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/lit/ - Literature

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9943694 No.9943694 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.9943751
File: 111 KB, 1365x2048, annefrankqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no anne frank gf
how the FUCK do I get over this

>> No.9943799

Fuck civilization

>> No.9943802

Anne Frank was one of the most unbearable reads I needed to endure.

>> No.9943811

Boxing is boring

>> No.9943823

I'm so pathetic and everyone knows it.

>> No.9943830

I am about to attend fashion school for design and I know I've already lost at life

-no connections
-small portfolio
-white guy
-average looks

>> No.9943836 [DELETED] 

Not sure why everyone wants me to strive for something, I can't think of anything that would make my life better right now at this very moment.

Considering that the future is an extension of now, and now I am satisfied, what is there more to do than grow old and die?

To strive would interrupt my satisfaction. To accept even more responsibility would fragment my energy. To be able to respond to the needs of something is to be responsible for it. To maintain my car or house or job, wife, kids, finances, friends, future, past, parents, body, etc.

Why should I live a more and more fragmented Life by being "reaponsible?"

By comparing myself with another I have found things, potentially desirable, that I don't have. By finding something that I don't have I have created a home in my life that I be satisfied until I fill, a privation in my psyche. By being told that I don't have something that I "should" by someone that I admire creates a privation in my psyche.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we constantly strive when we can just as easily give up responsibility for everything but the minimum and remain satisfied?

If we stop moving are we afraid that we will die? Are we so afraid to face the reality of our death that we constantly need to chase one thing after another? We do attain wisdom after an accomplishment don't we.. not that of the goal, but of being dissilusioned of it's promise of satisfaction.

>> No.9943844

I said something to a girl on Tinder and she cancelled the match. It's been a long time since i've talked to women regularly and that made me think if i just don't know how to talk to them anymore

>> No.9943858


I'm honestly pretty sure talking to girls on tinder is bullshit, there's no way to build up a decent convo without body language to read, unless she's incredibly desperate. They do seem to care more about instagram though, I know people who only ever hook up with tinder chicks by adding them on instagram. Just take tons of photos of yourself planking and leaning off the edges of tall buildings.

>> No.9943867
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I'm just glad after dating my gf for nine months I finally fucking came from sex and didn't have to jerk myself off to finish like a cuck.

Also Moby Dick was really good.

>> No.9943878

I know. I get matches regularly but it's impossible to come up with something to talk about with these girls near me since the don't even put something on their bios, and they don't seem too interesting in me either.
The thing is that it really got me thinking. I've been sheltering myself in my house for the past 6 months without barely talking to some people, none of them women.

I don't know. Something like that really gets on my head and it puts me down

>> No.9943881

I've been in the process of getting /fit/ for the past few months and lately I notice that my female coworker has been engaging me in conversation more often. She's hardly fawning over me but the increased attention is a sign that I'm doing something right.

>> No.9943884

Keep trying anon

>> No.9943885

Please talk to women face to face, just try, embarrass yourself repeatedly, even get the cops called on you, whatever, there are so damn many

>> No.9943894

I read this in Brain's voice.

>> No.9943959

lol dont tell me ur going to fit

>> No.9943963

u r a mother fuckin pleb, go to your local gym and get in the ring, come back and tell us how boring it is, fag

>> No.9943964


>> No.9944003

I got downtown and roamed, hoping to find a bar to finally have a drink after five months. I wanted to watch the fight and be in the middle of people. But the streets were packed enough, and I wasn't paying twenty dollars to get in. Plus I talked to this cute girl while waiting for the bus. She had on a dress shirt over a shirt with no sides, and she wasn't wearing a bra. For some reason she was trying to fix her dress shirt and kept exposing the bottom of one bare breast. I realised I needed to ask her more questions, and once she started talking again she stopped messing with her shirt - and I couldn't pay attention to a word she said. Then the bus came and she didn't sit close to me. I think next time I'm going to have a drink at the bar and not go home alone.

>> No.9944015

I fell for the STEM meme and I don't even have a job after graduating. Got a single interview after applying to hundreds of jobs. I feel like just forgetting it ever happened and becoming a NEET writer.

>> No.9944019

this is what they don't tell you about the stem meme, you have to be a true autist to get a good job after graduating, but if you're a true austist you can get a good job without doing a stem degree...

>> No.9944065

I wasted so much potential. All because I wanted to fit in. By this point my brain is so unused that I think I'm actually becoming dumber by the day. I think about how intelligence can't really be gained, only lost. I could have learned languages or talents or many other things best learned as a kid, but instead I wasted my younger years on things that don't even matter now.
I suppose where I'm at now isn't so bad, but considering where I could be it's leagues off. I wonder if that even matters. However, if I were to have not given in I would not be fun to be around, thus likely making me less successful than I think I could have been.
I wonder why I care about where I "am in life". I'm quite content with having the ability to shitpost, food, and a roof over my head, but still I yearn for...more. More of what? I am uncertain. Probably money.
I know I'm not deep, believe me. I'm just putting words down that can't seem to leave my head in the hopes that maybe they'll stick here instead.
I may need to read self-help books, or something like it. Someone once told me they were a meme though. Life really doesn't seem too appealing by this point, though that may just be a brain chemical thing.
I've met so many people and so many of them have been unappealing. Do I just have high standards? Am I the/an asshole? I can't even ask because nobody gets to know me well enough before I make them leave. The ones I do like I end up pushing away because I fear that I'll taint them with my thoughts and attitude and personality issues. Even here I feel like I'll be persecuted for posting what I think. I haven't even read a book since 2013; why am I here?
Why did OP ask, anyway? Is this a meme on this board? I bet I look pretty autistic if that's the case. I don't even know why I care what some randoms on the internet I'll likely never converse with again think about me, an anon.
I'm gonna go to /mu/ now to see what's over there. Maybe something to help.

>> No.9944067

I had a dream a few nights ago that I, and some people around me whose faces I couldn't see, were plowing through a terrible storm. It was so bad that the wind was driving, and the clouds that blew around us were gray. We seemed to be very close to being totally blown away. When things seemed desperate, and the wind was at its strongest, I dropped to my knees and cried out, "Holy Mother Mary, have mercy on me!" Immediately the storm began to break apart. I looked up and it seemed that Mary herself was in the clouds, parting the storm. Then all became warm and sunny, and everything was at peace.

And then I woke up.

>> No.9944070

like two weeks ago i fell asleep listening to a lecture on milton, and when i woke up i realized that death is a social construct, but no one is going to understand so i'm not going to bother telling anyone

>> No.9944077

What a wonderful day

>> No.9944095
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STEM major here, not a prodigal autist.

I just like building shit and learning math despite my constant fight to de-program myself from the public schooling I've endured.
I can't stand watching people waste away watching TV, playing video games, reading books, etc. and not making anything of it, it's just mindless consumption.
I hate to say this in public, but Atlas Shrugged influenced me to blow passive nihilism out my ass and do shit. I'm a pretty masculine-minded chick and I don't fit in well with the sperglords and the "I'm an engineering major because affirmative action gave me a full ride because I'm a dumb bimbo." types, but that's ok.
I can't really see myself working for Monsanto or other evil places wanting to hire people from my major, but what the fuck. I'll have enough technical knowledge to sip beers from my homebrewery on my subsistence farm as the globalist machine collapses or something.

>> No.9944096

oh you did chemical engineering? well you can always make lsd

>> No.9944136

When I'm on my deathbed I know I'm going to have lots of regrets. I spend all my life alone and overthinking everything but once I'm at deaths door I'm going to hate myself. Once I'm there I will realize that I'm wasting my life on stuff that doesn't matter. Every time I weighed up the pros and cons of a situation I was just losing more precious time.Even knowing all this doesn't mean I can prevent it. It should motivate me to live a more risky and extroverted life but I just can't. It's impossible to make the first move. I'm screaming on the inside but on the outside I am blank.

My catharsis of the week: Your either born happy and stay happy, have a contradicting belief system or give up on trying to be happy at all.

>> No.9944145

jeff bezos always talked about how he lived life on a "regret minimization program" with the goal of having the fewest regrets at death, one of which was if he passed up the internet boom to stay on wall street doing quant finance he would regret it, seems to have worked p well for him, but at the time quitting one of the hottest firms on wall street to start an online bookstore looked absolutely retarded to basically everyone on the planet

>> No.9944167

wtf pol said i would get banned if i post a mayweather thread, they just deleted, but no ban

>> No.9944180
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I know he's in pain and I can't do anything to help.

He cares about me, I care about him but we're both too afraid to do anything about it. Time will tell, but when we're drunk we can't leave each other's side and we talk about everything. In the daylight hours, we both know its better to be covert about wanting to be in the other's company all the time since people are watching and talking.
Alexithymia - I hope you spare me when that conversation arrives.
I've loved you for years.

>> No.9944184


>> No.9944196
File: 14 KB, 342x316, cat lick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working 6 days a week, trying to keep a semblance of a social life and just now am talking up writing. Nothing could possibly go wrong!

>> No.9944198

>now am talking up writing

freudian slip of the century

>> No.9944203

I'm gonna say that was $100% intentional and not at all because it's 1AM

>> No.9944204


>> No.9944228

First class of the year on Monday morning, 9 AM sharp. Video Production and History of Television for the cinema major, Microeconomics for the business minor, and Child Psychology and Latin as general requirements. We register two different websites of meaningless shit for Microeconomics even though we already use Canvas as a university. It's just so they can make money with tertiary-turned-primary garbage which under 5% of the students will consult, and I won't be in that number.

I took years of Latin in high school, but I'm probably rusty and should review some shit, like how the future-tense verbs switch from -bo... to present-sounding -am... shit when you go into the third conjugation. Also I need to brush up on that gerunds and gerundives and that shit because I remember nothing about it other than that it was a thing.

>> No.9944377

I feel the same way about people at uni. Everyday in the computer room I see the Asians around me watching brainless shit while I do work. I think what bugs me is that I feel shame and embarrassment when I watch that shit but they watch it with no affect to their conscious. They have no idea how humiliating it should be that they watch dumb you-tubers all day instead of doing something productive or being with friends. Their not very masculine at all but I don't think they even recognize that its a bad thing or that it could be a bad thing. They are so lucky that they were born in a time where masculinity is seen as toxic.
It scares me that I'll most likely spend the rest of my life surrounded by these soulless robots.

>> No.9944953

2015 is the 2007 of the 2010s

>> No.9944983

>be me
>decide to check the literature board on 8ch
>scroll through the front page
>see interesting threads
>well thought out posts
>no excessive christfaggotry
>no polfaggotry
>no snarky one-liners
>feel good because i've finally found a nice retard-free place where i can discuss literature
>realize the thread i'm viewing was posted in 2015
life is hell lads

>> No.9944989

I unironically jerk it to Blacked.

>> No.9945492

Naw, in the south and the best engineering program available in this part of the country is geared towards machining for agriculture. Is pretty interesting

>> No.9945517

unironically THIS.

>> No.9945526

i have a great idea for a phd thesis but the stress of finding funding/applying/finding a tutor etc is putting me off.

plus i don't know if i'll just be broke and unemployed in three years and regret it.


>> No.9945658

I'm only 22 and already starting to get tired of life. Does it get any better, lads?

>> No.9945669

Not at all.

>> No.9945673

>Does it get any better, lads?
You decide.

>> No.9945688


>> No.9945703

Go for it
If you think it's a good thesis idea, do you really think in 3 years time you'll say "Getting a phd was a bad idea"

>> No.9945785

I do nothing but shitposts on 4chan

I don't have a job, nor friends, nor passions

my parents are getting tired of my leeching so I might finally end it sooner or later. I just don't want to hang myself because that's pathetic, and I don't have access to a gun. Shooting your face is pretty cool way to go out imo

>> No.9945832

>put head through metal wire noose
>glue hands to head
>jump off stool
>looks like you ripped off your head

>> No.9945854

How do blind people wake up?

>> No.9945894

I don't own any books because I'm afraid my physical space becomes as claustrophobic as my mental architecture

>> No.9945914
File: 168 KB, 1366x768, IMG_2809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm exactly like you except I do have access to a gun

>> No.9945915

I actually liked it, it was comfy

>> No.9945920

>will never write good songs because I'm too afraid of them being shit to ever even try
This feel started out small but had boiling up to the point that I'm getting unironically depressed

>> No.9946360

Every time I see these type of posts, I always want them to be secretly directed at me - as though someone with access to information about a person I want to love me were slyly personifying that person in a post. I like to think of these people acting like Greek gods, attempting to interfere with the lives of mortals, or not mortals, but people with limited computer skills. I like to imagine them, but most of all, I like to imagine that what they post is the truth.

>> No.9946368
File: 81 KB, 801x439, e2c3375083d30f8392624a849c8daac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks complain about being contradictory with their ideas of themselves, about being unwilling hypocrits, about their dreams not coming true, when those are the things that make life nuanced and exciting.


>> No.9946666

Jacques Barzun is great.

>> No.9946688

They are 8 years apart, after all

>> No.9946738

What's he on about?

>> No.9946752

i was going to fap but i couldn't get into it wtf, now i have to decide if i should shitpost or do something productive

>> No.9946765

That's how it always starts. "One day, I could jerk off." Next thing you know you're receiving the Pulitzer or becoming vice-president. G#d have mercy on your soul.

>> No.9946838

I have absolutely no fear of rejection, I couldn't care less when a girl looks at me with disgust or indifference; the problem, then, is if I succeed: if I convince some girl to be my girlfriend, then what? I can only imagine trouble, embarrassment and heartbreak.

>> No.9946851

i can relate, it's like when u suggest to a chick to fuck and shes like "ok" then ur like oh, rly? but i have to clean, and then i have to go to this thing later, and then ur like fucking is such a chore, like when ur in the city on the weekend on u see these chads with hot 9/10 chicks ur liek damn so jelly, but then u think of all the fucking effort that goes into it, it's like meh, i think getting a 10/10 gf is like getting a phd or starting a business, sure everyone could in theory do it, and every says they want it, but lets be real most people are just not going to put in the effort

>> No.9946857

It's not even about effort, I put effort in my life in general, but about direction.

>> No.9946866

well that's what i mean, if u really wanted a gf u would have one, soprobably ur a fag or sth

>> No.9946875

>I have this view, but on friends
Having a GF is far easier than trying to care about someone you're not fucking.
>tfw no gf

>> No.9946884

I will never write about you if you are expecting me to do it somewhere.

>> No.9946888

yeah but friends don't randomly break up with you so it's easier to maintain, like if your friend meets a new friend with better banter and more money they don't suddenly tell you to fuck off and die and block ur number, they just invite you along to meet their new friend too

>> No.9946899

I'm just a bad friend.

>> No.9946944
File: 273 KB, 434x428, 1503802337311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate highschool
>not many friends
>"I'll have friends in college"
>get to college and everyone's three things they love: "family, friends, and Jesus"
>their interests are youtube and partying
>they look at me strange for reading
>at a fucking University
Holy shit I know I'm kind of arrogant but shit my friends back home drew porn, had weird humor, and thought it was kind of cool I read. It's like I moved to Facebook-twitterville.

>> No.9946950

wut the fuck kind of god awful school did u enroll in?

>> No.9947041

I just moved to a a new city for university and it is truly nice. For the first time in my life i'm autonomous and I love it. Things are also going very well socially and i'm rapidly gaining confidence with women.

I'm living in a housing for students so i'm kinda forced to talk with people. As a result, i'm starting to question my introversion since I actually enjoy being social a lot more than I would've guessed.

Overall things are going good. Still seraching for meaning though. Currently reading jung trying to see what's in the depths of my unconscious. Maybe i'll find my purpose there.

>> No.9947049

>iranian guy gets picked to be new ceo of uber, he's also on the board of directors of the nytimes
>shiite muslim guy on the nytimes board, how is this even possible?
>wife is sydney shapiro

ahh ok it all makes sense now

>> No.9947077

Jung is pseudoscience

>> No.9947092

I could get a gf indeed, that's the problem. How to maintain the relationship though?

>> No.9947095

idk like text them all the time with every stupid thought that pops into your head instead of posting it here, pretty sure that's the key

>> No.9947097

Middle tier state school that is the best place for the field I want to get into.

>> No.9947146
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People think they're too good these days. We realized how big the world is and how we can be whatever we want because there's a million gods anyways. But culture and religion used to be like the talents and specs that have been tested by entire societies for millions of years. In order to deviate from one, you typically had to be really smart. Now it's 2017 and every starchild is a fucking genius so we have warriors speccing into sub optimal regen talents because they want to be a healer. Which is fine, but we've developed such an ethic of care that if it fails miserably, it's still going to be supported and invested in. We've fucked around on this planet for years and it's been great, but now that it's actually dying and that we can see this, I don't think we should be making such inefficient, fun-zone raid comps.

>> No.9947170
File: 78 KB, 560x700, these-satirical-illustrations-perfectly-sum-up-modern-society-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh i definitely believe in the mystical and his ideas make a lot of sense to me.

>> No.9947220

Job. Occupation. Money. Self support. Where to start? The rung that I can get my foot on. Do I go up? Do I get paid to fly planes? To kill in the name of a country and people I love but who's cruel and uncaring elected stewards love us not, those who they represent? Perhaps this is the more pertinent issue. But what can I do, I just want to exist and feel the joy of life, to plant onions in the autumn and feel the wind push at me as I perch atop a whirring combustion engine, to fill my head with the musings of great thinkers who answered the questions that pose themselves to the human soul, to push myself to grow stronger and smarter each day. The joy of children, of a wife, of a unified purpose to equip them to the best of my abilities, some land and shelter to call our own. But where to start and what is the most pressing issue. The rung I can get my foot on.

>> No.9947282

What ever happened to the /lit/ tinychat? Did it move to discord or something? There was a discord but it was shit and run by a sjw. I mean shit maybe its still going - I stopped checking it out like a year ago. But orfeo and svid... I liked talking with those guys.

>> No.9947308
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>tfw extremely hazy and opaque episodic memory
I have virtually zero memory of my magnanimous grandmother who I loved dearly. I mean, I can recall very vague things like how she fed me bologna sandwiches and minutiae like that, but I don't remember a single solitary event regarding her or a single thing she's said to me. Same with everyone else who's came and gone and my life: my childhood dog, the few friends I had, etc. All vanished. It all might as well not have happened. If I live to a certain point, this is what is going to fucking happen when my mother passes, my father, and the several (read: 8) people who are still around in my life right now. When and if I turn 64, I won't be able to reminisce fondly about the good old days and the people I had good times with, because I'll have nothing to go by: my memory will be failing me and as it stands even right now momentos evoke no feelings in me. It will just be one foggy mess.

The original opening sentence of my post was: what's the point in living when I have an extremely hazy and opaque episodic memory? That's melodramatic obviously. But I kind of do feel that way; on top of all the other bullshit going on with me, a poor memory certainly doesn't help my case. Fuck, man. "But anon, fuck memory, just live for the moment"- yeah, what do you think I am doing?

>> No.9947707

/lit/ seirously needs a requests general. This state of this board is ridiculous.

>> No.9947979

People would need to have it in the OP of every other general.

>> No.9947998

I'm watching a cat stream at 4:30 AM instead of studying the classes I missed
what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.9948003

Trump is handling this hurricane about as well as any president would. You can criticize him for plenty of things but I don't think he's done any worse than Obama would given the circumstances.

>> No.9948199

all you need is a diary desu

>> No.9948269

Communism is the only thing that can save us. Capitalism is a disease. Floyd Mayweather and McGregor should be hanged and their millions given to anything for the greater good, along with the other bourgies.

I'm so sick of this shitty country. I'm so sick of its cucked retards, too. If you're against communism you are a selfish cunt and should be hanged.

>> No.9948271


>> No.9948769

Pia mater

>> No.9949026

can't get you out of myyy mind

>> No.9949050

>tfw no one mentions floyd touching conor's cock a day before the fight

>> No.9949052

boxing is gay, that's why wilde was good at it despite fucking queensbury's son.

>> No.9949055

I need to dedicate myself more to incremental gains than day-to-day life. I have been really missing out. The moment. He was much farther along than me at my age. I have the knowledge, I must only practice and consciously observe my reactions, and supress those which don't serve.

>> No.9949080

nothing gay about it, it's not like he touched his balls

>> No.9949154

*with his balls

>> No.9949245

he attempted it when he turned his back and bent down in the ring but I don't think it happened

>> No.9949277

27 reporting in, it doesn't

>> No.9949283

Ur post is part of a common sentiment over here, on the non-profit/pol/ part of 4chan

Still, go fuck yourself you illiterate monkey

>> No.9949295
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I'm a hopeless romantic in love with a taken woman and I'm not sure if she's just poking fun at me about it anymore or if she actually is interested in me and I feel like my life is turning into either the worst or best romance novel you'll ever read.

>> No.9949300

This girl is such an attention whore. I remember all her autistic fb drama.

>> No.9949339

I'm really fucking desperate to find a girl

>> No.9949359

I despise Jews. I'm in an eternal dither over those insects

>> No.9949393

God, it's been a whole day and I can't stop thinking about how bullshit The Mist was.

>> No.9949407

I spent the last few days watching documentaries, working, daydreaming about girls on the street and little else.

>> No.9949417

this, me and my mates often touch willies after a few pints. it's just banter, nothing queer about it.

>> No.9949458

stop stalking me

>> No.9949463

I like Jews. They're my favorite kebab removers

>> No.9949567

I'm currently in the process for the stem meme. Stem cell and biomimicry is cool as fuck. Should I stop?

>> No.9949596

Go on, you're not memed.

>> No.9949917

I'm thinking if I should fabricate 100% a resume in order to get a job including using a fake name because I already applied to a company and never got a call back after fucking up the phone interview and I want to work there

>> No.9950147

You reminded me of this boy.
Monday, Tuesday, first-date, you pay, we watch the birds, playful smiles and stupid words, sunshine outdoors, later "coffee" on your apartment floors...I'm already yours. Wednesday, Thursday, love's a holiday, wanna play? Lips on mine, no lingerie, your warm, warm hands on mine, we'll sleep in today. Friday, Saturday, please please stay, dont go away, those hurtful words were yesterday, heart's a fray, I'm fading, fading locked away, cast-aside like an ashtray.
Sunday. I hideaway, grey indoors, pine away, replay the words you used to say, sick, afraid, in disarray, pray today was yesterday.

>> No.9951523

Why am I so narcissistic?

>> No.9951561
File: 283 KB, 480x800, patchiReadsMurakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really scares me that the big software companies are requiring people to work lots of overtime while at the same time increasing their at-work benefits (free food, game rooms, etc). pretty soon work and free time are going to merge into the same fucking thing: eating pizza and staring at screens, occasionally checking facebook and twitter to hashtag trendy sociopolitical issues. we are being turned into cattle for the techno-overlords and nobody seems to care.

what am i going to do about it? get the fuck out of california as soon as i repay my student loans. then me and my wife are going to live somewhere rural and i'm going to learn to garden and how to repair shit around the house. i'm going to store up as many paper books as i can before the shit hits the fan in the hopes that future generations can read uncensored literature. and i'm going to write even if no one will publish me.

>> No.9951681

i respect that, anon

>> No.9951848

how are you going to get past hr when they hire you though? They're going to be like "we hired you cuz your resume said shekelberg, but your social security card says mcgoy"

>> No.9951859

>normie roommate has girl over

hopefully they already fucked before i got home so i don't have to hear that shit, if they do ima start rippin loud ass farts

>> No.9951864

I liked the kreutzer sonata more than war and peace

>> No.9952009


>> No.9952018
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>> No.9953360


>> No.9953771

I don't know. I may just straight up tell them that I lied because I wanted the job so bad and hope they don't mind

>> No.9953918

The burden of memory is heavy to shoulder. Everything I held dear has been changed, corrupted, vanished or died with time, and now exists only in my mind. I live to carry these echoes within me to the future, to postpone their inevitable fading. Call it nostalgia, but I know it in my heart it must be more than that.

>> No.9953962

Before the summer, I used to have a slightly beneficial way of life. I indulged in some ways, but still kept myself limited in diet, satisfactory in exercise, and even took a small interest in reading and learning. At the start of the summer, I joined a club team and trained with the team throughout the season vigorously. During this period I took on a very beneficial way of life and my interest in and self-improvement and reading seemed to only grow. My life seemed to finally turn into something with potential. Now, with the season over, I'm worse off than I was before the season. All I do is eat, browse the internet, and play vidya. I'm even watching TV, which I previously hated. It's like I devolved ten-fold after evolving. What the hell has become of me? How the fuck do I bring myself to become what I was in season? Why did I retreat to a worse way of life instead of maintaining will and continuing my journey of improvement?

After writing this, though, I'm looking at myself and my actions through the brain-fog for the first time since the season ended. I'm realizing that I'm too comfortable right now, and that is what's causing this adhesion to this lifestyle right now. The only way to jump-start myself out of it without having to join another team or get some external support is condemn it all internally. I'm just gonna have to continue telling myself how much of a worthless piece-of-shit I am right now, but bring it up 10, maybe 100 notches to hopefully create enough discomfort in this disgusting life of consumption and laziness. I don't know if it will work, but I'm just happy to have some introspective thought come out of my slothful self for the first time in weeks.

>> No.9954034

Just watched Light Sleeper, really enjoyed it. Good movie to watch at night. Susan Sarandon is gorgeous in it

>> No.9954063

Tap tap tap! I rock out a word document. What what? Word is so stupid. Stupid word. Lordy. I got my thumb all up in a vagina. Thumbs up! It does not matter at all. Cool! Discombobulated! Discomfort. Unease. Unwary. What-the-hells-ever! Dong dong! I am a homosapien from Denver. Balls. In. Your. Court. Cover up my wiener with a fig leaf. Pot plants growing on the hillside. Bullets and boners! Double space my nuts up a bridge, you liver eating bullshitters. Typos on a page left blank. This. This time will be just like the last time. Drowsily, I succumb to my own telepathy. I can read my thoughts. You know what I’ll do? I’ll write! This is an uncanny feeling. Triangles everywhere! A radical new dance called “swing.” Tik tik tik! Boomshakalaka! Kawabunga! I am a ticking time bomb. I may abandon the notion on sleeping. The end of the world is upon us! Be safe out there. Am I making any pies in the near future? Sir! We strongly urge you to get some sleep… It looks like you’re writing! Do you want me to fuck that up for you? The sun is out, the lights are on, and I’m ready to bathe in chocolate syrup. Some book by some guy. Some dead guy. Whatever, dead people… rattle those chains. Seven o’clock in the morning and cars are lining up for fast food breakfast burritos. Hello, self. How are you this morning? If you’re tired, just remember that it does not matter at all. Chief Washinokasaby in the sink. Totem pole! Jesus! People read this?!? Sup?

>> No.9954116

tl;dr this kind of writing is extremely obnoxious

>> No.9954125

it's cargo cult pomo

>> No.9954130

some things are material, some things are conceptual, some things are eternal xD

>> No.9954131

whatever it is, I'm not reading it, I'd rather read a hundred random shitposts

>> No.9954137

me either, it's shit

>> No.9954143

my favourite words are dogs, bags and boys

>> No.9954156


>> No.9954245

I can't find a book I read 3 years ago. No matter where I look I can't find it, anywhere online. I was pretty sure i bought it on Google play (because it's all I had available at the time, sue me) and now it's not in my library, no receipt for it in my email.
I'm now worried I imagined the whole story, I was going through severe emotional trauma at the time and I did hallucinate some events that never actually happened.
But to hallucinate a whole story? Absurd. I'm not that creative.

>> No.9954281

Write it

>> No.9954292

What if I didn't hallucinate it though and I get hit for plagiarism

>> No.9954298

My mother lost her apartment in the hurricane and I'm moving back in with her from college in a few days. I'm going to be homeless soon.

>> No.9954309

I'm very sorry to hear that, may God bless you and help you get out of this situation.

>> No.9954435

Is ThuleanPerspective a reliable yt channel ?

>> No.9954493
File: 47 KB, 641x556, 113210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many insurance claims did you fuck up because you were busy world-building your nineteenth-century romance novel? How many non-violent offenders did you put in prison because you got affidavits mixed up with the first draft of the eleventh chapter of your true-crime manuscript? If you had paid more attention to your family and less time figuring out how to use your main character's perspective to propel your plot, maybe your brother wouldn't have felt the need to blow his brains out all over the inside of your mother's 1985 Cutlass Supreme.

>> No.9954554

Docile perfection doth dream,
Who will foretelling well,
Break it's perfect abstract,
As long water's abaft,
Acolyte and acclimate,
The necessity of tepid fear,
To soul's essence irritate,
If by dozen a flower fellows
By watery dew does it's hypocrisy
Dictate: A man shall never change
Whose heart stoned by his creation
Chill, and in his stature statue range
Falls none all well my ideal idyll,
May to erase with but each fiddle,
Of plucked string, with heart did
nothing nert left felt as hearth
Heat my dead cold hand
By it's ineptitude forsaken,
To shock him once and receive hither
The poison and remedy twice the better.

But I leer and lament, when
once whose idea cement
Like his love whose beautiful
Golden flows and locks
Luster like Nubian gold
Who strongly less hold
Remain etched with brow
On twice a golden fiddle,
In double the strength of such statue,
To give partaken pleasantness
The partook, and erase but my hard
Mind of flown tepidness lovely unkind,
Unknown and betrayed, by own hand
To see this stature me in the sun forsaken light.

>> No.9954555

I wouldn't mind giving her a kiss on the lips.

>> No.9954593

Thanks man, it's not that bad actually. I'm just staying there for a week and then I'm moving into my own place in another town to start work. I feel awful for my mom though, she lost everything.

>> No.9954632
File: 72 KB, 852x480, Where the world comes in my way — and it comes in my way everywhere — I consume it to quiet the hunger of my egoism. For me you are nothing but — my food, even as I too am fed upon and turned to use by you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'm going to watch Build. On the one hand, the suit looks cool (but that didn't stop Wizard from going to shit) and I sorta kinda wanna keep updated on what happens with Kamen Rider. On the other hand, it's time I can no longer afford, and (let's be honest) I wanna stop watching Japanese spandex novelas and move onto something else. Ex-Aid really surprised me with how good it turned out, but I kinda hope Amazons means they'll keep the more adult stuff on the side.

I'm quitting Sentai though. Fuck that.

>> No.9954639
File: 28 KB, 385x401, 1480344516330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*I'm NOT quitting Sentai
*I'm NOT

Take me back Hatte Saburo-sama.

>> No.9954703 [DELETED] 

i just did a fucking iq test on mechanical turk for 5 bucks and the dicks didn't even tell me my score, it was some dudes from mit sloan no doubt hoping to prove that people with low income deserve to be poor because they can't decide which cube fits into a pattern, that shit was fucking tiring god damn, fucking exhausted right now, maybe it's a good thing they didn't tell me my score, i'm probably retarded, now i'm going to go law in bed and listen to an audiobook, fuck my lfie

>> No.9954711

i just did a fucking iq test on mechanical turk for 5 bucks and the dicks didn't even tell me my score, it was some dudes from mit sloan no doubt hoping to prove that people with low income deserve to be poor because they can't decide which cube fits into a pattern, that shit was fucking tiring god damn, fucking exhausted right now, maybe it's a good thing they didn't tell me my score, i'm probably retarded, now i'm going to go lay in bed and listen to an audiobook, fuck my life

>> No.9955006


>> No.9955033


>> No.9955084

What is the point of friendships if you wired yourself into not trusting people and life proved you were prudent in doing so? Is it worth taking the risk of having yet another knife plunged into your back for a dozen truly pleasurable and heart-warming moments? Are people truly capable of engaging in such relations and not harming one another? If they aren't, then again, what's the point of painting a target on my belly and ask my "friends" to eventually take turns on throwing those little darts of emotional distress, anxiety and grief at me? What's the point of this insanity.

>> No.9955086

Sometimes it is revealed to me
That life is a serious thing
Then I see the cracks in my mind
And the light pouring from my dreams
Lately I've been thinking
I'm moving nowhere, I'm waiting for no one
Even when I'm fighting
and ruling my kingdoms
I am here and I am here to stay
Like the buildings in my old city
Where after twenty years only people have changed
I can't bring myself to see it
Maybe life is a serious thing instead of a dream

>> No.9955087

I'll be alone in the darkness, but I'll do it, yes I'll do it

>> No.9955149

Everyday I go to sleep, hoping I don't wake up. And yet, I always wake up disappointed. One day..

>> No.9955563

It's your choice to go on as the person you are now. Don't say you can't because this or that, because then you're not really willing to die.

>> No.9955889

America 2045: Final Utopia
by Shlomo Shekelstein

"Aight lil' niggas. Today we learns about - the Second American Civil War!" the teacher says. He turns on the boombox and starts rapping.

"Long ago bruthas they ain't so free
Caged in a land of racist hypocrisy
Racist Nazis tryin' to keep a brutha down
Shootin' us up, puttin' us in the ground

Finally bruthas say, we had enough
Time to fight, organize and stuff
Jewish brutha come up with a final solution
Get rid of that old racist ass Constitution"

"Nigga that ain't real rap nigga, what wrong witchu!" Lamar, the nerdy kid next to me yells. "What wrong witchu nigga?!"

The teacher ignores him and continues.

"Racist ass honkies didn't like dat one bit
They be all up in arms startin' Civil War and shit
Bruthas fightin' hard but gettin' outgunned
They prayin' to God for help from someone

God heard they prayer and sent the Chinese, Japanese
Zionese, rebel if you please, European, Judean, Korean
Racist motherfucks found out they was wrong
Thought Russia would Red Dawn, instead they got da bomb"

The class is whooping and hollering. Lamar is shaking his head.

"Nigga that was a whole lotta bullshit, what you jus' said, you know that donchu nigga?" he says as the music stops.

"Aight niggas," the teacher says. "Now you know how this works, its 12 o'clock. Every white lil' muthafucka up in here gotta go an' apologize to the whooole class for racism."

>> No.9955897

Im drunk i want to call you i love you i have realiced that maybe i have always love you. How do i gey you back? Please help me out. I cant see no one else but you

>> No.9955917
File: 327 KB, 1200x1200, peter from family guy damn daniel white genocide lol funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i hate white *people* now

>> No.9955923

Alsoit doesnt matter if you dont love me back but hell i do i cant even date with someone else and even though they are kind with me i do not care because everytime i imagine with them i just cant. It is a picture of us in my head. Please tell me you dontlove me please telll you have found someone else. Please tell me you dont miss me please tell me everything was a lie to just fill your ego
I dont feel resetment but oh howmuch i miss you i do do you know how much i havw cried for you and i dont care bevause everyrime i do theres a memory living in there. There they dont die.

>> No.9955931

I spent my entire childhood and adolescence trying to fit in with "normal" people, only to realize that I don't like normal people.
Oh well.

>> No.9955942

I'm not the only one in northeast/central Texas seeing a lunar eclipse, right? The moon was blood red and I saw it disappear. Tell me I'm not going fucking nuts.

>> No.9956149

More than friendship I think you described the risks of love

>> No.9956198

You gotta pay me if you want third person and past tense.

>> No.9956214

Forcing myself to stay up late because I have a night shift tomorrow. Normally I'm a night person but anxiety in the middle of the night combined with loneliness is a truly awful feeling. I dunno, just felt like blogposting

>> No.9956365

I've found a new escape: documentaries. My favorite topics are society and culture, and particularly interesting are education and love. Minimal narration, minimal editing is always best. Few jump cuts, slow pacing, and plenty of interviews that allow you to really get to know the subjects. Once you begin to understand their lives, you feel the same emotions they feel, and get wrapped up in another place, in another time. This is one of the only occasions I can experience genuine emotion, and it's nice. Music used to do it too, and visual novels, but not anymore. Latching onto those things made it painful when they went away, so now, I just accept it when it comes.

>> No.9956413

It can reliably make you into a complete moron if you let it

>> No.9956510

I'm interested, can you give some recommendations?

>> No.9957081

I wish I could move on from the girl in my grad cohort that I have mixed feelings for. Having to see her regularly each week doesn't help nor does it help that she is the most relatable human I have ever met. Of course, she is young and dating a controlling fuccboi but this is the first time I've been infatuated with a girl in a relationship and definitely the last time.

>> No.9957084

>tfw I keep finding moths and butterflies in the middle of the sidewalk that aren't flying, but then when I lift them up to find them a tree or a plant to perch on (so they can at least die without being stomped on or eaten by a bird), they fly away


I can't find any information on Google about them having behavior-modifying parasites

>> No.9957088

You sound like someone I know

>> No.9957103

I would be genuinely surprised if I knew anybody irl who frequented 4chan.

>> No.9957120

they think it's just a rock to chill on in the sun

>> No.9958219

I've been buying crypto currencies at a monstrous rate, and I hope it pans out so I don't have to work anymore.

>> No.9958225

I'd probably do this if I wasn't so lazy and apathetic

>> No.9958260

it's super fucking ez once you know where to look. Just make an account here, and it's an llc so if they fuck you there's a person to sue.

>> No.9959460
File: 769 KB, 800x475, 851915436749994130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If eromanga used narrator bubbles to explain away the effects and sensations of sex, rather than have the characters mouth off constantly, they would be 350$ more respectable.

But I guess an honest narratorial voice requires a sensibility, authority and restraint most current authors don't have at all.

Zizek: "There's always a phantasmatic aspect to sex." Much more reason to bring in a third voice.

>> No.9959604

Will you hear what I have to say?
Will you read what I want to write?

>> No.9959647

Sometimes I wonder if the whole site banded together if we really and truly could get /pol/ deleted. I feel like it might take some sort of extra-site happening, like finding out /pol/ had coordinated a murder.

>> No.9959698

Why can't I be happy ? I'm with my brothers and sisters and i'm on 4Chan feeling like shit. i miss my ex

>> No.9959717

i love you

>> No.9959746

The kelp thinks that he creates the tide

>> No.9959767
File: 627 KB, 600x800, IMG_6955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I need to break up with my girlfriend. I always try and start a conversation everyday over phone, this is a long distance relationship, and she either doesn't text back at all or only replies with simple one word texts. It's really making me think she doesn't care about this as much as I do and would like to break it with her. It hurt me in more ways than one and I want to just stop caring about her

>> No.9959809
File: 118 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of betas are going to tell you what you want to hear (you beta fuck) but the truth is that ----- women are fickle. You had her then. Her gaze has obviously shifted in the last few moments. You have the stuff that she's attracted to so get her attention back. Be funny, be friendly, be confident.. Despite her distance, get her attention and things will be back to normal.

>> No.9959830
File: 122 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel as though if I follow in this pursuit I'll just waste my time and resources. I can't keep trying to convince myself that she's busy or distracted. I'll try and sound funny and flirty for the next couple of days for you anon, but after that, if she doesn't seem to care, then I'm calling it.

>> No.9960006
File: 264 KB, 900x1185, 4bb3e41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I can't relate to you anon if your telios is as shallow as 'her.' If yes then go and turn to ashes with the rest of the continuers of this species (whome I love and admire).

If you are like me then meditate for a few minutes on this.. your death. Being nothing. A thing which completely disconnects from the world, from the emotions of self, from any sense of I'ness.

Think of non being for a few minutes.. how all of our ancestors are forgotten, their struggle for survival. You may remember the recent ones but going further back you don't

You are attached to your girlfriend. You are attached to your purpose. You are attached to yourself.

All will flame for a moment then die. Good on you for caring so much.

>> No.9960049
File: 226 KB, 1367x1080, thetrial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting in a cubicle staring at screens is no way to make a living.

80% of the people around me are browsing facebook yet we're all earning far more than the guys out on the street digging ditches, the nurses healing the sick, the factory workers producing widgets, or the dudes getting shot in the army. why? how could the market forces of capitalism conspire to produce such profound laziness and apathy and then reward it unflinchingly? i thought capitalism was supposed to be the survival of the fittest, but all i see is bureaucracy

>> No.9960096

is capitalism really the source of this phenomena? i don't thik so

>> No.9960103

>Confetti existence
Go to /sci or /biz
Get off my board

>> No.9960109

>Confetti existence
i've never heard this term before and duckduckgo wasn't of much help, can you explain?

>> No.9960123

i am tired of being ignored. when i speak it's like i am charlie browns teacher. they could have prevented this...

>> No.9960127

An orgasm into a tissue

>> No.9960135
File: 266 KB, 880x1200, __kos_mos_kos_mos_ver_4_and_t_elos_xenosaga_and_xenosaga_episode_iii_drawn_by_getsumen__1aae380bbbd98675cf82abc13acc0612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean "telos" my dear prophet.

We've been cucked by post-christian thought into believe the "natural" world is one of struggle and competition when in reality animals and plants are really too dumb to give a damn, let alone have an idea of what's going on, much less judge it. In reality nobody (not even yourself) is watching you masturbate, and when you realize this, like 90% of the drive to masturbates goes, because you haven't been actually touching your penis all this time, but your Penis.

I mean think about it: Is there anything more sad than being told "no, thanks"? "No" would have been enough, it would have been a thing, it happened, you're hurt, you feel rejected, insufficient; but "thanks". "Thanks". As in, "it's not you it's me". As in, "you're good, it's just, I'unno..." And she doesn't know. She's just going with it. Just goin' with the flow. Fish in the water. And then you're like "no fucking wonder people make webs; no shit they get tangled up". I always thought no one with a well-functioning brain would gamble seriously. But it's all luck. It's all fucking luck. Fuck luck man. Would give up the chance of winning to not have the chance of losing. That's logic. Eats itself up. The Pequod sinking. No one remains, it's all gone. Zero.

And then it somehow keeps going.

>> No.9960139

>how could the market forces of capitalism conspire to produce such profound laziness and apathy and then reward it unflinchingly?

you dumb youngfag it's the same with communism, except 90 percent of people live in sheet metal huts. equality doesnt exist and it never has.

>> No.9960141

You are not one who the majority of humanity deems worthy to listen to.. as in your audience

>> No.9960151

Sorry I was translating the Greek to English pleb

>> No.9960161

The girl I'm dating is loving to an insufferable degree sometimes. I'm behind in work because I've spent too much time at home contemplating and early exit. I'm excited for my parents who are sharing pictures of their trip to Italy. They seem genuinely happy.

I made a good dinner for myself tonight.

>> No.9960162

i've always understood that...
i guess they want to live in their bubbles.

>> No.9960184

>OH NO SOMEONE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9960197
File: 16 KB, 226x199, Vulome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you we truly patrish you'd write in Ἑλληνιkός.

>> No.9960198

I wish I could get an agent for my fantasy book series. I don't want to self-publish it and have it get lost in the endless, churning sea of Amazon. I want to get a book deal from Penguin or Random House.

>> No.9960211

Every time I checked my mail today I chanted the words "I must confront the dragon of chaos" under my breath.

>> No.9960224


so are you saying my post is masturbatory, my lifestyle is masturbatory, or what? this is confusing because i was trying to say that my way of life and the system that created it is a big waste of time, so i'm not sure what your point is and how it relates to mine.

i'm taking the time to question you because i think you might have something interesting to say, not because i am trying to start an argument. thanks.

>> No.9960234

>blame capitalism because you suck and have a boring job
>marxist garbage will be better because at the 95% or just as poor as you

grow up

>> No.9960249

I wish I were born in a time without the ego traps and complications of modernity. I wish I could live as a barbarian or a spartiate or a hun so that I could fight and live as a man. My strength is almost ornamental in this age and I live as a shadow, reduced to something less than whole.

>> No.9960309

Ellenikos... Not sure what that is. Am sure that it isn't anything. For one where is the actually challenge(conjuvagina). <3 you because you tried pleb fuck.

>> No.9960332

>everyone who critiques capitalism is marxist
nice fallacy kid

>> No.9960355

>nice try kid

typical subversion
how are is that student debt?

>> No.9960380

thanks for clearing that up. after some thought i've realized that you're right, i need to become an anarcho-primitivist instead of a marxist.

>> No.9960394

>i need to become an anarcho-primitivist instead of a marxist.

better than being a fucking marxist. that shit will never work unless there is no power and all people do is hunt, plant food and live in mud huts.

>> No.9960396

Maybe he's a neofeudalist. Maybe his fondest dream is to be a yeoman with a farm on his lord's estate.

>> No.9960405

>plant food
whoa hold on there tiger, let's not get carried away

>> No.9960408

Or, fuck, never mind, I just got yeomen and serfs confused. But, anyway, maybe that Anon just wants to till the soil.

>> No.9960448
File: 193 KB, 500x709, have-sex-in-height-take-a-shower-hit-the-weights-7916163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what i wish it was, or at least some balance instead of people trying to fuck over the people who grow their food. i dont know what his deal is though. civilization is confusing and the little sheep got mad.

lazy as fuck.

>> No.9960456

I spend way too much time thinking about what it's like to be dead.

>> No.9960471

I'll always love Aristophanes for that brilliant "But who will till the soil?" joke. Thousands and thousands of years later it's still the most effective critique of most so-called Marxists.

>> No.9960473

>how are is that
what didi he mean by this

>> No.9960488

it's called drinking. no one is perfect.

>> No.9960493

How do I force myself to get up early on my days off? I feel like the most important struggle in my lifetime will be summoning the willpower to get out of bed early when I don't have to. My laziness is all-consuming.

>> No.9960502

what is perfection? is it objective? is it objectivable?

>> No.9960511

i meant that a """true""" anarcho-primitivist wouldn't grow their food. they would harvest it. agriculture is what led to the destruction of mankind.

>> No.9960515

just set your fucking alarm, get out of bed, and go for a walk. once you are out of the house and moving around it takes a special kind of laziness to go back to sleep. literally just willpower, my man.

>> No.9960524

it's hard. maybe set separate alarms?

what happens when all the food is gone? move on to another area, rape the resources and then move on again?
>agriculture led to the destruction?
why? because we became too intelligent and increased our numbers? combustion was the downfall of humanity.

>> No.9960874

We've been together for eleven months. We've had sex four times.

>> No.9960881

this girl is literally 16 right now, she was like 11 in that picture. she used to post on fb under the name "ann frank" until she got stalked after going viral

>> No.9961179

To decompose.

>> No.9962028

I look at myself and feel nothing but disgust.

>> No.9962195

Look forward

>> No.9962251

Her name.

>> No.9962261

fucking wew

>> No.9962269

Anne Frank? She's pretty famous. She died in the Holocaust.

>> No.9962291

I hate 4chan but I can't stop coming here. Started lurking when I was 16, and I'm 25 now. There have been periods where I've stopped, some lasting years, but there's always something that draws me back. At this point I don't even know what that something is. Nostalgia, maybe? Habit? I feel as if the acidic wit I used to enjoy and appreciate so much has become little more than repetitive shitflinging, people participating in the same arguments day after day, sleepwalking through their own misery and unable to wake up.

As someone who has been here for so many years, I can say for a fact that the quality of posts has gone down. Sure, you'd have people spouting, 'Nigger this, nigger that,' but every thread didn't turn into a debate on fucking race relations. Everyone was sad and lonely, but it wasn't so much in the forefront. Now, the supposed topics of the boards are windowdressing for the unending circlejerk about how we're different and shunned because of it. That should be a fucking given, an unspoken assumption; look at where we are. Even /r9k/ used to be about playing witty games with the robot, instead of whatever it is now. I remember when people were just discovering >tfw, and while it was fun at first it's been the worst thing to happen to this website.

So what am I gonna do? Post this, watch it for awhile for replies which it won't get, and then swear off 4chan, yet again. And a couple of months will go by, and I'll think, "I wonder what's happening on /lit/," and next thing I know I've spent three weeks arguing with teenagers over whether or not women are people. Fuck.

>> No.9962297

you should say instead "want something"

>> No.9962298

lit is stupid

>> No.9962304

i am in awe of my potential in action
it's actually amazing what a man's mind can do
or is it just mine, either way, deaf or dumb or incredibly witty and nihilistic i'm so happy rn
this with hair loss, imagine



>> No.9962329

>Get to work at 7 a.m.
>Shift starts in half an hour
>Get some snacks from the fridge and head to the comfiest chair in the floor, near marketing's offices
>As I pass by the desks, I see some sheets of paper lying above someone's desk printed in booklet format
>It's a girl's desk. Each desk has the name printed on the side. I recognize her for her stern look, fair skin and the particularity of being the sister of a twin
>As curiosity takes the best of me, I come closer to the sheets of paper making sure no one is looking at me
>And no one was since it's 7 a.m.
>As i took the papers with my hands, my heart starts to race and my face to turn red
>i yell out loud "no fucking way"
>I took the papers and I sit down, watching some youtube videos to clear my mind
>They weren't interesting. Or maybe they would have if I have stopped thinking about those sheet of papers
>As the clock hits 7:30, i race back to my desk with the sheet of papers in hand
>I stopped halfway through and pondered "should I place them back on the desk?"
>I decided not to.
>I sit on my desk, hide the papers in my office drawer and started to work nervously. Shaken. With some sort of guilt in my mind.
The thing is /lit/, i'm still a little bit nervous. Should I go back and talk to that girl about the sheets of paper?
The thing is, the story printed on the paper isn't hers. Those sheets of paper are from a story I printed yesterday. I was positive I only printed one copy.

>> No.9962367
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Have you ever had a dream that you were a reporter sent to a crime scene near a secluded ditch on an overcast day and you were listening to a tape of the autopsy and police report but were suddenly startled by the fact that you're there yourself and fear hit you like a gust of wind and you looked at the treeline expecting something not human to jump out and then victim was alive right next to you on her knees frozen with panic and she started biting your hand just as the tape mentioned "beast blood" and then you woke up too scared to open your eyes?

>> No.9962392

What do I have to say to a dirty tissue. Read heidegger you pleb fuck

>> No.9962393

there is better out there.
it's in the appendix, at the front

>> No.9962398

>tfw egregious lack of quality frontal face sitting pornography

>> No.9962416

p u s s y


>> No.9962436

I got some missed calls and voicemails a couple hours ago, but I don't want to see who it is. I hope it's not because of a doctor appointment that I forgot about. Haven't checked emails in a while either. I still need to clean my car, replace the windshield and get it registered. Probably put that off like I have for the last year. Need to mow the lawn tonight, too.

>> No.9962448

Hell naw, that's kick ass

>> No.9962451

I just erased all what I had written for my book so far, which was very little, and I'm starting again fresh. Not that I'm changing the story ; but the prose was garbage. I wanted to write something lyrical and pretty, but it was just bad. Maybe I don't have the ability for that yet. I'm writing less cringy sentences now, and it seems better.

>> No.9962453

Unless you're a part of the upper-middle class elite, I doubt you'll ever pay off your student loans before stage four in the techo-zombie takeover.
Haul ass

>> No.9962462

>taking an IQ test in the first place
brainlet spotted

>> No.9962470

>Lives in Cali doing TI stuff
>Has a wife
>While I live in a shit country doing the same for 900 a month, still paying my student loans at 29 and with close to no possibility to get a promotion. Living among inferior shitskins that laugh at memes all day at work. Even If all student loans are paid, I will never be able to buy a decent house ever. Only escapes are videogames and occasionally enjoying a good book.

>> No.9962799
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There's too much information out there that's capable of supporting virtually every viewpoint on any subject. Arguments are invalid nowadays. Maybe i should just get strong and beat people who disagree with me up.

>> No.9962852

>neckbeard anon thinks he's in a noir novel

>> No.9962909

Do what I do and write your music in general MIDI using guitarpro5. That way when if it's shit it doesn't matter because it's a silly MIDI song, but if turns out actually good its doubly impressive.

>> No.9962947

Why did I read this in MF DOOM's voice?

>> No.9963588

What the fuck is happening in the US? Did they put something in the water?

>> No.9963817

i've lost control of my life

>> No.9963822

Why is it that i want to F. her and history at the same time?

>> No.9963828

Okay, sure. But you can't feel this almost human like surety I have.

it started with myself, then myself and death, then myself and a girl, then myself and society, and right now myself and life.

>> No.9964830

I met a girl today
How do I proceed?
I can make and mantain cnversation but it never goes beyond that

>> No.9964832

I took three benadryls and when I woke up I thought it was saturday.

>> No.9964926

I do not want to get over you. It's been a while or maybe not so much but today someone asked me about you and how long was the time we haven't spoken to each other. She said you might found some else already and that I should just buried the relationship after all. I will but I really need to know if you want me to.

>> No.9964958

cuz MF DOOM writes tryhard bullshit that sucks

>> No.9964962

learn to read brainlet, i said i was paid to take it

>> No.9965015

Really took the words right out of my mouth, anon.

>> No.9965281

There is no way to be consistently satisfied no matter what path one might choose.
One extreme will leave you longing for the opposite and everything in between won't satisfy the desire that each extreme represents.

When there can be no satisfaction, what is one to do?

>> No.9965339

Sorry for the late reply, my internet cut out.

>Être et avoir (2002)
Centers on a classroom for young children in rural France, and consists mainly of candid footage with one or two interviews interspersed. It's worth a watch to learn about the educational technique and setting alone, but where it really excels is in building an atmosphere reminiscent of how childhood actually is. No politics, no romance, and nothing in your world but your immediate surroundings. It's a charmed life, and if you're like me, your gut reaction is to think how sad it is that the rest of life is nothing like it, and rather disappointing as a whole. When you're immersed into the film, however, you feel there's more to it - like there's some profundity in the snow-covered fields and intimate classroom that your admittedly shallow knowledge of the universe can't account for, let alone dismiss as childish.

>The Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief (2006)
A Japanese documentary about the phenomenon of hosting, where young men groom themselves to overwhelmingly desirable to women, who then spend obscene amounts of money for their attention, and ultimately, for their love. Despite the cookie-cutter topic, this is leaps and bounds beyond anything VICE and associates have ever made, and the only doc I've seen that I would truly call "moving". If you're going to watch any of these, make it this.

>Japan: A Story of Love and Hate (2008)
This one purports to reveal the turbulent lives of Japan's working underclass, but in truth it's more a study on the depressing life of the one guy willing to open up. It's not a great doc like the other two, so for any insight here, you'll have to read between the lines. In particular, take note on the subject's behavior, and how he reacts in the face of his painfully mundane life.
(Skip to 2:20)

>> No.9965344

>Rich Hill (2014)
Chronicles a brief period in the lives of a few families in the poor American small town of Rich Hill, MO. The documentary's subjects live in destitution to a degree that most people will find surprising, and almost certainly fall under the term "white trash", but to focus on that is to miss the point. It's not one of those films where you're meant to go "See, they're not so bad after all!" and dote on the people in it like a bunch of stupid but well-meaning folk. Like Être et avoir, this is a film about immersing yourself in the lives of the subjects, and feeling things like they do. By the end, you start to understand their struggle, and the fact that all of it is real and these people are still out there makes it personal. It gives you a sense of scope: You're just one tiny element of the whole. Very good doc.

>The Nazis - Louis Theroux
Can't have a documentary list without him, right? This is far and away his best work, IMO. The people are fascinating, and Louis skirts around them effortlessly with the perfect questions in order to highlight the flaws in their own logic. Top quality entertainment, that's all.

>Word Wars (2004)
An amusing look at the competitive Scrabble scene and the odd characters that populate it.

>Indie Game: The Movie (2012)
Follows the creators of Braid, Super Meat Boy, and Fez at different states of the creative process. Essential viewing if you're into vidya.

>Crumb (1994)
Good look at eccentric comic artist Robert Crumb and his equally eccentric family. Gets less interesting as it goes on, but still quite unique.

>Riding a c90 through Iran
Not a formal doc, but a brief collection of footage from a British man who rode through Iran and received a stunning amount of hospitality from locals. His video on India is really good too.

That's all for now. Hope you find something you like!

>> No.9965945


>> No.9965947

Leave her anon

>> No.9965964

No worries, she's had a lot more.

>> No.9966234

I started writing what happened normally, but then I figure i am on /lit/, nobody replies to threads unless the post insult them or they want to critique how bad the prose is and that they should neck themselves for not knowing how to write holy shit.

Well, i went this morning today and left her a post it beside her desk explaining that i took the papers back... on the back on the post it i asked if she read them with a yes and no answer.
Now that i think about it thoroughly, i done fuck it up. I had an autists lapsus.

>> No.9966323


>> No.9966380

Just talk to her, you.. you double nigger

>> No.9966651

I can't. I mean, it's not that I have trouble having a conversation. I just don't have it in me the will of going to to some girl i don't know and engaging in a conversation.
Hell, who i am trying to kid. I'm an ugly motherfucker that's the reason why.

>> No.9966666

The only thing which is on my mind currently are these repeating digits

>> No.9966673

anon.. easy on the digits

>> No.9966674

I swear once moot got his first repeating digits here, he came back to steal all our gets. Good numbers, sensei.

>> No.9966679

I'm procrastinating
I know I'm procrastinating
I'm probably not going to stop procrastinating for a good while
And I'm going to feel guilty about it.

Incidentally, as my concentration levels are so shot right now, I had to look up the word 'procrastinating' before starting this post because I couldn't think of it.

>> No.9966683

That's a fancy way of acquiring dubs, my good lad.

>> No.9966688
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>> No.9966692

too much shit


Here's what's on my mind:

A girl dumped me 3 years ago in a bitter breakup. Haven't had meaningful contact with the opposite sex since then. The last time we met i made her smile as we shook hands and she shut the car door. She genuinely smiled and seemed happy at some joke i'd cracked. But now I can't remember the joke. FUCK ME. It's killing me. What was it that i'd said to her? I want to know so i can tell it to myself before i hang myself.

>> No.9966694


What does sex feel like?

>> No.9966699

Like with anything, you gotta write shit before you'll make anything good. Get to practicing. Fear of failure is nothing in the face of inevitable, unpredictable death. Also, people have pretty low standards for music imo

>> No.9966984

What Brian?

>> No.9967087

The longer I live, the more I find the statement "The more things change, the more they stay the same" to be true.

So many things have come and gone, but I find that I'm still the same piece of shit I've always been, no matter how much or how little I try.

>> No.9967103

Depends entirely on you and your abilities. Take that as you will though, I'm only 26 and I'm essentially the same fucker I was at 16.

Just a lot fatter and far more bitter. Little bit more literate too.

>> No.9967113

I wish I could have been mentally and physically fit enough to die fighting in some pointless little war.

>> No.9967158

That fear has kept me from living life and I think I'd have to go full Buddha to escape it but my devotion to pleasure and attachment make that unfeasible.

>> No.9967161

Are you me?

>> No.9967338
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>> No.9967349


>> No.9967361

Tharrr she blows timber toe!

>> No.9967390

I feel like non-autist STEM majors who overcame nihilism only strive for the sake of staving off insecurity and shame. They were abused by puritanical values in the form of society, family, and inner monologue, forcing them to achieve or self-loath (exclusive). And a cute little side effect of this is a once they make it to their life of hard work, they go on a witch hunt against ideleness, leisure, and /or hedonism...maybe as part of a cycle of abuse, or maybe to keep themselves pure of temptation, or both. Does this ring true for anyone?

>> No.9967520

I don't read or watch game of thrones because it's popular and I don't feel comfortable talking about sex, rape or incest around people.
I do however play h-rpgs and shitty patreon incest games

>> No.9968078

Accidentally mentioned 4chan during conversation. Felt dumb. She didn't know what it was. Relief. She looked it up later and and lost interest in speaking to me.

Check em.

>> No.9968086

Failing at basic gets isn't going to get you any attention from the ladies either.

>> No.9968092

There isn't much left to do. The fear, creativity and benediction is the only thing keeping you alive. You move because you're afraid of stopping. Your motivation is assuaged entirely by your fear of failure and your creativity is cannibalized by both your haste and your carelessness. You've become this holy icon, branded your name and crucified yourself in the name of our father, so you can't stand it; now you'll cripple your ability and plead political immunity. Which is only natural, you're only human.

>> No.9968171
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I hope, someday, everyone can forgive me for my failures and my cowardice. If I were just a little stronger, and a little braver, I could be virtuous and do all of the things I want to do, but won't. There is no one to blame but myself.

>> No.9968425

I'm worried my ex is pregnant. I have 0 reasons to worry about this, especially because we used protection every single time, and the last time I came in her was seven weeks ago, but I still worry.

>> No.9968484

There is only one way to act, choices and decisions only seem incorrect in retrospect. Once you accept choice as an illusion you will see that your mistakes are only apparent once you make them. Your only true decisions in life are whether to accept or reject what you observe, and how you process what you observe.

>> No.9968515

>but there's always something that draws me back. At this point I don't even know what that something is. Nostalgia, maybe? Habit?
If you've been posting here as long as I have, then being on 4chan probably just feels "natural" to you. For me 4chan is basically my default way of killing time when I don't want to try or can't. Which is often since I have to cope with weeks-long episodes of chronic pain. The great/awful thing about this shithole is that you have to do so very little. Going on 4chan involves sifting through whatever threads are on the catalogue that catch your fancy and then flicking between open tabs for how much time you can kill. Eventually you'll find a little tiny morsel of interesting content or someone engaging to talk with, and that'll keep you on the board looking for more.

If you want to increase your chances of staying off the board for good, remember that there's basically nothing left here. Most social media does a better job of aggregating content and filtering out the garbage. As a rule I also never respond to politics posts anymore since for most people here they aren't making arguments such as regurgitating prefabricated arguments they've picked up elsewhere. Most political shitposters might as well be bots since they have the same sophistication and ability to argue.

>> No.9968536

Oh yeah, what's on my mind now is that I'm scared of the future. My chronic pain has returned with a vengeance after several months of remission. I can barely think while I have to concentrate on relaxation techniques to mitigate it. I'm constantly tired and helping the episode run its course is taking weeks.

I'd love to be able to work any old job these days but what employer would hire me? Out of the blue I'd have to drop out for weeks or even months with no idea of when I'd be able to return.

I'd like to get a job as a gas or meter reader since long walks help me cope but in 20 years that kind of job is going to go the way of the milk deliveryman. I'm honestly debating becoming a professional alt-right activist and trying to make money by triggering the libs. I'm not in any sense of the word right wing or even ardently political. But since I spend most of my time during these episodes shitposting and watching youtube videos I figure I might as well do something that will make me money.

>> No.9968623
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Meditation is getting awfully abstract. It's pretty clear to me now that white > gold > green, and the square is the needed form.

Not that guy, but thanks man. Docs are seriously underappreciated.

>> No.9968788

first time posting here for a request:
there's a book about why men in the past used to have only one functional emisphere of the brain while the other worked as an echo-chamber, and as the time went on, we developed the capacity to use both.
now the true question: what's the name of the book? i remember reading it on 4chan but i really can't get it's name now

>> No.9968797

Jaynes' The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind?

>> No.9968818

exactly, thanks a lot <3

>> No.9968950

Its something I recognize in alot of 4channers but I've never seen that behaviour in any of my coursemates or peers. Maybe they don't tend to make friends.

>> No.9969065

My ex started doing the exact same thing. After a couple weeks of it I got fed up and broke it off. When we had the breakup talk it turned out the feeling was mutual. Shit's rough man.

>> No.9969070

not the other guy, but there is definitely a point at which you want some space and the affection becomes overwhelming.

>> No.9969129
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not as impressive, but those digits are pretty cool

>> No.9969626
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>> No.9969639
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Going off what >>9960408 said, there's a part of me that kind of wants to be a farmer. Or, rather, what I really love to do is write, but right now I work a retail job, and if given the choice between farming and retail I'm almost tempted to choose the former. I realize it would be hard and hot and difficult, but at the same time I would at least be outside, able to see the sun.

Also, no customers. Fuck customers forever. I love people a lot but customers can all go fucking die.

>> No.9969640

That sounds like a bad thing anon..

>> No.9969643


>> No.9969711

just for you quoted anon: mvgroup is great for docs

>> No.9969827

how the fuck is it 90 degrees in sf but 65 in nyc

>> No.9969987

This looks great. Thanks, man!

>> No.9970004

sea currents and shiiit?

>> No.9970105

Do new things, stick with what you enjoy doing. That's how you make your life better.