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File: 15 KB, 233x267, Sam_Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9415261 No.9415261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9415327

He's definitely underrated and misunderstood, especially as he is someone so well-read. No public personality understands the importance of an already-existing traditional western culture like he does.

He's our modern Greek.

>> No.9415339

>Anyway, when you get in trouble, just don't tell on anyone. I mean, I hate the rich snots here with a fervent passion I usually reserve for only dental work and my father. But that doesn't mean I would rat them out. Pretty much the only important thing is never never never never rat. Okay, I said, although I wondered: If someone punches me in the face, I'm supposed to insist that I ran into a door? It seemed a little stupid. How do you deal with bullies and assholes if you can't get them in trouble?

Not bad.

>> No.9415344
File: 330 KB, 354x470, THAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The parts I've read in his book are actually hilarious. Idk, his humor carries very well onto text and superimposed images.

>> No.9415578


>> No.9415892

He's some fag who panders hard to /pol/

>> No.9415910

No. He's not even in the top 100. But you knew that, you just wanted to shitpost and get a rise out of people.

>> No.9415929


I told my parents I got my black eye playing tennis. Three days later the school called and they were more amused than angry at the deception.

>> No.9415940

I dont think its pandering, its genuine.

>> No.9415968


How could anyone smart believe that Joo conspiracy shit?

Obviously the Jewish Race has more than its fair share of liberal scumbags, but that doesn't mean that they're all in league to destroy western civilization.

>> No.9415972

>that doesn't mean that they're all in league to destroy western civilization

thats certainly what it seems like though

>> No.9415986


I just think it's unfair to lump them all in with the Soroses and Wises. Paul Gottfried is Jewish and he's friends with Richard Spencer.

>> No.9415990

They're not all in league to destroy western civilization, but there are definitely an elite few that are. Arguing against that is just ignorance.

>> No.9416000


Honestly, I always thought that he's just ironically conservative.

>> No.9416267
File: 279 KB, 1004x1890, 1492321699176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of his "conservative standup" (calling everyone in the sf audience a hipster faggot before listing off mental illness statistics among homosexuals, "you might be Michael Brown" standup set) seems to be both unironically antagonistic as well as so out-of-polite-context that it has to be satire; the backlash to his work proves his point that no self-professed millennial liberal wants to deal with the consequences of free speech when they can bucket it as any kind of hate speech (even when it is just rude, inconvenient truth). The same audience that laughs at the writing on Key and Peele (or SNL), and thinks they are "so over the line" and "provocative" (I hate that I know people who have said this) are completely unwilling to sit through a Million Dollar Extreme sketch directly calling out their ideology

But his ironic caricatures of liberals (his TED talk, a must-see; the final MDE sketch of a child talking about growing up to work in Marketing just like his Mom) express his frustration with the mainstream progressive/conservative dialectic. I don't think this is two levels removed, He is not trying to be the Colbert report and ironically depict a mad conservative reacting to liberals; he is a mad conservative reacting to liberals and progressive movements in America, attempting to use the consequences of where they are leading people to highlight this.

But I could be wrong, he could be unironically playing a conservative who is ironically playing a liberal, in the same vein of Tim and Eric ironically playing local TV entertainment providers (characters which are (failing) to portray unironic characters/programs in hopes of successfully advertise products on local cable networks)

What /lit/ philosophy can I read to make any of what I just said more coherent, in terms of layers of irony and pointers to pointers

>> No.9416268

Hell no. In fact if it weren't for the racism and dropping /pol/ memes I'm certain you would consider him Reddit-tier.

>> No.9416313

He got really fucking fat.

>> No.9416316


Moms was a funny video though, and it had a minority in it so you can't really say he's racist. Black people in the States do a lot of funny and retarded things, it's not racist to make fun of them. Think of all the comedians who make fun of white people - they're not accused of racism the way Sammy boy is.

Americans have this weird double standard where black people are allowed to say literally anything, while white people have to follow a strict speech protocol and apologize profusely for even the slightest perceived offense.

>> No.9416336

I don't disagree with what you're saying but I still don't particularly find Sam funny.

>> No.9416369

his limb circumference is admirable

>> No.9416392

Do you have actual evidence to support your claim?

>> No.9416662

That reflects more on spencer than anything

>> No.9416677

He's a contrarian at heart, obviously, but panders more than a white guilt-ed vegan feminist gender fruit, anyway.

He's obviously a good watcher of people, and can read between the lines, but it's a stretch to call him "great", at anything. His comedy is garbage. It's just shouting controversial stuff to a liberal audience, isn't it?
He's mediocre in a world full of absolute dog shit.

Much of his fan base consists of overweight, video game playing, low IQ having, retards. Or maybe 'ex video game playing', and they'll be the first to tell you, because they quit and now they're better than that, bro!
"We're not suckers anymore, bro! We started asking the questions that some have been asking for decades, just recently bro! We get it now! We're the counter culture, man!".

Don't get me wrong, the first "wave" of his listeners were probably better, but then it gets worse over time just like 4chan, Trump supporters, and everything else.
>"Treat the stock exchange like a cold shower (quick in, quick out)."
It really should have been, "treat anything like a cold shower."

He'll do for now

>> No.9416681

i fucking love sam hyde. watched most of his major works. people don't even get the full extent of how fun he is


>> No.9416691

Speaking of contrarians ..

>video gamers are stupid!
>people who stop playing video games are just as bad!

>> No.9416693

Post more excerpts of Sammy's wisdom

>> No.9416718

as a lover of sam hyde you sure picked a fucking shit, non-/lit/ skit.

doctor manslave:

>> No.9416744

Video games are stupid though? What is your point?

If people played them in moderation, maybe they wouldn't be so bad, but they don't, as you know. They sit for fucking hours and hours playing some stupid game, they make it their entire life. There is a "culture" that they get sucked into and from then on it's all downhill.
Video game "culture" is fucking poison.

Name one highly successful or 'great' man or women who plays video games habitually. Good luck.

>> No.9416756

i picked that one at random i'd never even seen it before

but if you can't handle him at his skinny teen then you don't deserve him at his bulky 30 year old

>> No.9416782

Read the Culture of Critique.

>> No.9416835

Rothschilds and Soros funding every aspect of progressive, subversive activism in western society

>> No.9416914

I really enjoyed his ted-talk, that was fucking hilarious. An inconvenient anime was good too. I watched some of his earlier videos, they were alright. Didn't like his tv show tho

>> No.9416927

>t. Shekelfitz Walletberg