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/lit/ - Literature

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9668231 No.9668231 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9668233


>> No.9668234
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>> No.9668236


>> No.9668238
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Can't stop laughing at this shit

>> No.9668239
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>> No.9668241

Mods plz no bully

>> No.9668243


wh.......why would god be hiring? Like....in the afterlife why would there be jobs and like....what the fuck is this tard talking about?

>> No.9668244

Leave us alone PLEASE!!

>> No.9668248

I bet theyre fighting right now

>> No.9668253

Just as planned...

>> No.9668258
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>> No.9668259

Fix your hair up boys, going to be a bachelorette on the market

>> No.9668279

This is too funny

>> No.9668300

You guys read her blog, right?


>> No.9668306

They look like brother and sister, but anyway they look qute together and happy with eachother. More than can be said for most of you, lol. Also gives me hope that I don't have to be a turboChad to get a qt gf. Fuck off, all of you, I'll get my own qt /lit/fu and you'll still be angry virgins, hahahahaha. Just wait.

>> No.9668308
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Tell me again about how this is about her opinions, for some reason, among all the possible people you could choose, and not about your own sexual frustration.

>> No.9668309

Hey Ben, how's your next masterpiece going

>> No.9668310

Anyone please inform me who they are? I missed something.

>> No.9668311

"love is an open book to a verse of your bad poetry"

>> No.9668324

thanks for compiling almost all of them, we are quite proud

>> No.9668329

>night mode cuck

>> No.9668331

Show your parents, I'm sure they'll be pleased.

>> No.9668337

David Foster Wallace and Zadie Smith.

>> No.9668342

I don't get it, he's from these recent threads?

>> No.9668343

Ben is the Zyzz of /lit/, he is proof that we are all going to make it brehs xD

>> No.9668350

Tommy Wiseau's bastard son?

>> No.9668357
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and btw I had a dream about David Foster Wallace last night.
I lived on a house boat with my family, and I came back from a party one night, and David Foster Wallace was there and he had puked all around every room and was packing a suitcase.
He saw me and said "Go away. You know what's gonna happen."
So I went into my room, where there was also puke.
After a while David Foster Wallace followed me into my room, shirtless for some reason, and began searching for something under my bed until he found it. It was a copy of Infinite Jest. He then went downstairs again.
I went downstairs too and I saw him leaving the house boat in a hurry, the suitcase in one hand and Infinite Jest in the other.
I knew, in the dream, that he was about to kill himself.

I'm not memeing, that's an actual dream I've had.

Now pls, who are these people we are talking about ITT?

>> No.9668358


>> No.9668360
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>> No.9668366
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All this time I thought /mu/ was the most autistic board

>> No.9668368


>> No.9668372

Thank you.
I can't control my dreams much. I'm an alcoholic 3 days sober so I tend to have really weird ass dreams.

>> No.9668377

I want to be lauren mayberry's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her lauren mayberry blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo lauren mayberry blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her lauren mayberry hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her lauren mayberry hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her lauren mayberry face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

>> No.9668381

It's time to go back, Brandon.

>> No.9668385

>solid layered irony
feel good about yourself anon

>> No.9668395

Didn't take too long for all this to devolve into the most embarrassing autism

>> No.9668400

why do girls have nose piercings? she would be really attractive if she didnt have one, and it cant be comfortable. i just dont get it

>> No.9668401
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sorry i didn’t pick up

i was busy in a stage of

premature mourning

for a relationship i hadn’t yet lost

>> No.9668404

It's Paul Joseph Watson and transhuman Nick Land

>> No.9668437

>qt /lit/fu
all I see is two solid 5/10s