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9908215 No.9908215 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a quick rundown?

Fourth Political Theory is on BookDepository and Dugin is becoming the new flavour of the month.

>> No.9908218

Insane Russian "political philosopher" who believes that Russia is destined to become the master of "Eurasia" due to geography

>> No.9908229

It's a great book about many different things, including contemporary geopolitical theory.

His arguments are interesting and his work is quite relevant if you want to understand what's going on with russian geopolitical aims and the political state of the world from the russian perspective.

>> No.9908277

1st PT: Liberalism--totally sucks, must be eradicated from planet at all costs

2nd PT: Communism--failed

3rd PT: Fascism--pretty good, but failed

4th PT: ???--let's rebuild fascism and fix all the mistakes it made so it doesn't fail this time

>> No.9908467


>> No.9908543

Is anyone ever going to translate Foundations of Geopolitics?

>> No.9908551
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Basically he is LARPing as fascist imperialist warlord. The strategy is to challenge and weaken US ties to western Europe and to create his own nazbol empire. His views amount to a mix between Stalin and Goebbels. And then he throws a bit of twisted Heidegger spice in; save Europe from the decadent ties of american nihilist values (Gestell) and bring a new beginning to Beyng (people rooted back to their proper place in the fourfold. Uses the concept of the fourfold to talk some creepy Blut und Boden type shit, "people rooted back to the Earth" bla bla). Also, he talks some pomo stuff, 'we must create a multipolar world with a multiplicity of cultures with their own truths instead of the hegemony of american nihilism.

>> No.9908554
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I hope so; its fucking LIT. Its like a Europe diss track.

>> No.9908555

USSR is the most successful economic experiment ever, it really takes a mountain of ideology to not realize this. Eventually we will figure out that a planned economy works and live in socialism, if we're not collectively retarded.

>> No.9908558


Also: this is Richard Spencer's wife (ex-wife?) talking about Dugin.

>> No.9908620

successful in what way? what would you attribute to its eventual failure?

>> No.9908621

You sound individually retarded.

>> No.9908629
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I know everyone think's he's a lunatic or a charlatan, but... but what if we're just way out of our element here? Any Russians around? How crazy does this guy seem to the average Russian?

>> No.9908634
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>> No.9908654 [DELETED] 

>bait: the post

>> No.9908661

Nobody here takes him seriously. He's like the russian Alex Jones.

>> No.9908695

This man, in my country, mother Russia he is everything to us.

>> No.9908705

He's like the Rasputin to Putin.

>> No.9908715
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I wonder if this means that, under Trump, American and Russia will combine to take down China. China is the greatest current threat to the West and needs to be knuckled under at all costs. All stops must be pulled out to cripple and dismantle China, up to and including warfare.

>> No.9908723

The failure was largely set in motion due to Kruschev and Gorbachev's liberalizing policies and the particularly retarded way they were implemented. Somehow we're supposed to believe that a planned economy doesn't work when it managed to transform a semi-feudal society into the second world superpower, and provided free health, free education and full employment to its citizens. The USSR also didn't have any homelessness, this is better than any capitalist state has managed to achieve.
With the technology available today, we could have incredibly efficiejt economic planning and fix a million problems. The economic calculation "problem" is a pure austrian meme which has been obsolete for decades. Read a book.

>> No.9908740

https://youtu.be/TIiToYy73L0 12:56

>> No.9908799

bretty gud
Not russian, but he's a genius.

I think a lot of people that consider him a lunatic, have yet to realize the inevitable death of liberalism and somehow have it ingrained in them that the atlanticist-western world order will endure forever.

>> No.9909941

He is just a troll

>> No.9910447


>> No.9910464
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> beep beep, coming through, dumb proles!

>> No.9910561
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>> No.9910573

His "4th Political Theory" is pure shit. It's Rosenberg tier.

His book on Heidegger seems intriguing however, though it might be shit.
Dugin did do a great interview with Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (von Herrmann actually studied with Heidegger). It's on jewtube.

>> No.9910589

I really like meeting people like you in person and having them talk to my wife who actually lived in the USSR. I get really turned on when she destroys and abuses them through argumentation. Thanks for existing.

>> No.9910997

> The USSR also didn't have any homelessness
Because the people they intentionally made homeless they either killed or sent to the Gulag.

>> No.9911006

One could only hope, however if anything China and Russia will try to each rise against the West, China being a competition for the global hegemony while Russia remains a region player and a booster for Iran and Syria.

>> No.9911020

So he has the same opinion as a standard SJW college aged-person. This quote will hardly get more people to read him.

>> No.9911022

myrmex is that you

>> No.9911107

You seem to have some problems with reading comprehension.

>> No.9911412

How so? He adds in anti-gay ant-liberal ideas, but his basic premise in that quote is that white people are bad and blah blah oppression. Its boring, trite shit.

>> No.9911419


lol, this

>> No.9911634
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>> No.9911712
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I want to see Dugin and Nick Land debate.

>> No.9912402

Friendly russian speaker here

>Chapter 1: Friedrich Ratzel. The state as a spacial organism.

>1.1 Formation: the German “organism school”

>Friedrich Ratzel (1844-1904) can be considered the “father” of geopolitics, though he himself did not use the term in his works. He wrote about “political geography.” His main work, published in 1897, was thusly called “Politische Geographie.”

>Ratzel graduated the Polytechnic University in Karlsruhe, where he took courses on geology, paleontology and zoology. He completed his education in Heidelberg, where he became the student of professor Ernst Haeckel (who first used the term “ecology”). Ratzel’s worldview was founded on evolutionism and Darwinisim and influenced by his pronounced interest in biology.

>Ratzel participated in the war of 1870, for which he volunteered, and received the Iron Cross for bravery. Politically, he gradually became a convinced nationalist, and in 1890 he joined Carl Peter’s “Pan-German League.” He traveled a lot around Europe and America, and added ethnology to his scientific interests. He became a teacher of geography at the Technical University of Munich, then in 1886 switched to the analogous department in Leipzig.

>In 1876 Ratzel defended his dissertation about “Emigration in China,” and in 1882 in Stuttgart published his fundamental work “Anthropogeography” (“Antropogeographie”), in which he formulated his foundational ideas: the tie of the evolution of peoples and demography with graphical facts, the influence of the relief of a location on the culture and political formation of peoples, and so on.

>However, his most foundational work was “Political Geography.”

>> No.9912436

>There can be no poetry after Auschwitz.
Why was Adorno so affected by the Holocaust?

>> No.9912529

What about his debate with Olavo?

>> No.9912537
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>most successful economic experiment ever,
>Can't even compute prices properly

>> No.9912544

>The economic calculation "problem" is a pure austrian meme which has been obsolete for decades.
Funny because I had a left-wing professor say that that was one of the reasons why the USSR collapsed, three years ago, in a lecture, while I was getting my degree. Go fucking kill yourself and do the world a favor. Tankies are as bad as liberals and white nationalists.

>> No.9912577


>1.2 The state as a living organism

In this work Ratzel showed that land was a fundamental, unchanging given, around which the interests of peoples are formed. The movement of history is predetermined by land and territory. Further follows the evolutionist conclusion that “the state is a living organism,” but an organism “rooted in land.” The state is formed from the territorial relief and scale, and from people’s understanding of these factors. As such, the objective geographic facts and subjective national understanding of these facts, expressed in politics, are reflected in the State. Ratzel considered the “Normal” State a state, where geographic, demographic and ethno-cultural parameters of the nation were most organically combined.

>He writes:

“In all stages of their development, states are like organisms, which necessarily maintain a bond with their land, and therefore should be studied from a geographical perspective. As ethnography and history show, states develop on a spatial basis, joining and merging more and more with this base, drawing from it more and more energy. As such, states are revealed as spatial phenomena, directed and realized by this very space –and geography is necessary to describe, compare and measure them. States fit in to the series of events of the expansion of Life, being the culmination of such events.” (“Political Geography” (1)).

>From such a “organismic” approach is it is clearly evident, that Ratzel understood the spatial expansion of a state as a natural living process, similar to the growth of living organisms.

>Ratzel's “organismic” approach also manifested itself in the relationship to space itself (Raum). This “space” goes from a quantitative material category to become a new quality, becoming a “living sphere,” and “living space” (Lebensraum), a kind of “giobiosphere.” From this follow two different important terms of Ratzel’s: “spacial meaning” (Raumsinn) and “living energy” (Lebensenergie). These terms are similar to each other, and denote some kind of special quality, inherent in geographic systems and predetermining their political formation in the history of peoples and states.

>All of these theses are the foundational principles of geopolitics, in that form, in which geopolitics developed a little later under the followers of Ratzel. Moreover, the relation to a state like that relation to a “living spatial organism, rooted in land” is the main thought and axis of geopolitical methodology. Such an approach is oriented on the synthetic study of all complex phenomena, independent of whether they belong to a human or non-human sphere. Space, like a concrete expression of nature, surrounded by its environment, is considered like the continually living body of an ethnicity, the space of its settlers. The structure of the material itself dictates the proportions of a finite work of the arts.

>> No.9912578

oops, fucked up that formatting

>In this sense Ratzel was a direct successor of all schools of German “organic” sociology, the brightest representative of which was Ferdinand Tönnies.

>> No.9912585

Anyway, I read the rest of the first chapter, and honestly it doesn't get much more interesting. I'm sure it picks up eventually when he gets to his own ideas, but this shit is long as fuck, I get why no one bothered to translate it

>> No.9912666

He's founded the National Bolshevik Party, and a Eurasianist youth organization. I've read 4PT, and it's a criticism of political theories 1 - 3: Liberalism, Communism, and National Socialism. 4PT isn't a theory, but a claim that an alternative theory is needed, because the prior theories are all fundamentally flawed and ultimately unworkable. 4PT is his invitation to other theorist to have a discussion.

The best combination that I can come up with to describe Dugin's basic orientation is something like:

Antimaterialist omni-national patriotism.
Communism without class theory.
Nationalism without race theory (patriotism, but not quite civil nationalism)
Existentially inverted liberation theory--humans are liberated when they embrace being and becoming.

>> No.9912673

>Communism without class theory.
And how is this supposed to make sense?
>Existentially inverted liberation theory--humans are liberated when they embrace being and becoming.
What does this mean?

>> No.9912718

>finland should be absorbed into russia


>> No.9912725

>And how is this supposed to make sense?
Bolshevism, and perhaps people democratic dictatorship, or something along those lines. It's People-oriented, yet anti-democratic.

>What does this mean?
Dugin's criticism of Liberalism is that liberalism is never satisfied. It always requires something new to liberate people from in order to retain its revolutionary mandate. So you get LGBT trans hysteria. Dugin actually called the trans thing before it blew up. He says humans enthralled by liberalism seek never-ending emancipation from all physical and psychological constraints to the point that they want to be liberated from the human species.

Dugin sees liberation as the opposite of this "escape from reality". He used the existential thought of Heidegger, and his word 'dasein', to describe his notion. Even Dugin admits its hard to explain as a matter of translation, but it seem to me to point to an embrace of ones being in space and time rather than seeking to escape it.

>> No.9912730

fuck that man, i don't want war with china. let them keep growing and entice the anger of the muslim extremists with their authoritarian policies and overexpansion so fewer bomb us.

usa could stand to be a little out of the spotlight for once.

>> No.9912737

Sounds pretty gay

>> No.9913266

Hes more like a hybrid of Rasputin and Brezinski

>> No.9913443

You have to go back

>> No.9913524

>my left-wing professor said so
Wow I'm convinced! Assuming he was an actual economist, probably some new keynesian lmao
Did your professor read actual contemporary work on the calculation debate by, say, Cockshott and Cottrell or is he just repeating the old Cold War propaganda memes? The Austrians are very facetious on this point, seriously actually look into it.


>> No.9913720

Geopolitics is for manchildren. US should roll back on the empire. Focus on becoming more techcomm dominant. Keep that Chinese brain drain flowing and brace for AI arms race.

>> No.9913890
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>> No.9913918

They've been following this script for 20 years

>> No.9913959

daily reminder that dugin is literally a reddit meme boogeyman

nobody who can actually read russian takes him seriously

>> No.9913964

recommended video, a fairly gentle introduction to dugin

>> No.9914141
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From what I understand, he's viewed as the Russian Alex Jones. He was also a NAZBOL for a time, but I think he had a falling out with Limonov, the founder of the party, and he's not any more. American liberals have a massive hate-boner for him for some reason, I've noticed.

>> No.9914262

He's literally saying whites oppress everyone but MTV, gays and lesbians. But he's definitely referring to anglos and germanics when he uses the term whites.

>> No.9914293

>Being real

>> No.9914327

Who would win in an a fist fight between Philochko and Dugin?

>> No.9914533

Despite being insane his views on multipolairty and opposition to American hegemony is sober and sensible and it enrages liberals no end that this position should adopted by other states, so they paint him as nothing more than a crude neo nazi

>> No.9914638

>We once stayed with (Sergey) Kuryokhin - , Dugin, I and Nyrych. We woke up and I opened the window, Dugin was laying on the bed wondering: "But where is Omsk on the map?" I said: "Well, in the south of Siberia, next to Kazakhstan." - "Is Kazakhstan close to us? What if the Kazakhs were poisoned by the wind? They can also poison the wind! Quickly shut the window: the wind is poisoned!" And as he was in all seriousness: terribly frightened, began to pace around the room. "Kazakhs, damn it, I've been poisoned by the wind - how do I get out? It's exactly like that, They have reed people." They have a lake called Balkhash where they grow large quantities of reeds, and reed people live there. Reed people who never stick their heads out, only breathe through the tubes. " Then he thought again, carefully and said: "And in the middle of Balkhash there is a huge island where a big, gigantic cat lives, whom they all worship." This is Kuryokhin's doing, definitely. How did he even do this? He says: "Damn, reeds, reed people everywhere, what to do? They can arrange an invasion, if that's it - then it's over!" If the reed people get out and they crawl around with their cat! ... And the cat is huge, three meters tall! "
>Yegor Letov


>> No.9914679

Last war of the World Island and Eurasian Mission is the most I imagine we will see, he toned it down for western audiences. Personally I'm more interested when we will ever see Panarin translated in English, he was actually a respected liberal Moscow academic who turned nationalist after seeing what a shitshow the collapse the USSR created

>> No.9914685

Yeah, I saw this in another thread. It's one of the reasons I question whether I can ever understand Dugin. There seems to be a whole corpus of knowledge that I lack, that Dugin posses.

but most likely it's nonsense.

>> No.9914730
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Naturally being an Orthodox mystic, Dugin can channel the spirit of Bulgakov any time he wishes. I read one of his short fiction pieces actually, not bad

>> No.9914951

so its just Slavophilism for the 21st century?

Also, arent Finland and poland richer than russia now? Why the fuck would they join their "sphere"?

>> No.9914977

O'Connor... easy on the objectivism

>> No.9915179

Both citations are theoretical works. We still haven't seen empirical evidence of the calculation problem solved, nor do these pieces account for Public Choice considerations, making them obsolete mediocrity