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/lit/ - Literature

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9356060 No.9356060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You wake up in bed with your teenage sweetheart and you're 16 again and summer just started

Any lit for this feel ? Growing together with your lover, being young and healthy , and optimistic about a new day?

>> No.9356064

>optimistic about a new day
damn that sounds like a beautiful feeling

I-I want that feel

>> No.9356065

Normies out reeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9356069

why are you reposting this shit thread?

>> No.9356080

I-it wasn't shit, you take that back :(

>> No.9356085

>teenage sweetheart

>> No.9356087

this x 2

At 16 I was playing COD mw2 every day pwning noobs on gb with my clan. Those were the days boys !

>> No.9356090

Then repent and accept the Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

>> No.9356091

>You wake up in bed with your teenage sweetheart and you're 16
what kind of awful parents would allow this to happen in the first place

also theres no books for that feel because 16 y/os are too stupid to comprehend stimulus, they can only respond to it

also this

>> No.9356093

Almost drowned in nostalgia.

Wish days were as simple. . . I love you, Ally.

I don't know of any that CAN quite capture that feeling. I'm sure some sort of YA literature does, though.

>> No.9356097

I consider myself a devout Orthodox Christian

>> No.9356103

You have an awfully idealistic view of normies if you think they have ever felt this.

>> No.9356104
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Cut scenes from video games

>> No.9356150

imagine a girl like that pining for you, biting her lip whenever she catches a glimpse, organically meeting and building a rapport, flirting, blossoming into a fully fledged relationship waking up to the scent and warmth of her long raven hair and nicotine skin, hearing her yearn a little as you embrace her from behind, she turns and rests her head on your fully myofibrially developed chest, rolling out of bed to use a $200 electric toothbrush and rembrant toothpaste on your 32 pearly white teeth, strolling into the kitchen of the conspicuously good studio apartment to rustle up sunday morning omlettes throwing away the leftovers into your recycling as you chug 2L of orange juice out of the carton because your cooties don't matter here and no more mommy with lettuce in your hamburgers wireless internet package deal cable TV men's health subscription anti dandruff conditioner fresh laundry and dry socks brand new duvet covers pinecones in bowls tickets to the show respect intimacy communication companionship with mutual requited love

>> No.9356157

we have this thread every week

>> No.9356160

>tfw I'm eighteen and just had passionate sex with my teenage sweetheart last night
haha we couldn't be loud so I put my hand firmly over her mouth and apparently she liked it
she came twice while whimpering into my palm and squirming underneath me

>> No.9356166

nobody cares, late bloomer

>> No.9356168

>You wake up in bed with
>in bed with
Not in my conservative family.

I don't know any lit for this feel, but I do know that it's a feeling that doesn't last very long

>> No.9356185
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>be 19
>summer after freshman year of college
>go work at a summer camp in the great lakes region
>meet the qt lifeguard on the first day of training
>year younger than me
>kind of pale, light freckles across her nose and cheeks but nowhere else, mesmerizing light blue eyes, dark wavy brown hair. About 5'5. Average to slightly flat chested (but actually they ended up being bigger than I thought they'd be).
>I notice her right away
>start playing pranks on her.
>she starts pranking me back, throws my beach towel on the roof of a cabin, etc.
>I can tell she likes me
>decide together to go on a date one weekend, at this point we hadn't talked about us at all
>we drove to a state park and go for a little hike
>set up a hammock with a scenic view through the hills and down into the forest.
>laying in the hammock together, this is probably the most physical contact with a human female I've had in my life. Try to be calm.
>literally just having her warm body and skin against mine felt amazing. Her skin was the best. Simultaneously you could feel the heat of her body but also her skin was nice and cool.
>one leg draped over me and her head on my chest
>has her arms wrapped around me, rubbing my chest and arms and playing with my hair while we confess our feelings to each other.
>I'm super excited because she likes me a ton. Talks about how I was out of her league and too good for her.
>I'm a pussy and don't kiss her that day. But it was still a good feel.
>a couple days later we decide to meet again late at night while the camp is asleep so we can clear up some stuff.
>sitting outside under a million stars
>tell her I want to carry on the relationship after the summer, and that I'd been crushing on her since the beginning.
>she's so happy she can't stop smiling and giggling and saying stuff like "this is amazing." "I can't believe this, I'm so lucky." "You are incredible, how did I get you?"
>start talking about when we first saw each other and how the feelings started. We're both so giddy and young.
>She's practically sitting in my lap at this point, her hands around my neck, playing with my hair.
>start to get nervous because I've never kissed a girl.
>I'm stumbling over my words a little bit and she starts massaging my neck and the hair at the back of my head. It feels really good and our faces are practically inches apart at this point.
>she can feel my breathing speed up and she asks me what's wrong. I say something stupid like, "no, it just feels good."
>"Anon, you're making me so nervous" but she starts breathing hard too.
>here goes, I guess this is my first kiss, don't screw up...

>> No.9356187


> /lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc...

I think you meant to post in /r9k/, anon.

>> No.9356191

>Any lit for this feel ?

>> No.9356197


>> No.9356216
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>be 29
>more innocent than the driven snow
>about to acquire wizard powers
>read this

>> No.9356219

didnt read your retarded post but
>tfw no audrey horne gf

>> No.9356246

The beginnings of relationships are always the best part, anon.

He didn't write about how they both left for different colleges, started texting each other less and less and eventually she fucked some jock and didn't confess it until 4 months later.

But you're young. Go get some. Or don't.

>> No.9356255

i like it, very trainspotting

>> No.9356278
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>I go in for the kiss, kind of miss at first and kiss the side of her mouth because I'm nervous and it's dark
>I don't make a big deal out of my fumble, I just kiss her again and she's gasping for air, pulling her body against mine as close as possible
>Keep kissing her
>She actually likes it
>moaning and telling me how she's wanted to kiss me forever
>"I've been aching for you, anon."
>She actually is enjoying it a lot
>wtf maybe I'm not ugly after all
>let my tongue brush against her lower lip just a little bit to see what she'll do
>she immediately let's out a little gasp and is receptive, tongue action
>she's really into it, moaning and shit. Not like porno type loud stuff but she was gasping and there were soft moans which honestly felt way more erotic to me.
>kissing her neck actually felt good and not like a chore to get her turned on.
>whenever she got turned on her body and skin would get so warm. It was incredible.
>I stop for a second to look at her
>she whimpers, "no, don't stop, please!" And pulls me back to her
>"I don't want it to stop, even for a second"
>literally begging me to keep going, her hands are clenching and gripping my shoulders tight
>she whispers in my ear, "anon, you feel so good..."

>tfw I had my first kiss and lost my virginity in the span of a couple weeks. I never told her she was my first kiss.

>> No.9356282

Help, /lit/

I'm obsessed with a mardi gras fling thats a year my junior

We made out three times at mardi gras about a little over a month ago and I haven't stopped thinking about her

I don't know what she wants to do though. I don't know if she wants to keep getting with me or if she wants to screw around and hook up with other guys.

I'm trying to get her to come to parties so I can see her and talk to her about it but there haven't been any good ones recently. I have to get to her before the school year ends and I don't see her all summer

>> No.9356288

thats pretty romantic

tfw I had my first kiss and lost my virginity the same night in a chubby girls dorm room that I met off of tinder

never spoke to her again either

>> No.9356307

>22 year old autist
>even if I ever had a relationship like this, it would be totally meaningless to me

anyways, I think this thread belongs on /r9k/

>> No.9356351


>> No.9356366

When I was 16, I was more focused on trying to pass sophomore year, trying my best at socializing and failing so much that I gave up and ended up reading more about war. And I was playing like 8+ hrs of vidya a day and since we're going into summer that number jumps up high to like 12hrs.

I never had a gf at that time and frankly, at that age I was too young for romantic love. though I secretly wished I had a gf at that age

>> No.9356374

>not dumping her in order to pursue the artistic/literary life

It looks like someone here does not put any value whatsoever on his free time

>> No.9356496
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Chasing Cars : Snow Patrol


>> No.9356508

How does that make sense? Plenty of great writers had the sex and obsessed over women.

>> No.9356627

help /lit/ i haven't lost my virginity yet i feel like a total failure. the only thing possibly helping me is that i'm premed but that only attracts hungry petty bitches who will convince me to move to canada and divorce me

>> No.9356843

does she wake me up by whispering in my ears?

>> No.9356888


Implying there is a dichotomy where one has to choose either women or art. Stay pleb friendo.

>> No.9356896


Welp, better hurry up and get laid in undergrad. If you actually make it to residency you're even more fucked (heh) than you are now.

>> No.9357375

it's good that you're woke, my best advice is to avoid the canada that is well populated. u must embrace your inner wilderness man, become a bush doctor and roll through the Canadian shield with a freckled short blonde of distant franco irish heritage with relatives in cushion government jobs regarding the vast money pit that is agricultural regulation. these people are easily impressed, show them your strange thai knick knacks and make sure to note your qualifications on any subject they have animosity towards, before you subsequently agree. This is the key in canada my friend qualifications and head nodding

>> No.9358108
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When I was 16 I was dating a 15 year old Filipino girl. She was cute, small butt, cute voice, everything you could ever want. Never had sex with her for a year then we finally did it when we skipped school. I never woke up beside her but that feeling when there's no one home and it's only you and her lying on a bed... the possibilities to explore her body made me tingle. She wore these yoga pants that wrapped around my legs. She smelt really good and she was warm. I was still wearning my PJs and while she had to get ready to come over. Making her moan was my favourite thing. It made my ears rings. I would finger her always before entering her. I would always lick her small box, so sweet and virgin-like. I miss her, now I imagine she's a roastie whore but I thank her for those memories.

>> No.9358150

I've only had sex 3 times. Each time was worse than masturbation. I'd imagine it's because I've masturbated to exceedingly degenerate porn with a deathgrip 3+ times a day since I was 14 (currently 22). I'm also a neurotic and relationships and emotional investment scare me. Since I don't care about sex and I'm too reserved to care about somebody else, I have no drive to date.

Feels good and bad at the same time, since I can focus on myself, but I'll also be forever alone (albeit by choice)

>> No.9359850

>start playing pranks on her
>she starts pranking me back, throws my beach towel on the roof of a cabin, etc.
<"This is amazing", "I can't believe this, I'm so lucky.", "You are incredible, how did I get you?"
>"You are incredible, how did I get you?"
Cancerous posts. You are romanticizing an experience that has no value whatsoever. Fucking pranking and throwing towels hahah xDD I despise you normies, the only reason you can sleep at night instead of contemplating how utterly retarded you are for doing such things is because you have no consciousness at all. Fuck you.

>> No.9359883

so tired of this meme. you people are shitposters irl what makes you think anyone wants you online?

>> No.9359912
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>tfw you are not a total screw up and have the sweet memories of summer love

>> No.9360023
File: 640 KB, 2992x2000, iSF2Wj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats very nice man.

>> No.9361098

Not quite teenage but the Katherine sections of Stoner are GOAT falling in love lit

>> No.9362038

Are you saying human interaction is of no value if it's not intellectually stimulating?

We did connect over more deep and challenging things as well, we read a couple books together that summer and she also loved Shakespeare so literature was a connecting point for us.

I know I have a pea brain and could never understand the kind of complicated literature that you read. I try though, and I genuinely enjoy reading.

>> No.9362049

Thanks friend, it was a good feel

>> No.9362071

Finally - now I can be an early-transitioner! would be thought 1. Second would be absolute terror on realising that would mean telling family.

>> No.9362076

Also I have bf now? My therapist's going to be so proud of me!

>> No.9362093

>implying I had a teenage sweetheart
Teenage years were a mess.

>> No.9363346

Why are you telling us this

>> No.9363364

i completely fucked over my "sweetheart" at that age


>> No.9363389
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Starting postgrad soon and Ive never had a prolonged conversation with a woman because they find me so dull and off putting
What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.9363391

Fucking shitfiend horsecock gobbler, at least use a different qt in the OP

>> No.9363400

Unironically gross.

I can't even be bothered to read this yet I know for certain you could have cut it all down to one post, you blogging faggot.

>> No.9363517

Unfortunately my "summer/teenage love" lasted for 10 years and now I'm just a shell of a human being.

>> No.9363880
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I feel bad for those who have never experienced young or puppy love. Yeah it's probably a mess or you're still together and married now, but the experience alone helps you deal with future relationship. That said, your only advantage is innocence and true devotion. Whereas those with experience, depending on how they ended their first love will likely have a jaded and egocentric view on relationships. Young love lets you experience it without that since you're both newish and in the exploratory stages of your life.

>> No.9363953

Offer them a milkshake.

>> No.9363965

>egocentricity is negative

You have to love yourself before you can love another person. Most relationship I've seen molder and fall apart usually do so because one or both of the partners believe in "altruism" or "unconditional love." These things are why we live in the dark age of love.

>> No.9363970

Read the manga, A Distant Neighbourhood by Taniguchi since it covers exactly this. A salary man wakes up in his 14 year old self after drinking. Great book.

>> No.9363976


>You wake up in bed with your teenage sweetheart and summer just started

If by teenage sweetheart you mean masturbation sock and 16 again you mean angsty nihilist stage, then I think I'll pass

Much prefer being 22

>> No.9363984

>not peaking early

top lel

>> No.9363992


I was so in love with my first GF. She was 16, I was 17. We took each other's virginities. It began in the late winter, kindled during Christmas, and blossomed during spring. We peaked in the summer, and spent many a moonlit night gazing into each others eyes. Then she broke up in autumn.

After that, she went full tumblr and fucked literally every male classmate I had, and a couple of the women too. She knew where I would hang out in those days, and by her own admission, she actively sought me out with her new dates, because, as she said, she was allowed to, I didn't have any right to control her.

Now I am a full blown 14/88 nazi and believe women are an inferior species.

>> No.9364005
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>> No.9364036
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>> No.9364040

Offer them a Pepsi™ drink and a chat.

>> No.9364043

>Misusing hyphens, not using long-s where it is appropriate, and not censoring "Hell".
I guess you never read an authentic old book.

>> No.9364052


Jokes on you, I never had a teenage sweetheart so any relationship I get into now I can have all the raging emotions I want.

>> No.9364075
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You wake up in bed alone with your laptop displaying a repost from a week ago and you're a few days older and you're still overcome with apathy towards life.

Any lit for this feel? Growing old alone, being scrawny and unwanted, and ambivalent or even pessimistic about a new day?

>> No.9364084

Old hags - absolutely do not want

>> No.9364089


>Any lit for this feel? Growing old alone, being scrawny and unwanted, and ambivalent or even pessimistic about a new day?

All the threads on /lit/.

>> No.9364095

>You wake up in bed

No friendo, you are in dreamland.

>> No.9364104

>being this stupid
You could wake up on the floor, or in a car, or upside-down in a Thai whore-house while a Dutch businessman slaps your ass with a riding crop and tells you to "Noem me papa."

>> No.9364119

>you wake up in bed with your golden retriever sweetheart

>> No.9364198


>implying waking and dreaming realities are not one

You're tricking yourself

>> No.9364207



>> No.9364211

I'm not. The notion of "awake" is a useful construct to distinguish active consciousness from active unconsciousness, which in themselves are useful constructs to demarcate different degrees of awareness regarding certain things (reality vs. dreamland).