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/lit/ - Literature

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9330642 No.9330642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You fucking autists did it again

http://boards.4chan . org /fitlit /thread /31092/thoughts-on-her

Fill in the spaces

>> No.9330655
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>Deleted her twitter also

>> No.9330662


>> No.9330665

She ever deleted her goodreads, also her instagram. Good job /lit/.

>> No.9330676
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Forgot pic, someone should screencap that thread.

>> No.9330678

/lit/. sad.

>> No.9330682


what happened this time?

>> No.9330686

holy shit

>> No.9330687

/fitlit/ found a book reviewing girl. Took a liking to her. Sent her autist messages and left autist comments. She told us off then deleted her account eventually.

>> No.9330692

Remember. Women are so used to being in their bubble that the moment they get a single negative comment, you wreck them for life.

>> No.9330693

Retards ruining it for everyone. Same as usual.

>> No.9330695

Katie again?

>> No.9330699

>I was Ayy Lmao
Feelsbadman, my youtube messages about her hymen being intact probably didn't help.

>> No.9330700

I wish she was a kangaroo so I could lay in her mammalian pouch and be carried around as she jumps around

>> No.9330707

to be honest it's funny af lads

>> No.9330736
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Never forgetti

>> No.9330760
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so this...... is the power........... of /lit/........................

>> No.9330765

>make a youtube account to garner unwarranted attention for reading middle-school-level novels
>receive the unwarranted attention
>react poorly

Can this be explained?

>> No.9330768
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Nice suckable tits

>> No.9330769

It's funny because she was actually patrician hahaha

>> No.9330776

The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.9330780

Wow carliclaire was like last month hahaha fuck it we should do this all the time.

>> No.9330786
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>implying you can be patrician and have nice suckable tits at the same time

>> No.9330795


read a fucking book


>> No.9330796

This is what I don't understand. Unless she's very naive from the start.

>> No.9330800

good work boys

>> No.9330804

thank you

>> No.9330824

sure. like reading and want to have fun talking books with other people. fuckheads bully you, so you go back to reading and stop dealing with them.

p. simple

>> No.9330834


>> No.9330837
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is shocking girls into terror online /lit/s new thing?

>> No.9330840
File: 70 KB, 1024x731, la_haine_by_abraibarnabas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gave you the idea literature is easy? Reviewing literature is nothing like sitting in front of a camera talking about how you like this particular book because it's so easy and relatable.
YOU HAVE TO BE EXERCISED IN MIND AND BODY! You have to be ready to take on nihilist, anarchists, RADICAL ISLAMIST! You have to spend months, years and master the theories of new historicism, hermeneutics, postcolonism and many more! Derrida's deconstructionism- A MUST!!
You have to be armed and ready when you are talking about books! This is not a playground! It's a fight where suicidal people do not survive and only the true essential absurdist can leave with the head held high and a tear running out his eye. If you are not ready for that...stick to your Harry Potter and don't bother us.

>> No.9330842

>want to have fun talking books with other people
What? This wasn't a uni seminar or a book club. It's a fucking youtube channel. How exactly do you have active discussions on literature on youtube? Someone who "booktubes" clearly does it for personal expression & attention, not discussion. If you want to discuss books with people take a uni course or find a club. Of course universities and book clubs won't read the putrid pablum most booktubers like.

>fuckheads bully you
Oh my gosh! Someone was mean on youtube? My personal experience on youtube is that the comment section is usually filled with strikingly important intellectual discussion and critique! How strange!

>> No.9330845
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>> No.9330848

What are you talking about ? Her video is still online

>> No.9330850

what the fuck is fitlit

>> No.9330851

get triggered harder

>> No.9330854

Fucking kek

>> No.9330855

I dropped my stick.

>> No.9330857

What does that even mean?

>> No.9330861

Fuck off newfag

>> No.9330869

That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while holy fuck hahahaha

>> No.9330870
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>yfw /lit/ becomes single-handedly responsible for killing booktube

>> No.9330875

you're low iq.

>> No.9330876

Woah good idea. Let's try and do this to polandbananabooks or abookutopia

>> No.9330881

I can't wait to share this EPIC story with my friends on reddit. You guys are crazy! xD

>> No.9330882
File: 240 KB, 1656x1009, 1490038573776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have any screenshots of the best comments on her video?

>> No.9330885

betterthanfood as well

>> No.9330886

They already tried cliff. It didn't work

>> No.9330887

GTFO kid

>> No.9330890

That was my message, am I famous now?

>> No.9330891

Ugh she was hot.

>> No.9330897

Wait, so are the /pol/ kids actually re-appropriating "triggering," which they used to mock, into being a real criticism? You guys are unbelievable.

>> No.9330901

don't associate me with /pol/ please and I'm not OP fag

>> No.9330909

Look at the thread that was linked you dipped

>> No.9330920
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I wonder why she deleted it.

>> No.9330934
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Please creep from a distance the next time.

>> No.9330940

ehhe silly me...

>> No.9330958

the light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.9330959

i just wanted to print out a picture of her feet and sniff it imagining what they'd smell like after a few hours at the library or local barnes and noble...

>> No.9330969

Hehehehe you guys should try that shit on my channel /lit I'll fucking wreck you faggots.

>> No.9330971

[obligatory moral quote for liberal newspaper/blog to quote as a counterpoint to the otherwise wholly immoral behaviour of this board]

Guys, we really fucked up

>> No.9331001
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I'm not sure whether I find this very funny or just sad

>> No.9331018

>/lit/ loves Schopenhauer
>proves the hedgehog's dilemma
>and again
>and again

>> No.9331026
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>> No.9331066

you too

>> No.9331070
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>tfw this was a well-meaning gesture intended to deflect the attention from /lit/ long enough to pull out of the operation

>> No.9331086

I'm /lit/ not /pol/

>> No.9331088
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>> No.9331115

>receive the unwarranted attention
m8 there's a slight difference between (mild) insults/(harsh) criticism and pictures of pissjugs and disturbing harassment of hundreds of jaded social outcasts

>> No.9331119
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>> No.9331144


Could /lit/ posters actually get literary gf's if they tried, though?

>> No.9331230

>/lit/ bullying women off the internet

i don't know if this is sad or genuinely funny

>> No.9331251

lmao you're not gonna make it

>> No.9331295

Thais is not the first time /lit/ scared the fuck off a female book reviewer, and surely not the last.

>> No.9331308

she was soo thiccc
she was clearly into showin us her tits

>> No.9331329

lit shits on the pleb booktubers but only scares away the patricians, really makes ya think

>> No.9331343

>She never replied to my messages
Feels bad

>> No.9331353

Funny. It shows the softness and anaclitic nature of millennial humans

>> No.9331389
File: 2.74 MB, 2538x1448, Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 5.20.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we slaughter an insufferable channel next time? I vote for: https://www.youtube.com/user/polandbananasBOOKS

>> No.9331398


That makes 3, of which the least two have been in the past month and a half.

>> No.9331402

But she's hot and actually funny. Watch her bookmark video.

>> No.9331441

Those people don't care. They can handle it

>> No.9331473

It would be easier to fuck with abookutopia. Her mom passed away. That's a gold mine I tell you!

>> No.9331480

Jesus Christ, anon

>> No.9331487


>> No.9331520


>> No.9331521

Wow that's great hahaha. Let's all go comment in her videos. Someone pick one. Let's do one about shadow hunters hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.9331528
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[ “Open the letter” Lance said, while his straight teeth glowed under the moonlight. The same moonlight turned his silhouette to mercury. His voice coaxed Lucia until she felt as if the mercury had eddied to her, then poisoned her, kindly. His fingers were against her own, and she saw that his face was closer, haloed by upturned stars. Sensation fireworked against the walls, against the ceiling, against her.
Surprise wasn’t there when Lucia awoke. For a moment she studied the darkness that was cushioning her room, then she flopped back onto her pillow.
The dream was so vivid... she thought, reaching for her phone, It was like I wasn’t even asleep. Like he was in the room with me...
The light from her phone pushed the shadows into corners of the room while she groped for her nightgown.
That’s not possible... What silly things am I thinking?
With steady steps, she moved over to her cupboard, then to her letter drawer. She held onto the uncaring corners of the drawer for so long that the light went out and the darkness leapt back over her. Gradually, her eyes were able to dilute the shadows; shapes pronounced themselves meekly. She opened the drawer and felt for the letter on the top. The paper was silky, ungrateful for the warmth that thumped from her hands. Lucia took it to the window, where the creamy cosmos was her lamp, and read the text on the top corner.
Dreams inc.
Her fingers didn’t shake as she opened the letter, nor as she let the envelope go. It fell in a chopping motion to the floor. Eagerly she unfolded the letter and read. ]

>> No.9331543

4chan fucks people up

>> No.9331567

We are an internet hate machine.

>> No.9331576

She kind of looks like an uglier Laci Green.

>> No.9331585

Let's take down abookutopia

>> No.9331587
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