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9886301 No.9886301 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a life changing book. Any recommendations?

No commercial self-help tomes or Nihilism please. I'm looking for more spiritual/philosophical books but with a practical side. Preferably non-fiction but happy to look into fiction titles.

I'm at my lowest point and don't see a future for myself. I need something or someone to relate to. I need to snap out of it and I figured a good book could be a good way of doing this

>> No.9886333

my diary desu

>> No.9886335

Im ngl confederacy of dunces helped me a lot after I got diagnosed with schizophrenia

>> No.9886339
File: 19 KB, 242x354, Ego-and-His-Own-Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this not even kidding

>> No.9886352


Sounds interesting but pretty Nihilistic. Not sure if thats what I need right now. Did this book have a big influence on you personally?

>> No.9886862


>> No.9886900

Dune. It helped me so much in fighting my own anxieties about my life and the future. It also rekindled my relationship with God, if you're open to that sort of thing.

>> No.9886912

read any of hte following

they changed my life

Michael Foucalt
Marx Stirner
Alberto Eco
Dante (fucking Dante)
Homer (not Simpson)
RIchard Dawkins (for dispelling all the god fairytales and other b**shit)

>> No.9886913
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This book saved my life. Not sure of the practicality of it, though.

>> No.9886917

reading her essays right now

simone weil is God tier


>> No.9886920

read the brothers karamazov

also read pavel florensky

>> No.9886921

epictetus and seneca

>> No.9886923

the Dhammapada
The Mind Illuminated

>> No.9886930

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.9886932

Seems she is catching on. Have felt quite lonely with my fascination with her. I was at a very dark place when I first stumbled upon and read the Attente de Dieu collection, and it was . . . an event that was quite hard to fathom, let alone put into words. Like a lightning struck into the core of my soul.

>> No.9887008

>changing anything

>> No.9887090

Nishitani Keiji's "Religion and Nothingness"

>> No.9887104

David Benatar - Better Never to Have Been

>> No.9887122

OP, the only thing I can suggest is to find something you're really interested in and read a great book about that topic. Thinking about the books that have changed my life, they're almost all just well-written academic monographs that engaged me on the level of ideas rather than giving me philosophical 'reason to live'. That gave me my own reason to live by giving me something to think about. I'm not sure that dwelling on life itself is really useful for becoming happy. But developing an intense interest in something, whether it's a butterfly collection, renaissance literature, or geology, can put you in a position where one day, after a few years, it suddenly occurs to you that everything is pretty good, really. Best of luck, man.

>> No.9887332

say something about it my man

>> No.9887336

I haven't read much stirner but I've read about him

In what ways does this philosophy not justify rape?

>> No.9887342

you're dumb learn to read better derrida was cool

>> No.9887349
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I hate to sound so trite, but a life-changing book is one that you come across, not one that you look for.

>> No.9887363

The Art of Worldly Wisdom - Balthasar Gracian

>> No.9887573

Do you really want to rape someone?

>> No.9887663

It's Umberto, mmurifag. Nice list, however

>> No.9887685

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (either Kauffman or Martin translation)

I'm being serious. It's existentialism, not nihilism, and is wildly uplifting. Skip the parts regarding his mysogyny cause they're useless and more so read segments like "Reading and Writing" and "The Afterworldly"

>> No.9887833

Why would he skip the mysogynist parts ? They're the most important ones.
How do you want to live a meeaningful life if you don't aknowledge woman as an untrustworthy creature wich you should not long for ?

>> No.9888451

Siddharta from Hesse helped me put things into perspective.