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File: 364 KB, 462x429, witgreenstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9308854 No.9308854 [Reply] [Original]

>“Why are breakfast food breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?"

"Hazel, eat."

"But why?" I asked. "I mean seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich.”

John green repurposes Wittgenstein for the masses.

>> No.9308909

I'll admit that I found the OP pic mildly amusing

>> No.9308914

Wow, thanks anon.

>> No.9308943

His prose is even worse than Philip K. Dick's

>> No.9308958

>provide good energy for a day of work
>easy for farmers to grab and cook in the morning
>easy and cheap for farmers and their families to consistently have
>small and quick to cook and eat, and get going
>easily made into different dishes quickly, for variety and consistent egg eating
>tradition established and passed down
Yeah it doesn't make sense eggs are associated with breakfast.

>> No.9308959

what is the power of volkisch rationalism in the face of quirky twee normflouting?

>> No.9309034

>contains no carbs which is what the body needs after a fast
>chickens won't lay eggs in the dark and farmers often awaken before sunrise
>small size is not a benefit, oatmeal is as available to a farmer and cooks quicker with higher nutrition
>not actually true unless you dispense with the quickness
>tradition since when?
You're right, it doesn't

>> No.9309042


>> No.9309050

i have curry for breakfast

>> No.9309061

People didn't used to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast.

>Before this, the majority of Americans ate more modest, often meatless breakfasts that might include fruit, a grain porridge (oat, wheat or corn meals) or a roll, and usually a cup of coffee.

>In the 1920s, Bernays was approached by the Beech-Nut Packing Company – producers of everything from pork products to the nostalgic Beech-Nut bubble gum. Beech-Nut wanted to increase consumer demand for bacon. Bernays turned to his agency’s internal doctor and asked him whether a heavier breakfast might be more beneficial for the American public. Knowing which way his bread was buttered, the doctor confirmed Bernays suspicion and wrote to five thousand of his doctors friends asking them to confirm it as well. This ‘study’ of doctors encouraging the American public to eat a heavier breakfast – namely ‘Bacon and Eggs’ – was published in major newspapers and magazines of the time to great success. Beech-Nut’s profits rose sharply thanks to Bernays and his team of medical professionals.


>> No.9309069

Deepest lore

>> No.9309103

what other secrets do you hold grandmaster?

>> No.9310478

Pretty interesting read, but has literally no information on eggs. It's entirely about marketing bacon for a bacon company. And the article is severely lacking sources besides the video (not that I doubt it, but desire to know more intensified). Also, you're wrong to say "people didn't eat" those foods for breakfast before. They just didn't as much as they do now.

And regardless, both bacon and eggs are cheap and plentiful, and they're simple to prepare, which is ideal for breakfast. If someone wants more than grain/fruit with their breakfast, bacon/eggs are ideal for that, you just cook them in a skillet and they're ready in a couple minutes.

>> No.9310520

Anyone who eats scrambled eggs for anything besides breakfast is disgusting. I don't care about your "Le random societal norms xD" it's legitimately off-putting to eat scrambled eggs for lunch or dinner.

>> No.9310713


>> No.9310717

>provides zero (0) reasons not to eat eggs with meals other than breakfast

>> No.9310721


>> No.9310742

We eat eggs for breakfast because they are easy as fuck to make from scratch. All you do is crack the egg into a hot pan and wait a couple of minutes.

For lunch and dinner you have more time and energy to prepare something more complicated.

>> No.9310756
File: 27 KB, 752x596, stirner3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people this spooked

>> No.9310779

>"Hazel, eat."

Protip: when you see a reply like this, you should interpret it like this: "I'm not interested in this discussion."
Protip 2: Don't talk to people about topics they aren't interested in. Find a person who is.

>> No.9310783

I had scrambled eggs on toast today at 2pm, and I don't care

>> No.9310793

Because I feel a physical revulsion towards it.

Shut up, slave.

>> No.9310812

it's 10pm here, I'll make some eggs
want some?

>> No.9310845

Quick google search reveals that your average curry takes from 40 minutes to 4 hours to cook, depending on the type

Most people don't exactly want to wake up at 4 AM just to have a stupid fucking curry for breakfast, I'm sure John should know that since he's a hardworking 9 to 7 guy and not just a nu-male with a youtube channel

>> No.9312135

Stirner is the most Tumblr of the philosophers.

>> No.9312442

not an argument

>> No.9312741
File: 153 KB, 496x496, getaspook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9313607

Why do I feel angry reading this?

>> No.9313752


>> No.9313765

Why do people get disgusted when they find out their girlfriend slept with 10 guys before he met her? It's like cereal or something.

>> No.9314080


The Dichotomy of Breakfast Foods and the Inherent Value of Revolting Against the Assigned Gastronomic Social Construct

With all due respect to the so called scrambled eggs and ham specials clearly labeled behind foggy plastic covers in Waffle Houses all around America, not excluding Denny’s, Crackle Barrels and the like. What makes a food a “breakfast” food is quite folly.

If one examines the cultural paradigm of Breakfast, as parallel to Americana, one is faced with a choice: either accept predialectic libertarianism or conclude that the raison d’etre of the scrambled eggs is social comment, but only if Derrida’s essay on cultural Marxism and Tip Inclusion is valid; if that is not the case, we can assume that breakfast has objective value. Von Ludwig suggests that we have to choose between predialectic hashbrowns and neosemiotic capitalist sausage.

However, many narratives concerning Foucaultist power relations may be found. If cultural Marxism holds, we have to include tip for the subtextual breakfast service after 11am, a paradigm of expression and established patriarchial theory. However, an abundance of narratives concerning a mythopoetical breakfast meals for dinner as a whole does exist. Derrida uses the term ‘predialectic breakfast for dinner’ to denote not discourse, as subdialectic theory suggests, but prediscourse.

In the works of Snyder, a predominant concept is the distinction between cape kino and cape shit. But the subject is contextualized into a cultural Marxism that includes art as a paradox (scrambled eggs as breakfast/extraterrestrial as godhead). Marx uses the term ‘Hella epic quip theory’ to denote the paradigm, and thus the dialectic, of textual class.

The primary theme of Looking for Alaska’s critique of the Country Gravy narrative is not deconstruction, but postdeconstruction. However, Derrida promotes the use of Baudrillardist hyperreal Biscuits to challenge class divisions. The premise of TFIOS implies that the goal of the eater is deconstruction. Therefore, several theories concerning cultural Marxism may be discovered. Capitalist capitalism states that expression is a product of communication. Thus, TFIOS suggests the use of cultural Marxism to read sexual identity. In Ghostbusters Feig deconstructs subcultural capitalist theory; in Spy, M. McCarthy affirms the Country Gravy narrative.

It could be said that Green suggests that we have to choose between the material paradigm of context and neocultural capitalist theory. Singlehandedly and without pretense arriving at the conclusion that we must imagine the scrambled eggs isolated and free to choose a gastronomical denomination. Ok? Ok.

>> No.9314096


>> No.9314291

How about you do a little reading on your own instead of waiting for articles to be spoonfed to you. Then you can look up the citations for yourself

>> No.9314300

>muh "It's just weird and that's the way it is!"

Good deb8 my m8

>> No.9314310

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9314320

Seems like this took a lot more effort than it was worth

>> No.9314335
File: 843 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart to eat eggs for breakfast

>> No.9314345
File: 28 KB, 602x600, 121617897960609915lemmling_2D_cartoon_elephant_svg_hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too smart to eat breakfast

pic unrelated

>> No.9314518

why did someone take the time to make this picture?

don't get me wrong i'm grateful

>> No.9314533

Yeah it must suck knowing you love so disingenuously that all you love is spooked.

>> No.9314539

>tfw to smart to eat eggs
They're fucking disgusting and probably to blame for our societal collapse towards rightism.

>> No.9314686

>toward rightism

Wew I guess eggs are hate speech now

>> No.9314732

>still eating animal products
haha it like you've never read Kant or something

>> No.9314924

Kedgeree is pretty great

>> No.9314989
File: 178 KB, 800x540, leangains-daily-intermittent-fasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too smart to eat breakfast

pic related

>> No.9316241

Quick to cook, you dont even have to cook them

>> No.9316366

so the answer to John Green's question is literally Jewish mind control

>> No.9316537
File: 3.88 MB, 491x352, 1490567420672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cracker Barrel is pretty good, senpai.

>> No.9316566
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy on the bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9316574

Scrambled eggs are for children.

>> No.9316614

Why is it jews every single time? /pol/ really is always right

>> No.9316672
File: 72 KB, 640x427, Croque-Madame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not a breakfast sandwich, pleb

>> No.9316689

Breakfast is for plebs anyway. So is lunch.

>> No.9316709

>They're fucking disgusting and probably to blame for our societal collapse towards rightism.
Don't you have a trashcan burning to attend?

>> No.9316730

Not inheretly

>> No.9316838

Hey guys my name is marketing man please BUY AND CONSUME [PRODUCT] FOR [TIME]

I bet you faggots eat at actual times instead of when you're hungry good job being socially conditioned faggots LUL

>> No.9316862

i like to shit at the same time every day, so a routine is good for me

>> No.9316869


Yeah but why

Being self employed allows me to be free of schedule and do things when needed/wanted. I don't see the point in structure or limiting myself. I'm shitting right now.

>> No.9317088

Shut up, you dumb social liberals.

>> No.9317937

>it's another "dude every tradition was made by ad companies in the mid 20th century" episode

>> No.9317941

/pol/ is always right

>> No.9318226

just wait until you read about engagement rings

>> No.9318230

Have you never seen a movie?

They get up in the morning, collect the eggs, eat them and sell the rest

>> No.9318332


It's frustrating to learn or realise this stuff for me. Baudrillard is right about everything.

>> No.9318342

fucking bernays. he ultimately caused the downfall of America

>> No.9318375


>> No.9318382
File: 88 KB, 1200x712, 1490767047887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some nerd on /lit/ tells me that gender and race is a spook

>> No.9318405

>follow doctrinal schedule on waking and sleeping times
>doesn't sleep for 30 minutes 14 times a day
>doesn't realise that curry recipes are random traditions
>doesn't make curry eggs from the microwave randomly set to cook it in 15 seconds at any given time of the day

>> No.9318453

>he wants to burn fat by fasting
>doesn't even fast long enough to deplete glycogen

>> No.9318715

Why do Cuck writers and jews always have to criticise white western masculine civilisation like this?
All of them would be living under sharia law if it wasn't for it but instead they go out and decide to criticise are breakfast norms?
I fucking hate every single one of these bluepill subhumans and will make sure to personally gas john green myself on the day of the rope for being such a cuck loser.

>> No.9318744

I'm an anti-cishet transphobic dragonkin and this comment triggered the f*k out of me. Expect my antifa multiculti troupe at your doorstep, comrade.

See? I can pretend too.

>> No.9318850

Great post. I mean you're an odd guy but stuff like this, posted without expectation of reward, is what makes /lit/ what it is. Thank for contributing to the community. I mean it.

>> No.9319601
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1484602758455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because there isn't an entire day in which the Chickens could lay their eggs.
>farmers sleeping after working is a "fast"
>not eating oatmeal with your eggs

>> No.9319614

What does your level of obsessive compulsive disorder feel like?

>> No.9319669

>go on lit
>first thread
>people bickering about eggs.

Steak with a fried egg
That's my two cents

>> No.9319675


>not a fast

It's literally called "break fast," you twit.

>> No.9319893

>not reading one of our time's greatest scribes

wow, can you not?

>> No.9319920

If he's not talking about eggs laid morning of, then "easy to grab and cook" applies to almost all food available to a pre-industrial farmer. As other anon said, it's called "break fast" for a reason. To anyone in the biological sciences, you're fasting whenever you aren't eating, and the time between dinner and breakfast is the longest of the day. At that point the body has completely run out of energy from its last major round of glycolysis and is tapping into glycogen and fatty acid reserves, so you need some fucking carbs to get your blood sugar up.

>eating more than one type of food at a meal

What is this, Petermas?

>> No.9320015

>so does oatmeal
>so is oatmeal
>so is oatmeal
>so is oatmeal
>so is oatmeal
>so is oatmeal
But eat more hormone plastered eggs, goyim. They're good for you.

>> No.9320049

I regularly eat eggs throughout the day, I don't know what you fags are talking about. Morning and evening, sometimes even for lunch if I'm in a hurry, because I'm free from the constraints of culture and useless convention. I am a fierce nutritionite.

>> No.9320057

Kant or not, the number of people who can afford quality animal products is miniscule.

>> No.9320224

Why even post the picture?

>> No.9320666

Is this his attempt at writing Seinfeld?

>> No.9321892


>> No.9322032

Cool, so you eat breakfast foods all day. What a rebel you are.

>> No.9322344

And what's about them?