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/lit/ - Literature

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9424323 No.9424323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ have against female authors?

>> No.9424456

If you're talking about the adverse reactions to Rand, it's because she's terrible.

I admit, I don't have many female authors in my library. Not because I hate women or anything, but because I consider myself poorly-read, and I want to try and correct that. Any you'd recommend?

I've read some Woolf and Rand.

>> No.9424471


>> No.9424478

I don't. I think there are plenty of good female authors that are worth a read.
Unfortunately, the best female author will only be as good as a mediocre male author at best.

>> No.9424479

For every Austen or there's to many Rowling's and and Le Guin's

>> No.9424491

George Eliot
Woolf (Between The Acts is a lesser read piece that has a very different feel)
Mina Loy (hate her kinda but she's got a place)
Mary Shelley
sorry I haven't read that many either.

>> No.9424494

pointless sexism is pedestrian

>> No.9424500

He's trolling you...

>> No.9424504

It's not pointless, it's the objective truth. Find me the greatest female author of all time, and I'll best her 100x over with no name males.

>> No.9424506

>tfw you read Plaths poetry and it feels like shes trying really really hard.

Almost reminded me of Rimbaud in jow you just want to tell the guy to calm down and get some water.

>> No.9424516
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You can literally skip all female authors and not lose anything of worth.

>> No.9424526

i love o'connor and like le guin. haven't read many other female authors though.

>> No.9424537

>Mary Shelley
>Agatha Christie
>Ursula K. Le guin
>C.L. Moore
>Ann Radcliffe

Try again m8

>> No.9424545


>Names the worst female writers

>> No.9424554

You're right, JKR, Stephanie Meyer, and Andrea Dworkin are the really amazing ones.

>> No.9424559

Surprised Austen isn't on the list. I don't see the appeal, but she's usually listed high on these things.

>> No.9424561
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I stand by my statement.

>> No.9424568

Mary Shelley's importance is hard to overstate

I think she was just genuinely that upset, bro. Philip Larkin is just as bad and he didn't kill himself.

>> No.9424583

Women have consistently had far fewer opportunities, both in terms of publishing and education, so obviously they're historically underrepresented. In recent years, they've rubber-banded to the other extreme where praise is heaped upon them regardless of quality and they're heavily encouraged to write identity politics books that are all basically the same self-victimizing trash. This has led much of contemporary women's literature to be samey and mediocre.
I don't think /lit/ hates female authors, there are just far fewer good ones than men.

>> No.9424591

Name me one female author that can hold a candle to Shakespeare, Dostoievski, Dante, Borges, etc. You can't. And that's why no one gives a shit about female authors.

>> No.9424603

Name another author that holds a candle to Shakespeare. You can't. that's why no one cares about reading. (with maybe the exception of Dante there is a woman that surpasses everyone you've mentioned)

>> No.9424604

>genre fiction
fucking dropped

>> No.9424606

None of you will ever be better writers than the "mediocre female authors" you're scorning in this thread, btw.

>> No.9424610

Gertrude Stein is around his level

>> No.9424611

I don't understand. You make a shitpost saying women haven't done anything of worth and you reference a shitpost, to make another shitpost. In response to the image, I mean wouldn't it just be nuts if women were facing issues that were gender related.

>> No.9424614
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>(with maybe the exception of Dante there is a woman that surpasses everyone you've mentioned)
Name them, I'm bored.

>> No.9424622

Name me one American author that can hold a candle to Shakespeare, Byron, Eliot, Dickens, Wordsworth, Austen or Coleridge, etc. You can't, and that's why no one gives a shit about American authors.

>> No.9424630

John Grisham is pretty GOAT breh.

>> No.9424631

That Jap girl
>poets (this is harder until 20th century)

just to be clear, not comparing them to shakespeare. i hope that was clear.

>> No.9424635


It wasn't hard, huh?

>> No.9424644

Hello no. The Sculptor was a better poet.
and Sir Phillip Sidney

>> No.9424645

>That Jap girl
Maybe you can say that Austen and Eliot are as good as Borges. As good as dosto? Nice one, anon.

You aren't comparing them to Dante, right anon? Right?

>> No.9424653

H.D. is comparable. The others aren't.

>> No.9424661
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>> No.9424666

angry, uncultured lonely men

like the rest of 4chan. What did you expect

>> No.9424667

>Maybe you can say that Austen and Eliot are as good as Borges.
No, you can't.

>> No.9424670

They're better than Borges

>> No.9424671

same thing they have against every other non cis white male - insecurity over the legitimacy of the wedding of value to their racial and sexual identity.

>> No.9424672

nice meme

You are right, they aren't as good as him.

>> No.9424674

>authors can be compared in powerrankings
dude get the fuck out

>> No.9424676

>I don't think /lit/ hates female authors
I made this same thread a while back and I can tell you that a big part of /lit/ definitely have issues with women

>> No.9424678

not a meme, she's just actually that good

>> No.9424681

Competition is what creates great literature. And that's why women can't write for shit: they don't understand what competition is.

>> No.9424692

>Haha Shakespear has a 423 rating to Plath's meek 48 so he's ten times better! Women btfo again!
Why are you even here? You don't understand literature. I'd bet you don't understand much at all.

>> No.9424711 [DELETED] 

But that's exactly how you determinate the value of a writer, anon. But I guess women are unable to understand numbers, so that's why it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.

>> No.9424719

But that's exactly how you determine the value of a writer, anon. But I guess women are unable to understand numbers, so that's why it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.

>> No.9424720

>Implying I'm a woman
you're weak and stupid, step up or shut up

>> No.9424727

Hum, excuse me? I consider frail men to be women, due to their inferior intellect.

>> No.9424744

> I consider frail men to be women
>implying I'm not /fitlit/ and well-rounded
Nothing more frail than being such a fucking cuck you take a piss on women as a gender on an anime forum. Can't imagine you have much success with the ladies friendo, but please don't piss on literature discussion with your redpilled nonsense

>> No.9424750

Although you may be fighting the good fight I think it's about time you realize the guy is max bait and has no endgame, you're just wasting time.

>> No.9424754

>stealth female author recommendation thread

Shirley Jackson and Katherine Ann Porter are cool.

>> No.9424763

I've only read the Lottery by Jackson (loved it) what would you recommend?

>> No.9424777

You are cute. Do you work out in order to stick your little penis inside women too?