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/lit/ - Literature

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9931149 No.9931149 [Reply] [Original]

How can Anglos compete?

>> No.9931157

This thread is now about how superior the white race is!
Alert /pol/, alert /r9k/. Let's show this cuck what's up. Bring your best infographics and your best insults.

>> No.9931194
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Fuck off

>> No.9931201


Worst Murakami

>hurr durr rehashing the same exact ideas book after book at least Nabokov only got his little girl fixation after one book
>ha ha look at this kitty cat that has magical fucking powers and shit

Go read Coin Locker Babies and Almost Transparent Blue

>> No.9931807

Why aren't they bestsellers, huh?

>> No.9931831
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/pol/ squad to the rescue, friend !

>> No.9931853

This man in my country, he is nothing.

>> No.9931870


Because middle class white girls don't like them.

>> No.9931902

So this is what an inferiority complex looks like

>> No.9931918
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But wait, There's more !

>> No.9932100

This just bums me out

>> No.9932109

>Nabokov only got his little girl fixation after one book
what is Laughter in the Dark/Camera Obscura?

>> No.9932160

i'm pretty sure that if memekami wasn't a best seller /lit/ would cream its pants over him

>> No.9933187

>tfw those actual subhumans talk shit about keeping the gene pool clean on the internet

>> No.9933984

With nukes

>> No.9935050

Damn. How will Japan ever recover?

>> No.9935128


>17 year old actress

FUCK I thought she was in her 20's at least. In my defense I read it roughly 15 years ago.

>> No.9935140
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These fashy goys need better fashion.