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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 202 KB, 1152x2048, twobooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9748832 No.9748832 [Reply] [Original]

I bet you're too pleb to double fist

>> No.9748837

why is it only the blacks that can do this

>> No.9748842

i'm definitely below this dude's level

>> No.9748849

Superior genes

>> No.9748851

Can anyone ID the books he's reading?

>> No.9748855

looks like Idris Elba on the cover

>> No.9748858

Every black man is not idris elba

>> No.9748884

yea but at least some of them are

>> No.9748887

if you know how to develop multiple lines of sight, you can do all this and more. when i want to get through multiple volumes of books, i usually hold at least two volumes in my hands, reading two lines at a time with both eyes. a bit of a challenge sometimes but get it right & it makes for quadruple reading value

>> No.9749345

>his giant penis is also reading one

>> No.9749350

i would say about half of black men are in fact Idris Elba

>> No.9749351

>not just listening to the audiobook at 2x speed

>> No.9749358

fucking chameleons

>> No.9749371
File: 587 KB, 933x720, sadmegumin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that crisp hat
>those sweet shades
>that intellectual look of pure serenity
>that dapper pink tie
>that smooth tan suit
>those tasteful shoes
>that shapely bag
>doubling down on his reading diet
>on the subway

Even a single shitpost on /lit/ from this man would raise our credibility to ten times what it usually is.

>> No.9749788

After a history of illiteracy, the blacks have discovered a power that lay dormant inside them

>> No.9750129
File: 451 KB, 900x1200, 1493675060831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9750139
File: 31 KB, 300x300, NasIllmatic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do African-Americans in particular have this psuedo-intellectual mindset? Regular black people are just levelheaded but there's something about black american culture that makes them want to constantly prove that they're intellectuals

>> No.9750151


>> No.9750157

>Oh shit a black person might actually be smarter than me, how do I try and devalue it?

>> No.9750165

There are plenty of black people smarter than me. I'm just saying that reading two books at once (one of looks like its a Kevin Hart biography lel) while wearing a nifty suit is a definite African-American thing. Same as rappers coming up with lines like: "Not bisexual; I'm an intellectual"

>> No.9750302



>> No.9750310

What is so funny about that image you laughing faggots.

>> No.9750341

>there's something about black american culture that makes them want to constantly prove that they're intellectuals

I'm guessing you don't live in America? The dominant black culture here is the anti-intellectual gangster culture.

Many of them who somehow don't fall into this culture try desperately to be intellectual because they subconsciously suspect that their race is mentally inferior (including themselves).

It's the same reason we have the "we wuz kangz".

>> No.9750348


>> No.9750645
File: 183 KB, 774x643, yakub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the Nas picture he was talking about the We Wuz crowd. Most of the "intelligent rappers from the golden age of hip hop" were/are 5 percenters.

>> No.9750657

>le megumeme
You leaving this board forever would also increase its quality tenfold

>> No.9751067

>not listening to audiobooks at 2x speed with each earbud reading a different book

>> No.9751074

You seriously can't tell it's edited? You dirty fucking nigger lover

>> No.9751084

Their entire heritage is a prolonged humiliation. They're the offspring of blacks caught by other superior blacks in Africa and sold to whitey/kikey and then kept as farm animals for centuries.

Being a slave descendant African-American is probably the saddest thing you can be and that leads to an understandable inferiority complex.

>> No.9751093

check this out if you want to have some laffs:

>> No.9751096

>probably the saddest thing you can be
ever head of non American Africans? they should be glad to live in the US and if they're not they can always move to fucking Africa if they hate whities so much.

>> No.9751121

This doesn't even make sense in the context of the comment you're replying to. Moving back to Africa doesn't make them not the descendants of losers and them hating themselves doesn't have much to do with hating white people.

>> No.9751124


>> No.9751132


>> No.9751715
File: 89 KB, 662x700, 1494532844354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fully aware of that. A lot of people thought it was just a dumb /pol/ meme but I'd known about it before /pol/ or /new/ or /n/ existed. "Intelligent" black "people" are funny.

>> No.9751873

yakub was real thought

>> No.9751912

why is it always on the philadelphia subway??

>> No.9751954

I think you mean white people.

>> No.9752341

>"Not bisexual; I'm an intellectual"
did you improperly capitalize just to disturb my tism

>> No.9753539


>> No.9753541

There's nothing improperly capitalized in that, dumbshit.

>> No.9753549

dont take it out of context bro

>my styles switches like a faggot
>but not bisexual; i'm an intellectual

it's funny to see academics celebrating the 20 years anniversary of illmatic it's filled with safe-space destroying homophobia

>> No.9753565
File: 550 KB, 1200x659, l-75731-m-25218-en-pr-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it's obviously a metaphor.

>> No.9753882

I doublefist drinks, at least.

But all I gained from that is alcoholic neuropathy, throat cancer and a damaged liver, so.

>> No.9754171

Lol ok usually racist jokes on 4chan are infantile/unimaginative at best but this ones was good.

>> No.9754178

Yeah dude any other black person would find this odd too. I don't know how you've come to construct this image of black american culture but it's a bit off mate lol

>> No.9754215

Don't forget that the shit I write is even tougher than dykes

t.guy who has illmatic stuck in his car's CD player

>> No.9754266

p sure it's stuff that I write senpai

>> No.9754646
File: 301 KB, 576x1024, OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9754715

That's not called doublefisting, that's called being a drug-addicted jackass who willingly poisons himself.

>> No.9754771

>blocks ur path
>asks you if you're an intellectual

>> No.9754790

At least ONE of them are

>> No.9754880


>> No.9754890
File: 42 KB, 342x236, IMG_0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Plato on the subway
>Parmenides, struggling to understand
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you read Plato"
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower

what the fuck

>> No.9754899

as an american black, intellectual culture is a white man's game.

now, if you mean winning, a constant desire to win and cheat and beat everything else, despite being totally incompetent mentally, then yes, niggas want to be intellectuals, not for cherishing the light fluffy crust of thought, but because they think it's something to win and that's all, the word "intellectual" usually means "why you talking like YT" otherwise.

>> No.9754902

topkek this is great

>> No.9754966

'Not' isn't the first word in the quoted sentence, actual dumbshit.

>> No.9754978

Fuck you. You can't relive the past, fag.

>> No.9756149


It's an old pasta.

>> No.9756170
File: 156 KB, 700x1051, Ba-a-a-adassss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9756252

I think it's a vicious circle of there not being too many legitimate black intellectuals, so when black people try to venture into new ideas and look to black writers their options are: Nation of Islam numerology bullshit, modern academic sociological ressentiment, the repetitive and narrow ideology of postcolonial studies, Afrocentric history, the navel-gazing of critical race theory, and the shallow analysis of black pop culture that masquerades as representing a deeper truth when all it offers is high school-tier essays on rap songs. There are of course good black intellectuals (mostly historians on Africa and slavery) but they get none of the coverage of their more provocative colleagues.

All this is made worse by white academics who try to encourage "the Black voice" by allowing subpar scholarship to go without valid criticism. The condescension of whites too cowardly to even consider the possibility of a black writer being wrong is one of the biggest obstacles to fostering actually valuable black writing.

>> No.9756262

There are a ton of black academics but you are just too much of a pseud to know them.

>> No.9756294

i never implied that there weren't. all i'm saying is the ones who get coverage, the ones who would be recognizable to someone just starting to read "serious" literature, are mostly from the categories i listed. it's just more likely that people will be attracted to provocative but shitty writers like coates rather than drier more valuable writers like henry louis gates

>> No.9756310

Love him or hate him, le black science man is at least one of the most prominent and reasonable black academic role models

>> No.9756311

>tfw my old african-american history professor croaked and they named a "cultural institute" in the school after him, so now generations of students will probably think he was some rich white guy who donated a bunch of money, but i'll always have the life experience of being in his class and having to do my presentation by myself because i was to autistic to get a partner and then after doing a pretty good job if i do say so myself he asked me about the role of the church in the post-reconstruction african american community or some shit and as an edgy athiest marxist at the time i didn't even bother to study that aspect and i started getting flustered and he was like "it's ok it's ok you did pretty well"

>> No.9756313 [DELETED] 

Manning Marable was great, sure he was a Trotskyist, but he always put scholarship ahead of scoring cheap ideological points, although i suppose he wasn't really "mainstream" or anything

>> No.9756327

Yeah that is actually reasonable, sorry for the snarkiness

>> No.9756330

Lol. Sounds like fun times.

>> No.9756331

Amazing shop

>> No.9756384

Why would you be taking african-american history lessions?

>> No.9756392

whoa i didnt think anyones ever apologized to me here. respect

>> No.9756397

I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.9756554

if you can find it, back in the 90s The Teaching Company, who now make those Great Courses classes, did a series called Superstar Professors or something, and they had one with Willam W. Cook from Dartmouth called US Literary History, it was only released on cassette, but you can find torrents of it, shit is amazing, dude is so underrated, but unfortunately i just saw he actually passed last spring...i couldn't find any talks or lectures by him anywhere other than the aforementioned lecture series, and this is the only video of him i could find anywhere on the internet at all, and if you're racist then you're really going to hate it, but assuming you are earnestly seeking dank african-american scholars you can get a sense of his erudition from it


>> No.9756568

Eh brother it is good to admit when I'm wrong. No religion higher than truth.

>> No.9756620

t. newb photoshooper

>> No.9756714

>are you an intellectual?

>> No.9756769

>telling a weeb to leave a board for bookweebs
Go outside.