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9875122 No.9875122 [Reply] [Original]

He will never finish writing the books.

>> No.9875127

That's what happens when the only reason you're a writer is for fame and fortune. He got rich. Literally zero incentive for him to finish.

>> No.9875853

Stopped reading the Books, because this PoS keeps pushing the release back by 6 months to a year everytime he's asked about it.

At this point I am certain he's finished with the entire series, but just holding them until the HBO show, and its upcoming spinoff is done.

Unless the fuck croaks first.

>> No.9875861

He wasn't even that popular before the HBO series came out

>> No.9875867

>Dragons approach from the south
>White Walkers approach from the north
>Series is called Ice and Fire
It's not like there's any mystery how it ends.

>> No.9875871

But how does it end for each character?

>> No.9875874

can we talk about how the degenerate masses have latched onto this shitty fantasy world because of their base impulses and secret desire to return to a wretched world?

>> No.9875876

This. And whoever sits on the fucking throne at the end, or if nobody does, or if the throne is destroyed, or etc. etc. etc., none of it will be satisfying at all because it's all pointless genreshit anyway. You want to finish the series because it's a chore than you've started and have to finish.

>> No.9875879

It's because it's socially acceptable b-grade schlock and smut.

>> No.9875884

>pointless genreshit
What does that even mean? Don't all books have a genre? I can tell you're a boring person

>> No.9875886

I started reading the first book and got about a quarter of the way through then realized he probably isn't going to finish the series. Should I actually read them since it isn't going to be finished?

I've never been much of a reader, but the ASOIAF world has be super interested. Are there other series with an entire world like ASOIAF that I could read instead? I've been considering reading the LotR /Middle Earth series, but I was never really that interested in the movies so I'm not sure the books could hold my attention. Any suggies?

>> No.9875890


It is interesting, and a decent read imo, until you realize we've almost been waiting a decade for the second to last book.

>> No.9875898

Yeah that's my only problem. I don't want to get so invested in it and realize it is never going to end.

>> No.9875908

The show will end so you could probably watch that as a substitute.

>> No.9875929

The show is so different from the books by now that it is impossible to replace the story of the books.

>> No.9875967

It means the genre IS the focus of the work, not the category that describes the work. It means the story won't matter to you soon after finishing it.

>> No.9875986

The series starts out ok, but it does get worse. He essentially starts aping his fanbase's ideas about his writing, if that makes sense. The protagonist death in the first book works because it goes against genre convention and the unsuspecting reader's assumptions about morally upright, "good" characters in the fantasy genre, but later he starts killing people left and right and it not only loses impact due to repeated use, it also exposes which characters are his favourites and are protected by magical plot armour that is the standard for the genre. His attention to detail when it came to food was lauded for a book or two, until he started really hamming it up in response to that and by the time the fourth book swings around every time a few characters sit down to eat there's a few extra paragraphs dedicated to describing the food in a way that starts to feel extraneous. Same thing with the sex. Trying to keep topping the shit that made the first book stand out in the genre makes the later sequels start to feel forced and uninteresting.

>> No.9875987

That's stupid. It's fantasy so it's supposed to be """""fun""""".
When has a book ever mattered when finished?

>> No.9876262

LOTR is actually a great place to start if you like what's referred to as "world building". LOTR is actually one of the more inexhaustible fantasy worlds, and it will give you a good baseline and understanding of fantasy world building

>> No.9876279

No, some books transcend genre and become ~literature~.

>> No.9876280

i certainly hope so.