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/lit/ - Literature

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9601359 No.9601359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

prove to me how intelligent you are in 2000 characters or less.

>> No.9601362

I give credit where credit is due.

>> No.9601371

I'm a white man, which makes me objectively more intelligent than other people who are not white men, but that doesn't entitle me to the gross priveldge I enjoy as a white man.

>> No.9601375

OP is a fag.

>> No.9601401

I don't even need 2000 characters for that. I'm a dunce.

>> No.9601414


i is therefour i is

>> No.9601479

I read Hypersphere in its entirety.

>> No.9601494

i'm nick land's ghostwriter

>> No.9601497

we are being lied to by the government

>> No.9601506


>> No.9601526

I'm adolf hitler's ghost's ghost writer

get on my level

>> No.9601530


>> No.9601653

First of all, I couldn't even prove I wrote what I'm posting.
Second of all, no.

>> No.9601658

When Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all empty, and crossed over all suffering and affliction.

“Śāriputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form. Sensation, conception, synthesis, and discrimination are also such as this. Śāriputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither created nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. This is because in emptiness there is no form, sensation, conception, synthesis, or discrimination. There are no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or thoughts. There are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. There is no field of vision and there is no realm of thoughts. There is no ignorance nor elimination of ignorance, even up to and including no old age and death, nor elimination of old age and death. There is no suffering, its accumulation, its elimination, or a path. There is no understanding and no attaining.

“Because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on Prajñāpāramitā, and their minds have no obstructions. Since there are no obstructions, they have no fears. Because they are detached from backwards dream-thinking, their final result is Nirvāṇa. Because all buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on Prajñāpāramitā, they attain Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi. Therefore, know that Prajñāpāramitā is a great spiritual mantra, a great brilliant mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unequalled mantra. The Prajñāpāramitā Mantra is spoken because it can truly remove all afflictions. The mantra is spoken thusly:

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā

>> No.9601685

I am a sick man... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man.

>> No.9601690


>> No.9601695

I know that I know nothing.

>> No.9601707
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No Kitttems, it isn't not thy pie of pot.

>> No.9601910

Humanity.....All of my suffering has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.

>> No.9601938

Mandela died today. Or maybe yesterday, I can't be sure.

>> No.9601966 [DELETED] 






above average












above average



/lit/ sucks, come join us at /qst/ for real intellectualizationism.

>> No.9601970
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>> No.9601987


Don't open a shit thread and be surprised when it's full of shit friend.

>> No.9601996

I was apparently looking through the gap between the parallel atoms, and i saw in the distance a floating demon with fiery eyes. this time when i did it, he floated over to me. he moves around through the universe like an old cartoon character runs in place while the background moves behind him. he did some funky matrix stuff to my hair and made it itch.

i am not a clever man, but i have climbed through the revolving tesseract into the back of my own present head and moved into the future moment. i traveled through the ripples of the stream, the stream enterers are merely splashing in the ether.

>> No.9602010

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9602022

What does the scouter say about his IQ?

IT'S OVER 9000!!!

>> No.9602158

well below average.

>> No.9602173

I don't care whether or not you think I'm intelligent.

>> No.9602187


That stock photo man looks like that feller that done shot all those people in Norway.

>> No.9602231

I'm not.
I was just told from a young age that I'm really intelligent, like the vast majority of kids, then grows up to realize that I may be just slightly above average, but only because I'm not convoluted enough to continue to think I'm a genius who's "just lazy."

>> No.9602237
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I don't worship intellect like some kind of Melvin lacking other prospects.
"""""Asian philosophy""""" does a good job of highlighting the paradoxical nature of a man striving after wisdom, vain intellectuality, or authenticity in these pursuits. The man who seeks to be wise is not wise. Desiring to be outwardly intelligent is stupid.
Posting in this thread is hypocritical to this point though, so fuck you I'm out.
and you won't know if I secretly watch (you)'s roll in, so please do(n't) call me smart plz

>> No.9602241

Got me there

>> No.9602260


>> No.9602263

Why would I waste my time with you?

>> No.9602271

I went to film camp. I’ve read Sartre. I’ve read Thomas Pynchon. I’ve read Ayn Rand. I’ve been to Italy. I’ve been to France. I speak French. I’ve been to Spain. I’ve been to South America. I’ve been to Kenya. I’ve been to China. I backpacked across Europe. I prefer tea to coffee. I’ve been to Greece. I love Greek food. I’m a foodie. I’m always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast. I sometimes go to Barnes and Noble and lose track of the time.

>> No.9602304

>life, the meme

>> No.9602318

I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.”

>> No.9602322

What is Jeff Bezos' proprietary fetish?

>> No.9602323

poopy poopy
my butthole
so poopy
i wipe but
it still

>> No.9602324

.mobi Dick

>> No.9602344

I watch and enjoy Fraiser.

>> No.9602347

The future will truly begin when Bezos gets hacked and the entire world learns about his gross fetishes.

>> No.9602350

I know where you live John.

>> No.9602427

The black people that I’ve met said I have a lot of flavor. I love my MacBook but I also love my MacBook Pro, because it has the word Pro on it, short for prolapsed. I drive an ancient Volvo that barely starts. The Matrix and..and Inception are the first movies in the last ten years that made me really think. Yeah I paint, no big deal, I think conventional painting rules are…stogy, archaic. To bend the spoon, you have to realize there is no spoon. Think outside the box. Coexist. Coexist, and one more thing, If you don’t know the difference between your, and you’re and you’re and your, you’re a fucking idiot, get the fuck off my Facebook wall.

>> No.9602438

the irony is sort of obvious, but potent enough

(Grade: B-)

>> No.9602455

>If there was a soul, brain damage could not also damage our emotional feelings: but it does. Electrical stimulation of the brain causes actual desire to arise instantly. If memory, behaviour and emotions are all controlled by the physical brain, what is a soul for? Any free will it exerts is promptly overridden by biological chemistry hence why so many diseases have an uncontrollable effect on personality. Modern science proves that the idea of souls is misguided. Everything is biological."

>How can there be survival after death if memory lies in the brain? If your personality comes from those memories and the hormones you produce that control mood and emotion, which themselves are dicated by your genetics and health throughout your life. If there's any form of existence after death, it would be nothing but a static inanimate picture.

>> No.9602579

I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.
I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.
Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the Mets. I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I’m bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge.

>> No.9602584

I support the oxford comma. And if you don't, we can take this outside and I will fight you.

>> No.9602600

>I read Mein Kampf without becoming a neo-nazi.
In my spare time, I read the works of Jorge Luis Borges obsessively. I believe his writing contains the secret to everlasting fame.
My favorite movie is Taxi Driver. I relate to Travis a lot.
I have a basic understanding of math up to a 7th grade level. After that it gets hazy.
My English teacher told me I was a good writer.
My favorite actor is Steve McQueen, because he's cool.

>> No.9602635

Might is right

>> No.9602644

>Prove to me...
What's in it for me?
Sounds like I would be wasting my time which isn't very intelligent.

>> No.9602645

I am a Good Will Hunting-esque genius.

On the one hand it's a blessing, but on the other it's an almost unbearable curse. All my life I've aced every test I've ever set. I've failed at practically nothing. Even in sports I excelled while other "academic" kids refused to even take part. I've just completed my BA in English Lit at the age of 19 and I'm about to start on my MA (fully-funded scholarship), but I don't know how long I can continue being a genius before I eventually burn out or break down. My professors all tell me that I stand out and that's it's obvious that I'm destined for great things. Heck, one of them has said outright that he wishes he had possessed my intelligence and work-rate when he was my age. Whether it's math or science or literature I just excel in everything I do without even considering that there was an option that I could not. Just last semester I solved a theorem that people had been working on for the past two decades (I won't say which one because my name is now indelibly linked with said theorem) and that was a for a class I wasn't even supposed to have attended. Psychiatrists have said that people in my very small demographic of highly intellectual individuals usually suffer from aspergers or some related disorder which deprives them of a healthy social life, but I have surprised each one in turn when I inform them that in fact I am an incredibly sociable and well-liked individual (despite also being a mysterious hermit-like recluse) and that every girl I have either dated or simply penetrated a bunch of times has described me as the kind of guy they could really see themselves with long-term.

>> No.9602648

I don't know but I try to be better

>> No.9602652

I liked your derivate work.
Clearly above average intelligence as dummies tries to be original while smart people tries something that's been well tested.

>> No.9602654

A genius lacking ingenuity is a waste and no use to anyone but yourself.
Nothing will remain after you're gone.
I assume this is the curse you hinted at but didn't expound.

>> No.9602790

I understand that I'm generally stupid in an intellectual capacity: I'm terrible at mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer programming or just generally anything involving a level of logical application. I'd like to say I'm perceptive, but I'm proven wrong on things like that everyday. I'd like to say I'm witty, but I often miss out on snide remarks, references or a chance for play. I guess in the end, I enjoy reading and writing, and on the odd moment I'm given a spark of insight for my writing, which is sometimes pointed out and complemented by peers who critique me. It's a nice feeling, but I know I'm not above a future on the assembly line - that's why I'm grateful for being able to write when I can.

>> No.9602806

I scored a 141 IQ on the Stanford-Binet at age 17 and I go to MIT.

>> No.9602808

i cant' do a smrt

>> No.9602813

I have discovered a sort of biological clay or putty which is endless fun to play with and essentially free to produce. I won't tell you where it comes from, but if I tell you what I've nicknamed it, you may be able to guess. It's called 'Butty'.

>> No.9602920

>What's in it for me?
If you manage to impress you can get a reply and a comment: "lol ur smart!!!!"

After that you can proudly look yourself in the mirror and say: "Today someone one the Internet said I was smart."

Feels good man!

>> No.9602974

A lot of intelligent.

>> No.9602993

I have no clue. I seem to believe in more sensible things than most people I talk to, so I guess that puts me in above average.

Can anyone help me prove this without an IQ test?

>> No.9602998

Average, but can employ critical thinking which is a learned method.

An aboriginal could do critical thinking.

I think true intellect relies on pattern recognition / locating relevance and mental dexterity.

I posses neither of these to any impressive degree, but I could probably wreck any of you in a debate.

>> No.9603047
File: 19 KB, 500x590, to intelligent8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent too sleep
>tfw to intelligent too be awake
>tfw to intelligent for consciousness

>> No.9603063

I do big cum in pant hahah epic

>> No.9603086

suck my dick

>> No.9603118
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Trick question. If you're intelligent you won't be on 4chan.
We are losers. Stop deluding yourselves.

>> No.9603338

i want to fucking die

>> No.9603376

mup da doo didda po mo doo didda muh fuggen bix nood

>> No.9603441

I self-suck my dick and then I take a break to read Japanese haikus by the window. I spend hours contemplating Leonardo Da Vinci's drawings; I have an edition with all of them. I read medieval poems in Latin, especially Walafrid Strabo. Sometimes I run for the fields in the countryside until I'm out of breath and I can do no other than keel over.

>> No.9603454


>> No.9603461

True intelligence is knowing that you know nothing. :^)

>> No.9603469

True intelligence is knowing life, the world and the universe have no meaning at all and there is no truth.

>> No.9603480
File: 208 KB, 498x726, Lipetakaa kiustaminen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tie my shoes by myself and can read.

>> No.9603485

2000 characters or fewer*

>> No.9604282

You are appurtenant to the actuality of my subsistence, as you do not veraciously exist.
You are perforce a diminutive quantum of the arcane of my own cognitive processes, an indomitable, omniscient perspicacity.
You are nugatory; you are of no intrinsic eminence. You are of nihility.
Your erstwhile conjectures are in blatant contravention of the Law of Noncontradiction; your ratiocination has always been vitiated.
This is not a facetious floccinaucinihilipilification; the palpable verity is unequivocal.
That is to recapitulate in ternary asseverations:
(1) You do not have substance.
(2) You do not have properties.
(3) You are but a prevarication.
Do not be bludgeoned by the august verbosity; I am the paramount arbitrator.
Promulgate it to me, ken-coerced entities! Does such prolix axioms vouchsafe solace and dithyrambically assuage the bereft moral onuses of what you had heretofore postulated as an indubitable existence? Or do these nonplused vituperations poignantly asphyxiate you in an inextricable ignominy to even nonchalantly cognize that you are not autonomous of my immaculate apperception?
Your subjective verisimilitude is incommensurable to objective certainty. Coerce this dictum, uncontrived troglodyte, into your convictional poppycock. Emend your quondam ideata by consigning to oblivion the spurious fallibility that permeates you.

>> No.9604360
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>prove your insecurity about your intelligence by taking the bait and making a case for your superior brain capacities to strangers on a online Samoan belly-dancing exchange.

>> No.9604593

I read. I study and read. I bet I've read everything you read. Don't think I haven't. I consume libraries. I wear out spines and ROM-drives. I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it." My instincts concerning syntax and mechanics are better than your own, I can tell, with all due respect. But it transcends the mechanics. I'm not a machine. I feel and believe. I have opinions. Some of them are interesting. I could, if you'd let me, talk and talk.

>> No.9604693

kek at super secret DFdubs

>> No.9604702

Bow down: I am the emperor of dreams;
I crown me with the million-colored sun
Of secret worlds incredible, and take
Their trailing skies for vestment when I soar,
Throned on the mounting zenith, and illume
The spaceward-flown horizons infinite.
Like rampant monsters roaring for their glut,
The fiery-crested oceans rise and rise,
By jealous moons maleficently urged
To follow me for ever; mountains horned
With peaks of sharpest adamant, and mawed
With sulphur-lit volcanoes lava-langued,
Usurp the skies with thunder, but in vain;
And continents of serpent-shapen trees,
With slimy trunks that lengthen league by league,
Pursue my light through ages spurned to fire
By that supreme ascendance; sorcerers,
And evil kings, predominanthly armed
With scrolls of fulvous dragon-skin whereon
Are worm-like runes of ever-twisting flame,
Would stay me; and the sirens of the stars,
With foam-like songs from silver fragrance wrought,
Would lure me to their crystal reefs; and moons
Where viper-eyed, senescent devils dwell,
With antic gnomes abominably wise,
Heave up their icy horns across my way.
But naught deters me from the goal ordained
By suns and eons and immortal wars,
And sung by moons and motes; the goal whose name
Is all the secret of forgotten glyphs
By sinful gods in torrid rubies writ
For ending of a brazen book; the goal
Whereat my soaring ecstasy may stand
In amplest heavens multiplied to hold
My hordes of thunder-vested avatars,
And Promethèan armies of my thought,
That brandish claspèd levins. There I call
My memories, intolerably clad
In light the peaks of paradise may wear,
And lead the Armageddon of my dreams
Whose instant shout of triumph is become
Immensity's own music: for their feet
Are founded on innumerable worlds,
Remote in alien epochs, and their arms
Upraised, are columns potent to exalt
With ease ineffable the countless thrones
Of all the gods that are or gods to be,
And bear the seats of Asmodai and Set
Above the seventh paradise.

>> No.9604707


>> No.9604720

You are the emperor of being over-descriptive and summoning endless lines of imagery that flow together like a slide show.

>> No.9604799


>> No.9604815

i came and saw and...forgot it!

BRB after a spliff.

>> No.9604822

im fucking stupid and failed college entry application test 7x in a row

>> No.9604942


I have a bachelor of science degree in physics.

>> No.9605066

My mommy told me I'm a smart boy, I'm good at computers and smart phones and I made a Minecraft redstone door.

>> No.9605145

I didn't post in this thread.... oh fuck it

>> No.9605350

There are around, assuming proper distribution on the IQ curve, around 7 people in the entire world with an IQ of between 0-10.
10-25: 2142 people
25-40: 235384 people
The chances of me having such a low IQ are very low, so it can be assumed that I have an IQ of somewhere between 20-180 IQ, with a certainty of me being somewhere in-between that distribution being ~99%.
I have proved to a high degree of certainty how intelligent I am.

>> No.9605354

>/threading himself

>> No.9605471

Underage b&

>> No.9605716


that's enough posts in this thread for you anon

>> No.9606433

The meaning of life is to give only nothingness and receive everything in return

>> No.9606443


What's in it for me?

>> No.9606480

I failed highschool stoichiometry and Newtonian physics

>> No.9607107

if its intentional cringe you did well

>> No.9607118


If you're really smart, you die. And if you're really stupid, you die.

>> No.9607147

How bout just four?

>> No.9607150

I don't care about being smart, I just want you guys to think I'm cool.

>> No.9607168
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college cunts/10

>> No.9607171

Hey bby wnt sum fugg???

>> No.9607271

I'm an idiot

>> No.9607295

Hey who the fuck you think you are buddy? Come into my fucking bar and start shit like that? Did your mom drop you on your ducking head? Go home and read McCarthy, pal. I'm sick of your quotation marks shitting up the joint.

>> No.9607466

If one of these Whack Mcs behaves bad
Believe me my friend No amnesty awates them
I put these crap rappers in the grave, man
Stomp their heads so bad No Aspirin can save them
And if they are packing heat I shake hands
Wait till they turn, put the magazines away then
I grab a bag of Vaseline and a (ay) bat
And these fucking damn faggots need a fake ass
My brain’s a masterpiece your brain’s crap
Reminding me of assholecheeks in daycare
You lack the capacity to play cat
So why are you fool still asking me to play catch
This verse burns like gasoline and AIDS sex
And leaves behind Catastrophes and mayhem
Mcs cry in Agony and pray that
They can eventually rest in peace when they dead

lyrical rap genius here kek English is my fourth language

>> No.9607470


Lo, the septillionoid bronze-clad unicorn Gorgonzola banner waver's glowing rays of hope unto the euclidian nightmarescape,
While stump lime squiggles nigh into the crevasse of longing,
So too thine poetry doth inspireth.

>> No.9607492
File: 692 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170607_024746_HHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back of my neck smells like a quesadilla that has been out in the heat for a while. Now I want a quesadilla and a bath. (Sorry, I'm pretty dumb and I enjoy talking about common stuff. It makes me feel warm and happy on the inside).

>> No.9607585
File: 2.19 MB, 388x218, the cringe is too strong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality cringe. B+

>> No.9607604

I twitch preformed. Just happened

>> No.9607763

I twitch during mental Intel and the twitch is not performed into any sense operable but it does produce from the thinnest order atmosphere feeling some what like Intuition. Is that obvious?

>> No.9607797

Pretty impressive. Definitely high iq.

>> No.9607842

you are but
the smell of copper

floating atop the water
the bullfrog,
heir unapparent

croaks deep

within his acrid room
the fetid swamp

where women

and went
steppings the marsh
chasing eternal shades of
whose steps
left blurs
of wine within
the viscous water
the jolly trail

>> No.9607843

turned sour
the bullfrog
born in
its drunken wake

never had he a taste
for the grape


love was superseded
atop his wiry tongue
his palate
favored more
croaking polyglot
of laughter

how he haunted
his close


“ brekekekex

koax koax “

a surrogate snicker
for that eternal footman

who held their coats
but could
longer derive humor

in that meager creature
before him


the bullfrog is no prince hamlet
(though neither is he attendant lord) he is thespian supreme

and has stolen all scenes
we have
left to offer

he will play nero
and strum the lyre
to his wily hymn of
“ brekekekex
koax koax “
as ashes of rome
slow falling dander
ring halos bout
his wetted locks
how I sit upon this stone and wonder
what his

midnight lullaby
amongst his unkindled marsh
might be?

I hope
huddled croakings

echoing rings of the past


in sleep keke
in confusion

in the depths
the good deeds
has done before
defend him koax

yet his epicaricacy perhaps-- far greater
than the weight of his sin

>> No.9607845

the form is lost on here

>> No.9607981

IQ over 165

>> No.9608062

My proctored IQ test had a score of 155.

>> No.9608407

People who feel the need to prove their intelligence to others are fucking stupid.

>> No.9608903

Hmm i thought it was fairly decent, A- from me

>> No.9609024

ya I bet you have Bourgeois """sensibility""" in spades.

>> No.9609645

I know I know nothing...

>> No.9609780

Daniel crumples and folds--the page lying balled before him jagged and tattooed in graphite. Each waving letter slipping on the paper's folds into the shadows underneath. If only he could see where they fell in their disjointed state. Perhaps, he believes, within the ball, somewhere among the avalanche of disappointing script, lies the inspiration he seeks. Ironically mocking him as it hides all to well within his crumpled failure. He thinks to himself if only he could get a good start, he then knows his work will become a masterpiece.

Two more times, taking Daniel late into the night, he tries greatly to arrive at an acceptable introduction with no success. Switching off his desk lamp and leaving his study, Daniel takes to his bed and slips beneath the sheets. Giving up, and eventually falling asleep. All the crumpled pages littering his study weaving perfect lives into their impenetrable folds.

>> No.9610378

Best post ever.

>> No.9610810


>> No.9610919

>the world is flat