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9425854 No.9425854 [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/'s news-reading habits? What sources do you read from? Do you use any RSS readers or aggregators? When and how often do you read? Do you read articles thoroughly and compare sources or do you just skim headlines? etc.

>> No.9425906

BBC for local news, Guardian for culture and sport, Le Monde to practice French, El País to practice Spanish.

Following world news with any regularity just wears me down.

>> No.9426120

I read the free subway paper whenever I feel like indulging my sense of superiority for a few minutes

>> No.9426149

I use Readiy, which uses feedly. Usual day to day stuff I will just go to Reuters, and I have subscriptions to Archaeology Magazine and New Criterion.

If something big happens I also being to look at BBC, Der Spiegel (which unfortunately has had a massive editorial bias lately), Politico, and I sometimes enjoy The American Conservative if Dreher or Buchanan arent writing to shock.

The New Yorker and the Atlantic will have decent articles sometimes if they arent clickbaiting american liberals.

I did used to like Vanity Fair (for celelbrity and royal trash news, articles about murders in long island or monaco, and exposes on drug dealers and shady african politicians) but since the election they, along with the NYRB has gone directly down the shitter.

>> No.9427013


>> No.9427019

I only read Breitbart

>> No.9427026

I read mainly El País but I really shouldn't desu
Der Spiegel too but that's just for practising German

>> No.9427236

New York Times, BBC, El País, Le Monde, Al Jazeera for American politics and international news. Sometimes I'll put on the first 20 minutes of PBS Newshour when I'm working on something mindless. I subscribe to First Things for essays on religion and New Criterion for art and culture. I also check AL Daily and the Prufrock Newsletter for random stuff that I might otherwise miss.

>> No.9427243

How is it like consuming leftist propaganda daily?

>> No.9427282
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I unironically check reddit top news for 30 seconds every morning, just to be sure that a new world war has not started.

Apart from that I know literally nothing about what is happening in the world.

>> No.9427292

BBC Radio 4

>> No.9427304


I do not read the news. Engaging yourself in the "news" because you feel like you have an obligation to keep yourself informed on current events is the most aggressively plebeian thing imaginable.

>> No.9427324

I think there's a balance. Assuming that you're not a journalist or politician, then anything but local or national issues is going to be totally out of your hands.

>> No.9427486

>do you voluntarily read propaganda each day?

>> No.9427531

>reading news

I seriously hope you're kidding

>> No.9428820

What's wrong with reading the news?

>> No.9428830
File: 39 KB, 600x543, Morpheus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying that, after you finish the Greeks... you won't need to read the news.

>> No.9428834

>lay red pill


>> No.9428837

Fabricated piece meals of information with the purpose of keep you watching that not only won't give you any knowledge, but it will make think you know anything.

>> No.9428842

>not getting the reference
>associating the Greeks with /pol/
>being this quick to get triggered

Get out of /lit/ and never come back you piece of shit, you probably never finished anything longer than the Communist Manifesto.

>> No.9428871

>piece meals
Phone poster gtfo

>> No.9428880

-HS to see what people are upset about
-Guardian for culture and football
-BBC for football
-Al Jazeera to see what people aren't upset about but perhaps should be
-Local spreadsheet for angry opinions and the DUIs

>> No.9428888

NYT for reporting. New Yorker for profiles. BBC and PRI for radio/headlines. Brietbart for a laugh.

>> No.9428889

>>being this quick to get triggered
Speak for yourself breh

>> No.9428938

>Guardian for culture


>> No.9429284

I read a norwegian liberal propaganda newspaper called "Bergens Tidende".

>> No.9429324

I use Feedly

Reuters/BBC/Der Spielgel/The Hindu - for general news

The Intercept/n+one/Gurenica/The Economist (kek) - for special/ longform

Newsrrom/Radio NZ - because im from NZ.

>> No.9430028

Please read Taleb's Fooled by Randomness to learn why you shouldn't read news.

Journalism is a plague.

>> No.9430036

>then anything but local or national issues is going to be totally out of your hands

lmfao are you sane mate

>> No.9430038

Why the hindu for general news? Haven't heard of this newsoutlet before

>> No.9430040
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Mainly Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). NZZ is really the best German news outlet I know because it's unapologetically conservative. I have some more sources in my Facebook news stream like Le Monde, Le Figaro and various journals on foreign policy

>> No.9430077

They do some good stuff. The opinion pieces on identity politics are easy to ignore.

For example, here's a nice write-up on Cannery Row from yesterday (with a misleading url):


>> No.9430119
