to the resurgence of nazism which fucked them up. It's an overreaction but an understandable one

Saying you hate Muslims sounds dumb. If you mean you hate Islam, fair enough, I probably agree with you. But hating a group of people rather than just hating their views is how violence is incited

>funding has to come from the government
>what is university funding

>> No.9956620

t. Read a Culture of critique and now thinks everything is da joos

>> No.9956639

>Saying you hate Muslims sounds dumb. If you mean you hate Islam, fair enough, I probably agree with you. But hating a group of people rather than just hating their views is how violence is incited

The problem lies not with Muslims or Islam, but with Arabs, i.e., not the beliefs but the actual people. While hating other groups may lead to violence, believing other people share your concept of individuality while delusionally ignoring racial differences, pretending other groups can be mixed into white people's societies (and theirs alone), and that peace can be controlled through public shaming of acts so-called "racism" will lead to even more violence.

>> No.9956646

t. jew

>> No.9956727
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University presses don't publish a lot of literature. They mostly publish monographs on obscure topics that interest only a few specialists. These books sell 500 or so copies each, at best.

>> No.9956843

Good bait lmao libtard cuck pwned xD

>> No.9956848


>> No.9956858

It's actually really funny and good to ban and censor conservatives because nothing you say is of any worth save for your whining, which will fuel laughter for many years.

>> No.9956873

>Gor books
They are still pretty popular in the Sci Fi community in europe.

>> No.9956881

>complains about LIBRUL censorpship
>with the GOP leading every branch of government

Conservatives are the bitchiest of bitches.

>> No.9956979

Those people aren't conservatives, moron, unless conservativism means conserving liberalism from 20 years prior. Conservativism starts with the people, white people, which they've completely failed at doing, selling them out for mud people, jewish money, and pro-Israel policies that jewish money pays for.

>> No.9957031

This. Start collecting fast before it's too late.

>> No.9957037

>That's what we get for allowing women to take over publishing
You mean jews. Women are merely obedient functionaries under our jewish system.

>> No.9957048

they already pulled the censorship of our literature.

this happened around 2008.

>> No.9957166

They literally aren't. A very small fraction of liberals are censoring things, and these people are better identified by other reference to groups other than "liberal".

>> No.9957789


>says that some books being banned is a proof of the evils of leftism
>supports an ideology that literally wants to ban a 10th of the population of their country

>> No.9957799 [DELETED] 

Hey man have you tried San Andreas yet? The graphics on it are next level! Can't believe that George Bush guy is gonna ban it hahahah, you know Dick Cheney's really in charge. Hit me up on AOL if you wanna talk about ps2 or heelies, TTYL

>> No.9957807

Hey man have you tried San Andreas yet? The graphics on it are next level! Can't believe that George Bush guy is gonna ban it hahahah, you know Dick Cheney's really in charge. Hit me up on AOL if you wanna talk about ps2 or heelies, TTYL

>> No.9957824

god, I wish I'd gotten on the heelies train when I had the chance.

>> No.9957832

They were fun man, I wish they were still in vogue

>> No.9957844

Southern conservatives exist though

>> No.9957988


>> No.9958026

People have been trying to ban Huckleberry Finn for decades.

>> No.9958040

citation needed

>> No.9958053
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I don't think their goal is to outright censor, more to try and keep the populace complacent and dumb so as that they wouldn't be bothered to seek what they deem problematic literature out. So in that sense they can still consider themselves the good guys because they aren't outright blocking information from you, by fucking with your soul and brain through various indoctrination methods they render you complacent, the illusion of free will.

>> No.9958081

Google it you lazy nigger

>> No.9958093

no results

>> No.9958107

Go away, Cenk. You're too fat.

>> No.9958143

Fucking pseuds, literally the first result

>> No.9958151

But this does not confirm anon's claim.

>> No.9958173

>People have been trying to ban Huck Finn for decades
>Post sauce
>"This proves nothing"

Okay kiddo

>> No.9958186

Read the article, dummy. It doesn't confirm anon's claim.

>> No.9958222

>some yahoos deface a few statues
>not two generations ago southern blacks were systematically terrorized and suppressed for seeking equal treatment in civil society and by local government
>What can I say? They were just some good 'ol boys fightin' for what they thought was right.

>> No.9958289

>not two generations ago southern blacks were systematically terrorized and suppressed for seeking equal treatment in civil society and by local government

And they've been terrorizing whites ever since. Blacks don't belong in civilized white societies. 12% of the population, +50% of violent crime.

But what this is is corporate censorship. Most corporations are either run through jewish shareholder interests or they are easily made compliant to the jewish cultural zeitgeist of anti-white diversity measures to the point where they know they'll get sanctioned if they do not at least pretend to uphold those interests. This has circumvented the first amendment and it was long planned. Every prominent pro-white website and personality that talked about the JQ was deplatformed and banned from the internet immediately after the Charlottesville trap. Jews know a lot of people are realizing that they are the source of the problems in our societies so they are kicking things into overdrive and putting the foot down. Not going to work though. The jewish slaver mentality of totalitarian rule over the goyim cannot last for long among whites who are the only people on the planet who care about optimal freedom and continually write it into the laws jews and jewish groups continually try to shit on. We've heard this song before too: Jews granted access to institutional power > turn institutions into ethnic cabals > use them to attack whites/natives > get chased out > run crying to the next country then proceed to do the same thing. How long before we finally learn that these people need to be quarantined? What kind of world is it where a small tribe among us that thinks it has a right to rule over everyone else and dictate the rules in our countries?

>> No.9958293

Actually it does and your a moron ya dingus. Literally just Google the hsitory of huck Finn top fucking kek I've never seen a lazier nigger

>> No.9958295
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>Use terrorism to oppress black minority
>OMG how hateful!
>Use terrorism to oppress white majority
>Fucking fascist evil white scum , you are all slavers and oppressors. I hope BLM but down more cities, kills more fascist fuck cops, and defaces every last statue of of their oppressors. Antifa are heros!

>> No.9958296

>not two generations ago
>but also not zero generations ago

>> No.9958342


>a generation is roughly 25-30 years, or the time it takes a given population to reproduce itself
>American civil rights movement, mass protest movement against racial segregation and discrimination in the southern United States that came to national prominence during the mid-1950s.

>> No.9958398

Removing a book from your library =/= a ban, even if the Telegraph calls it that. Still funny though
>book is blatantly anti-racism
>ban it because it portrays racism at all

>> No.9958417

I didn't read most of your post but I often wonder if blacks acted at all like they do now back then. I want to know if Emmitt Till was acting like the horrible black 14 year olds I went to school with. Were they the scared, hard working, family oriented people I'd seen in the movies depicting antebellum life they'd show in middle school or were they more like the boisterous, violent, stupid people I had encountered.

>> No.9958483

The rest of my post was about jews not blacks, but the answer to your question is plain to see if you look at Sub-Saharan Africa. There has never been a point where a majority black population was anything other than dumb, violent, and boisterous. That's how they are by nature.

As you said, growing up around blacks and watching how they behave leaves no ambiguity, but unfortunately there are plenty of people like myself who grew up around no blacks and as a result of jewish propaganda learned considerably later on that they weren't the benevolent gentle giants of white oppression I'd been conditioned to think they were. Jim Crowe laws were in place for good reason, because whites in the south understood this nature, but alas, it's the jew who now has moral authority, and the jew has no qualms about instilling these lies in children. And it was the jew who was responsible for transporting the blacks to America in their merchant slave ships. Blacks can be dealt with easily but the jewish menace must come first.

>> No.9958512

>Is it censorship if sites are just trying to cover their asses

>Like 4chan isn't 'censoring' CP, they're just not promoting it
No, they're censoring it. You are actively banned for posting CP. That is censorship. If 4chan were merely "not promoting it" then 4chan would allow CP to be posted but would never advertise this fact to anyone.

>because the legal trouble involved is not worth it.
That's true, there are a lot of legal hurdles involved if 4chan decided to stop censoring CP. For starters, much of the userbase would be forced to leave the website lest they be jailed in their home countries.

This response doesn't have a connection with anything previously said. Censorship is censorship. Preventing people from discussing a thing, or preventing them from sharing pictures of a thing - is censorship. You are not "preventing people from murdering each other"; speech and pictures are not violent weapons that will cause physical harm to people.

The trouble here is that you implicitly accept censorship is bad, but then try to justify your censorship as not-censorship. e.g. instead of censoring people you are "preventing them from murdering". Therefore you are not censoring them. You'd have fewer mental hoops to jump through if you had simply said, "some censorship is okay". In this respectful line of thought, You, Nazi's, Communists, and virtually every other ideology under the sun, would all have something you agree with.

Now watch how the lowest common denominator of your ideology is the one that decides what should be censored and what should not be censored. I hope you enjoy being led around by the extremists.

>> No.9959184


>generations of children get bused into violent inner city schools
>their experience with diversity doesn't make them less racist

Go figure.

>> No.9959393

You type like a virgin lmao

>> No.9960476

>He only read what he was told to for public school

>> No.9960678

Lmaoooo dude

>> No.9960686
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what did the cia mean by this

>> No.9960706

Maintaining a global empire requires intellectually grooming those who will one day rule over that nation and do your bidding. The US does this everywhere and most top foreign leaders around the world not only went through these types of programs but went on to Oxford and ivy league schools before going back home to reign in the interests of the jewish globalists extracting their nation's resources and manipulating various political alliances.

>> No.9960709

how come no one is mad that in asoiaf they literally have a bunch of peasants gang raped a retarded child

>> No.9960802

>banning books is a conservative idea no matter what
>The world isn't black and white where you either have to be one thing or another

joggin my noggin

>> No.9960974

>Jewish globalists
What did he mean by this?