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File: 53 KB, 1247x1046, Bible canons - old testament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9808655 No.9808655 [Reply] [Original]

>following christianity
niggas can't even agree on anything lmao

>> No.9808661

lol ever tried the redpill? God is true and liberalism is destroying whiteness and masculinity

>> No.9808682

No religious community agrees on a universal doctrine.

>> No.9808714
File: 22 KB, 384x412, נמרוד+של+יצחק+דנצינגר[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Christianity means following Christ. Catholics are worshipers of Nimrod and other pagan God-Kings.

>> No.9808728

>grouping protestantism into one column

>> No.9808736

Protestants all use the 66 book canon.

>> No.9808746

The Old Testament isn't as important as the New.

>> No.9808756

alls thats really important is our doctrine of salvation. everything else can be considered in-house disagreements

>> No.9808758

Ethiopian Christianity is a fraud

>> No.9808763

aren't the Ethiopians legit the oldest denomination out of everyone though?

>> No.9808889

One of the oldest, all eastern churches and the Roman church grew out of the earliest Christian communities. Ethiopian christianity has a lot of unique features because it had relatively little Roman/Byzantine influence.

>> No.9808899

>Ethiopian church accepts Enoch
This absolutely cannot be fucking real my fucking sides.

>> No.9808922

It's thanks to them a full version of it survives.

>> No.9808928

Why not?

>> No.9809182

>One of the oldest, all eastern churches and the Roman church grew out of the earliest Christian communities.
not trying to grasp straws, but in what way did they "grow out of" the earliest community? Don't they claim that they ARE the earliest community, or in what ways have they become different?

>> No.9809224
File: 26 KB, 209x432, 1497035881750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of difference is Ethiopian nigger shit
>the rest is Jew shit and Protestants who aren't even Christians

Wew nice thread

>> No.9809231

Protestants are more Christian than salvation-by-works/holy war Catholics and Orthodox

>> No.9809243

Oh, yes, because Martin Luther being a fat, pompous asshole who asserts for himself the authority to change Christianity and even take books out of the Bible, HIS movement is the "true" Christianity. Of course.

>> No.9809253

Early Christianity was not unified and had a great diversity of beliefs. They probably are a continuation of one of the primordial Christian movements but so is Catholicism. Just because one can drawn an unbroken tradition does not mean others cannot either.

>> No.9809256

I'm not a lutheran
let me do what you're doing

Oh yes, calling someone who disagrees a fat, pompous asshole, THIS movement is the "true" face of Christianity. Of course

>> No.9809260

Not all protestant movements are related to/descended from Lutheranism. Many were concurrent but separate. As Protestanism gained traction many people "left" the Catholic church by which I mean they could be more open about their beliefs that they held before Luther (like the Huguenots for example).

>> No.9809268

Sorry, I just hate Luther. I think he's in the running for worst person in history, along with Hegel and Hitler and Marx. Actually, fuck, a lot of the candidates are German now that I think of it.

>> No.9809288

may I ask for a strictly bluster-free explanation why you hate Luther so much? I'm just curious, I don't have a specific intention to defend him.

>> No.9809521


I also want to add that the ROMAN Catholic Church was a false front to confuse the masses and control them, drawing them away from true Christianity and giving reason to persecute and kill them by putting in place arbitrary laws and regulations and practicing a dogmatic code that didn't necessarily apply to the priests and higher ups, if you were the Pope, for example, you could do literally anything.

This was supposed to be the replacement for the Roman Empire to carry on its rule over all of Europe. It functioned much like the EU does today. Then the HRE happened.

Then Napoleon dismantled the HRE. The Italians, Germans, Russians, and British inherited the Roman Empire.

Then WWI happened and the Roman Empire truly fell with the fall of the German Empire and the Tsardom of Russia (Kaiser and Tsar --> Caesar).

Then the Nazis attempted to make the next Roman Empire/EU with extensive plans. We are meant to believe that they lost but they really won. The EU systems were soon implemented.

Now we live in the time of the Anglos and Americans. The UK and the US will do something that triggers WWIII with Israel as a flashpoint. Then there will finally be an excuse to make one "world government."

tl;dr the Catholic Church was an early attempt at creating the NWO

>> No.9809533

>ITT: Redditors LARPing as Protestants

wew, lads

>> No.9809541

At first I thought this was poor history but I've come to appreciate it as really good bait.

>> No.9809547

Eh, /leftypol/ LARP as Protestants on /lit/, Redditors are the McBuddhists.

>> No.9809550

It's 100% not bait.

>> No.9809598

>anything I disagree with is bait

>> No.9809604

>whiteness and masculinity
Whiteness is perfectly good, masculinity is not.

>> No.9809813

Can someone expand on this? You have caught my interest, why was this book expunged?

>> No.9811448

Aside from being the worst heresiarch in history, he tried to justify his theology based on his own failings, he was a murderous, bloodthirsty, vow breaking adulter. His whole salvation theory is based on how do I continue to be a horrible person and still get saved.

>> No.9811465

Sola gratia is literally unbiblical

>> No.9811481
File: 431 KB, 899x1284, 1491772849944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs Christ Chan

>> No.9811534

Ayyy >>9808714 here and I want to say that I appreciate what you've added.

>We are meant to believe that they lost but they really won. The EU systems were soon implemented.
This is an accurate observation. It's an implementation of the Catholic ideology under the guise of secularism in order to continue the same game that has gone on under Papal dictatorship. That's why they move the divinity of the Pope from minor countries like Poland and now at their climax with an Argentinian. Just like the EU placing importance in a cultural abyss like Belgium.

>> No.9811650

How many/significantly of these disputed works contribute to their denominations theology?
For example can the books in the catholic canon that aren't used in the protestant canon, support the Catholics view of salvation/justification?

>> No.9811674

What makes you say that? Catholics clearly worship Jesus.

>> No.9811714

Luther removed Maccabees because they reference praying for the dead and implicitly the purgatory.

>> No.9811762

>What makes you say that? Catholics clearly worship Jesus.

That's a very benign understanding of Catholicism. The Pope has clearly superseded any divine belief in the Messiah of the New Testament. Catholics have earned the pejorative title "Papist" because of their unrelenting faith to a mafioso thug who more represents a pagan God-King than an actual prophet of Christ. The modern Catholic worships without knowing their own blasphemies.

>> No.9811771


Wtf dude, I'm a catholic and you clearly have zero idea of what you're talking about.

vatican(dot)va and read ffs

>> No.9811777

How can it be true if people disagree?

>> No.9811801

>Virtus is not good

>> No.9811804

People are limited, truth is not.

>> No.9811868

Mostly dueto differences in Christian theology that developed, plus it fell out of favour among jews around the same time, so it became less widely circulated.

However, it probably had a fair amount of acceptance in thw 1st century, and undoubtedly influenced some New Testament authors. Jude, for example, quotes from it directly. Other authors like Matthew make allusions to it or were at least aware of it.

>> No.9811911

I agree that Catholicism is flawed. But it is flawed because the Church is made up of not only sinners but also saints.

Also did you ever look at the alternatives out there? They are all terrible. Most of them lack apostolic succession or are straight up heresies that contradict everything that the Bible teaches. Just look at the doctrine of sola gratia lmao. Completely unbiblical.

Catholicism on the other hand has stayed true to the original teachings of the Church fathers and even very terrible Popes didn't change that.

>> No.9813038

Good image bad thread.

>> No.9814625


Why is the word of god not accessible to the common person? How can it be so easily misunderstood?

>> No.9815322
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1450755345217s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apostolic succession

this matters why?

>> No.9815566

wake up sheeple! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5YL2NfXf34

>> No.9815669

Ethiopian >