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9738007 No.9738007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Officially a pseud and this was the final nail in the coffin

Move along folks, nothing to see here

>> No.9738013

real shame he had to go down this path

>> No.9738020

never paid attention to his ideas or his drama

others have done it better

>> No.9738023

What has this cringe factory done this time ?

>> No.9738027
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>tfw whistlelet

>> No.9738041
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Sam pls go nobody is donating to your patreon here.

>> No.9738043

Peterson sounds insane, before you actually meet those people he is talking about IRL. Also try to look at any paper published by a gender studies department. He is completely correct. Just go to your local students union and tell them there are only two genders. I dare you.

>> No.9738057

Yeah, but Peterson is still an idiot and not the best guy I'd hire for the job.


>> No.9738058

He really isn't. Maps of Meaning is brilliant. Peterson kinda sucks as a activist, but his philosophy is pretty brilliant.

>inb4 "philosophy"

>> No.9738069

You contrarians are beyond reason. Just contain yourselves before hating on" mainstream" philosophy just because of any petty reasons you might have.

>> No.9738110

It's literally just postmodern irony.

Don't blame people for living in an era where taking something seriously means you're a lesser human.

>> No.9738127

Anonymous, I'm pretty sure the other Anonymous was joking. It's fairly obvious to me.

>> No.9738144


Is there anything more cringe than actually going to uni?

>> No.9738149

>Touching a shoulder is now rape
>There's an infinite amount of genders
>Males are scum
SJW seem fun and harmless until you actually meet them.

>> No.9738150

Yeah, being a working-class hero.

>> No.9738162

This. I used to think people like Peterson were alarmists before I got to college and joined the student union. They are going to kill us all.

>> No.9738280

This, this, this. They are real. They are not just memes.

>> No.9738297
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really done me a ponder

>> No.9738607

>Doesn't cite a singe postmodernist in name, quote, or even idea
>Makes the claim all postmodernists are neo-marxists without a shred of evidence to back it up
>Says he first advocated defunding any discipline whose ideas he doesn't like
>Changes his mind and decides he should target parents and kids who have yet to be exposed to these ideas
>Thinks its incredible that there abstracts are being taken and republished on a site that doesn't give the opportunity to actually read the article and who intends to embarrass them
>Thinks you can sniff out whether or not something is postmodernist by whether it uses a no-no word, and thinks this is a reliable enough method that it should be the basis of whether a course gets subscribed to, no further investigation necessary
>Takes one 'postmodern' idea and says all 'postmodernists' subscribe to it, and by extension they're all bad people
>Thinks the phrase social justice is inherently postmodern and evil, even using it means you are corrupt and your wrongthink must be stamped out

And this is just the fucking tip of it. Also 'postmodernism is a cult that indoctrinates people, and if we scare parents into using my website where I take words out of context to spook you we can starve it out!'


>> No.9738688

>Not liking his personality lectures.

Sage all Jordan Peterson hate threads.

>> No.9738724

He'll get swept under the rug eventually by a kind of neo-postmodernism that adheres more closely to the actual writing of postmodernists, which has already begun among the more well-informed people on the internet. His anti-cult cult will be exposed for what it is.

>> No.9738750
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>"Normally if you're a decent cult leader you can at least figure out a way to pick the pockets of your victims in a manner that enriches you."

Hmmmmmm he may have a point.

>> No.9738779

Let's not complicate the situation. This is not post-irony, nor post-post-irony, nor post-post-post-post irony or even post-post-modernism. This is simply juvenile and pitiful. To hate or to despise someone solely because that someone is now hip among certain boards is not an understandable reason to do so. This is shitposting and therefore not welcomed here.

>> No.9738864

>dude clean your room otherwise how are you going to grow the teeth to slay the dragon and save you father from the underworld chaos
i watched several hours of his lectures on youtube and probably will continue, but much of his conclusions are contingent on the fact that we accept a certain metaphysical framework and language, which he takes for granted, rather than demonstrate. he does this because he thinks if a meme survives then it must be good for the host, and the memes that survived for thousands of years (myths, bible), are more legitimate by virtue of being "battle tested".

>> No.9738868

God hates pseud enablers.

>> No.9738887

Maps of Meaning is still god-tier though

>> No.9738897
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neomarxism is a serious threat

>> No.9738910
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I want Peterson to go toe to toe with . Do ya think they'd get along

>> No.9738914

I'm happy that intelectuals now make money

>> No.9738917
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>> No.9738924

Nothing he's saying is wrong

>> No.9738927

With Alan Davies? I know Zizek is considered a comedian by many, but I'm not sure it works the other way around as well. It does for teenagers worshipping Carlin or Hicks, but that doesn't count.

>> No.9738931

What the fuck. I typed in Zizek and saw it when I posted

>> No.9738939

Please, please, please don't cross out Peterson because of his recent SJW crusade.
He really provides an interesting way to understand the world in the "Maps of Meaning". It's absolutely not political in any way. It's a shame so many people won't read it because they disagree with him on completely unrelated things.

>> No.9738941

How does a postmodernists determine whether a preference is socially constructed or the result of an inherent biological imperative? Never understood how they deal with that question

>> No.9738948


>> No.9738991

It's fairly hard not to as the only outlets that gave him coverage have been alt-right/lite media. But now seeing that most of those who interviewed him on said media have themselves gone onto a proto-traditionalist narrative is hilarious how they don't seem to have listened to him.

>> No.9739042
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As much as I enjoy some of Peterson's lectures, his contempt for post-modern and Marxism is annoying. Mainly because of his "followers" all suddenly label anything and anyone with a vague notion of either as libs, cucks etc and completely disregards any conflicting information, which I'm sure Peterson himself would be against.

>> No.9739043

this guy is a fucking joke. Listening to this video, it's just strawmen.

>Gender Studies = Stalinist Russia.

Nice lies.

>> No.9739053

Maps of Meaning is not political, but Peterson's political stance is a consequence of the fundamental observations made in Maps of Meaning.

>Doesn't cite a singe postmodernist in name, quote, or even idea
He does, though. His main targets are Derrida and Foucault. Particularly the claim of moral relativism.

>> No.9739055

Knew he was a pseud since when he called himself a Christian the first time. What an utter brainlet.

>> No.9739060

>reeeee stop making money
There is literally nothing wrong with making money. You realize that this dosh goes into his lectures and university coursers he uploads and not into coke and hooker, right?

>> No.9739100

>but much of his conclusions are contingent on the fact that we accept a certain metaphysical framework and language, which he takes for granted, rather than demonstrate.
I've watched all of maps of meaning and it's pretty solid. The only fundamental axioms you need to swallow are:

>objective reality, objective truth and objective morality exists
>the world is too complex to fully understand
>you can't derive moral guidance from scientific fact alone
>suffering is bad and ought to be minimized, as in always strive for the good
>free will is a thing

That's all. If you can't accept these fundamental axioms, how are you even alive?

I'm afraid most people who worship him haven't made the effort to understand maps of meaning. Especially not the MGTOW faggots.

Not an argument. Peterson has studied nazi and commi ideology for 4 decades and when someone like that rings the alarm bell its time to listen.

Idiot. He NEVER argues on metaphysical grounds, only Darwinian and practical ones. Well and Jungian, but that's not metaphysics. Everything he claims is rooted in biology. He is not a creationist. To him God is an abstract concept, like a number. Not something that actually exists.

>> No.9739119

pseuds die God laughs

>> No.9739127

Yes I know it goes into funding his cult.

>> No.9739128

Most of his "followers" are they same ones who label any media outlet that they don't agree with as fake news, meanwhile getting all their information by a heavy handed biased platform. I doubt any of them can comprehend any sort of literature.

>> No.9739135

>Particularly the claim of moral relativism.

So are the postmodernists Marxists or are they moral relativists? Can't have both.

>> No.9739136

>To him God is an abstract concept, like a number. Not something that actually exists.
he subscribes to pragmatist epistemology, he does believe that [theological belief system] is "true enough" on the basis that it's useful in expressing correlations, he literally believes that believing in god is as justified as believing in say the big 5 model, as in the 5 traits aren't the axioms of the brain, but as a model it's descriptive enough that we accept and use it. god might not exist in-itself but religious wisdom is heuristically useful so it's more true than say, moral nihilism.

>> No.9739141

I cant say is this thread is PoMo satire or not.
wew lad

>> No.9739146

i always try to listen to a talk by him. and once i made it through one in several sessions. had to see him cry and weep and seem not very sorted out. however when he strawmans "marxism" as stalinism and not as a fundamental critique of capitalism and when he strawmans postmodernism as totally arbitrary i cannot continue. postmodernism doesnt say: everything is totally random and equally valid it just sais: distrust anyone who claims to have found the absolute truth and challenge his assumptions

>> No.9739156

your'e wife slept with another man

>> No.9739160
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>Most of his "followers" are they same ones who label any media outlet that they don't agree with as fake news
To be fair, almost everything these days is fake news. Exhibit A:

If you still trust the media, you are not deep enough into the rabbit hole. The 2016 election changed me forever.

>can't have both
Why not? Post-modern moral relativist neo-marxists. Note that "neo-marxist" is just his fancy term for SJWs. Also post-modernism is intrinsically morally relativist. Even Noam Chomsky agrees on that front. Also by post-modern he means Derrida. I should also mention that he doesn't say that SJWs are post modern, but rather that post modernism leads to alienation and nihilism and ultimately to extremism in the form of neo-marxism.


His claim is that Derrida and Foucault are to blame for the SJW meme. You know the whole "the west is evil and straight white men are literally Hitler, check your privileged" thing? Peterson consideres the philosophy of Derrida and Foucault as the memetic source of that type of thinking.

>distrust anyone who claims to have found the absolute truth and challenge his assumptions
Yes, but why? Because post-modernist SJWs seem to think that everything is about power. This is why SJWs are able to dismiss their critics so easily and refuse to debate them: Because to them dialog itself is just another power game on your part. They don't believe that people have any goal apart from power, and as a result they try to accumulate as much power as possible by infiltrating institutions. The fact that you distrust him to such a degree, thinking that he has some sinister agenda just proves his point.

>> No.9739162

The only thing that entertains me about this is sjw's are buttblasted he gets paid for opposing them

>> No.9739166
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>> No.9739177

Joke's on you. I've never even known the touch of woman :^)

>> No.9739180

Yes. But that's more sophisticated then "memes with high distribution must be beneficial to the host". Memes aren't simply parasites. Genes and memes evolved together. Archetypes are stronger than memes. Archetypes are weaknesses to certain memes that evolved genetically because they are indeed beneficial.

>however when he strawmans "marxism" as stalinism and not as a fundamental critique of capitalism
Except that he says that the fundamental observations of Marxism are valid but ultimately murderous. Don't resent people who are above you in the dominance hierarchy and don't assume they got there by cheating.

>> No.9739184

pseuds blew up the shuttle

>> No.9739185

>Not an argument. Peterson has studied nazi and commi ideology for 4 decades and when someone like that rings the alarm bell its time to listen.

When someone who has studed fascism starts telling me to boycot gender studies, woman's studies, queer studies, race studies, english literature and even the teaching of education, because he spies some marxist bogeyman at work, then I think it's time to stop listening to that person. Its extremely reminiscent of nazi-antisemitism. Group everything together you disgaree with and blame it on jews! Now we're blaming it on a philosophical critique of capitalism, but also confusing that critique with soviet governance. wew.

>> No.9739188

It's fair to label CNN as such because they make politics seem more like a pay-per-view special than actual information, that I agree with, but they'll still go mad if any media organization critiques the right/Trump. See the praise for wikileaks, then in turn the scorn with the leaks by Reality Winner

>> No.9739194

i don't distrust him at all. is think he is sincere but dumb. he is just like the SJWs and feels is identity is being threatened.
but in his case it is even more hilarious. if you belong to a racial/sexual minority and you have a history of oppression behind you i can somehow understand that you feel intimidated and react in stupid and cringeworthy ways. however if you are a normal professor you should be ashamed of your own weakness, because really you just could accept SJWs as whiny and fearsome and move along and not pretend like the world is going to end

>> No.9739196

Not marxist. Neo marxist. He means SJWs. And if you don't think those are a problem, please go back to NeoGAF.

Not everyone on the right is one person, anon. The craziest are usually the loudest. Also Reality Winner just reeks of a setup. Literally everything about that case stinks. Why risk your life "leaking" something that's already in line with the believe of most people, especially when the document itself contains ZERO proof and only further allegations? She is either dumb as a brick or a deepstate plant.

>> No.9739198

Zizek has said a lot of this nearly verbatim.
Sometimes I post Peterson quotes wih his picture and it actually starts a good discussion without any negative comments. And sometimes I do the reverse and no one notices it's not zizek.

Leftists lmao

>> No.9739205

>he is just like the SJWs
t. you

>because really you just could accept SJWs as whiny and fearsome and move along and not pretend like the world is going to end
So you're an SJW apologist. That's cute. Why is it so hard to accept that SJWs are a real threat? Do you live under a rock?

Your argument is literally "just ignore them, they will go away". Nice try. I though that too in 2011. Now look where we are.

>> No.9739207

>reeks of a set-up
I'd wager that the Intercept (whom she leaked too) have made some very powerful enemies, certainly since the whole Snowden scandal. And claims still require proof, yes? To showcase some tampering by outside state actors on one machine is the start of the breadcrumb trail

>> No.9739212

I have no proof, but one of the guys the broke the story on the intercept used to work for buzzfeed. Take that as you will.

>> No.9739213

>valid but murderous
murderous is the state, not the critique of capitalism
i agree that centrally organized communism is the worst. however this is not "marxism"

>> No.9739215
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Is this the spook general?

>> No.9739219

greentext is for fags and losers

>> No.9739220

>murderous is the state
SJWs are trying to take over the state with legislation. That's what every single "diversity officer" is. A subversive agent.

The biggest spook here is that SJWs are harmless.

>> No.9739224

why are you quoting stuff i didn't say

>> No.9739226

I don't believe he has as much as read a blurb of at least one book of Derrida. What is really entertaining is to see a peterson fan in the wild (i.e. r/askphilosophy) getting BTFO and then whining about academic ivory towers that won't pay attention to his righteous struggles. And there is something sad and banal about that.

>> No.9739227

Buzzfeed is shit, but they've got a legitimate news team doing some good investigative journalism. Similar to Vice, lots of crap, but the occasional golden nugget.

>> No.9739228

Nice argument, cunt.

>> No.9739230

Vice went to shit when it got bought by Rupert Murdoch in 2013. These days it's an SJW hellhole. It makes Breitbart look like the New York Times.

>> No.9739233

t. pseud

>> No.9739234

Not an argument.

>> No.9739237

spook general is every thread on this board

>> No.9739242

>Post-modern moral relativist neo-marxists.

Marxism, as a modernist ideology, is predicated on a fixed moral system that continues in 'neo-Marxism' as that minorities should be treated with respect. Foucault's idea of exposing political power is not relativist, it is based on the 'historical truth' of materialism.

>Peterson consideres the philosophy of Derrida and Foucault as the memetic source of that type of thinking.

He's wrong though, because social justice (you don't have to make anything up to draw the link between 'social justice' and 'SJWs' like you do with 'neo-Marxism') existed in the US before the French postmodernist texts did.

>post modernism leads to alienation and nihilism and ultimately to extremism in the form of neo-marxism.

To me postmodernism addresses the nihilism that results from modernism. It's not postmodernism that gave us the bomb or rigid institutions. These things lead to alienation and nihilism. Extremism defines the whole modern period after the Enlightenment. Why else would Marxism form? Postmodernism, by looking at the oppressed or marginalised is an attempt to recover humanity from this nihilistic system.

You owe it to yourself to not just take Peterson's word at face value.

>> No.9739243

i am just saying he exacerbates the situation.
maybe you should just call charles manson and ask him about helter skelter

>> No.9739256

I think if Peterson had actually read Foucault and Derrida he'd be able to see how their philosophy counters the SJW cult-like political oppression. He should stick to psychology.

>> No.9739257

>i am just saying he exacerbates the situation.
He doesn't. I really wish I was wrong. I met these people IRL. They would take away our right to vote if they could.

>> No.9739260

Yes, but they still make the occasional quality article/video

>> No.9739266

>SJWs are trying to take over the state with legislation.

By saying you can't exclude trannies from everyday life on the basis of them being tranny, as is a right afforded to literally everyone else in the country?

>> No.9739268

democracy is the pinnacle of posercore

>> No.9739269

The equation of a certain sort of relativist "anything goes" post-modernism with Marxism really makes no sense. Maybe the most fundamental tenet of Marx's thinking is that there are real material processes that structure society in a way that may be entirely different from the way we experience or interpret these processes.

Power is just the ability to control these processes. Certain forms of knowledge operate as power in such a system. A committed relativist or nihilist can do whatever they want with this, but a committed Marxist (or anyone who wants to pursue their vision of the good for that matter) will have to gain power in order to change anything.

It is pretty much settled science at this point that people do not change their minds for rational reasons. Dialogue and debate do not automatically lead people to the right conclusion. In order to change people's minds, you need to change the discourse. For a Marxist, there is a right interpretation and the task at hand is to advance that interpretation by whatever means are most effective. So post-modern discourse represents nothing more than a tool for attacking ideological obstacles—first you level the intellectual landscape, then you rebuild.

>> No.9739279

He doesn't claim that Derrida and Foucault were SJWs themselves, but rather that SJWism is built on their foundation.

No they don't. Are you under the age of 20 or something?

>He's wrong though, because social justice (you don't have to make anything up to draw the link between 'social justice' and 'SJWs' like you do with 'neo-Marxism') existed in the US before the French postmodernist texts did.
Before the 1970s? How?

>To me postmodernism addresses the nihilism that results from modernism.
Post modernism rejects narratives and thus eliminates foundations that tell you what to do, letting you drown in an ocean of possibilities from which you conclude that life is meaningless because in the end you're just a machine and the universe is going to die anyways, so why bother?

>Dialogue and debate do not automatically lead people to the right conclusion.
Gross. Literally kill yourself.

>first you level the intellectual landscape, then you rebuild.
Aka society itself. No thanks.

>> No.9739286

>not donating to Ben Stiller's patreon
>in 2016

>> No.9739287
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>Marxism, as a modernist ideology, is predicated on a fixed moral system that continues in 'neo-Marxism' as that minorities should be treated with respect
no it's not you fucking tard

>"y-y-you don't know what marxism is!!"
>proceeds to not know what marxism is

>> No.9739294

who /pseud/ here

>> No.9739296

You really drank their kool aid, didn't you? Fuck off to /lgbt/. This isn't about trannies. It's about legislating that gender identity is fluid and arbitrary. Meaning that if I claim to be a women despite expressing myself as a man as well as being biologically male, misgendering me would be a criminal offense. SJWs don't speak for trans sexual people. They use them as a pawn to push their control agenda.

>> No.9739299

You can't argue that Vice's ongoing coverage of the Ukranian crises isn't noteworthy

>> No.9739302

NEO-Marxism isn't marxism. Neo-Marxism is SJWism. Actual marxists at /leftypol/ hate SJWs as much as the right does.

>> No.9739304

>but rather that SJWism is built on their foundation.

Well my point is that it's not a foundation supported by the philosophers themselves. I don't think Derrida and Foucault can be blamed for certain interpretations of their text when their text can also be interpreted as against that interpretation.

>Before the 1970s?
Civil rights and feminist movements. The French postmodernists certainly did take off in the US (in a different way than in France, in fact the US model influenced the French reception of it) but there was already a foundation of social justice and even the criticism of institutions as systems.

>Post modernism rejects narratives

This isn't really true. It's an 'incredulity towards meta-narratives' which isn't an outright rejection. Besides, there are still local narratives.

>> No.9739307

8gag is for ultraposers

>> No.9739308

What a funny misreading. Good post.

>> No.9739316

>You really drank their kool aid, didn't you?

You mean I read the bill? Yes I did.

>misgendering me would be a criminal offense.

No such law exists.

>> No.9739322

I quoted you verbatim.

>> No.9739324

I know. That post wasn't clear. I don't mean that Marxism was concerned with gender and ethnic minorities, just the politically dispossesed (the workers) which is something that has continued into neo-Marxism as that concern for minorities.

>> No.9739326

he uses extremely imprecise language, certainly he intended to say "constraints on the interpretations of the world" and not "constraints on the number of interpretations..." and he makes a ton of mistakes like that.

And as far as content goes, its clear hes got a smooth brain.

>> No.9739327
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None in this thread are talking about literature.
Enjoy getting banned, faggots.

>> No.9739332

Yeah and you misread it.

>> No.9739336


>> No.9739338

I used to think so, but I'm staring to believe that Ostrovsky was not exactly intellectually honest in his coverage. Vice let of the Ukrainian side off the hook way way to easily. Really makes me think.

>Civil rights and feminist movements.
The civil rights movement has nothing to do with SJWism, you colossal cucksucker. Jesus Christ. Do you really believe all this straight white male bashing is just as good as the fucking civil rights movement? Are you fucking dense?

>Besides, there are still local narratives.
Yeah, like identity politics. Gross.

I know. I don't go to cripplechan. I was just pointing out that actual marxists hate neo-marxists too. Neo-marxists are all about gender and race, while actual Marxists are about economics.

It's not the bill itself but the surrounding legislation, especially the "social justice tribunals". You know that the law isn't just an algorithm that's executed by a machine, right? It exists within a broader context, and that context is bad news.

That's my point. Neo-Marxists are not marxists. Just like neo-nazis are a joke compared to 1930s actual nazis.

>> No.9739340


>> No.9739356

Right I'm thinking of accidental misgendering. But religion is just as fluid and arbitrary and it is a part of the same law.

>> No.9739364

>b-b-b-but religion!!
you lost the argument my dude

>> No.9739371

>The maximum civil fine that the commission may impose upon “misgendering” is $125,000. But when the violation is the “result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct,” the maximum fine can double to $250,000.
If it's accidental (not willful) you just pay half as much.

>> No.9739376
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>Marxism is Soviet Communism

so is this guy like the 21st century version of Nozick or Rand under a better mask of pseudry?

>> No.9739383

>Guys everyone just misinterpreted Marx, Marxism is a philosophy of peace I swear, just give me absolute power and I'll succeed this time for real

>> No.9739384

The man has just gone up in my estimations

>bb-b-b-b-but le cultural marxism is just an alt-right boogeymen, shrieks the hook-nosed kike

>> No.9739387

>Dialogue and debate do not automatically lead people to the right conclusion.
All I meant by that was that if two people argue, it generally only serves to reinforce the positions they already held. Study after study has shown that when people do change their mind on an issue, it has almost nothing to do with things like taking new evidence into account or following a more valid line of argument. Whether you're a Marxist or a Rawlsian liberal or a White Nationalist, you presumably think that your beliefs are the best beliefs. But that should not make you think that open dialogue will get people to agree with you simply because you are right. Discourse is a game where ideas struggle for influence, but it doesn't follow rational rules.

I'm not against free speech, because I think (with Marx) that individual freedom has enormous inherent value and should be the aim of any society. Argument is worthwhile, even if only as a form of self-expression. That's why I'm bothering to argue with an idiot like you. With that said, however, I want to emphasize that it is just stupid to pretend that speech is harmless. Discourse is a tool for the reproduction of an oppressive and exploitative hegemony, and it is also a field in which that hegemony can be challenged. While it primarily serves the dominant social formation, free speech also keeps that revolutionary space open. Anyone interested in changing the status quo should attempt seize and utilize discourse without maintaining any delusions about the way that is operates.

>> No.9739390

>The civil rights movement has nothing to do with SJWism

Yes it does. The misinterpretation of the French postmodernists colours the idea of social justice but social justice existed in the US before them.

>Yeah, like identity politics.

No? But I'm not sure what your point is now -- narratives are good because they give meaning but some narratives are not allowed? Postmodernism 'rejects' narratives but still uses narratives like identity politics?

>You know that the law isn't just an algorithm that's executed by a machine, right? It exists within a broader context, and that context is bad news.

The existence of a law doesn't mean it's always going to be interpreted in a way you don't like. It may not be executed by a machine but it is basically an algorithm that can only be extended as far as it will go and not beyond that.

>That's my point.


>> No.9739392

nod and agurmend :-DDDD

>> No.9739393

>Discourse is a tool for the reproduction of an oppressive and exploitative hegemony,
No it isn't you fucking retard. Speech by people who are in power is not any more powerful and the speech for the disenfranchised. ESPECIALLY since the internet.

>> No.9739398

I guess you can leave then

>“Accidentally misusing a transgender person’s preferred pronoun is not a violation of the law and will not result in a fine,” Mr. Hoy said.

There seems to be different degrees of it. Purposeful misgendering is basically harassment so I don't see why that shouldn't be against the law.

>> No.9739402

Peterson is a joke.

Traditionalism is always Neo-Traditionalism. Whatever wholesome christian, humanist society that he imagines is past. You can't put fire back into the box.

In the future, how could their not be more sexualities, more genders, more ideologies, more races, more and more identities of every type imaginable and many which we can't even yet imagine.

A few million years ago, there were no genders, no sexuality, no races, no religions and certainly no sex. Just weirdo archaebacteria floating around asexually reproducing.

There is nothing universal about gender or sexuality. Any 'biological imperative' is that could exist is by definition genetic and therefore temporary. Something else will come along, soon enough.

Peterson's new-age jungian psychoanalytic christianity is just one more bastard ideology of the general orgy of all ideologies and religions. Neo-traditionalisms, through the act of setting themselves apart, only cause more fracture and more division. The counter-reformation couldn't stop the splintering of christianity, it only made it splinter faster, farther, harder.

Ironically, the only way Peterson can get what he wants is probably through some stalin-esque repression of his enemies. It'd only temporary though.

In the future, everyone will not only have a unique name (surely a novel invention at some early stage of prehistory) they will have their own unique gender, sexuality, religion, race, diet, sports team, favorite celebrity, etc etc that will not be shared by anyone else.

Baudrillard hit the nail on the head with this quip about surgically reassigning astrological signs.

>"Plural identities, double lives, objective chance or variable-geometry destinies - all this seems very much like the invention of artificial, substitute fates. Sex, genes, networks, desires and partners-everything now falls within the ambit of change and exchange. Destiny, pain - everything is becoming optional. Death itself is an option. The very sign of birth, your astrological sign, will one day be optionally available in a future Zodiacal Surgery Institute, where, under certain conditions, you will be able to change your birth sign the way you can change your face today. "

So, by all means peterson-fags, continue to rail against post-modernism and everything you hate. Just like Hillary Clinton speaking the name 'alt-right' you can only bring further awareness to that which you desire to suppress and destroy.

>> No.9739404

how does stiner reconcile the brute fact that people are born with innate inclinations and disinclination towards specific mental states with the fact that any attempt to articulate those preferences into a belief system counts as a spook

>> No.9739407

This is what happens when you don't read the whole text of what you're replying to.

>> No.9739415
File: 31 KB, 852x674, 1436471852313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even call myself a marxist but marxist theory is not a roadmap to run a government, the soviet union's failure had a whole lot of factors playing into it, using that as evidence to write off any anticapitalist doctrine as somehow premeditated oppression is just intellectually dishonest and ignoring the issues.

if you want to be a crusader against marxism attack the economics, attack the theory itself, don't rely on a slippery slope comparison to a dark spot on world history.

>> No.9739417


>> No.9739420

>SJWs support both Islam and femism/queer whatever
>But guys how could they be Marxists and relativists and postmodernists at the same time, it makes no sense!
Welcome to the real world. Not everybody spent their life carefully crafting their Weltanschauung so that it would be perfectly self-consistent.

>> No.9739426

its pathetic how post modern is a boogeyman for this literal adult

>> No.9739428

>No? But I'm not sure what your point is now -- narratives are good because they give meaning but some narratives are not allowed? Postmodernism 'rejects' narratives but still uses narratives like identity politics?
There are good narratives and bad ones. Objectively speaking. Identity politics and collectivism are objectively evil.

>but it is basically an algorithm that can only be extended as far as it will go and not beyond that.
And where exactly is as far "as it will go"? Where do you draw the line? All you do is relativize. Here is a little doozy for you:

>There is nothing universal about gender or sexuality. Any 'biological imperative' is that could exist is by definition genetic and therefore temporary. Something else will come along, soon enough.
Do you have any fucking idea how deeply rooted the gender dimorphism is? Good look at getting intersex people to reproduce, lmao.

>In the future, how could their not be more sexualities, more genders, more ideologies, more races, more and more identities of every type imaginable and many which we can't even yet imagine.
But this is the present, you """"progressive"""" fuckhead. I don't give a shit about the next million years, I care about the next 200 years tops. Even 100 is pushing it.

>In the future, everyone will not only have a unique name (surely a novel invention at some early stage of prehistory) they will have their own unique gender, sexuality, religion, race, diet, sports team, favorite celebrity, etc etc that will not be shared by anyone else.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh boy. I don't even want to refute that. Please be bait. If so, 11/10. Never been more mad.

>> No.9739429

People don't engage in discourse from within a vacuum, they do it from a position in a society that comes with a heap of biases reflecting that position. Points of view that benefit the powerful will always have an advantage because the powerful are in a position to instill biases that are beneficial to them. You're wedded to some false dichotomy between speech and reality, when really the former is embedded as a part of the latter. It's not impossible to challenge authority—free speech and the internet certainly help. But it's also silly to act like discourse takes place on a level playing field.

>> No.9739433
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>d-d-don't critique marxism's applications throughout history (that have all been monumental failures), r-real marxism hasn't been tried!

>> No.9739437

>they do it from a position in a society that comes with a heap of biases reflecting that position
Muh bias. Here is a hint. I used to be the most leftist person I knew. I was pro LGBT and still am to a degree. This has nothing to do with pushing Mike Pence style conservatism, you fag.

>> No.9739442

>Jordan Peterson is a young starry eyed history buff and psychologist
>hears about this cool war novel from a colleague called Gravity's Rainbow about oppressive states and psychological conditioning
>he can't do the kenosha kid
>DAAAAAMNN YOU POSTMODERNISMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9739443

t. pseud

>> No.9739444

maybe differentiation and diversion is not the only operator in the universe.
consider the following:
quants disperse and collect to atoms
atoms disperse and collect to molecules
molecules disperse and collect to DNA
DNA disperse and collect to living beings
living beings disperse and collect to culture
culture disperses and collects to ...
... disperses and collects to omega point

t. Teilhard de Chardin

>> No.9739450

>Study after study has shown that when people do change their mind on an issue, it has almost nothing to do with things like taking new evidence into account or following a more valid line of argument.
the unwashed masses aren't philosophers

>> No.9739451

>they do it from a position in a society that comes with a heap of biases reflecting that position
Muh bias. Here is a hint. I used to be the most leftist person I knew. I was pro LGBT and still am to a degree. This has nothing to do with pushing Mike Pence style conservatism, you fag.

>But it's also silly to act like discourse takes place on a level playing field.
It is. Nothing is stopping you from reaching a million people. There are SJW youtuber with such a great reach. All the fucking universities and media is on their side. Don't give me that "but muh position of power" crap. Look at Buzzfeed, HuffPost, Salon, Slate and Vox. These are not underground. They do not question the establishment. They are the new establishment. You people are already in control and still play the victim card. Almost every single official document issued by my university is infested with SJW gender language conventions. Silicon valley is a progressive circlejerk. You won. Stop claiming that you're the underdog.

>> No.9739454

>Identity politics and collectivism are objectively evil.

Well this doesn't have much to do with the original discussion so I'm not prepared to comment.

>And where exactly is as far "as it will go"?

Well there are finite interpretations on a set of words. An algorithm can't be made to do something it can't do.

>> No.9739457

"Real" has nothing to do with it. The historical failures are not necessarily inherent in the theory. You don't give up on an ideal because it has been badly implemented, you try and improve it.

>> No.9739462

I know bias had become a bit of a buzzword, but I just meant it to mean something like "non-rational causes for your beliefs or actions." Bias in this sense isn't necessarily bad. I get the sense you are intentionally misinterpreting what I say. That or you are a legitimate brainlet.

>> No.9739464

I agree with him on many things, but stuff like "the gulag archipelago invalidates (economic) marxism", just seems like bullshit to me. Human compassion can sometimes be secondary to creating a more perfect society.

>> No.9739467

>premeditated oppression
Gee I was being a scaredy-cat and conspiracy nut all along. The concept of a "dictatorship of the proletariat", a pillar of Marxist theory endorsed by marx himself, is not oppressive at all, just like other dictatorships right? Please spare me the gulag tovarisch.

>> No.9739471

Yeah that's the problem. Although this is probably true of many "philosophers" as well.

>> No.9739472

>Human compassion can sometimes be secondary to creating a more perfect society.
Oh yes, now let's kill people for the greater good! Fuck you. The collective is a spook.

>> No.9739473

I'm skeptical that any 'counter-entropy' within our situation is anything but temporary. You know, the second law of thermodynamics and all of that stuff.

But it is an extremely important question you raise. Given nature's tendency to start organized and deteriorate from there, what exactly is Life? I'm not entirely sold on the idea that it is 'building' and not just some runaway ecological disaster, a slow burning fire that leads to explosion. After all, if Life is negentropic, then what the fuck is Climate Change? Surely a negentropic system should lead itself into ecological disaster for the convience of petroleum based vehicles and power plants. Some, instinctual mechanism should flip on and fix things, right? Well, only if Life isn't yet just one more example of runaway explosion.

Nick Land sums up my points pretty well.

"From the moment of their initiation – or even their conception – they confirm a sovereign atomization, and its reconstruction of the social world on the model of a menu. Dreher’s much-discussed ‘Benedict Option’ is no exception to this. There is no withdrawal from the course of modernity, ‘back’ into community, that does not reinforce the pattern of dissent, schism, and exit from which atomization continually replenishes its momentum. As private conscience directs itself towards escape from the privatization of conscience, it regenerates that which it flees, ever more deeply within itself. Individuation, considered impersonally, likes it when you run."

>> No.9739480
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the greater good is a spook. so is your christian morality. but so if a whole lot of individual egoists stand to personally gain from killing some others in name of their functional society why not?

>> No.9739496

this is a case of having an "everyone does this [stupid thing; human nature] except not me because i'm self aware" type of self image. being aware doesn't necessarily mean you don't do it, but sometimes it does, so thinking in this way is not necessarily delusional.

>> No.9739499

pseuds are dumb throw rocks at them

>> No.9739502

>so is your christian morality
I'm not relligious, at least not in the classical sense. My only core belief is the existence of free will. God dammit, why are you progressives you fucking dense?

>but so if a whole lot of individual egoists stand to personally gain from killing some others in name of their functional society why not?
Because they can't. Committing murder does damage to you as a person.

>egoists [...] in the name of their functional society
Lmao. That's not Stirnian egoism. That's just collectivism.

>> No.9739510
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sounds like some spooked up christian (slave) morality to me dumb nigger

>> No.9739511

>My only core belief is the existence of free will
you just had to pick the dumbest one
i sure hope you define free will as "that feel when i incline my mind towards something"

>> No.9739514

t. pseud

>> No.9739517

Really? I started college too and joined the student union. We organize some stuff and drink beer nothing more to it

>> No.9739521

i divine that you're the laughing cruise poster

>> No.9739526

If you are a determinist, literally kill yourself.

t. materialist defeatist nihilist

You must be lucky, or somehow blind to SJW ideology.

>> No.9739530

radical individualism is a spook.

>> No.9739532

I'll take a random guess and say you don't live in NY or Cali.

>> No.9739535

>functional society
2spooked my dude

>> No.9739540

he's really not wrong about pomo and neomarxists, he's just propagating an obsolete form of libertarianism that doesn't take into account things like automation and assumes that cultural decay and capitalism aren't interconnected.

>> No.9739543

don't tell me you believe in libertarian free will
do you believe in souls as well lmao

>> No.9739548

i don'T think the second law of thermodynamics applies. life defies is. if it really would apply then we would have ergodic thermodynamically stable entities. instead we have spatial and dissipative structures.

>> No.9739553
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>that doesn't take into account things like automation

>> No.9739554

>libertarian free will
What does free will have to do with lolbertarianism?

>do you believe in souls as well lmao
Cogito ergo sum. The idea that I am nothing but a machine is laughable.

>> No.9739576

im just more of a fan of critiquing those who are really in power, not some whiny tumblr queen-
just like peterson should critique contemparary global capitalism and not some "neo marxist" strawman. he is just a weak as faggot and it hooked on capitalism as a father figure because it feeds him.

>> No.9739584

>>What does free will have to do with lolbertarianism?
i wanted to meme on you by saying something condescending like "read books to find out", but a libertarian would say here that your choices need to be free from determinism in order for moral responsibility to exist

>Cogito ergo sum
not an argument for free will my man

>> No.9739588

>im just more of a fan of critiquing those who are really in power, not some whiny tumblr queen
>just like peterson should critique contemparary global capitalism and not some "neo marxist" strawman
You're aware that neo-marxist doctrine is like 50% applied in Europe and Canada already, right? Neo-Marxist jews are currently in power and have been for a century.

>> No.9739592
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You have to go back. . .

>> No.9739594

Hey, I also hate SJWs. The American "left" is almost worse than the right—at least the right challenges the status quo. Campus "radicals" and the Democratic party are perfectly satisfied with a statist, capitalist system in which identity politics provide the illusion of progress while the entire system depends on Bangladeshis working 18 hour days for pennies. The "liberal media" is actually a good example of what I was talking about. Supposedly radical politics are commodified and comfortably subsumed into the dominant system. Capital likes identity politics because it just creates more demographics to sell useless crap to. Capital like immigration because it provides cheap labor. In the US, the elites and the "left" have formed a happy and unholy alliance against "populism"—that is, AGAINST a political movement whose foundational principle is "power to the people." I don't like Trump himself or the Republican regime in general, but at least his election represents some attempt to point the ship in a different direction.

So basically, I agree with you a certain SJW infested center-left coalition has "won." But that's exactly what I was talking about when I said that the the hegemonic discourse is at an advantage—it's absorbed a supposedly revolutionary discourse and nobody has even noticed. The "culture war" is a distraction. It literally should not matter whether we call some crazy person "he" or "she" or "xe" (sp?). You said the SJWs "are the new establishment"—it seems like we can finally agree on something. What post-modernism tells you is, "be wary of the new establishment." What Marxism tells you is "new establishment, same as the old establishment."

>> No.9739595

>hurrr it's a cliche so it must be wrong by default
KYS. The majority of humanity has only basic physical labor to sell. Automation reduces the price of labor. Hence the necessity of mobility and education which is beyond the reach of the majority of the population and the uprooting of communities. Prove me wrong faggot. INB4 "free market always comes up with new jobs"Those jobs aren't compatible with sub 100IQ nowadays.

>> No.9739599

peturdson lol

>> No.9739602

>. . .
nice pseud ellipses

>> No.9739604

boy, i am german and old white dudes are in power just like they have been for the last few thousand years. i don't object this per se as i am a caucasian male myself but you need to man up and stop feeling threatened.
you are embarassing

>> No.9739609
File: 540 KB, 1524x872, AFTER THE ORGY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post this 'What do we do after the Orgy?" bit by Baudrillard. I think it's a great example of post-modern thinking, the kind of which Peterson isn't even pretending to engage, and which does not at all line up with his straw-man arguments of neo-marxist totalitarian bogey men.

Whatever fantasy Peterson is living in, of some return to old narratives and the soundness of myth and community is just a simulation of the old ways. It's Traditionalism as Neo-Traditionalism. After the orgy of liberation of all things, we're certainly free to fiddle around with myth and dream interpretation and maybe even create some functional cult based upon those values, but it's just one option among any. Society disintegrates, you're only shoring up sand castle at high tide.

Peterson seems oblivious to technological change.

Nick Land makes a comparison between a hypothetical cardinal bishop, excited at the invention of the printing press, who thinks it will help advance Catholic teachings. It will, but more importantly it means some radical in Germany is going to translate his own bible in German and start a peasant revolution against the Pope.

Land says the internet is a similar technological watershed, but one with even more distasterious, schismatic effects. Anyone who thinks the Internet will advance Democracy (let alone Christianity) is delusional and missing the big picture. Today, all ideologies and all religions are merely options on a menu.

"Individuation, considered impersonally, likes it when you run."
"Nothing makes it out of the near future alive"

Peterson is just a cosplayer. He's no more a jungian or a christian than a Furry is an animal.

>> No.9739610

>he majority of humanity has only basic physical labor to sell

you are now aware of the fact that you're unable to define automation in a way that includes machines and robots without also being forced to include chickens laying eggs by themselves, plants growing, and other farm systems.

>> No.9739615

Don't get me wrong, I definitely do this. Sometimes I catch myself, so I assume a lot of the time I must not. It's pretty hard to do anything about it. I do think I do it less than the average person—but I guess everyone probably thinks that.

>> No.9739618

triggered much, commie?

/lit/ is an alt-right board. get out.

>> No.9739622

/lit/ is a reddit board. You get out.

>> No.9739623

/lit/ is leftist and always has been dipshit

>> No.9739630
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, reddit is that way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boy, i am german and old white dudes are in power
to plebs like you they appear to be up there on the stage of your parliament/congress, but the juden pulls the strings

>> No.9739631

take a hike /pol/-tourist

>> No.9739632

>im just more of a fan of critiquing those who are really in power
You should be an anti-SJW then. :^)

>just like peterson should critique contemparary global capitalism and not some "neo marxist" strawman.
SJWs are a million times worse than robber barons. At least the robber barons don't want me dead for being a white male. At least the robber barons don't want to criminalize normal hetero-sexual behavior. At least the robber barons don't brainwash toddlers int believing they have gender dysphoria. At least the robber barons don't try to censor public discourse. Stupid socialist cunt.

>old white dudes
Did Merkel get a sexchange? Also the fact alone that "old white dudes" is part of your vocabulary makes you my enemy. Get out of my country.

>What post-modernism tells you is, "be wary of the new establishment."
You can successfully attack SJWism with post-modernism and my initial objection to them was indeed post-modern too, but that leaves you without a system to install once you have dethroned them and post-modernism is insufficient, because it leaves people starving for easy answers thus resulting in SJWism or fascism. Post-modernism is a failure and the current social climate stands as proof. Post-modernism is too wishy washy.

>> No.9739639

>you are now aware of the fact that you're unable to define automation in a way that includes machines and robots without also being forced to include chickens laying eggs by themselves, plants growing, and other farm systems.
Nope, you see chickens and plants and basic machinery of the type invented in the early 20th century necessarily involved some form of basic human labor to complete the finished product (the farmer who collects the egg, works the loom, etc). In this way demand could be increased to compensate for increased productivity. Modern automation does not require this intervention beyond negligible things like weekly inspections. In this way, productivity per unskilled worker goes up astronomically, way beyond our ability to absorb production. Nobody needs a thousand cars. Additional demand is produced in other fields, but these involve technically skilled or creative work that people without above average intelligence are not capable of providing. This is the root of most economic problems of our era.

>> No.9739648

People with 150+ IQs are not referred to by rational people as "idiots".


>> No.9739654

>that leaves you without a system to install once you have dethroned them
That's where the Marxism comes in ;-)

>> No.9739657

he's not an idiot, he's just grounded by a need to stay "rational". Understandable, since true geniuses like Jung or Evola who delved into the esoteric would be rejected by pop society.

>> No.9739659
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>> No.9739662

>i don'T think the second law of thermodynamics applies. life defies is. if it really would apply then we would have ergodic thermodynamically stable entities. instead we have spatial and dissipative structures.

I'm going to admit to not fully understanding the notion 'ergodic'. Do you mean the second law of thermodynamics only applies within a 'bound' system with edges and we will simply dissipate outwards without limit?

Because if this is what you're saying, then I agree but I'm confused on how Thermodynamics doesn't apply to this. The outwards motion will sometimes result in us colliding with other objects, but eventually everything arrives at trajectory that no longer crosses anything else, and then stillness.

Heat Death of the Universe is maybe the only universal constant. Philosophy needs to account for it. Christianity, Capitalism, Humanism are all predicated on the idea that things never end or that if they do end, they continue elsewhere (heaven, progeny). And that simply isn't the case. There was a time before humans and there is a time after humans.

>> No.9739664

>Hey guys let me prove Peterson wrong, I'll show him not every post-modernist is a relativist idiot like he likes to think
>it's just one option among any
>Today, all ideologies and all religions are merely options on a menu.
Was this post satire? I can't tell anymore.

>> No.9739673

I agree, but it's the way in which Peterson engages them and the reason he does it that demean him as an intellectual. He doesn't tackle other thinkers, he just directs his attention to some insignificant people who abuse the concept of democracy. He doesn't even provide an explanation for the cultural or psychological motivations they have for acting like they do, he just says they're wrong and harmful.

>> No.9739677

>Modern automation does not require this intervention beyond negligible things like weekly inspections.
>it's automatic except for when it isn't
so you're saying farms are not genuniely scottish

i also don't see how going out to your vegetable garden and picking out a few ripe looking tomatoes to add to your salad counts as finishing the product as opposed to consuming it, unless we delve into deep levels of semantic fuckery so consummation is the moment when a conscious being experiences the qualia of salty tomato

>> No.9739684

t. pseud

>> No.9739689

don't you ever dare t. pseud at me ever again without attaching an image of tom cruise laughing hysterically

>> No.9739694

I think people tend to underestimate capitalism's ability to create new demand. Pretty soon everyone in the developed world will have a different iPhone for every day of the week. Spending money gives people a rush, even if they're buying something completely useless. When Rick Perry reiterated Say's Law the other day, I don't think he was actually entirely wrong (obviously oversupply of a specific product won't create its own demand, but overabundance of productive capacity in general can create its own demand because it can be funneled into new products which are then advertised and disseminated until they become needs. Automation may eventually destroy capitalism, but capitalism is more resilient than people think.

>> No.9739709

>>Doesn't cite a singe postmodernist in name, quote, or even idea
He does so all the fucking time.
>>Makes the claim all postmodernists are neo-marxists without a shred of evidence to back it up
Right after invoking their names, he often repeats their ideas in their own words.
>>Says he first advocated defunding any discipline whose ideas he doesn't like
No, he advocates cutting university funding so that the universities are forced to choose what to fund.
>>Changes his mind and decides he should target parents and kids who have yet to be exposed to these ideas
By "target" do you mean "talk to"? Oh, what a terrible thing to do.
>>Thinks its incredible that there abstracts are being taken and republished on a site that doesn't give the opportunity to actually read the article and who intends to embarrass them
Doesn't matter what the site intends, it's a simple word-for-word lifting of the abstract. Anyone who has ever written an abstract knows how matter of fact it's supposed to be.
>>Thinks you can sniff out whether or not something is postmodernist by whether it uses a no-no word, and thinks this is a reliable enough method that it should be the basis of whether a course gets subscribed to, no further investigation necessary
I can.
>>Takes one 'postmodern' idea and says all 'postmodernists' subscribe to it, and by extension they're all bad people
Maybe watch one of his talks in full before spouting off. His primary blame lies with the system funding the shit.
>>Thinks the phrase social justice is inherently postmodern and evil, even using it means you are corrupt and your wrongthink must be stamped out
No, he argues that it's inherently postmodern and evil, because it is. It's "justice" with a qualifier added. And "justice" with a qualifier is deviation from justice.

>> No.9739710

ergodic means that each state of a given system is equally probable over the time of its existence. so if it has 10 states it will remain in each state 1/10 of the time.
however we don't have that. we have strongly entropic systems that reach new pseudo equilibria on higher energy levels all the time.
the "big bang" is negentropic, the formation of stars and planets is negentropic. why isnt it just some static and still and cold organized grid like structure? this would be the case if thermodynamics really worked. i just think it works for some hypothetical systems but not for reality as such

>> No.9739715

It might be relativism, but it's also realism. You have to doubt 'the one true god' or any absolutist position simply because of the existence of counter narratives. A truly absolutist, objectivist, moral philosophy can't even engage with the idea of a coherent enemy, merely a perverse or evil one. You get that in Peterson's wilful mischaracterization of everything he dislikes as part of the 'SJW neo-marxist' conspiracy. But he can't deny that his opponent's are 'on the menu'. The very fact that he has to ask for paetron donations, and not just demand a tithe like the old Church did, is an example of how ideology is elective, optional, performative, etc etc.

>> No.9739723
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hi guys,
let's stop arguing and watch incorporated instead.
i think we all could agree on that.

>> No.9739733

>new products which are then advertised and disseminated until they become needs
i've seen this meme many times, but i'm skeptical of the almost magical powers attributed to advertising efforts. the sentiment that people are stupid sheep and can be made to want anything seems to me predicated on the false assumption that human beings are born blank states to be filled up by the society. in my opinion it's the economy that adapts itself to satisfy what people already want, by creating new products and innovations, rather than brainwashing people to want what is easy to manufacture.

>> No.9739739
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no, you are wrong,
sorry to break it to you

>> No.9739749

I think one of the worst things about pomo is that it destroys so many "spooks" necessary to proper social function without a addressing some of the more fundamental and harmful ones, like the tech is inevitable meme. All that technological advancement does is give us new ways to fulfill wants. It doesn't compel us to use these new avenues. Modern society is absolutely obsessed with the idea that if we can do something we must even if it is socially destructive. Automation is the same line of behavior as reckless pollution was in the late 19th and early 20th century. And at the core is po-mo fetishization for material goods. When you've taken away all other forms of meaning, the only one left is materialism.

>> No.9739769

no, you're just believe in the popular narrative fed to you about the efficacy of advertisement, ironically proving that the statement does apply to you, but not necessarily everyone or most people.

>> No.9739772

>The idea that I am nothing but a machine is laughable.

Sounds like something a very elaborate machine would say

>> No.9739800
File: 208 KB, 405x438, 1486522596703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of nu-/lit/ unironically uses stirner memery and defends marxism/postmodernism
leftypol needs to stay in their containment zone

>> No.9739803

i don't have a smartphone or any brand clothing or a car or anything of the sort.
however many people define themselves about material status. no need for advertising for that,but it definitely propels all this to a certain extent. i strongly recommend:

>> No.9739810
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>> No.9739812

wew hold on a second you don't have a smartphone or a car do you even work or do you just sit in your mansion all day reading and writing
do you have hounds as guards

>> No.9739836

he's trying to make this vast conspiratorial "meaning map" that stretches from the gulag through college de france to berkeley but he doesn't even understand the historical and political contexts in which that transmission of marxism took place. if he did he would understand the very actively anti-soviet positions of the thinkers he "cites," and understand while their ditching of class struggle, while vocally anti-totalitarian, was perfectly palatable to a new left that no longer cared to pursue politics beyond the university.

>> No.9739857

it's a shame that /lit/ is infected with marxist garbage.
You all need to go ahead and kill yourselves if you think communism/marxism is anything but degenerate.

>> No.9739859

in europe we have somthing called "bycicles" and "public transport" which must seem like the most obnoxious idea when you are used to wearing your fossile fuel powered 1,5 ton steal armor around you at all times when going out. also you need it to protect you from SJWs and their gang banger affiliates.
and yes, i earn my own money, if this is important for you to know in order to see me as a valuable human being. but ofcourse i am reading a lot, however today i was sitting on the rhine under a tree in order to do so. no writing enough tho

>> No.9739862

what do you faggots look like in real life
you speak the rhetoric of musty 50 year old men

>> No.9739867

i second this question
maybe shill bots are real?

>> No.9739879

>Doesn't cite a singe postmodernist in name, quote, or even idea
he almost always talks about Derrida and Focault, calling Derrida "Head Trickster"

>Makes the claim all postmodernists are neo-marxists without a shred of evidence to back it up
This one I think is arguable, but he does draw a connection between Derridas idea of Phallogocentrism and social justice extremists not allowing debates or open dialogue

>Says he first advocated defunding any discipline whose ideas he doesn't like
He said to cut funding to schools so that they have to choose what takes precedent: social justice classes or STEM classes. He also said later that he regrets saying this, claiming that he was just angry at the time of speaking it.

Rest of what you said I think could be argued for

>> No.9739882

You're supporting an ideology that killed more people than Nazi Germany.
Deflect and ad hominem attack all you want, your argument is built on the sand of a hundred years of failing communism.

>> No.9739883

>you speak the rhetoric of musty 50 year old men
t. hedonist sex addict who wishes he grew up in the 1970s

>> No.9739885
File: 227 KB, 566x635, 1499666592806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Peterson drone and I use Stirner memes. Stirner is anti-marxist.

>> No.9739898

only cucks care about death tolls

>> No.9739902

Math can't even prove itself right, you pop science pseud. Look up Gödel's Second Incompleteness theorem and then consider suicide. You stupid niggers just replaced religious dogma with scientific dogma. But it's not even that. Your radical stance against anything that doesn't fit into modern science is anti scientific itself. Science is meant to question itself constantly. You people don't question, you people just treat it like gospel.

t. /his/

>> No.9739905
File: 174 KB, 499x499, 1443490371486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not supporting anything, and i'm certainly not a communist. i just find this sudden moral superiority popping up on 4chan ridiculous. on /pol/ it makes sense, but when it spills over into other boards... so the same guys i'm having a good old time discussing poetry and novels with are these brainwashed self-repressing wonks who see in terms of purity and degeneracy.

i'm assuming most of you are young, in your 20s probably, and i just can't imagine what you must look and live like. to be so completely humourless and hemmed in by your own meme morality at this point in your life. is it an act you save for the internet? or do you walk around all day with a snarl policing your own thoughts and calling people degenerate?

>> No.9739908

Great, because my helicopter just got fuel up.

>> No.9739918

>not an argument for free will my man
But against materialist positivism, and your rejection of free will is likely derived from just that. I can't prove that free will exists, but I can't prove that your arguments for its non existence are edgy nihilist bullshit.

>> No.9739924

t. hedonist pedophile drug addict

We oppose degeneracy because it has ruined our lives.

>> No.9739940

lol, you are making my point for me thanks. if you had actually read the picture you would know that i am on your side. also i have a very good grasp of gödel's incompleteness, turing's halting problem, russel's paradox and cantor's diagonal argument etc. i oppose vulgar material reductionism, but thanks anyway
"I'm not a robot"

>> No.9739951

>fuel up
Further evidence that the pinogay meme is posted exclusively by south american teenagers.

>> No.9739956

I read the picture, saw the Dawkins quote and closed it. Is the picture supposed to make fun of the people on the right as close minded dolts? If so, I do apologize. I'm in bit of a hurry.

>> No.9739960

boycotting institutions that aim at indoctrinating people into hating themselves, the people around them, and the society they live in, while simultaneously teaching them that they are victims and because of the way that society is structured, and that there is nothing they can do about it other than violently overthrowing the structures that lead to the development of every luxury that they now take for granted, is reasonable in my opinion.

>gender studies, woman's studies, queer studies, race studies
Ive taken these courses and I can tell you from my own personal experience that their aim is not to "study" anything. Its basically: Youre a victim because of straight, white men.

>english literature and even the teaching of education
This one is a little harder for me to deny, but I believe Petersons reasoning for this is: If the faculty is no longer teaching your children how to become responsible, hard working adults and is instead teaching them to become victims; You should not send your kids to these schools.
However, taking this statement as an absolute is foolish on your part. I dont really think he wants people to stop getting an education. I think he just wants people to be more aware of whats going on so that they can resist their negative influence.

>> No.9739968

I'm a 22 year old German. And no, not a lolbertarian or ancap.

>> No.9739975

>hedonist pedophile drug addict
not him, but:
you got me
the point is:
a huge percentage always has been atracted to underage girls, by which i mean 14+, which today is called pedophile but was perfectly normal once. being a drug addict is shit but you can always quit if you want to. the only really shitty stuff is alcohol, opiates and cigarettes anyway. also i read and study way to much in order to be a mere hedonist. i would even call myself socially engaged and very political.

>> No.9739976

materialist monism is the dumbest shit i ever heard about and don't you ever accuse me of that ever again my man
i reject free will because i understand the inner workings of my mind to be composed of habitual behaviors and addictions which i'm unable to rebel against, so i'm not "free" to "will" my body and mind to do whatever i feel like, i'm at best able to slightly incline my mind toward or away from certain behaviors

>> No.9739979

Why are you using a meme for subhumans if you are a European?

>> No.9739981

yes it is. im glad i can agree with someone on here for once :)

>> No.9739983

>a huge percentage always has been atracted to underage girls, by which i mean 14+
Yes, but it undermines family values. Fucking teenagers promotes promiscuity with is degenerate hedonism and ultimately destructive. If you think I'm wrong, take a good look at elliot rodger types.

Thanks :3

>> No.9740017

why do people who continue to not understand postmodernism keep conversing about it? has there ever been another case in history where people have created a strawman out of such a fundamental misunderstanding?

>> No.9740018

>American universities

>> No.9740022
File: 264 KB, 441x472, post an argument right fucking now or ill literally fucking kill you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le his interpretation of x philosophy doesn't match up perfectly with my own personal interpretation of x philosophy, therefore that's my argument

>> No.9740029


THis guy is intolerable. I try to stay away from debates about alt/left alt/right bullshit but surely both sides would do well to start empathising with the positions of the other rather than bickering like two scrawny schoolkids getting into a brawl at lunch. Calling for the cutting of university funding for humanities courses really speaks more this guy's autism than his ability to reasoning (he must be autistic; not even memeing).

>> No.9740031

the implication that postmodernists actually exist is a fundamental misunderstanding of postmodernism. why do you persist to be ruled by ideology, anon?

>> No.9740033

>cutting public university funding in the current year WOULDNT be a good idea
so you're the retard then

>> No.9740037
File: 177 KB, 292x426, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the implication that postmodernists actually exist is a fundamental misunderstanding of postmodernism
you were pretending all along. got it

>> No.9740038

Postmodernist is just another word for poststructuralist.

>> No.9740042

you need to read more de sade

>> No.9740045

>His false interpretation based on literally 0 evidence is just as valid as the objectively true interpretation based on textual evidence

Participation award culture at its finest

>> No.9740049

>I try to stay away from debates
Just like all those germans enablers of Nazism. Anybody who doesn't defend feminism IS alt-right. Wake up.

>> No.9740051


Yes I am. Good retort.

>> No.9740053

His argument is pretty silly.

>Cut funding by 25%
>Also the humanities can't pay for themselves
>They're Marxist because they aren't effective enough to be economically viable

>> No.9740058


I don't mind debates but it's not a debate It's more of a shit flinging contest. You're right that any sane person would try not to get caught in the crossfire.

>> No.9740062

he makes 50k/month from donations??
am i reading this wrong?

>> No.9740071

He isn't arguing, It isn't a debate, he's simply stating facts; Humanities departments are some of the least efficient and most wasteful departments on campuses.

>> No.9740073

My country has next to no university funding and equally no joke field like feminist/queer/whatever studies. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.9740082

He doesn't state that at all.

>> No.9740087

>le he fails to adhere to the near-universally accepted and historically-used academic definition of x philosophy, instead calling out a straw man version of that philosophy and outright lying about well-respected, highly influential intellectuals, and le he's not arguing against anything that exist in reality but against some fucking shadow puppets he's making with his hands ie relativism (which nobody outside of prisons and asylums believes in) and "neo-marxist postmodernism" (which is by definition contradictory) then he's not worth listening to in the slightest
One day Bob and Trevor are having an argument about whether humans are monkeys or apes. Bob argues that humans are apes, because they are primates who can walk upright and don't have extended, prehensile tales. Trevor argues that by humans he means unicorns, and by monkeys, he means imaginary stabby-ponies, and by apes he means primates who cab walk upright and don't have extended, prehensile tails.
Technically, both Bob and Trevor are correct, but Trevor can kill himself, because that's not what any of those words mean.

>> No.9740090
File: 233 KB, 472x472, PYdlf_Ki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively true
get a load of this queer who doesn't understand what postmodernism is

the irony

>> No.9740093

>Calling for the cutting of university funding for humanities courses
No, he's calling for a percentile cut.

The obvious result of a sizeable cut would be the decimation of some humanities fields, because certain humanities fields are worthless bullshit.

>> No.9740094

I understand what it is, it's just wrong. Muh subjectivity doesn't give license to make up whatever you want about a philosophy though; it's not supported by the philosophers themselves.

>> No.9740101

>it's not wasteful to spend millions on research with no clear aims or results

>> No.9740103

Since women's studies etc are interdiscplinary it wouldn't actually get rid of the studies. Also I don't see the problem with teaching people how to read, research, argue, cite, etc if it's something they're interested in. Undergrad degrees aren't really for the specialist knowledge

>> No.9740109


>Peterson sounds insane, before you actually meet those people he is talking about IRL.

Maybe that's true but he simply sounds intolerant of any postmodern thinker, not matter where they stand on the spectrum of identity politics or social justice. I believe he has a real problem conflating the actions of certain types of students with the actions of all, akin to believing everybody who has a blog on Tumblr must also have green hair. As is, he's standing atop that stage in hyper-vitriol mode as the crowd cheers him on for being intolerant in the exact way he's describing the followers of postmodernism to be.

I'm not American but if this is what passes for intellectual discourse in North America then it's extremely sad.

>> No.9740112

Your opinion isn't relevant to the topic.

>> No.9740120

>Bob argues that humans are apes, because they are primates who can walk upright and don't have extended, prehensile tales.
Bob evidently doesn't understand phylogenetics very well and is stuck in antiquate taxonomy. He probably also thinks bats are most closely related to birds since they fly.

>> No.9740128

This piece of shit is almost at bump limit, keep it up

>> No.9740135

I did. And it's degenerate. I even fapped to Days in Sodom. Libertinism is evil.

Watch his Maps of Meaning lectures. Then you will understand why the REALLY despises postmodernism.

>> No.9740137

Mate he said that he thought that was a good idea at first but now he DOESN'T want to cut funding.

Also it's true that if you are a professor in the hard sciences you could go get a job in the private sector, whereas humanities tend to depend on public funding.

You guys are retarded too!

>> No.9740138

Name one advancement in the human condition which has been the direct result of a women's studies paper which you can cite.

>Since women's studies etc are interdiscplinary it wouldn't actually get rid of the studies.
Universities are constrained in the courses they can offer simply due to their budget.

You may not be able to rid academic institutions of quacks, but you can force the quacks to teach non-quack courses.

>Also I don't see the problem with teaching people how to read, research, argue, cite, etc if it's something they're interested in.
I don't see the problem in teaching people anything, so long as it's not the result of a government intervention, either directly through funding, or indirectly through removal of guiding incentive.

>> No.9740140

I'm gonna throw out some facts to back this up

>Over 50% of academic papers are never read by anyone other than their authors, peer reviewers, and journal editors. This rises to over 90% in the humanities.
>humanities professors are privately suffering from a near total mental meltdown as their prestige deflates, to combat this professors are spending more and more of their energy building inappropriate buddy-buddy relationships with their students.
>It's literally impossible to stand out as a humanities student, meaning awards, grants etc are awarded at near random
>A lot of English departments accreditation are under investigation because their courses have become so water-downed and impossible to fail

>> No.9740143

They really don't take biology seriously in any way. They believe that humans have no nature whatsoever, which means they can be socially moulded in anyway possible given the right means. Which is obviously and factually wrong.

>> No.9740145

Evil is in the eye that sees evil.
t. Hegel

>> No.9740155

>Name one advancement in the human condition which has been the direct result of a women's studies paper which you can cite.

Why? What does that have to do with the topic?

>> No.9740165

>You may not be able to rid academic institutions of quacks, but you can force the quacks to teach non-quack courses.

No, the interdisciplinary courses would just get shuffled into the more established disciplines. Which was the case initially before it emerged as a distinct field.

>> No.9740171

That's a modernist position

>> No.9740180

can anyone name me a woman's studies academic that is on the same level, in terms of intellect and accomplishments as Albert Einstein?

>> No.9740181

>Which is obviously and factually wrong.

It's not entirely wrong tbqh.

I can perfectly imagine a society where everyone was socialized forcibly to be homosexual for example, but it requires a tyranny.

Biological realities can be destroyed. It just requires totalitarianism.

>> No.9740182

The statement that the humanities are plagued by wasteful fields of study isn't an opinion, it's a factual claim, and it's either true or false.

The topic of this discussion is the content of the video posted by the OP, this claim is one made in that video.

Glad I could bring you up to speed.

Now, you can choose to cite a women's studies paper which caused an improvement in the human condition, or you can choose not to.

>> No.9740184

postmodernists deny biology

then why do men out compete women in literally every olympic record?

>> No.9740191

Where does he say anything about waste?

>> No.9740196

Who knows what you mean when you say 'deny biology'

>> No.9740199

>It's not entirely wrong tbqh.
If you pinch a quiet newborn baby, it will begin to cry.

Unless you're prepared to argue that a newborn baby has already been socialised, the statement that humans have no nature is entirely wrong.

>> No.9740203

I refer you to: >>9740101

>> No.9740207

Where does HE say that?

>> No.9740209

But then people wouldn't be homosexuals, they would be forced to act in a way that society perceived as 'homosexual'. You aren't destroying biological realities, you're pretending they don't exist and forcing that view upon humans. So yeah, humans are born with biological dispositions you can either enhance or supress, but never erase.

>> No.9740216

He said 'not entirely wrong' so humans don't have a nature to some degree, but also they do.

>> No.9740231

I don't accept that cutting university budgets will cause zero shift in the content being taught.

I don't even believe that you accept that.

>> No.9740242
File: 76 KB, 728x479, academia.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is essentially what the "humanities" in 2017 produce

look at this masterpiece, surely this surpasses the achievement of General Relativity by Albert Einstein

such amazing minds we have today /s

>> No.9740244

Until you hear from Peterson that he believes pouring gasoline into the ocean is a bad thing, will you just assume he's ambivalent to it?

>> No.9740250
File: 79 KB, 736x377, academia.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these masterpieces by these humanities geniuses

you might of thought >>9740242 was just a one off thing, certainty not a indicator of the field today

well guess again

>> No.9740251

The topic of the conversation is what he said specifically, not how you interpreted it.

>> No.9740256
File: 113 KB, 870x492, academia.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just never ends does it

>> No.9740264

It's hilarious you think this is a good example of how bad it really gets, I'm sure you could have found one of those papers where the author writes about watching Buffy, literally, not about Buffy, about watching Buffy.

>> No.9740274


>Why would people in different places and times formulate myths and stories with similar symbols and meanings? Are groups of people with different religious or ideological beliefs doomed to eternal conflict? Are the claims of science and religion truly irreconcilable? What might be done to decrease the individual propensity for group-fostered cruelty? Maps of Meaning addresses these questions with a provocative new hypothesis that explores the connection between what modern neuropsychology tells us about the brain and what rituals, myths and religious stories have long narrated. Peterson's ambitious interdisciplinary odyssey draws insights from the worlds of religion, cognitive science and Jungian approaches to mythology and narrative. Maps of Meaning offers a critical guide to the riches of archaic and modern thought and invaluable insights into human motivation and cognition.

>> No.9740285

oh trust me their are other ones

we havn't even got into the auto ethnographies yet

yes i said auto ethnographies

>> No.9740292
File: 115 KB, 637x559, academia.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auto Ethnographies

>> No.9740297

What have you written? A post on /lit/ asking if memes are literature?

>> No.9740298

Exactly, have/haven't you heard Dr Peterson say, explicitly, that he believes pouring gasoline into a stream or ocean is wasteful or harmful?

If you haven't heard him say it, I just want you to openly state that we should remain neutral as to his opinions of intentionally dumping fuel into the ocean.

>> No.9740300

what about the paper about the person who identifies as a trans-hippo

published in an academic journal

>> No.9740305

After all these threads I'm not really sure what to think. I'm not going to march behind someone with an ideology either who got their beliefs pushed in. I wish I could just hear thoughts from someone who isn't anti or pro Peterson.

>> No.9740306

here's a link to all the groundbreaking, world changing research being done by humanities scholars today


>> No.9740336

There's nothing wrong with this honestly. Scholar-artist is the future of the humanities as far as I'm concerned. Producing texts to be studied by other scholars, because after all the humanities is textual study.

>> No.9740343

You said he was stating facts, now apparently he is not stating facts, just implying them. Anything else to add?

>> No.9740348

lol, this is why no one takes humanities "research" seriously

>> No.9740367

You mean that's why plebs don't take it seriously. Just as well.

>> No.9740370

You might know what he's doing if you listened to the video.

It's not hard, you can just run it in the background.

>> No.9740371
File: 73 KB, 565x504, academia.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i will now post my Grand Finale

this is the stuff that we get today, my friends, this is the "research"

>> No.9740382

ok continue to make no great breakthroughs and contribute nothing to the advancement of humanity

>> No.9740383

Yeah I asked you specifically where but no response. Well, thanks for playing.

>> No.9740388


it's unfortunate that there was a time when a lot of the theory-headyness that you see circulated in feminist circles was earnestly intended to be farcical, ironical, and in that sense nietzschean. this is the legacy of derrida, and the early butler (read the preface to her gender trouble) exhibits it best: well-nigh hegelian levels of complexity devoted to complete fabulation, and intended to mock the very dense western, male discourses it has to feed off of to get its gears moving. this critique is made possible by the neitzschean heritage of deconstruction which calls into question the foundations of metaphysics, by making a joke of them. i think the hippo thing is moving back in that direction, but the "little sister" poem thing missed the joke entirely.

>> No.9740392

Speculative academia is a breakthrough, and creating a large bank of such texts does contribute. You have to study people sometime if you want to advance the humanities. You won't see it on I Fucking Love Science though so maybe that's why you're disappointed.

>> No.9740396

I guess you'll never know.

>> No.9740402

do you think these humanities scholars are on the same intellectual level as Einstein?

>> No.9740405

>implying that not letting your opponent define their terms isn't unkosher as fuck

>> No.9740406

No but these texts are being produced for some sort of Einstein to make use of them.

>> No.9740415
File: 26 KB, 460x276, 013897234513458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speculative academia

>> No.9740422

I can already think of quite a few ways to make use of them tbqhw/um8.

>> No.9740423

i doubt an Einstein figure would find these papers useful

>> No.9740458


you people have no idea

>> No.9740601

At this point he's on par with Paul Joseph Watson, who decries and blames the Frankfurt School for promoting cultural Marxism, without even realizing that they offer many of the most cogent critiques of advanced, industrial society. I doubt Peterson has read that many postmodernist thinkers, since he can barely name any.

>> No.9740613

He has read Derrida. And that's his main target anyways.

>> No.9740619

how much reading is a man expected to do before forming (and publicly expressing) an opinion
should i just go up the mountain and read books and only come down when i've read everything

>> No.9740624
File: 28 KB, 499x499, PepeOfMeaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt Peterson has read that many postmodernist thinkers, since he can barely name any.


>> No.9740626

Don't bother. It's just a standard SJW apologist deflection. I call it argumentum at "info warsium".

>> No.9740666

Fair enough but he seems to be quite emotional about the whole thing. Seems like he can't suspend his judgment.

Why would you listen to a man's uninformed "opinion"? He's seriously becoming a modern day Sophist--he's got the credentials, the experience and the rhetorical ability to prove a point, but he can't see past his own blinders. Cultural/Neomarxism is a blanket term for a much wider and disparate set of issues, and he's blaming the people who put serious mental labor into considering new ideas instead of addressing why the people who read them are incapable of interpreting a text and just parrot their ideas as justification for their puerile ideologies and lifestyles.

By all means, critique the postmodernists, but do the damn reading before you condemn their efforts. I mean, would you attend a course on Modernism when the professor has a shallow knowledge of its relevant works?

>> No.9740679

he obviously is unfamiliar with any postmodern thinking, or, any "good" postmodern thinkers. I mean, you can read a page of Foucault and realize that he would think this would be an absurd phenomena going on right now. One page.

>> No.9740681

>Fair enough but he seems to be quite emotional about the whole thing. Seems like he can't suspend his judgment.
Read / watch Maps of Meaning and you'll understand. To him post-modernism is literally the subversion of the meaning of life itself, so to speak.

>By all means, critique the postmodernists, but do the damn reading before you condemn their efforts.
Go read Maps of Meaning then before you bash Peterson.

>> No.9740689

Peterson has said time and time again that Foucault and Derrida were not SJWs, but that that the memes they introduced into society formed the building blocks of SJWism. Foucault and Derrida would be against SJWs, but that's besides the point.

>> No.9740729

>ignores the bulk of my comment
>just read his book dude

I already started Maps of Meaning. I actually appreciate what Peterson is doing because very few intellectuals are putting as much effort to reach young people and help them get their lives going. I've personally followed many of his pieces of advice to stop my addictions and to commit myself to my passion; however, I think it's dangerous when anyone with authority/credibility starts generalizing, which is why I brought up Paul Joseph Watson at the beginning. I've read multiple thinkers of the Frankfurt School and I've benefitted from them because my professors showed us how to interpret texts for ourselves and not gobble up their words so we can assimilate them into our weak ideology. And I can guarantee you a majority of his core followers are not well versed in the authors he's attacking; that would take a long time.

>> No.9740741

eyo have you ever noticed that when you read something you don't understand your brain tries to guess based on the language and context
if you fail to guess the meaning you end up creating new idea
that's why i never read anyone bro
i'm a true philosopher

>> No.9740753

>I think it's dangerous

>> No.9740763

Peterson has literally never brought up the frankfurt school and cultural marxism. Just because his personal punching bag, 70s french intellectuals and neo-marxsism follow in the same pattern, doesn't make it wrong.

>> No.9740791

Lol do you know how to read? I brought a parallel example of irresponsible generalization.

Many of his disciples are undoubtedly going to decry and denounce these thinkers without actually having understood them. The onus is on the individual to interpret for themselves and come to their own conclusions, but as I said, most students and younger people don't know how to do that. They want a justification for their lifestyle, which is why so many LGBT people like Foucault.