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/lit/ - Literature

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9344929 No.9344929 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on cuckoldry?

No memes, please.

>> No.9344943

It's by no means the main theme but Ulysses

>> No.9344944

I am currently writing a what-if fanfic play about Sancho being fucked while he was the governor of the ínsula.
It's in my diary, desu.

>> No.9344970


>> No.9345040
File: 22 KB, 590x432, leckazwokulskim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Doll by Bolesław Prus.
Wokulski is a fucking total cuck.

>> No.9345145
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The cuckoldry phenomenon is interesting. My theory is that it's a pathology resulting from the new sexual order that came about with the sexual revolution. Kind of like how homosexuals started fetishizing the contraction of HIV in the 80's, so it is that the heterosexual man fears his sexually liberated partners infidelity. Their greatest source of anxiety is recast into a pathological perversion.

>> No.9345160
File: 34 KB, 326x499, 51L9bE7yykL__SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's pretty gud

>> No.9345162

This is a good analysis. The real issue is that women were never supposed to be "free" in having any parity with men. Our nature doesn't work this way and now it's completely disfunctional.

>> No.9345173


There is nothing perverse about cuckoldry. Cuckolding is the intellectual smart set's fetish. It's defended by high IQ, smart people in academia, i.e. the exact opposite of you /pol/ rubes in flyover shit town. In a way, it is the most revolutionary act of sex that one can make, as you are both giving power to the woman (taking away your male power and subverting the patriarchy), giving power to black men (subverting white privilege), and shoving it in the face of boring mundane white male middle class catholic america.

>> No.9345181

This is a very strong bait

>> No.9345194
File: 414 KB, 950x1478, Anna-Karenina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna is such a cow

>> No.9345209


>> No.9345256

The End of the Affair.

Be prepared for feels

>> No.9345294

You are trying a bit too hard

>> No.9345383

>Any books on a meme?

>No memes, please.

You're a pretty bad reader.

>> No.9345395

Yes: all of them

>> No.9345409


>/pol/ asks for recommendations

I guess we should be happy. I look forward to the Ulysses and Anna Karenina threads.

>> No.9345425


how is he trying hard? he just wrecked you stupid reactionaries

>> No.9345488


However, none of these 'pros' are seen as positive with the 4chan target audience, and even less so at the expense of the individual.

also it is cucky

>> No.9345509


Bonus points because it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.9346095

Damn, you almost had me until you mentioned the patriarchy and giving power to black men. Here's your (You)

>> No.9346131

Of Human Bondage

>> No.9346168

my diary tbqh

>> No.9346176


>> No.9346182

Lady Chatterley's Lover

>> No.9346197
File: 53 KB, 600x535, proudcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9346269

a love of swan
lesbian cucking aswell

>> No.9346280

What in the fuck

>> No.9346321

While we're on the topic of degenerate fetishes, is there any literature involving findom?

>> No.9346333

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.
Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

>> No.9346358

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.9346412
File: 57 KB, 385x573, IMG_9830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9346445

your mother's husbands diary desu

>> No.9346531

You were doing alright until you got to patriarchy and white privilege.

4/10 bait

>> No.9346689

Altered Carbon has the main character cuckold an unknowing rich guy

>> No.9346704

Tanizaki has some books that are close to cuckolding. He silently encourages his wife to cheat on him with a younger man in Diary of a Mad Old Man. And I think it features in some other books of his too.