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File: 293 KB, 1200x1000, feudalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918070 No.9918070 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a mid-30s philosopher who is despairing over civilization. Race and class struggle is a distraction. Poorer individuals are exchanging their rights and freedoms for social and economic currencies that are currently controlled by the state and its corporate allies. And this control can only grow, e.g.: SSN, monitored bank accounts, monitored internet access, government health care. When blockchain technology and facial recognition software becomes commonplace, there will truly be no escape from Big Brother. We are almost there already. I want to believe we can save ourselves, and anarcho-primitivism is a joke.

What are some works that elaborate on this feel and/or accelerationism? Nick Land? Chomsky?

Related filmography: THX 1138, Logan's Run, Soylent Green, District 9, Elysium, etc.

>> No.9918075

dude weed lmao

>> No.9918078

What sort of philosopher are you that you have such superficial references and no idea where to look for something of the sort?

>> No.9918079

How fucking stupid do you have to be to be a banker?
I've thought about this with Satan before. How stupid does he have to be to go on for ETERNITY and never think what he's doing is – I don't know – pointless?
Same for a banker. The amount of stress and tension and control, for what? For you to get your knocks off in how powerful you are? It just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.9918084

Racial struggle is one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature, not a distraction.

>> No.9918089

have u read foucault

>> No.9918093

the outsider, badphilosophy kind. and 4chan is actually a great resource

okay DeRay

>> No.9918094

stfu with the human nature thing. it's not racial struggle it's clannishness, and it extends beyond genetics and blood quantum, it is innate but it's certainly learned. people who share no hereditary background with one another consider themselves to be of the same clan (class sometimes) and their political lines often follow suit

>> No.9918106

>people who share no hereditary background with one another consider themselves to be of the same clan

Give pre-1960s example of this behavior.

>> No.9918113
File: 31 KB, 600x315, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in the End Times

>> No.9918153

Knighthoods in pursuit of Levantine holdings during the Crusades...

>> No.9918161

you fucking degenerate...

>> No.9918162

free (as in freedom) software movement
free (as in freedom) hardware movement

>> No.9918176
File: 447 KB, 526x498, IMG_1166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mid-30s "philosopher"
>asks 4chan for nick land recs

>> No.9918177

oh, you mean a dilettante

>> No.9918208

>people who share no hereditary background with one another consider themselves to be of the same clan
Yes. And?
> it is innate but it's certainly learned
How is it not human nature? People will naturally side with the community they were raised in.

>> No.9918211

That's a stupid analogy, feudalism was characterized by decentralization whereas corporate capitalism centralizes power.
Bankers and ceos are a lot more impotent than you would like to believe, they can't control the real consequences of technological developments when they're let lose. Central banks can't meet their inflation targets and conventional monetary policy doesn't seem to work anymore. Who knows cryptocurrencies could disrupt everything and tank real investments resulting in mass unemployment causing all kinds of new problems. Anything's possible.

>> No.9918226

Dude fuck corporations and bankers lmao

>> No.9918324

A good way to detect JIDF shills is when they present no substantial counterargument whatsoever, but simply make fun of the argument in question.

>> No.9918349

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.9918361

>bigger than .2
>bigger than .35

So this is the power of communism