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9929023 No.9929023 [Reply] [Original]


Don't you just *hate* neurotic white male writers /lit/?

I am SO glad that someone finally decided to launch a publication (with money from whom, exactly?) to publish only non-white males.


>> No.9929034

why are you so goddamn assblasted?

>> No.9929036
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>caring about Ivy League graduates who still end up being witless middlebrows regardless

>> No.9929043

how does america not have laws against this kind of thing?

>> No.9929046

Against what? Being a retard? They can have their retarded opinions too.

>> No.9929047

Why would you need a law against it? If there's a niche they're filling, good for them.

>> No.9929052

They have laws enabling things like this.

>> No.9929053

0 self awareness: the couple

>> No.9929056
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Jac Mullen is SOOOO friggin right here guys.

Why the hell do white "people" have to be so problematic?


>> No.9929060

can everyone who uses this word please throw themselves in a vulcano

>> No.9929117

Well he does confirm his own stereotype.

>> No.9929123

I'm sure if we replace them with neurotic *insert combination of traits here* the landscape will be so much better.
Also it takes a real ignorance to the last 20 years of literature in American to think it has been hugely dominated by neurotic white males.

>> No.9929124

it's acceptable in some contexts like logic proofs

>> No.9929131

Eugenics is quite appealing. One wouldn't even need a harsh eugenic programme, a soft one killing off just the most deformed and most retarded would suffice.

>> No.9929134
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>neurotic white male writers
>neurotic white male

>> No.9929165

You can't legislate taste. They keep telling me I should read more non males and non whites but I pay no attention and read almost exclusively white males (mostly dead ones though)

>> No.9929172

They should put in laws to stop anyone from refuting these two brave ally's of justice

>> No.9929178

I totally agree with the sentiment but it's stylistic problem, not a race or gender problem. wtf is this essentialist bullshit? the whole neurotic shit is everyone trying to be the next denis johnson, vollmann or dfw and trendy magazines wanting that style because it sells.

>> No.9929187


>> No.9929192

>hate neurotic white male writers
So...they're anti-Semites?

>> No.9929193

How the fuck is DFW neurotic? At that point literally everyone is

>> No.9929195

Article from 2013
Why dig this up?

>> No.9929204


Imagine what reading is like for these pseuds that can't help but focus on race and skin colour. It can't be pleasurable at all. They don't care to understand why certain authours have endured for hundreds of years because their ideology and politics trumps what the author has actually written. Pathetic really.

>> No.9929209

Any excuse to get mad at a fringe sub-culture

>> No.9929213
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>> No.9929217

I literally have no fucking idea what they're talking about. Which neurotic white authors are they talking about...?

If I were to complain about the modern literary landscape, I'd say there's too much complete incoherent garbage published by morons in general, not to single out any one race or neurosis.

>> No.9929218


Oh, lol.

Go to their website:

>It has been a joy to serve you for the past three years — and it is with much regret that we announce this upcoming issue will be our last…

>> No.9929219

>I'd say there's too much complete incoherent garbage published by morons in general, not to single out any one race or neurosis.

Thats a subtle way to say female writers

>> No.9929227


>Thats a subtle way to say female writers

Not at all. There's plenty of male writers who obviously have no talent in it who publish exclusive garbage.

Getting stuff published is easier and more accessible to people than ever, but there's still not that much talent going around.

>> No.9929232

Nah look its ok dude, we're both on the same page. I know whats up. Female writers though right? lol

>> No.9929244

have you read his biography? his meme book is about anxiety, addiction, and solipsism.

>> No.9929247

Empedocles SJW confirmed

>> No.9929248

Literally everyone deals with all three of those

>> No.9929252

Triggered much, snowflake?

>> No.9929253

that's what I said. it's a stylistic problem were everyone wants to be one of those guys. ever read mcsweeney's? wew lad.

>> No.9929258
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I don't understand why they're so "upset". In our modern age, fewer and fewer people are attempting to write for a living, what with the internet and videos being the easiest way to attract and audience and gain fame. Especially for the millennial generation who'd rather do something vis a vie social media rather than commit to write a book.

If you have people coming to you, with books in hand wanting to be a part of the literary scene and the work is good, fucking let them. Because if you ignore them based on the basis that "you're sick of white people" you'll only cultivate more hatred and resentment and only stoke the flames of discontent.

>> No.9929270

I think I was born too late for the DFW cult. What exactly is the big deal about it?

>> No.9929280

It makes dykes and feminists incredibly mad that white males can put a whacky Meme into the Western Canon even after they thought they took control of academia and journalism.
They could have total domination over everything in the literary wrold and yet he will still tower over their forgotten mediocre graves

>> No.9929283

imagine your favourite writer; now imagine if everyone wrote crappy pastiches to get paid for like 5-8 years. it happened to t.s eliot and joyce as well, except now that modernism is over you can see it only produced a handful of people that could add something to their style instead of just shitty rip-offs.

>> No.9929286


I think it's more along the lines of the fact that he wasn't that great of a writer, and he still blew all their sub-par asses away in the dust. The politics of it isn't that important, as it usually isn't.

>> No.9929291

Exactly what I mean, they were unironically hoping they'd put themselves up there with Shakespeare and Milton then some goober tennis jock floored them without even trying

>> No.9929294

back in my day we used to call posting things to deliberately make people angry on the internet "trolling." its in your best emotional interest to hide troll threads.

yes, the publishing world is unfair. no, whining about it won't do anything. sort yourself out, write your stories to the best you can, submit them, and hope for the best.

>> No.9929296

It's not about literature. It's part of a cultural war and they know they are its soldiers, not artists. It's not about merit, and to some degree it's not even about money, it's about publishing as many nonwhite female writers as they can without going bankrupt.

>> No.9929300

well they apparently have gone bankrupt, if you guys actually bothered to look up these people.

>> No.9929305

They'll just be replaced by their next generation kin straight out of grad school. I'd love to track these urchins down and laugh at them serving coffee to pay off their gargantuan debt

>> No.9929310


Well that's the sort of childish idiocy that created their dumb mindset. I wouldn't get that righteous, I'm sure you're guilty of a lot of stupidity on the magnitude of theirs, maybe just not as social justicy.

>> No.9929315
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Wow, financially and morally bankrupt!

>> No.9929318

The difference is I'm white male and intelligent (or what they called "neurotic") which means I can actually produce writing people find interesting and provocative so they should know their rightful place at my feet.

>> No.9929325

Why is the guy who founded a journal against neurotic white males such a neurotic white male?

I get the feeling the conversation went something like:

"Aren't you fed up of neurotic white male writers?"
"Yes, honey"
"We should start a journal against it!"
"Yes, honey"
"Your father will help us out with the money, right?"
"Yes, honey"

>> No.9929331

"Do you want to prep Jamal for me?"

>> No.9929333

Did they just victim-blame me? Reminds me of the time they published that white people not making eye contact was racist, then had to draw it back a day later because people who have anxiety are higher up in the oppression olympics and can't be blamed for their mental illness.

>> No.9929336


Uh huh, sure you are. You're asking me to believe a claim just as ridiculous as theirs. That just because you're male and intelligent, even though you've shown no sign of being so so far, that you automatically produce good writing.

That's just as dumb as a claim as theirs. You're guilty of the same dumb mindset.

>> No.9929338

>i can but i never do it

>> No.9929345

So why is she dating one?

>> No.9929346

My demographic has some fucking track record. You can posture all you like but if you were to take a bet we all know what horse you'd back.

Who says I haven't?

>> No.9929352

I think that's probably a ftm, so It's ok.

Because you know...it's ok to pretend to be a neurotic white man, just not being one.

>> No.9929356

>my demographic
>i live in the achivements of others
L m a o i n g @ y o u r l i f e

>> No.9929358

Every female who claims to hate whites ends up dating white.

>> No.9929361

>My demographic has some fucking track record

So? What have YOU done? Nothing.

If you think people would automatically agree with you just because you're a white male, you should read lit journals more. Despite the successful ones, there's way more pumping out pure incoherent garbage, which is probably where you fall into if you ever got off your ass and tried.

Once again, your argument is just as ridiculous as these queebs.

>> No.9929365

White racism like this is unallowable. We must appropriate taxpayer funding to keep this institutions of Publications of Color to dismantle the hegemony of patriarchal caucasion racism.

>> No.9929367

Project more. I have written and I can look proudly on what I have wrote. Your assumption that I have just been a floating sponge like yourself is misplaced

>> No.9929374

You go gurl

>> No.9929384

I think its a subversive ploy. I knew someone who dated a hyper-feminist black girl, who forced him to complain about "toxic masculinity" and alike, basically chastized him. She broke up with him, but would then go onto send pictures of herself fucking other dudes to him claiming they were more "manly" than him.

He's uber depressed now and hardly goes out. Before he was the most social person I've ever met.

>> No.9929388

Give him Seneca for his birthday. If he's not much the reader just tell him to at least commit to the first 50 pages of Letters.

>> No.9929391

Good story. You should have made it into a short story, rather than just a shitty lie of a post.

>> No.9929396

You don't understand people like him.

>> No.9929398

His taste is his bussiness. But the neurotic one is him and his sheboon.

>> No.9929400
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Her male looks pretty white and neurotic, though.

>> No.9929401

And thats the entire point I don't need validation through mock awards or pity publishing in journals no one reads. I only have to connect with that mind that writes, the mind that has always been stalwart, commited and considered that has generally been found in the white mind, in the mind of men.
The mind that this hottentot she-beast who but for the grace and ingenuity of my kind would have never been aware of. Living out her days where the height of expression was merely howling on the serengeti upon either side of the orgiastic slaughters.
She instead has known the beauty and power of the worlds and possibilities that the European man has formulated past the nature and dirt she came from and still clings to. Her reaction is not to respect us to the point of worship such as her kind did on their first witness of our feats but instead lash out like a bitter hyena, hoping that the world can be flattened to her level. Yet we still rise above their mediocre plateau, like rockets to heights they can not even fathom

>> No.9929404

You've been here this long but you don't understand the concept of the numale?

>> No.9929405

I wouldn't lie to you anon. But I'm deadly serious, she literally ruined him

>> No.9929408


Wow. Is your actual writing as grandiose and intolerably pointless as this?

>> No.9929433

The problem POC will never understand about white people is that they'll never beat us because we'll just say "oh, they're right, we're terrible" and then criticize ourselves and invade the subversion anti-west genre.

>> No.9929437

Mock all you want. Nothing must disturb my undiluted Englishry God Save The King! I am naturally a Nordic a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests a Viking a berserk killer a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares aye I speak truly for was I not born with yellow hair and blue eyes.

>> No.9929440

They're right though Franzen is garbage

>> No.9929444


>> No.9929539

Thank god

>> No.9929543

With what race does the gentleman on the right indentifies with, is it the chosen one? If a crowd of non-white people were targeting only white people my guess would be that they will certanly not spare him.

>> No.9929620

He doesn't find his comfortable existence "authentic" he only finds value in standing up to oppression and "speaking truth to power" but because he believes only the oppressed have a right to do that he hates himself a little wishing he could instead feel the lashes from the slave driver which would lend his desires the legitimacy he believes they lack. Your parody lacks depth

>> No.9929631
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>Uzoamaka Maduka

>> No.9929666

In 50 years if doesn't matter who "won" the current cultural war in the west. A 6'5 blue eyed double eyelidded Johnny-Chang Superchink will crush your grandkids under his heel. Doesn't matter if it's Tom or Tyronium..

China's eugenics program is in full swing, the people are loving it too. West better start soon, otherwise the rest of the world will be nothing more than a source of protein for the Superchink.

I already feel bad for Japs.

>> No.9929690

You're not even problematic; you are just easily triggered hehe

>> No.9929693


>> No.9929695

Dude if they end up turning themselves white then thats the ultimate victory. Thats not only beating them thats crushing their very souls

>> No.9930243
File: 295 KB, 389x499, Screen-Shot-2014-05-01-at-2.04.51-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no taller strong woke black gf to remind me how weak and problematic me and my race are

>> No.9930310
File: 152 KB, 509x410, 1494851078165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday the darkness descends upon and my brains fogs with misery and self-hate in my mother's basement. But then I am reminded people like this exist, and I can console myself knowing that at least I am unlike them. I am not that poorly off. You cannot imagine the awesome wave of relief that washes over me as I say, thank god.

>> No.9930351

This. Youve put it perfectly my dude

>> No.9930369

that's now how you use vis a vie

>> No.9930370

He's a Jew, so he was enthusiastic about ripping Whites apart. He probably had the idea, too.

>> No.9930445

Calm down Richard

>> No.9930481

They do, but don't expect them to be enforced in this case.

>> No.9931005

This post sounds extremely neurotic. I don't mean that as a joke.

>> No.9931023


Whites establish a successful nation based on Judeo Christian beliefs.

People immigrate there to take advantage of the opportunities.

Complain that the nation is mostly white and has Judeo Christian beliefs.

Your welcome to add your talents, beliefs, politics. We don't want you to change. Stop wanting us to change.

>> No.9931024

There are plenty of other avenues for while male writers to be published. It would be one thing if white males were underrepresented, but they are not. I don't see what the big deal is, honestly.

t. white male

>> No.9932157


A Jew calling anyone else neurotic. Is this the famed heeb chutzpah?

>> No.9932211

fug u commie

there can be no literature that is merely against something. dude do you know how negative the world is? How many haters crawl around the floor like so many thousands of roaches? And these two people, supposed to be the vanguards of the world, living in our brain dream treasury (an ivy league!) spend their time smoking on balconies and complaining. Negging. Being anti. Being against. Taking down, backbiting, etc. Dude how much more of that shit do we need. Cause it looks like the world is already gonna fall apart.

What we need is not more hate. Just write something nigress damn. Also hard to believe that guy is a man. Looks like a lesbian

>> No.9932266


>A Jew calling anyone else neurotic.

lmao this.

>> No.9932283

>who forced him to complain about "toxic masculinity" and alike
He deserved to be shamed if he was so weak willed he could be forced to think a certain way, by a girlfriend no less.

>> No.9932350


>> No.9932360

A black girlfriend no less

>> No.9932586
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We sort of do, but it's difficult to bring a court case against someone for refusing to publish your work, since you cannot prove that they didn't refuse you publication because they thought your work sucked.

It'd be sort of like if a bakery refused to bake faggots a cake... Because they don't make sexual themed cake, and the cake requested had a dildo on top.

In this case, though, you could probably do it if you first got published by them by pretending to be a nonwhite, then revealed yourself after acceptance and suffered cancellation. That would be a clear case of discrimination.

That said, they should absolutely have the right to do this, just like bakers should absolutely have the right to refuse faggots cakes and redneck bars should absolutely have the right to ban niggers. The market punishes discrimination, and will naturally weed out such people through competition. All such legislation accomplishes is forcing prejudices underground, where they fester and grow more extreme.

If you shut these people down, they wouldn't be any less asshurt about A FUCKING WHITE MALEs than they are now--they'd probably be more asshurt. It would be counterproductive, and so it is in every case.

>> No.9932595

why the alt-right exists.jpeg

>> No.9932608

All ivy grads are witless middlebrow cuntfags.

>> No.9932610

I'm sick of unduly arrogant PoC and men that look like lesbians.

>> No.9932613


>> No.9932638 [DELETED] 


but IJ is ultimately a rejection of ironic detachment and the infantile of cynicism and a plea to return to unashamed gooberish love and connection

>> No.9932643


but IJ is ultimately a rejection of ironic detachment and infantile cynicism and a plea to return to unashamed gooberish love and connection

>> No.9932668

>using your eugenics to create some dated ideal of alpha males instead of a slave class of brains in a jar that do the mental work demanded by modern society while consuming a fraction of the resources of an average person

>> No.9932703


She has a more masculine face than he does

>> No.9932748

The law of the free market prevents shit like this from existing for too long.

>> No.9932751
File: 81 KB, 735x570, concerned pertwee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africans immigrated to America to take advantage of the opportunities.

>> No.9932826

A lot of them did. I'd say that a sizable portion of the "reasonable" blacks in America are recent immigrants or families of recent immigrants. Most of the Africans in Africa that are willing to kill for tribal reasons (like turf, colors, implied disrespect, or just being "opposite") don't generally immigrate here.

>> No.9933243

bitch if you are tired of neurotic white men's voices why did you marry one

>> No.9933282


>do as I say, not as I do

Like most sanctimonious "progressives" she is a hypocritical soapboxing fraud. I'd rather entertain a crazed homeless man on a street corner who is screaming at me about the race of mole men who live underground and secretly plot against us than have a "serious talk" with any of these people about "social issues"; at least that bum is authentic with his convictions. These people are smooth-talkers and schemers who only have political goals. They don't give a single shit about art. Art is a means to an end for them.

>> No.9933323

I don't see how being tired of it in the writing industry means she has to change her personal life for it

>> No.9933348

Frustrated means you're insane.

>> No.9933354


You can feign incredulity all you want but I'm not buying it. These people say and do whatever they need to in order to get noticed and ahead -- they are social climbers. They're only being listened to through virtue of the current political paradigm: if we were in bizarro world with the paradigm inverted we'd be seeing pseudo-fascists in their position. They're just one half of the coin and it's pure happenstance as to which side is currently face up.

These fuckwit yuppies don't give two shits about art.

>> No.9933372

Psychoanalyzing people that you don't like with no ample evidence is not an argument.

>> No.9933391

>pseudo-fascists in their position.
no they wouldn't. pseud fascists would be executed like otto rahn 2.0,

>> No.9933413


t. triggered yuppie on the come up

>> No.9933416

>Psychoanalyzing people that you don't like with no ample evidence is not an argument.

It literally is

>> No.9933441

Not even from usa

How is it? This anon is making statements that no one can verify or falsify so much so that people who argee or disargee will only do based on and to confirm their personal bias and opinions

>> No.9933453

>How is it? This anon is making statements that no one can verify or falsify so much so that people who argee or disargee will only do based on and to confirm their personal bias and opinions

And so what, thats what 99% of arguments come down to anyway. If you have a commitment to the truth you will agree with his analysis or form your own, don't act as if its propositionless because you may disagree

>> No.9933471

> Any pretentious 20-year-old can, of course, make a blog and call it an important new literary journal but these magazines, driven by ego (not necessarily a bad engine) and by social conscience, are as committed to articulating their grievances – the iniquities of drone strikes, for example, or the perniciousness of online anonymity – as they are their enthusiasms
>driven by ego (not necessarily a bad engine) and by social conscience, are as committed to articulating their grievances – the iniquities of drone strikes, for example, or the perniciousness of online anonymity – as they are their enthusiasms
>are as committed to articulating their grievances – the iniquities of drone strikes, for example, or the perniciousness of online anonymity – as they are their enthusiasms
>the iniquities of drone strikes, for example, or the perniciousness of online anonymity
>the perniciousness of online anonymity
Fucking disgusting effeminate PC fascists.

>> No.9933473

t. pernicious online anonymous white male

>> No.9933541

>thats what 99% of arguments come down to anyway.
No it comes down to evidence or at the very least explanations

>> No.9933553

Do you have any evidence to prove that?