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/lit/ - Literature

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9692008 No.9692008 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about strength and courage?

I want to read about people who stood up to the dominant ideas of their society and then rebuilt it as they saw fit

>> No.9692011

The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin

>> No.9692020

Forgot to mention in the OP: no cuck shit. Anything that expresses pity for the inferior and resentment for the superior can't be posted in this thread

>> No.9692039

great book desu

>> No.9692182
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>> No.9692186

Taxi Driver

>> No.9692212
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>> No.9692371
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So "people who stood up to the dominant ideas of their society but with whom I also agree". How intellectually courageous of you.

>> No.9692702

Why would anyone superior rebuild society? They're already superior within the society.

>> No.9692908

The dominant idea in society can involve placing the inferior on a pedestal (like what's currently rampant in the west). Do you pay attention to the world?

>> No.9692920

Read a book about Napoleon Bonaparte.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, honestly a lot of romantic poetry

>> No.9692942


> I want to read about people who stood up to the dominant ideas of their society

> Anything that expresses pity for the inferior and resentment for the superior can't be posted in this thread

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9692947

>t. resentful herd-creature

>> No.9692965
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>> No.9692966

Define 'inferior'. Are you saying that the protagonist can't feel sympathy for cripples, small children or animals like dogs?

>> No.9692973

I bet you're the kind of person who uses the word "edgy"

>> No.9692975

I bet you're the kind of person who doesn't have a very fulfilling love life.

>> No.9692977

My diary

>> No.9693002


Or, indeed, any persecuted or downtrodden people. If the book depicts a group of Christians being thrown to the lions in a Roman arena and portrays them as sympathetic victims, has it expressed pity for the inferior? Or is this perhaps entirely about OP looking for a book that shits on people he doesn't like?

>> No.9693011


OP's picture certainly defines the meaning of the word. Radioactive levels of cringe.

>> No.9693014

>+5 rubles

>> No.9693045
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>implying our actual society isn't dominated by the shrillest and most snivelling strain of Cultural Marxism

>> No.9693050

If it were, then Trump wouldn't be president. Unless you think Trump and his compatriots are cultural marxists...

>> No.9693051

just look at the treatment faggots get nowadays, everything has to glorify homosexuality and put it in a pedestal, yet they still claim to be victimised. It's like they relish in their victimhood

>> No.9693056

read some history on Nazi Germany. sounds like your type of guy, aut-right fascist>>9692020

>> No.9693078
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How are gays inferior? Don't gay men have higher educational attainment than their straight counterparts?


>> No.9693097

it's probably affirmative action

>> No.9693106


Because only middle class white people come out as gay. If you're white trash or a darkie you're going to keep that shit to yourself.

>> No.9693112


They must be inferior, or OP might have to scrutinize his attitude towards them.

>> No.9693116

1) Affirmative action is race-based, not gay-based, and if it were affirmative action, then you would see an increase in admissions among lesbians, but there's only an increase in college admissions among gay guys

2) Affirmative action is an admission strategy, so even if we were to suppose, for the sake of argument, that schools were deliberately shafting straight students in favor of gay men, it wouldn't explain the higher completion rates for gay men

>> No.9693119

But then what's going on with lesbians vs. gay guys? The effect seems to be reversed for women.

>> No.9693222

only because they are coddled by society despite being serving no function except that of glorified pets for progs and multinational corporations.

>> No.9693238

So gay guys have easier lives than straight guys? How? What tangible, specific benefits do they get that would explain a disparity in educational attainment? And remember to cite sources like I did.

>> No.9693256

woah i must be such a privileged monster bigot, I am genuinely sorry and will subject to reprogramming if neccesary.

>> No.9693274


The point he made is that you contradicted yourself, how come a masterrace /pol/ack with superior IQ, a truck and a big dick did not catch that?

>> No.9693288

>Strength and courage
Exodus. Moses had to stand up for he and his people, and become a leader, when he had little faith in himself or God.

>> No.9693295

I never accused you of being a bigot, you strawmanning imbecile. I just asked you to form a cogent argument, and you're responding with sarcasm. Do you have an argument or not?

>> No.9693322


>> No.9693326

So this is the power of a GED...

>> No.9693345

>W-what? You want me to provide an actual argument? B-but I only know buzzwords!
>Maybe if I type the buzzwords in all caps, I'll win the argument!

>> No.9693380

but anon, having pity for the inferior IS courage

>> No.9693402

>he literally wants a "safe space" when he reads books

Are you fucking kidding me.

>> No.9693405

Reminder that you're all replying to a guy who caricatures the retards from /pol/

>> No.9693413


Just looked this up, the author and his themes intrigue me. Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.9693472
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bump because I'm actually interested in books that have main characters emphasizing strength (whether physical or mental) and courage to overcome themselves or their issues.

>> No.9693631


My whole family is from Dubuque.

Who are you? We're probably related.

>> No.9693639

daily reminder people like OP are literally russian shills being paid to shitpost

im not joking by the way, we've had some pretty interesting insider info over on kc

>> No.9693651

This. You're such a fucking idiot, OP.

What you really mean is: Books from the point of view of the majority who are trying to make sure a new wave of social norms are crushed and nothing changes.

>> No.9693653

american liberal elites and their hanger ons find themselves on a world that is changing, a world they can no longer understand. THE SLAV is just a convenient scapegoat, a cypher for all that is threatening and other, a mirror image of what THE JEW is for the alt right.

>> No.9693704
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>the majority who are trying to make sure a new wave of social norms are crushed

I wonder why would they want to do such a thing? Why won't the bigoted white majority accept THIS as their children's future? all my (implicitly jewish) professors agree this is good and healthy, a natural part of every child's development. those stupid hicks I bet they haven't even heard of Foucault

>> No.9693706


i dont give a shit, i think people underestimate how many users this site has and how small a fraction of the userbase the shills actualy are. spoilers: /pol/ has more unique hits than most major news networks combined.

>> No.9693707


stop trying to normalise pedophilia, you nambla fucks make me sick

>> No.9693711

Hell, why can't gays stop to be atention whores?.

>> No.9693729

>I want to read about people who stood up to the dominant ideas of their society and then rebuilt it as they saw fit
>sticker of current president

>> No.9693762

what's the hegemonic culture again? you know the people who get to choose what filth ends up on TV and who gets published? The people who defame our heritage while ensuring pre-schoolers are forced to learn everything they could ever learn about 'fisting'? I don't know. But it sure ain't Trump.

>> No.9693781

>ensuring pre-schoolers are forced to learn everything they could ever learn about 'fisting'

This is definitely a thing that is happening

>> No.9693836

>you know the people who get to choose what filth ends up on TV and who gets published?
But Trump had his own TV show and his own book. Sounds like he's part of the problem you're describing.

>> No.9693845

give me the best science fiction you got

>> No.9693861

Yeah, it certainly takes strength and courage to agree with nearly half of the country. Guided by the idea that change of any nature is good, those brave voters went out there and helped replace an incompetent party with an even worse one.

>> No.9693889

Trump was just a battle in the greater kulturkampf.The first in what i hope will be a long series of victories. and we sure as hell ain't loosing this war, snowflake.

>> No.9694005

I don't give a shit what your moral vision for the future is, but be honest and stop pretending to be the underdog. It doesn't help your cause.

>> No.9694018

"I Just Read Nietzsche's Wikiquotes Page, and I Totally Get It Now" the thread

>> No.9694028

Trump doesn't do as you described.
Pseudo-Nietzschean, eat shit.
You are part of that strain you absolute Letzter Mensch.
You couldn't reformat a USB drive if your fucking hand was being lead through every movement. You embody weakness in every aspect.

>> No.9694040

/lit/ is by far the easiest board to bait

>> No.9694076

I for one, do give a shit about your moral vision for the future, given that said vision involves shoving cultural Marxism down our children's throats. I simply won't allow that. Period.

>> No.9694082

>my regurgitated political ideology is so much better than your regurgitated political ideology
>see, i even have obscure memester videos on youtube backing me up

>> No.9694102

Aww, did the special snowflake get his fee fees hurt?

>> No.9694105

Said the self-described unique elite (AKA special snowflake)
Eat shit

>> No.9694113

>Eat shit
Go back to your safespace.

>> No.9694123

what's with the recent trend of leftists using the right's own derogatory term for leftists and their practices against rightists?
you realize rightists aren't saying that they need a place where they are free from criticism or politico-cultural others, right?
when a /pol/ack says "eat shit," they're just being mean to you, not saying "stop literally harming me with verbal microaggressions ;__;"
and I've never seen a /pol/ack with a long list of often fancifal self-assigned identity-labels, which is what "special snowflake" is supposed to deride
I just don't get it

>> No.9694134

>I just don't get it
That's because you are dumb, racist, transphobic, homophobic, and misogynistic piece of shit.
Now fuck off back to /pol/ (your literal safespace).

>> No.9694137

I'm neither from /pol/ nor a rightist
and certainly not the guy you were responding to
just confused

>> No.9694162


The reason "special snowflake" can be applied equally as well to rightists as to leftists is because that breed of rightist view themselves as a harried underdog minority fighting the good DEUS VULT fight against some grand conspiracy that's going to tear down society and outlaw the nuclear family.

>> No.9694169

It's because nobody here actually loves reading and literature. This board is filled with larpers who are only here to try to appear smarter than other people. It becomes very blatant when you look at all the threads that devolve into shallow political/ideology debates by people who really have no idea what they're talking about. It's very sad, and why I barely bother posting anymore.

>> No.9694170

I thought the content of "special snowflake" as an insult is the suggestion that someone thinks of themselves as incredibly unique (evinced by the preponderance of personal labels) and thereby special. I don't see how a white nationalist ethos fits the bill.

>> No.9694173

I'm going to take this opportunity to say hello to all the lurkers who happen to see this post. Hello!

>> No.9694287

They think of themselves as intrinsically better and different (Unique) than other people simply because they're white. They're personal label is that they're white. (I.E. Proud member of the White race) Literally fits the bill for snowflake.

>> No.9694288


>> No.9694443

I haven't clicked that shit nigga, but I'm guessing it's peterson.

>> No.9694459

>thinks cultural Marxism is real

srsly people need to stop using this term it instantly outs them as mongos who get their political education from youtubers and radio-hosts

>> No.9694465

>assuming what my moral viewpoint is
>missing the point ENTIRELY
If you got your head out of your ass you would see that I'm literally helping your cause. Speak truthfully. You're not the underdog, you are the shepherd. You are trying to stop the underdog from killing your sheep.

>> No.9694469

Stop resenting the fact that YouTube now has intelligent content, you luddite. If classical philosophers had YouTube, they'd have used it.

>> No.9694495

just because it afirms your believes doesn't make it intelligent. I bet there dozens of vids that explain how the earth is flat or that the gov. kills us with chemtrails, just as you can find your cultural marxism vids and be happy that there are other people out there that share your delusion

>> No.9694526

Yeah, and Eat Pray Love exists, you going to denounce books and movies too?

>> No.9694544

You desperately need to read the work of Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman.

>> No.9694547


Anything about the Russian Revolution

>> No.9694551

Growth of the soil
Things fall apart
And beyond sings the woods

>> No.9694557


>> No.9694576
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>> No.9694583

I don't know of any "gay" parts of any city that look like anyone but the upper class live there.

>> No.9694598

wow oh my god media theory from decades ago. The internet isn't even what people thought it was going to be at the turn of the century. Also, you're going to take sociological theory at it's word? We barely understand how memory works, do you really think we have anything outside of math figured out?

>> No.9694604


you should post a picture of yourself.

>> No.9694614
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>and I've never seen a /pol/ack with a long list of often fancifal self-assigned identity-labels, which is what "special snowflake" is supposed to deride

>> No.9694625

To better understand why different types of media cannot accommodate all of the same ideas, and why your cognitive habits are shaped by the types of media you're most exposed to. You don't have to be a luddite to think that you'd be better off learning from reading than from watching YouTube videos, even if the speakers in the videos you watch are intelligent.

>> No.9694640

that's because homosexuality isn't well tolerated in the lower strata of society, so of course you don't see gay corners in trailer parks or ghetto neighbourhoods

maybe you were assuming all gays are born high class, in which case you're probably retarded

>> No.9694660

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. Best bio there is

>> No.9694684
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Nothing says inferiority quite like over achieving scholastically in the United States where all modes of schooling are basically institutionalized daycare conditioning people for conformity. That's not to say failing means you're smart, but it does suggest there's something 'smart' about you, an incompatibility with the bullshit.

>> No.9694757

I agree with the idea that the form of media influences the style of cognition used by the deliverer and the audience, and that you are not going to have the same experience with a book as you would with an interview or speech from the author. But I disagree with the evaluative extension to that argument where something like YouTube is fundamentally less valuable or less capable of providing valuable and transformative experiences. It seems like a defeatist and luddite kind of attitude.

>> No.9694764

Turner Diaries, kek

>> No.9694797

'Muh life is hard'


Paper degrees are now worthless as most outside of hard science cannot be achieved unless adhering to the professors status quo.

>> No.9694818

But the inferior don't hold any power within that society. That's why they're inferior.

It's like how the church espoused the virtue of poverty, while hoarding riches itself. If anything it benefits the superior in society, as it draws attention away from them.

>> No.9694827

The strong must be protected from the weak.

>> No.9694859

Yeah, like an apprentice blacksmith accepts the status quo of metallurgy.

>> No.9694872

That assumes the 'minority' group is poor. As Blacks are the largest consumer group in America, the LGBTQ movement is also a huge source of consumerism- primarily to other LGBTQ.

Money is power. They have power, they judt are liked. And frankly, few of them are likeable.

>> No.9694879

according to who exactly? try go and get and job that isnt minimum wage without a degree and tell us how that goes

>> No.9694927

I did. I pick berries and make good money.

>> No.9695206

Back to /pol/ trumpcuck. Your big daddy is going to solve all of your problems by taking your family's foodstamps away. It's all those inferior people's fault that you're incompetent, lazy, and can't fend for yourself in one of the most wealthy and prosperous nations since Rome

>> No.9695218
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>> No.9695221

Way to miss the point. I never set out to prove that gay guys have it harder than straight guys. Given that they're superficially basically identical, I'd wager they receive the same treatment. That's my point, I was challenging that guy to show me proof gay guys get a significant edge over straight guys.

He couldn't provide a good counterargument, and neither can you apparently, since you're just diverting the topic.

>> No.9695327

Why are you defining superiority by the way in which society defines superiority? Surely you must realise that those people who are heralded as the greats in society are so very often not, especially nowadays. Sounds like you've been cucked by postmodernism m8.

>> No.9695334

Everyone point at him and laugh, laugh at the insecure pol-tard

>> No.9695351

Rainbows just piss me off by this point. I get it you like to get fucked in the ass, but why the need to shove it in people's faces all the fucking time. Many of the apps on my phone have rainbow screens now. My Facebook feed is full of sickening gay tolerance content and paens to the 72 new and exciting genders. Half of the ads out there are a celebration of faggotry. Without exaggeration, one could claim faggotry is the dominant ideology of our age.

>> No.9695371

I don't think you know what ideology is.

>> No.9695508


>> No.9695589

>he still browses facebook

Anon I'm not sure what to tell you.


>faggotry is the dominant ideology of our age

>> No.9695612

>tfw proud of my politically correct victim lifestyle

>> No.9695646

McLuhan is brilliant, Neil Postman is a clueless old windbag going on about those kids and their Tee Vee's

>> No.9695692

Metallurgy and social sciences are very different. Also a metallurgy apprentice isn't going to be required to take a class on Chicano History.

>> No.9695699


Amusing Ourselves to Death is a 10/10 read anon, and highly relevant to today. It's definitely not "going on about those kids" it's a matter of fact analysis of the impact of media culture on things like elections.

>> No.9695748

I don't have that high a regard for higher education as it's practiced today, but if you're going to do something, you might as well do a good job. If both the gay men and the straight men are earnestly trying to complete an engineering degree or a biology degree or whatever, and the gay men do it more effectively, then yeah I'd say the gay men are superior in setting and achieving goals.

>> No.9695757

The pre-tv american electoral system was definitely never an athens-like paragon of rational jeffersonian democracy, but a corrupt political machine based on clientelism and controlled by bourgeoisie interests. Strikes were broken by machine gun fire. In a way, things are still the same, except for the higher degree of media driven pseudo-involvement. Postman is way too nostalgic for this fixed idea of bourgeoisie literate man.Our generation didn't experience literacy in the same way Postman's did. To insist in returning to such ideal means drowning in our chaotic technoregime late capitalist media environment.

>> No.9695763


I don't think you read the book at all

>> No.9695768


>> No.9695771

How does it feel to be a piece of shit?

>> No.9695783


>failure represents a positive quality

true cuck detected.

>> No.9695798

Postman is a dull liberal fixated on the fetishised "rational argumentation" meme. Ellul and McLuhan were devout christians, Debord and Adorno were Marxist, they had better analyses of media than Postman. Technics and Capital are tightly bound with each other. Technics as they currently exist in our society are the technics of capital. You can't be critical of technics and media without questioning the broader implications of industrial civilisation and its political economy.

>> No.9695821


you could have just said "no"

>> No.9695827

not an argument.

>> No.9695833


You havent read the book, youre just going off on tangents to avoid admitting it. Theres no "argument" to make here

>> No.9695862

>stiff upper lip and my wife cucked me: the ideology


>> No.9696219

Another Dubuque bro here. I never see any anons from Iowa, let alone my hometown

>> No.9696237


I hope Harold Bloom examines your empty skull

>> No.9696586

/lit/ is full of people who buy the books but don't actually read them.

>> No.9696601

>is adamant CM is not real
>historical empires falling, seiged, raped
>book burning
>erosion of individual rights in favour of self catering

What are you, a Bolshevik

>> No.9696630

Affirmative Action started off as a black help initiative, rather than actually enforcing anti-discrimination laws. Would have saved money if they had. Now AA is extended to the pansies and poofs of the world, but that isn't really the issue. Gender, orientation etc is no indicator of scholastic prowess. The education system, or 'no child left behind', is the root cause of lowered expectations and an abrupt insertion of identity politics into the curriculum. It's with these lowered standards that more people are able to graduate and 'excel', but those who choose to go on to tertiary education are more often liberal (unless attended a charter/religious etc university). This is the largest contributor to the degree and earning dynamic, which when compounded by LGBTQ citizens moving and concerntrating in the cities, means they generally have access to higher paying jobs. None of this factors the hiked living prices of those cities, which often renders the academic and then on career success (earnings) to be fundamentally similar.

>> No.9696735

!hehehe the man who was fat and chinese said. Hohoho he followed what he had said before. I'm sure there is more to this secret, i added. "hehhehehehe" the fat chinese man responded. I walked down stairs across buildings made of ice who were shining so,emny in light of millions of lghts who eminated from all kinds of sources. I do not believe in laws i said to a manlet who walked past me. "Thanks" he said and hugged me and walked his way. "What was that" i asked god who shrugged. Wow calm the fuck down a woman said, with closed eyes. Close your eyes she ordered me. I reluctantly followed her orders. "Now" she said but nlothing happened. I felt confused and sensed innner turmoil in the souls of others. Do you hear that violin? "What violin" but there was mre to happen. "I think therefore i am" a mouse said and became as huge as Mount everest times two + infinite amountof bigness but it all disappeared in less than a second so that earth split intwo to actions: Those who defended that this mouse existed and those who denied it and calimed that it was some mental jingoism, an delusionary exercise ofimaginative power and so on.

"What is wrong with them" said god and deleted their reality. Now on towards something new. There shall be a World he said and there was. Now add Violin music he added and Hikaru Hayashi composed a violin concierto whihc was then played by the universe. "hmm" said God and then said also:"Now add... mankind" There was silence of awkwardness in heaven and angel De Angelo said:"That's what we just had" and waited for gods response but he blusshed and said:"oh that's true." he thought for half an hour and then said: "NOW add Mankoind" and the angels looked confused and said:"But God, sir, everything just be the same". "That's true, that's true" god said and pondered. Make Mankind... less stupid he said. And the angels nodded. They said "good plan, god" and did so. There was now mankind on earth and it was fairly less stupid. Factualy this meant that females were gone. "Females are stupid" De Angelo said and other angels nodded. "Wait" said god. "Wait no." he shakened his head and said. Woman are also mankind he wrote on a letter and send it to his son jesus who was in Palestina.

100 years later a man said on his stairs and smoothly smoked a cig. He said: Smack de la Crack. - where are my drugs when i need them. Did you steal them Funny Tinny Man named Derek?" Derek shakened his head with disbelief at such accusations and responded:"I'm not a man who would steal drugs - thus i didn't do it." he walked away into the sea of people or such thing. "I want a baby to take care of" the man said. He added: My name is Heinrich von der Rhein. Von der Rhein was what one would call a jock strap. His job was fairly well paid. He owned the folks who took up to challenging him to duels. "This is my zone" he exclaimed to the world. "This is my trail" he emphasized his statement. "There's fire in my veins" he noted mildly with generosity spill

>> No.9697236

it's weaponised language, the PC left uses all the time, so why can't we?

>> No.9697277

>You're not the underdog, you are the shepherd. You are trying to stop the underdog from killing your sheep.

the shepherd is the jewish victimhood studies professor who teaches ''queering the white supremacist heteropatriarchy'' at yourcollege, the gaggle of self flagellating numales and mentally ill genderblobs are the sheep, mindless and compliant. And me? I'm just a wolf who's had enough

>> No.9697393

in my experience homosexuals are invariably teacher's pet types. Born snitches. What they lack in intelligence they make up in conformity and ideological reliability. those queers will always uphold the party line.

>> No.9697409

lol i wish that sticker was true but islam will kill all the fags soon enough

>> No.9697451
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>and me? I'm just a wolf who's had enough

Genuine Kek. What exactly in your personal life have you had enough of, that you can link back to those professors and students?

>> No.9697525


>> No.9697540

Manifesting how?

>> No.9697546
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take off the tinfoil hat and get a job

>> No.9697548


>> No.9697570

>claims people on campus are promoting zionism

you're more likely to see anti-zionist activists on campus than the reverse unless you search out and attend hillel house events or whatever...sounds to me like you're just some farmer who's never been to university.

>> No.9697576

I just don't want to live in POZworld anymore. even death is preferable to the future that awaits us. a boot stomping on a human face forever, etc, etc. better push the pedal to the metal and embrace fascism while you still can. Make your very existence into an act of rebellion. If i'm going out i'm going out fighting, not kneeling and apologising before my shrieking pathetic inferiors as everything I ever cared about is destroyed. Keeping true to my ontological nature.

>> No.9697579

>I get it you like to get fucked in the ass, but why the need to shove it in people's faces all the fucking time.

Media is also inundated with heterosexual signals, you just don't pay attention to them because they suit you

>> No.9697591

i think at age 40 i've finally outgrown 4chan lol this shit is so fucking stupid omg it is funny tho but yeah i'm done

>> No.9697598

What the fuck has /pol/ done to you people? Remarkable that one can have such an infantile fear of "pathetic inferiors."

>> No.9697599

>the enemy controls 75% of the world governments
>and the media
>and popular culture
>and youth culture
>and every minority group
>every fucking one
>and 80% of counterculture except the type I personally agree with
>and 30% of white straight men like myself are already numales who agree with (((them)))
>and everyone who doesn't agree with (((them))) is so greedy/selfish that they let (((them))) run amock anyways
>they run pedophile rings around the world, host elaborate celebrations apart from the outside world, and as we speak are conductingresearch on making them and their kin invincible godbeings
>they already control most of the western world as is, and are set to control even more in the years to come
>but they still want to destroy me and my livelyhood and send everyone like me into sex slavery because ???

>> No.9697600

40 years old and you write like you're 14. Embarrassing.

>> No.9697610

The only gays I know are total contrarian poltards.

>> No.9697614


Why do you make all of these claims about Postman when it's so obvious you've never read any of his books?

>> No.9697616

uneducated hill billy and you think using asspained punctuation on a frog collector forum makes you respectable

don't worry the grammar was flawless on my thesis, kys, thx bye

>> No.9697621

anti-semitism is the socialism of fools

>> No.9697671
File: 498 KB, 750x549, lifeline010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much those pathetic inferiors but the general culture of victim worship and slave morality.

>What can universities do? Well, that’s easier. Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing.

>If you are on a hiring committee, and you are looking at applicants and you see a stellar white male applicant, think long and hard about whether your department needs another white man. You are not hiring a researching robot who will output papers from a dark closet. You are hiring an educator, a role model, a spokesperson, an advisor, a committee person. When you hire a non-marginalized person, you are not just supporting this one applicant whom you like, you are rewarding a person who has been rewarded his whole life. You are justifying the system that makes his application look so good. You are not innocent. You are perpetuating a system that requires your participation if not your consent. When your female students of color have no role models in your department, that’s not “meritocracy”; that’s on you. Again, if you think the “great mathematicians” are disproportionately male because of meritocracy, then your sexism is showing.



>> No.9697680

how can you watch something like this and at least not feel a little homophobic?


>> No.9697694

Anon if you base your political stances off yellow journalism, be it in blind support or blind contrarianism I don't know what to tell you other than realizing that taking this crap seriously indirectly supports the idea that these writers and fags are living in anything but a fantasy world. The more you turn this weird period in western culture into a "war" the more you validate the people who desperately want to fight a war against straight cis white men.

>> No.9697705

cultural marxism is just a punchy way to describe something that's undeniably happening. it might not be up to your standards of etymology, but hey weren't you the ones saying the dictionary doesn't matter and only whites can be racist? both of us can play this game. The fact all the right people are pissed off by the term just makes me want to keep using it.

>> No.9697713

>it's a "/pol/fag confuses discussion and debate with wartalk" episode

>> No.9697725

the way leftists do discourse is way more nauseating than their views
why can't they learn how to articulate and argue better?

>> No.9697750

Sounds like you could like "man and superman" by George Bernhard Shaw

>> No.9697827

If it were phrased as 'cultural erosion' or similiar they'd be less ruffled. But muh marx.

>> No.9697850

>thinking some liberal spouting idpol talking points is actual leftist discourse
gotta delve deeper, man

>> No.9697875

is this some gross reactionary circlejerk pls stop

>> No.9697910
File: 539 KB, 238x155, unnamed (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9697913

This. Roll your eyes internally and tell them how you like your coffee.

>> No.9697916

Did you not get the boot stamping on face reference he used earlier?

Because power. Because they can.

>> No.9697917
File: 13 KB, 219x200, And+so+we+went+to+war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9698329

Their political reading is confined to headlines which they RT but don't click on

>> No.9698335

Do you guys like it there? I've driven through Dubuque a few times. It's a beautiful area.

>> No.9698359

>"Why do you care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms?"


>> No.9699267

hey cut down on that thoughtcrime you goys

>> No.9699831
File: 300 KB, 382x346, 34pl4w5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government statistics with differing nonzero y-axes

>> No.9700318
File: 151 KB, 803x868, C-EkGSeVYAE4Vo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more you validate the people who desperately want to fight a war against straight cis white men.

I think its strategically preferable to fight them in the open rather than allowing them to keep ruling through blackmail and subterfuge. If it came down to war, it's no question who's winning.

>> No.9700563

I thought the second from the top left was Sam Hyde at first

>> No.9701725

It's pretty nice. The buildings look good, the people are friendly, traffic's awful for some reason though.

>> No.9701980

Hard science works that exact way, though.

>> No.9701985

>Paper degrees are now worthless as most outside of hard science cannot be achieved unless adhering to the professors status quo.

but what about climate change bro? i thought all you redpill dudes say that science is fake?