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9354207 No.9354207 [Reply] [Original]


>tfw too well educated to believe anything the media says

>> No.9354261


>> No.9355277
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>> No.9355515

>Noam Chomsky an American linguist, philosopher

>> No.9355519


God I hope that anarchist rodent drops dead soon.

>> No.9355522

Great contribution, fucking cunt.

>> No.9355540
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Thank you!

Nice triple-dubs, dick-cheese eater.

>> No.9355544

It is a joke. It doesn't take an intelligent person to see how laughable and hypocritical the media is these days.

>> No.9355554

The neoliberals that control the DNC lost to a man in the wwe hall of fame.
Incapable of admitting defeat, they have screeched about Russia for 4 months straight, provided zero evidence.
They will continue not having any actual policy and taking the sweet, sweet, donor money

>> No.9355556
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It's blatant manufacturing of consent, but it's working on some of the dumber people in the country.

More nice triple-dubs.

>> No.9355574

>knowing this little about analytic philosophy
>not reading chomsky's philosophical essays

when did this board allow so many idiots a free pass?

>> No.9355604

It was always "deep state's" plan. It's the only substantive platform Hillary ran on ("I wanna make a no-fly zone for all Russian planes" IE start a war with them)
Eric Prince had some meeting with the UEA in Seychelles, and then I hear about Bannon getting kicked off that advisory council. Looks like a a full capitulation. Maybe they threatened assassination

>> No.9355757

>Today I will remind them

>> No.9355792

The whole strike in syria was wag the dog.
They warned russia beforehand, they bombed an empty field.
No one died, trump found a solution the growing calls for action because of the "chemical attack".
The congress came together in a rare praise and unity for trump.
Putin plays the heel.
Everyone moves on.
By the way trumps supreme court pick got confirmed during all of this

>> No.9355836

Am I a shitty American if I prefer Trump-Putin manipulation to intelligence community manipulation? I get lied to either way, but habit makes me dislike the IC more.

>> No.9355864

>Naom Chomsky will die soon

>> No.9355870
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How about hating all the murderous lying sons'a bitches?

>> No.9355875
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Checked. Are you an anarchist, Butterfly?

>> No.9355881
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They all float eventually.

>> No.9355887
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Never mind. I didn't scroll down far enough. How are you doing Butterfly? I notice you post more on the weekends.

Have you read Democratic Confederalism? It's pretty short and not comprehensive but it was an interesting look into the ideology of an existing anarchist society.

Also, I read Society of the Spectacle yesterday. It had some interesting ideas like the analysis of the celebrity but overall it was gibberish.

>> No.9355903
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I'm good. Haven't read it, but I have been reading an anthology of anarchist writings.
Pretty interested in Rojava, so I think I will have to DL that soon. (I hope they can hook up with some Greek islands or something)
Gibberish is it? Puts it farther back on my list.

>> No.9355905
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>I set my own standards and I alone enforce them.

Go ahead and try, cunt. Oh right, you won't because you know that you have zero chance. We don't even need to cruish you unethical scum. It would be akin to grown man punching a disobedient child. That's wy we indulge you. That's why we let you have your little temper tantrums. We are so much stronger than you that it's ok for you to openly be hostile towards us. We both know that you can't do shit and that at the end of the day we rule the roost.

>> No.9355906
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Not one of Chomsky's most scathing critiques. According to Chomsky it doesn't matter if Russians interfered because we do it, that still doesn't make it acceptable. A better critique is to question if Russian interference had any effect or if it was just a way for Putin to look strong and Democrats to look tough on Russia without doing anything.

An analysis of Crowdstrike, who made the claim it was Russia who hacked the DNC, shows they have poor evidence of this and a shoddy track record in cyber attribution.

In relation to Syria you should read Sy Hersh's long article in the London Review of Books on a possible link between Libya (Benghazi), Turkey, and the Syrian Sarin exposure in 2013. He doesn't list his sources (he never does but is almost always right) but later Turkish opposition questioned the role of Turkish business men in supplying chemical weapons to rebels in Syria, the kind that could have been used in 2013 (note the recent attack was likely not Sarin).

>> No.9355920

>Gibberish is it? Puts it farther back on my list.
If you like Zizek then you might enjoy it. I prefer more straight forward writing like Chomsky. I need to read more lefty stuff but most of the contemporary or popular writings among leftists (excluding Marx) are too verbose which puts me off.
>Pretty interested in Rojava, so I think I will have to DL that soon. (I hope they can hook up with some Greek islands or something)
I linked in the Syria thread a site with a lot of articles on Rojava and Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan) that you may want to read.

>> No.9356043
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>I am speaking for the billionaire class

S i l l y.
L i t t l e.
M a n.

>> No.9356074


Flawless anarchist reasoning.

>> No.9356203
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