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/lit/ - Literature

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9616239 No.9616239 [Reply] [Original]

Why buy books when libraries exist?

>> No.9616244

I don't read books, I am books.

>> No.9616253

I've been cucked by materialism.
Also I like re-reading books and I'm constantly sperging out and flipping for a random sentence in a random books. Also I get an almost sexual pleasure knowing that I almost always know exactly where a book is no matter where I fucking hid it or how much I don't give a shit about a book. Yeah baby. Find that green helvetica text next to that blue and red striped spine. Oh honey, you do bad organization so well!

>> No.9616256

Those pants would've been better if the two guys had ancient greek garb.

>> No.9616265

So no one else can stain the book and so i can re-read whenever I want.

>> No.9616273

Eactly this to t form myself as well. Let's have online sexual intercourse maybe?

>> No.9616304

tempting, but unfortunately, I can only reach sexual climax (online or otherwise) by watching me! me! me! on repeat for 9+ hours.

>> No.9616324

My local library is 2 blocks away from being in Detroit. I still rarely buy books because I have a KAO.

>> No.9616330
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>going to a library when there is a massive collection of easily available epubs all over the internet.

>> No.9616348

because saying
>Hi, do you have "Lolita" and/or The 120 days of Sodom? XD
gonna be weird...

>> No.9616365

Because I was banned from the library.

>> No.9616373

Most libraries have online catalogs and self checkout so you could check those out without having to speak or even make eye contact with another human being. I guess they would know you checked it out tho.

>> No.9616541

Why bother with libraries and dealing with humans, and possibly late fees, when you can torrent or use jstor. Hell, why bother with anything physical when you could get it free from the internet.

>> No.9616633

Physical books feel so much better than ebooks.

>> No.9616667

Why not just steal the books from large corporate bookstores that adjust their workers causing their shrink to increase and eventually forcing them out of business so smaller private and local stores can flourish without the pressure.

>> No.9616685

Give me a good torrent site.

>> No.9616698

You would need a lot of shoplifting for that to happen.

>> No.9616709

>torrenting books

>> No.9616771

>not using the trustworthy old Dewey Decimal System

>> No.9616772

used bookstores brah. if u cant afford 5 bucks you doi

>> No.9616811

So I can read books for motherfucking free.

>> No.9616845


Libraries don't have everything.

>> No.9616863

Iask my self That everyday

>> No.9616898


>> No.9616899

Then you direct-download them through libgen, mobilism, etc

Torrenting books is a hassle you don't need

>> No.9616975

>both sites are littered with dead links
>mobility on google shows a 4 month-old subreddit discussing the site being down
Dead end!
Some things will always be free (music) and others just won't.

>> No.9616984

Mobilism. If I wasn't on mobile I'd give you a link. Looks like you're going to have to google this one out

I haven't come across a single dead link from either site.

>> No.9617028

Yea' I meant Mobilism. Maybe it's my country or ISP censoring it then.

>> No.9617039


Also, if you live in usa you need a proxy to download from libgen. Installing zenmate with chrome takes less than 10 seconds

>> No.9617049

Three years into owning a Kindle and I barely go to the library. I only go when I want to buy books from their used book shop.

>> No.9617090
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Why go to libraries or buy books when ebooks exist

>> No.9617294

>libgen is down
I keep hearing this, for weeks, and not one time have I had any problems getting onto libgen. What are you people on about?

>> No.9617343

I can afford them and they're like trophies

plus they can be referenced and written on

most of all though, I don't get fees like I do 97% of the time I check out library books, or accidentally buy Chekhov's short stories for 120 dollars, or have to file paperwork after getting on the naughty list to have my card reinstated and dealing with intense anxiety and dread while a smug 80 year old librarian glares at me, her hot,dry tongue heaving its lunch redolent air upon me.

>> No.9617430


>Find that green helvetica text next to that blue and red striped spine. Oh honey, you do bad organization so well!

Wow, you're cute

>> No.9617465

Why buy books when movies exist?

>> No.9617504

Friendly reminder that there are actually people that think this.

>> No.9617510

>I don't get fees like I do 97% of the time I check out library books, or accidentally buy Chekhov's short stories for 120 dollars, or have to file paperwork after getting on the naughty list to have my card reinstated and dealing with intense anxiety and dread while a smug 80 year old librarian glares at me, her hot,dry tongue heaving its lunch redolent air upon me.
jesus fuck just read the book and then return it, or get an extension if it takes you more than the generous 3 week window.

>> No.9617525


>> No.9617530

Why buy/borrow books when you could get a cheap used kobo and load it with pirated epubs?

>> No.9617542

Because I don't want to read a book which some pleb used to prop up their broken coffee table. I also don't like it when I don't know where an object has been before I bring into my house.

>> No.9617552

I do both. I don't like reading ebooks all the time, plus I like to have the book on my shelf at home so I can instantly pull a quote when I need to or so I can flip to a part I like. I'm a visual person so having everything hidden away as a digital file on an ebook reader makes me sometimes forget what I own.

Also, I like having stuff in my house. It's a good conversation starter sometimes. If I bought all my shit digitally, books, movies, games etc. then my house would not look like I owned it. It would look plain and boring.

>> No.9617565

If you're not a fat weeb in an anime shirt no one is going to care if you borrow Lolita.

>> No.9617638

>Annotating library books
I don't think so anon, I'm not a fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9618694

Eyyy so I want to read Confessions of Victor X but I can't find an electronic version on Libgen or Mobilism, can anybody help a brother out?

>> No.9618765

Ye. Go to the Library.

>> No.9618786

Thanks senpai I'm sure my hick white trash town library has a fifty year-old Russian book about a guy having sexual adventures with prepubescent girls, I'll go there first thing tomorrow.

>> No.9618793
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>reading books off of a device with a backlight
Enjoy your poor eyesight

>> No.9618801

oh u mean like the device u read 4chan on for hours every day? that kind of backlit device? ok cool

>> No.9618822

>implying he's not using Calibre to convert them and put them on his Kindle

>> No.9618858

I struggle to find good epub files for /lit/ books :(

>> No.9618861

Interlibrary loan will have it for them

>> No.9619006

They're great for the poorfag in me. But I live in a small town and they don't have a huge selection.

>> No.9619030

English isn't my native language, but I prefer reading in english. My local library has very few english books, most of which are shitty thrillers or YA so I would be forced to read in my own language, which I usually don't want to.

I also share my books with friends and they share with me so it's not really a waste.

>> No.9619300

Thats a phat ass

>> No.9619316
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>Tried to get a pass at my local library.
>They didn't give it to me because i didn't have two non-blood related references, that is, friend's numbers to put in the database if i forgot to return a book.

Fuck them. Fuck them all.
I prefer to buy the books, keep them and read them at my pace without the anxiety of the return date apporaching. Also, i like to trade them at gatherings or book fairs; it's mostly about awkward glances and mumbled thank yous, but it's good. Not very friend-making events, though.

>> No.9619365

when I lived at my parent's home I just liked the smell of paper, often picking up stuff at some thrift store on my way home or even because by buying I could choose the language of the book

since I started moving around often, I just download .epubs to my phone because I feel the files are not inherently as worth as paper

I buy videogames, tough.. I probably need a good e-book retailer with the right selection+discounts

>> No.9619535

Point, but a moot one anyway since I'm traveling and don't really use one specific library any more. Plus I am certain I will want to own this book.

>> No.9619555

>i didn't have two non-blood related references, that is, friend's numbers to put in the database if i forgot to return a book.
what the fuck

>> No.9619561

>e-book retailer

>buying ebooks

>> No.9619597
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>the your library starts enforcing their no-singles policy

>> No.9619695

>letting other people defile your books
Fucking cuck.

>> No.9619738
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>Not using OLED
>Not using a device which can do white-text/dark-background for less eye strain
>Not using a device so that the text changes size to accommodate for the user.

>Reading for hours over either poor light conditions or off the glare of shitty coated pages.
>Having to organize physical items that take up space and deteriorate over time unless you're a pseud and don't actually read them more than once.
>Not getting revised/updated editions as soon as they are released.
>Not highlighting, referencing and cross-linking a document you want to study without actually harming it or being able to remove all that at the press of a button

Books "feel" good but that's it.

>> No.9619795


>> No.9619853

Why go to a library when you can have one?

>> No.9619931

Why not just burn all books?

>> No.9619952
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>tfw they start charging a virgin tax on every purchase.

>> No.9620693

I don't like human interaction and I like ownership.

>> No.9620746

Unrelated but where does /lit/ get their audiobooks?