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/lit/ - Literature

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9394477 No.9394477 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making a reading list that I've titled "Why take a writing class when you could just read these?"

What do you think should be added to the list:

"Building Great Sentences" by Brooks Landon
"Burning Down the House" by Charles Baxter
"Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing" by Margaret Atwood
"Reading like a Writer" by Francine Prose
"The Anatomy of Story" by John Truby
"Between the Lines: The Subtle Element of Fiction Writing" by Jessica Morrell

>> No.9394484

Schopenahuer's On Women
Hitler's Mein Kampf
Decline of the West
the Culture of Critique Series
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Breivik's manifesto
My Twisted World
Gulag Archipelago

>> No.9394518


Thanks for the submission, we'll get back to you if any of your suggestions are accepted for inclusion.

Don't call us, we'll call you.

>> No.9394520

Some anon posted a torrent a few weeks ago which had books about general non fiction. Anyway, I'll list some of the stuff it had since some of it might interest you:
Revision and Self-editing - James Scott Bell
The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference for Editors, Writers, and Proofreaders
The Art of Fiction - John D. Gardner
The Sound on the Page
The Chicago Manual of Style
I'll also mention:
How to Write - Gertrude Stein
Schopenhauer wrote some stuff on writing.

>> No.9395197
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>The Chicago Manual of Style

>> No.9396463
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>> No.9396493
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>"Building Great Sentences" by Brooks Landon

>> No.9398049


It's an alright guide, nothing that you wouldn't pick up on your own through practice.

>> No.9398153

gonna take this thread to recommend any college students to take the highest level english class for master thesis or w/e it may be called that your uni offers.
Even if you are not ESL, those teachers are very good and really committed to trying to help you perfect your writing and help you notice your own flaws in your writing.
There are always ways to improve.